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My routers don't love me anymore, what do I do?
Q: Can't see or browse SMB file shares depending on the router

That Brazilian GuyTL;DR Version I can't browse the SMB shares on my fileserver from some of my devices; if I use a new router it works. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT! The setup I have two routers, a D-Link DSL 2370R and a Technicolor TD5130v2. I have an Ubuntu file server running samba (I use webmin to manage it), and t...

2 hours later…
@Ash You can have multiple streams, and the player can pick one (or more) stream
Each stream can be a different codec, but it would effectively double the space required
so not much different from independent containers (and some players don't like multiple video streams)
usually you have one or more audio streams too
@Ash depends on the player, but most don't do that nowadays
I wish StackExchange would make the minimum reputation rules global ... (at least for giving upvotes + adding comments ...)
Windows still uses the file extension to launch the player, but most players can identify the container type by its contents
Good questions + answers aren't getting credit in young / less frequented communities ... (ie. this one)
Often with what's known as a magic number. basically, the first few bytes might be unique to that type
@th3byrdm4n uhh.. as far as SE goes, SU isn't exactly young, nor that small
@Ash well, a container is a file format
Point taken; my general point, though is that I'm a trusted/shared user in different communities I should be able to upvote / comment on other communities...
and I don't think most MP3 files/containers are raw MP3 streams
they usually have accompanying metadata
I guess that makes your typical ".mp3" file a container for one or more MP3 streams
@th3byrdm4n Once you reach 200 on one site, you get an automatic +100 on all other sites you sign up on
that's enough to provide all the basic privileges
@bob thanks
@th3byrdm4n: I'd disagree - My rep on SU is no reflection of my knowledge of say, servers or coding.
hola all, I'm running into some really meaningless search results trying to debug using su from the commandline
I have created a system user called mediagoblin
and am attempting to su - mediagoblin , which has [null] password, so when I hit enter to authenticate the su login i get an authenticatino failure
linux - ubu 13.10
try sudo su mediagoblin
IIRC you can't 'just' get into a passwordless account like that
@ThatBrazilianGuy: Your router issue - almost sounds like the second router isn't doing dns or wins correctly
so there seems to be something about my perms that aren't working right; that said, using sudo -u mediagoblin bash gave me a "bash: /home/mfg/.bashrc: Permission denied" BUT whoami said that the user is now mediagoblin
That would happen if, for some odd reason, mediagoblin is trying to load mfg's bash file
so, you did switch users correctly
@JourneymanGeek but why would you need knowledge of servers or coding ot leave a comment? or give upvotes?
really, you don't
Hey all, i really like guake for linux and i'm wondering if there's a console emulator for ms windows that at least has 256 color support and split screen
those rep limits are more anti-spam and anti-sock than anything else
@Bob:I mean for a unified rep-count
@georgraba you want a console emulator posix shells or Windows shells?
windows shell
@JourneymanGeek he wasn't talking about a unified rep-count, just for certain low-rep privileges to be global
then maybe!
@georgraba perhaps conemu or console2?
@JourneymanGeek you can su into any account from root
@mfg uhm
@Bob thanks, checked out console2, too bad it doesn't even approach guake
       -, -l, --login
           Provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had
           the user logged in directly.

           When - is used, it must be specified as the last su option. The
           other forms (-l and --login) do not have this restriction.
> When - is used, it must be specified as the last su option.
so no su - mediagoblin, but maybe su mediagoblin -
not sure if the - is really necessary though
@JourneymanGeek IIRC sudo doesn't load the other user's environment
so ~ would still point to the current user's home
forget the last two @JourneymanGeek already said that :P
@georgraba how about conemu?
I wouldn't expect too much though
@JourneymanGeek thanks , sorry was working through the docs for that project
when cmd itself doesn't support that many colours...
@georgraba consider running powershell, it seems to have a wider range of emulators available: superuser.com/questions/317201/…
@Bob I've set up autohotkey word completion which allows for keychording with arbitrary keys..instead of Cmd+w I can press w+e and it types a word..anyway autohotkey's the only thing that I know does this..there's autokey for linux but doesn't have similar functionality
thats kinda curious. 2 downvotes in 2 days :/
Q: How to intentionally get denied entry to the US, without getting into trouble?

user11743I have a multiple entry visitors visa for five years. I went to USA last year and lived there for one year with my husband (6 months entry and other 6 months of extension). I left USA legally. Now my family wants me to go back and live with my stupid in-laws and husband in USA. I don't want to g...

damn this is deep
@PatoSáinz thats probably more than BB is worth ;p
though, I'm not sure if BB is worth anything outside QNX
(which is a pretty decent embedded unix, their old demo disk was quite fun to mess with)
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek how is this spam?
Q: How can I import a .PST to GMail?

