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D link switches. I don't want to use my laptop though with everything else. Was hoping I could get a small device or adapter, hook it up to a kvm, ???, then profit
1 hour later…
I kinda hope its true, It would be perfect to throw on a VM
And the Nokia X rom dump is on XDA
It's only a matter of time before it has roms
Oh wait, they have rooted it already o_0 xda-developers.com/android/…
This suprises you why? ;p
@JourneymanGeek yeah... eating 100% CPU while it data-mines you and throws you ads and bing search results for things you searched for in windows explorer
@JourneymanGeek Nokia isn't running fully patched android
also i would be astonished if it exposes the Desktop, even on x86(_64)
@allquixotic: meh, A non-expiring testing VM? ;p
@allquixotic:that actually sounds possible
what? that it does, or doesn't, expose it?
Verge seems to hint it leaked
That its metro-only
i wouldn't put it past them
"you want the desktop? ohhhhhhh... you must be an enterprise customer... plz pony up $299"
The p-bay comments on the leaked version seem to indicate its almost the same as regular windows 8 though
@JourneymanGeek with no license key?
....come to think of it, why the hell would you download a gimped version of windows with builtin spyware from pirate bay...
@allquixotic: its a torrent, so obviously someone's leaked a licence key and a way to activate it too ;p
Windows 8.1 Professional is available, cracked and free
@allquixotic: Never said anything about downloading ;p
I don't run pirated software. I only read the articles was looking at the comments ;p
still, if you're going to break the law, why go half house and use a gimped version? why not Pro?
not saying you are breaking the law, I'm saying, people who would actually torrent that
what possible motivation could there be for hosting it at all
@allquixotic: People will download anything new ;p
@JourneymanGeek ...true...
So, I heard Microsoft might release a version of Windows 8.1 as free for everyone.
1 hour ago, by Journeyman Geek
we just talked about that
I just came, sorry about that.
I doubt it will be metro only.
that'd be dumb
"dumb" for who? Microsoft wants everyone to get all their apps from the Microsoft Store, where they can take 30% off the top of every app sale on the Windows platform
they have an enormous financial incentive to get everyone locked into Metro-only
the sooner they can eliminate the "open" desktop, the richer they'll be
It may still be locked down in some way
I know, but when people didn't buy Windows 8 along with a desktop mode, what makes you think they will buy Windows 8 without a desktop mode, for use on a desktop.
@allquixotic: don't forget wanting to move people into skydrive onedrive
they could make Windows operating system licenses 100% freeware (not open source, but $0 price) and make more money than they're making right now, if they shut off the desktop and make all paid app sales go through their walled garden
@DemCodeLines eventually, people will have no choice -- at least, that's what Microsoft thinks
@allquixotic: or even enough of them, a-la-apple
(Though, a unified way of updating software on windows does sound potentially neat)
once Windows 8.1 is as old as Windows 2000 is today, people will have no choice but to avoid obsolescence, so they'll upgrade... into the walled garden of Metro-only, and buy all their apps through the Micro$oft Store
it's Microsoft's survival strategy for the next few decades
it's a very farsighted move
in the next 5 years it's not going to help them hardly at all
but it will help them decades from now
I feel people will never upgrade, like ever.
Just like 7 guys and XP guys are just not upgrading.
@DemCodeLines they will... eventually
XP hangs up way too much.
when the software they use is no longer supported on those platforms, and not receiving updates, and they can hardly get on the internet without getting owned by automated security exploits, and their fancy new printer or VR glasses or whatever doesn't work with their OS, they'll upgrade
I can't get myself to use it, it's tooo old
If an XP user from 2001 upgrades to the next version 12 years later, then it will be a long time before Microsoft can get its users on updated hardware.
@DemCodeLines but only a tiny minority of people will continue using that setup for 12+ years... the vast majority will keep relatively current, within 5 years of the latest
just like how today the biggest shares of Windows installations are running Windows Vista or later
(the total # of users running Vista+7+8+8.1 is more than any other OS)
But they must get on the Metro part of the "latest" OS because if they don't, then MSFT won't be able to build that App store like software distribution center.
Also, big time applications like Photoshop are not going to convert into touch based applications.
They will force the desktop to still be around.
@DemCodeLines I disagree -- Metro is going to be flexible enough to accommodate any application you can imagine... the point of Metro isn't to stick to any particular design, it's to sell apps through the Microsoft STore
So Desktop mode will stick around?
If it is there, then why would people develop and sell through MSFT store when they can simply continue the current trend?
Unless of course, they just stop using the registry to and create a new file database, kinda like how they planned to do for Vista and did in Longhorn.
@DemCodeLines no, but I think people will design Metro apps that behave like desktop apps as far as the UI design
basically, they'll run in the metro UI but they'll be optimized for keyboard and mouse instead of touch
that's probably the direction photoshop will take
Start Screen -> Windows Store -> buy Photoshop for $599 (or subscribe for $20/month), download the "App", Microsoft gets X%, installed, tap the icon to start, and the UI will be similar-ish to the desktop app of old, but run on the Metro framework
maybe with an optional "Touch Mode" that changes the layout of the UI to work well on a touchscreen
So basically a maximized version of a regular Win32 Window? So that means that the legacy Win32 api will still live on for backwards compatibility and continue to make Windows slow? Also, what about the fact that Microsoft is reportedly bringing back the Start Menu in the upcoming update?
@DemCodeLines in the near term they'll continue to support the desktop for sure, but their plan is to phase it out
ahh, technology. Just sent pictures of a broken pipe to my brother from my phone so he'd know what to get. He got the right parts ;p
@allquixotic: I also suspect part of the reason is they really want to move people off XP
whether or not windows desktop/winapi gets killed off
Thats new. Google now seems to have a seekrit fitness tracker thing
People will go crazy if winapi gets killed, meaning everything stops working.
@DemCodeLines: true. On the other hand, they can kill off the pre vista driver model totally
which saves everyone a bit of work
likewise with some parts of the API. Same reason its a complete PITA finding software that works on win2k :)
1 hour later…
@Bob @HackToHell @JourneymanGeek working on my YASDown :P
Nexus 4 - Vibration function restoration results:

