time to try something sneaky. Back up my CM install on Silver, restore the stock HTC install, get the camera and flashlight APKs, restore CM, and see if they work.
@allquixotic But why would I want it to take more than a second? This is js, not some fancy shmancy language. @Bob Whenever I'm making a debug build or publishing
Win7 Win64. I configured Windows Explorer in Tools > Folder Options > View > Launch folder windows in a separate process. It is checked, to make sure I rebooted Windows and it was still checked.
Still, if I open a lot of Windows Explorer windows, there are still only 2 explorer.exe running. I ev...
As the title suggests, I have installed cygwin on my Windows machine in order to try and learn about UNIX shells and kernels, and how to interact with them. I know that it is pseudo UNIX/LINUX as the actual host is Windows, but is it the best way to learn about UNIX/Linux systems?
My aspiration ...
It is is full and you wave the badge it will say so. It will also send (SMS?) a signal to the garbage people which will usualy empty it within a few hours
Even if that is outside normal office hours (e.g. I have seen it getting emptied at 22:00 on a Saturday)
Already mentioned it on SF (I think on eof the dutch guys on that channel might be interested) and I am considering getting two so I have a birthday gift for a white hat hacker. (A madison Ghurka employee whose birthday in in 2 months)
Might need to bookmark comgateway. I knew things like that existed, but I never explored them
@Zirak impatient much? I mean... doesn't not using closure for the master.min.js in the repo kind of defeat the purpose? and it's not a very long runtime, either; it only takes 5 seconds here... nothing like compiling the Linux kernel or Firefox... :/
I have an old router laying around and I am wanting to install DD-WRT on it to make it an access point. However, when downloading it I get an error:
The uploaded firmware file may not be correct. You may have uploaded a
file that is not intended for this Gateway, or the uploaded file may
I am really frustrated with DD-WRT. Anyone participating now that has any advice?
Would post bounty but it's too young of a question yet I need it ASAP.
If anyone has any advice please contact me with @annonomusPerson. I will be checking this chat for a while and then my SE inbox. It doesn't seem like there's anyone active here.
@OliverSalzburg That company also has Professional Farmer 2014.
Which sounds suspiciously similar to Farming Simulator 2013.
Good lord, this is like mobile gaming...
I have to say that I feel this particular answer was indeed unfairly deleted. If you see the revision history, you'll note that the links was added in a (useful) edit by another user and the original answer read like an honest attempt to help. — terdon3 hours ago
@Bob Well, just because there was no link in it doesn't mean it's not spam. But I would agree that the edit probably caused a false positive in the system. In which case it might be worth a bug post
Got a new job. 9 hours in front of PC. Webmaster, CMS etc. Feel bored and make it hard through a day despite it is not hard physical job and colleagues are good people...
Maybe all this high-tech is not for me...
And let's add 4 hours daily commute to work also...
I just moved into a new house that conveniently did not have a phone jack in my office.
I'm considering buying an adapter to turn a power outlet into a phone jack, so as to have the UVerse box in my office to run networking on my desktop.
My question is - given I'm looking for gigabit speed - wil...
Your challenge is to interpret a circuit diagram, complete with logic gates.
Logic gates (you don't actually need to know what these do / are to complete this challenge):
and gate: a
or gate: o
nand gate: A
nor gate: O
xor gate: x
xnor gate: X
not gate: ~
Each gate but the last one takes two...