BrianI desperately need the content of an email that I received at my work account (Exchange) from 2 years back. I no longer work there, my email account is long deleted, but I have a copy of the .PST file from that time, and I know the password for that .PST file. Is there anyway I can retrieve t...

@nhinkle: In itself, no. It does look like a question asked so they can post a spammy answer.
I could have sworn there was a pinned message about that
@JourneymanGeek I see your point, but given that no spammy answer appeared I don't think a spam flag is necessary.
For something like that it's best to use a custom flag and explain why.
@nhinkle: no worries, just decline it then
@nhinkle: >_>, I'm sure there was a note attached
The only reason I brought it up is because I usually approve your flags on site, but spam flags are important to be careful with because they can trigger bigger repercussions than normal flags.
and no worries, I can custom flag it in future
I just used "clear spam/offensive flags" so it should come out as "disputed" not "declined"
Thanks :)
@nhinkle: Its a one off, declining it would have been ok too, with the reminder ;p
I'm really tempted to throw a protected question on those/get a canonical question and close them on sight.
Also... I just noticed your blue! When/where did that happen?
@nhinkle: volunteered myself for sr.se ;p
I seeee. I'm not sure yet how I feel about that site. On one hand, it might take away some of our crappy software rec questions. On the other hand... software rec questions have sort of this innate tendency to be crappy. I guess we'll see what happens.
At any rate, congratulations - I'm sure you'll do a good job!
@nhinkle: eh, thats the tough part about it.
We're still working out, to an extent, quality standards
(and I can't 'just' throw closevotes on things any more ;p)
The biggest problem with software recs is discoverability, which is key to the success of a stack site.
While "what software does x" can be searchable, often it's not.
And as you get towards increasing specific requirements, it goes from "create a communal repository of knowledge" to "help this one guy find this one obscure thing with a ridiculous list of overly specific requirements"
@nhinkle: at the moment, we're leaning towards the latter
Leaning towards encouraging or discouraging? Or you just mean that's the direction the site's going?
@nhinkle: the site's leaning towards very specific requirements
and 'personal experience' AKA good subjective type answers
Hm. Hopefully that goes OK.
Having fun with the shiny mod tools?
Softwarerecs seems promising
to an extent ;p
There's that whole, pesky great responsibility thing
and we haven't really had issues with spam yet
Heh. Just you wait... if software recs takes off, I'm sure it'll be a big target.
Thats slightly easiler for me though. I know what to shoot ;p
first answer with upvotes there \o/
user image
@MinatoNamikaze :P
A: IRC client for android

Minato NamikazeThe best IRC client that i've come across is the one provided by IRCCloud. It requires an invite currently from a person already having an account, and when it opens up, it will have a fee of 5$ per month for the pro subscription that allows for permanent connection to IRC, and unlimited networ...