1. Factory Reset - futile
2. Upgrade to Jellybean - futile

Conclusion - Bring to service provider
@Boris_yo or open it up and heat it with a gun
like i did
and desolder everything by accident
like i did
@PatoSáinz Good boy!
After upgrading to Jellybean, there's now KitKat upgrade waiting for me. No way @HackToHell!
@Boris_yo i saying fuck it
and buying a moto /g/
@PatoSáinz: Join us. JOOIIIN USSSSS
@JourneymanGeek you have it too?
@PatoSáinz: erm, yeah?
I'd go for a Nexus 4 but the price is simply irresistible
I've only mentioned it a lot of times ;p
@PatoSáinz: Suprisingly, there's quite a few decent semi-cheapie phones on the market right now
@JourneymanGeek since you are a power user, is 1 gig of ram enough for you? (i'm sorry i'm asking this but you've got to understand i come from BLACKBERRY OS 6 LAND)
@PatoSáinz: well, I've never had ram issues on this
@JourneymanGeek also is there enough graphics power on it for you?
also also, what's your batt life
@PatoSáinz: I don't really game much on a phone
the way I use it, at least a day
@JourneymanGeek me neither but i dick around the net a lot
very little phone calls, and lots of web and ebooks
>not reading your ebooks in a kindle
(and seriously, the screen is beautiful)
i surely hope you guys don't do this
@PatoSáinz: I spend a lot of time being stuck in public transport ;p
@JourneymanGeek same
so, yeah, I do read ebooks on my phone, and the screen is seriously nice
@JourneymanGeek do you use headphones?
with the /g/
@PatoSáinz: not the stock ones.
@JourneymanGeek LOL NO
Its a pain the the ass finding headphones that fit
my headphones are a little impedance heavy
Not a Sound quality thing, most headphones fall off
so i want to know if the /g/ can handle them
How impedence heavy?
the 'worst' I have is my FA003s and they're fine
@JourneymanGeek they leech my dying blackberry let me check the specs...
oh, battery life?
the pioneer ones
@JourneymanGeek yes
I don't use my proper headphones for extended periods of time on the phone ;p
so no idea
oh i do
Q: My cell phone and email is hacked and phone spoof

user304175Phone s4 verizon brand new nothing imported. New number .new account Wifi hacked Apps I found I never download. ...new account Elm agent Unified daemon Fused location Ip fraud Directsharemanager Also not received many important email. And download apps that do n I t even ...

