ok, I'm a retard. Installed AMD drivers, then configured it form the registry manually and it worked. (Still doesn't show in the GUI configuration but oh well)
@OliverSalzburg to be fair, his comments were not very serious. Neither was the other commenter's.
"Stop trying to solve a problem we're not telling you how to solve - you should only do things our documentation tells you to although closed source libraries already do this thing you're asking how to do"
@Bob the practical problem thing is more of "don't make up scenarios that are extremely unlikely to ever occur and which you don't actually face as a real problem, just to get votes and answers"
if you ask a theoretical question, almost always it's going to be ok; if you ask a practical question and you have this actual problem right now, it's going to be ok; if you ask a practical question and you don't have that problem, and it's very unlikely that anyone ever would, it's not a good fit for the site
even worse, asking a practical question that you don't actually face means that you won't be able to test any answers to determine which ones are correct or incorrect
so whatever you select as the answer will be based on your best guess of how to treat that situation, not the results of actually doing what the answer said to do
@Zirak several seconds on what hardware? also, is it that really that bad if it takes several seconds? native builds of stuff usually take minutes; a few seconds isn't so bad...
I guess, as long as the master.min.js you commit to your repo is built with closure, it's an improvement