here's another one xD
It might not fit the bill though
@MinatoNamikaze: the user specifically dosen't want webirc
@JourneymanGeek It's not webirc
It's a proper android app
amusingly, the best experience I've gotten on mobile devices and irc is from iris
He does not want it in a browser, that's all
@MinatoNamikaze: hm, I seemed to remember it was
@JourneymanGeek Now they have a full blown IRC app. Check the screenshot on the answer
ahh, the clients are for premium users
makes sense
@JourneymanGeek BTW, did you see that new MTS ad?
(even if I'm a cheapass and don't usually pay for apps ;p)
Yeah, the ISP
It's damn hilarious
never heard of them
@MinatoNamikaze Can't help but go ew :P
Indian phone company ;p
That sucks ;p
@MinatoNamikaze crazy ad
Any of you watch naruto?
that ad is disturbing
@Leathe yeah
@MinatoNamikaze aye
@MinatoNamikaze lol pokemon ftw ?
@JourneymanGeek if you didn't know already, I'm amith xD
Wait, AmitKK ?
You missed a h :P
Yep :P
Stop changing names people ._. (yes I said that)
Broadcom released the source code for their VideoCore GPU's
Android on the Pi! Here I come :P
@HackToHell I have a good idea. What if we can create a kanban tool? I would like one for Linux :P
Lol. In my entire time here I have changed my name here once. Dropped the the :p
@MinatoNamikaze you have a ras pi ?
@jokerdino ok !
Count me in, where do i begin ?
@HackToHell yea
@MinatoNamikaze Where did you get it ? online ?
tenet technetronics
iirc it was overpriced a lot, the last time i checked
> 3399.00
thinks he has ~2-3 times what the pi costs sunk into pi related things.
(decent powered hub, USB HDD which I'm booting out of...)
Kinda tempted to get one of these dx.com/p/…
though, not just for the raspi
@HackToHell we begin by learning about kanban
and then, we learn about GTK technologies and we shall begin work on the app
@jokerdino Is this about the JIT prod thing
i think this is more about personal task management using kanban philosophy
@jokerdino ok !
!! wiki kanban
(literally signboard or billboard) is a scheduling system for lean and just-in-time (JIT) production. Kanban is a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view, and is not an inventory control system. Kanban was developed by Taiichi Ohno, at Toyota, to find a system to improve and maintain a high level of production. Kanban is one method through which JIT is achieved. Kanban became an effective tool in support of running a production system as a whole, and it proved to be an excellent way for promoting improvement. Problem areas were highlighted by reducing the...
Kanban is a method for managing knowledge work with an emphasis on just-in-time delivery while not overloading the team members. In this approach, the process, from definition of a task to its delivery to the customer, is displayed for participants to see and team members pull work from a queue. Kanban can be divided into two parts: * Kanban – A visual process management system that tells what to produce, when to produce it, and how much to produce. * The Kanban method – An approach to incremental, evolutionary process improvement for organizations. The Kanban method The name 'Kan...
@jokerdino saw that
@JourneymanGeek :O
@Leathe yes, its like demon net child :-)
@allquixotic Do you happen to know if it's possible to add artists to a favourite list in Spotify? (yes, I finally decided to get the mobile one...)
I have no idea what I'm doing :D
@JourneymanGeek meh... ssh will do :P
@Bob: not just for the pi
I have nearly no HDMI compatible monitors ;p
and its one of those "I'm tempted to but neeeh"
Which is more fun, setting up computers or using them? Not quite sure yet because i still have not finished setting them up :-)
@Psycogeek the setup is the most annoying part
because inevitably I'll forget to document something, and then next time... fuuuuck
Got my phone to 1) auto answer 2 ways , blind answer when in the car mount, auto answer from the pocket when put on the ear. 2) read Sms messages outloud, including messages that came in when silent/vibrate or in-call, after the call is done or silent is stopped. 3) read notifications outloud, except for the obnoxious repeated ones 4) Come out of silent.vibrate/mode slowly in stages, automaticaly after a meeting, automatically.
@allquixotic What do you think of Google's streaming music?
though I'm rather hesitant to use more google services. At this point I seriously hate Plus
if there's one way to get me to hate everything, it's to push it at me at every turn
@Bob: Its nice if you want access to your own music anywhere
5) tell if the phone looses tower data (can no longer get calls) but only when it is out for long enough to be an issue 6) Auto connect to wifi when it gets home 7) auto turn off wifi when the home wifi is no longer in range (after enough time to know that it isnt comming back) 8) Speak about everything that changes, and all installs and uninstalls (updates) that go on behind my back 9) Locate the phone by sending it a sms message that causes it to freak out 10) emergency silent face down.
but then again, I have the other other google phone ;p
@JourneymanGeek not too big an issue for me; most (all?) my music is available on Spotify anyway
and I'm a bit of a google fanboy.
Not as much as that friend of mine who has google glass ;p
I want google glass
But it costs :/
on one hand, I don't really need that much music...
$12/month is more than I currently spend, anyway
haven't really updated in ages, and an album is somewhere ~$12 anyway
I just youtube everything these days
gah, google's missing some of my favourites :(
@JourneymanGeek hm?
rants at @MinatoNamikaze and throws some magic stones at him ;p
Dodges them
Sneaks up behind @JourneymanGeek and posts a paper with the writing "Kick Me" on it
(actually, I've found quite a lot of music off youtube)
annnd spotify only has one song from that artist
@MinatoNamikaze EDM? The genre, or something else?
gah. Google Music has half, Spotify has the other half.
This sucks.
In 2013, there were approximately 100 uncontacted tribes across the world. As of Jan 2014, Google have contacted 50% to sign up to Google+
I'd get Google just so I can upload my own... but the whole point is discovery anyway
@Bob What do you mean by discovery? listening to 5 times as many songs to find a good one ?
@Psycogeek Eh, there's artists I like who have albums and/or songs I've not listened to yet.
@Bob: I tend to use last.fm for that
Generally, when I like an artist, most/all of their music is good to me.
Also, related artists tends to work reasonably well.
I have foobar set to upload what I listen to there
@JourneymanGeek Too much trouble :P
last.fm is the best thing that happened to me.
since internet
@Bob: well, I never consider the perfect music set up too much trouble ;p
haven't been listening that much lately
One thing that annoys me about last.fm is they don't differenciate singles and full albums on new releases >_>
until you click... OH
just joined last.fm
LastFM and digitalGunfire rock
@MinatoNamikaze lol
Q: Print Spooler keeps stopping. Windows XP SP3