Also spoof means I hear voice over my husband — user304175 21 mins ago
@Sathya gem :D
@PatoSáinz Is Motto G better than Nexus 4?
Good thing Google Contacts have periodic backups. I messed my contacts yesterday and had to restore earlier version.
google.com/… To find specific app that shoes its rated result in search results of Google. I don't know other way how to do this in Google Play anyway so this is what I came up with. I also know technique to set minimum votes and reviews if you are interested.
Would it be not smart to buy used HDD? ebay.com/itm/…
@Boris_yo: is about as good as a galaxy S3 benchmarkwise.
and that HDD looks like a bad idea
hm, I'd guess roughly on par
But the moto G is cheaper ;p
@JourneymanGeek What HDD has to do with Galaxy S3 benchmarking?
You asked two questions. ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh your quote discrepancy again...
Moto G is and Galaxy S3 are better than Nexus 4? Camera-wise? Vibration power-wise?
nope, benchmarkwise, a moto G is about as good as a galaxy s3. The benchmark I ran has the galaxy S3 having better native performance, and the moto G having better java performance.
Might be the version of android.
@JourneymanGeek Tried KitKat already? Satisfied?
@Boris_yo: yup
I didn't have JB very long though
@Boris_yo: ^
(As I said before, elsewhere, the moto G is essentially a flagship phone, just from the last generation)
and it feels solid, screen's pin sharp, and readable in daylight if the adaptive lighting sets things correctly, or you turn up the brightness
Mine does 14k
(I'd also add I went from a phone with a monochrome screen to a HTC one V to a moto G. All were considered low end when they came out. PROGRESS!)
4 hours later…
@allquixotic @JimmyHoffa well... I'm bored. time to try to figure out the chat login :P
probably with C#, though. can't be arsed to use Node
> This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Delaware without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof.
(SE ToS)
@JourneymanGeek ...
Random blah because I am bored:
Time to go nuclear: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red
6 seeds planted.
I tried to read that, but I just do not have the time for it
posted on March 01, 2014

Ah, yes, the mysterious magic cord that turns non-HD TVs into HD TVs.

Meanwhile on Australis
Looks normal to me.
@PatoSáinz Link?
Hello, any image processing/vision experts out there?
@user3236180 Maybe, maybe not, but feel free to ask.
I am using Matlab to get the gradient of an image using:
[Gmag, Gdir]=imgradient(im);
I modify the Gdir:
Now I want to save the same image but with the new gradient. Anybody knows how I can infer this?
@user3236180 I have no idea, but maybe start looking here? mathworks.com.au/help/images/geometric-transformations.html
Or one of the other things here: mathworks.com.au/help/images/index.html
ok thanks!
Alternatively, you could try asking on the main site.
I'm not sure if this would be more suited for SO. Maybe.
especially the alt text
no more googling for "time in X" :P
@Bob we all need to get out and push, because the earth is slowly losing rotational momentum!
2 hours later…
I am confused between containers and file formats .Whats the difference ?
a container contains the information on which codec is being used to encode the video , so can a container consist of information on more than one codec ? ie, can a video be decoded with more than one codec ? (I guess not)
if a video container is mp4 then the file extension (which depicts file format) like mp4 in wow.mp4 simply tells which container it uses ?
why is it that i can play wow.mp4 even if its renamed to wow.avi
(with vlc)
is a.mp3 a file format or an audio container ?
these questions are not organized , they came to mind randomly.
(it may be silly : and that's what I do : ask silly/stupid questions )
@allquixotic ,@Bob
Whoa. Hold it. several questions.
As to renaming: You can open an excel sheet with excel, even if you rename it to mySheet.doc.
Because the file name has nothing to do with the file contents.
(OK, small exception: Windows often thinks that it does. But that is just where it is broken)
As to a container: Think of a literal container, like a box.
Or a postal parcel
I can but several things in to.
Some with a video container. It has a generic extension, and the program will have to look inside and read what is stored in it.
@Ash That's how we learn...
would like to get your guy's opinions on this:
Q: Creating a single CW post for the Windows 8.1 0xc1900101/Upgrade Bootup issue

KronoSThere are quite a few questions out there regarding upgrading to Windows 8.1 and then running into a BSOD and then subsequent reversion back to Windows 8: Windows 8.1 couldn't be installed with error 0xc1900101 0x20006 Windows 8.1 upgrade fail with error 0xC1900101 windows 8.1 upgrade from win ...

@Bob i don't know, i found it on 4chan
A: "Air Duster" sprays - are they safe for hardware?

dynabyt3its not that bitter unless ur a pussy

2 hours later…
@Bob Yeah? What about DSTs?

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