SteveA Windows XP SP3 PC keeps stopping the Print Spooler job. This happens for both a normal user and a local admin account. If we restart the service and try to add a printer, we get an error that the print spooler service is not running. There is nothing under c:\windows\system32\spool\printers...

last.fm and spotify <3
@MinatoNamikaze add me :P
@HackToHell link?
zz forgot the password ..
@MinatoNamikaze added
@Hennes Looks like he already tried all that 2 YEARS AGO :-)
Yup. It am not sure what is going on here.
A bot prepping for a spam run ?
@Hennes: no. India.
@Hennes Broken/missing caps lock?
No. Then you could just paste it into swriter.exe, or winword.exe. Press F7 and correct it.
Yay, sword of flames now at Level 33 (candyBox)
@Hennes ...have you been playing that this whole time?
Well, mostly idling it these last three months.
Getting enogh HP to kill the Dev
I... shouldn't you have finished it by no...
tip: there's other ways than brute force, as in most games
"You have to press a".. Oh wait, I am at the dev and have been for 5+ seconds now>
time to try key A, key S, key D, Key F... Of. Next try in 5 minutes
More likely in an hour when I remember it
just hit every key :P
n-key rollover is actually useful here
I do, but you seem to die after a few presses.
7627 HP is not enough. I might beed to use potions.
y'know (SPOILER?), there are ways you can not die as quickly, apart from HP brute force
@Hennes are you intentionally avoiding potions?
No, just to lazy to use them.
well. might I suggest using a potion?
I seem to have 19 invulnerability potions
18 now.
I wish I could see where mu character was in that jumble of moving monsters.
Right now I just start, wait until I am at the dev and then press keys.
sigh bootanimation in my phone is borked
Don't try using live logcat unless your phone is listed :P
@Hennes add an invinc step in between and you're done
I think I like this game better if it were turn based.
Could I have a colour laser printer with this one?
@Hennes now you know how they make those special cupachinos at StarBucks
Print a cup and then fill it ?
The carley simon special $9 cup, "Clouds in my coffee"
aimee man does wierd music videos.
2 hours later…
Cut and pasting those....
@th3byrdm4n "young / less frequented communities ... (ie. this one)" wat
twitch never works :(
why can't people stream using youtube
stream what?
Dota 2 tournament :P
To watch it in the Dota 2 client I have to pay
Twitch has to run more important services than your stupid tournament! Like having people play Pokemon over chat
Itching to answer this post:
Q: Excel,word,pdf files got encrypted by ransomware

user3186997My MS Office files and pdf files has been encrypted by some ransomware in my pc which was running window XP. I removed the ransomware,formated the OS and put windows 7, but my files are still encrypted. Is there any way of decrypting it as it very important files and i dont have a backup of these...

with The files were not important or you would have had a backup.
@Hennes There are a lot of things to say about that post...
Like "That's what you get for using window XP"
One of them would be to contact the police
Xp should be fine for another month of two, but saying "Lucky you, now you had a reason to reinstall" is not nice.
Ugh. Did I just say that `XP was fine`... ?
Shoot me
Wikipedia why u so vague :(
> but the tabular form makes it more efficient for use in computer algorithms,
Why the fuck am I supposed to use it then >.<
Bah. Windows 7 is still damn expensive.
I got a sister who is still running XP, so I really need to upgrade to 7 or 8
@Bob dunno about adding Spotify artists to favorites; I keep track of artists by starring one or more of their songs or adding an album I really like to my playlist
@Bob also I have Google Music AND Spotify because neither service is a proper superset of the other's music collection >_< some songs only on Google Music, some songs only on Spotify
although in the genres of music I listen to, Spotify usually has more
root access is rather quite these days ..
user image
oh, Amazon.
After reading that I was thinking exactly the same thing as mentioned in the first comment :P
My tap is leaking. Who understands this stuff here?
@Boris_yo Home Improvement has a chat
Ah, that is a nice post title: Laptop doesn't recognize operating system after being punched
@Hennes :)
Should it not be vice versa?
It probably ran windows 8.
2 hours later…
@Hennes amazing.
jeez... 66 new emails since Thursday, and not a single one was directly for me. :(
uhh... oops?
Q: Resuming Truecrypt installation on external hard drive

DebbieI hit the defer button on the installation process for Truecrypt on my external hard drive last night as it was taking hours to install (we got to 10% of the encyrptian process). It told me doing so would allow me to switch my pc off and resume instllation later. So I tried again today and when I...

@OliverSalzburg Point was it's not an every day job to search superuser vs. your StackOverflow. I'm aware that it has a large community and people will come to it + find it for answers --
@th3byrdm4n My point was, in the StackExchange collective of 116 sites, Super User is the third-oldest and second-largest community ;)
@JourneymanGeek Point was that I should be able to upvote people that provide helpful answers, regardless of my involvement in the community. The community/game theory operated forum is great and all, but it's not uncommon that people new to communities get completely blocked out
@th3byrdm4n We also have that covered. You get an association bonus on every site you register on, once you've earned 200 reputation on any site
@OliverSalzburg Regardless; people that are new to the community are completely shunned until they're allowed to contribute answers / questions. . . It can be a deterrant
@oliver Right, I understand all that. I'm just saying that
It's also quite effective at deterring spammers and sockpuppetting ;)
@OliverSalzburg ... effing ui, hit enter to autocomplete and it sent.. I'm just saying that.. When someone finds something useful via Googling an answer and they can't register their input (even without an upvote) then their lack of input can devalue the Q/A, right?
'enter to autocomplete'? o.O
In a text box?
@th3byrdm4n If you haven't contributed to any community enough to earn 200 points, then your possible upvote or comment isn't relevant enough to outweigh the problems caused by giving everyone those privileges
Also, you can edit your previous messages on chat by pressing the up arrow
@MichaelFrank ... yeah I typed "@oliver" then it popped up the name above the text input, so I hit the enter key ... I figured it would break.
Oh, hit Tab instead.
@OliverSalzburg why 200, though? Why not 100? I think I saw some meta discussions talking about how questions don't get upvoted ... at least allow questions to get upvoted by new user's?
Maybe a half vote ;)
@MichaelFrank thanks.
PS Will this be replaced w/ Discourse?
@th3byrdm4n I don't know why 200, I guess it's somehow a magic number ;) But upvotes are a major reason why this limitation is in place. You might not believe it, but there are a lot of people who create multiple accounts to upvote their own contributions. This problem is minimized by this rule
@OliverSalzburg Right, I'm aware of the thought's behind it and how it's been effective, generally, in requiring minimal human moderation.. I guess I just think the Stack could do a better job balancing for new/lurking user's...
@th3byrdm4n 200 rep is pretty easily earned if you're serious about it
One of the core ideas of the voting system is that the votes come from somewhat respected people. You don't simply want to let everyone vote, only those that have shown that they have some knowledge themselves or are otherwise valuable contributors should be able to vote
Yeah, it does suck for new users because they have to prove themselves. But the benefits outweigh the costs
@OliverSalzburg I imagine it would turn into something like Reddit. Votes... everywhere!
lol, I guess i had that lecture coming -- I understand all of that; I'm not arguing the merits of it.. or the benefits.. or the philosophy. . . I was originally positing the question that trusted user's that have a shared account across multiple platforms should be trusted users. I've found out that @ 200 reputation that's the case, which frankly I wasn't aware of...
To upvote you even only need 15 rep on the site itself, and 50 to comment. Those are earned even faster
wait, what? less poitns is easier to acquire?
So anyway, having 100 rep spread everywhere once 200 rep is reached is basically what I was looking for (I haven't done any study on why it should be different then 200 rep, so /shrug ...)
I think the quora.com platform is the competitor and that seems to grow better + be more friendly to newbies... there's more BS to sift through, but the creme still rises
awaits banhammer for mentioning quora
We hate newbies here
Jeff Atwood on January 04, 2010

I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:

What is in your opinion the most surprising, weird, strange or really “WTF” language feature you have encountered?

I agree this is not exactly an ideal question for Stack Overflow, per the FAQ:

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered! …

We hate lots of things
Only the finest specimen of the human race are allowed to partake in our community of awesomeness
@OliverSalzburg Wish I could pin that. ;)
2 hours later…
@allquixotic yea, pretty annoying - I can't choose for that reason :P

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