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00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

@Bob excerpt from convo
can't copy/move directory from public folder. not locally and not to external drive wtf
while other folders do copy/move
Is the above link work for me because I am not switching from Outlook to Exchange environment. And even I want to merge my multiple PST files into a single one as its get irritating for me. — andrewoliver58 2 hours ago
Ah, pathetic.
i have Windows 7 refusing to delete folders/files with names over system's accepted length. i used robocopy to copy files from SD to Windows 7 and now I cannot get rid of them.
@sparkubullet pretty sure we have a baker's dozen of questions about that...
boot into linux. Crush your enemies... oh wait... delete them
solved ;p
@JourneymanGeek Can be MS-DOs prompt?
!!tell 13244595 no
Pocket: Read It Later - why the heck do you create directories and filenames for offline storage that Windows OS cannot accept?
The Windows Command Prompt, maybe.
MS-DOS has had nothing to do with Windows since ME
Also, both Windows and NTFS are perfectly fine with paths up to something like 35k characters.
Just the most basic userspace APIs have a limit of 255.
There are many ways, some native, some third-party, to deal with this.
Go search the main site.
Norton Commander cannot run on my W7 64-bit due to incompatibility even if I check compatibility with W95
@sparkubullet: I wonder why that would be....
when you can't put in the effort to do proper research, other people find themselves far less willing to help
hm superuser.com/questions/702936/… I wonder if that screenshot of OOo there is redundant
You could probably recreate it and crop it, or ASCII table it.
winscp is bloody useless
trying to transfer a 10GB file
what does it do?
chew up a whole CPU core, freeze the UI, and RAM usage starts climbing at about 10MB/sec
currently at 400 MB
is it going to try to load the whole bloody file into RAM?
> the whole file is converted in memory before the transfer.
@Bob: cyberduck
@JourneymanGeek the full aircraft in SR3 are fun :P
but they're bloody impossible to land safely
why bother? ;p
just parachute off
I never managed to get them to take off tho
except for that one time...
I think it was one of the missions
@JourneymanGeek oh, hold shift ot accel
ctrl to decel
when you get enough speed, angle up
Yeah ;p
also there's ONE place you can take off and land em
wait. whut?
liver transplant spam?
@Bob That sounds expensive...
Also, I have 137 games on Steam and can't be bothered playing any of them... :/
@MichaelFrank we all know that feeling :P
give me another two days and I might actually finish a game
there's a first time for everything
Q: How to silence a notebook the second-most radical way? Performance does not matter

Jan BucherThis sounds like a rather general question, but I did not find specific advice if one is eager to sacrifice performance for this task. The case: I am writing a thesis, and I need complete silence for this task, but no 'performant' computer after all. Some time ago I bought a Lenovo X100e (I lik...

I'm wondering, how quiet does he need the room? ;p
Isn't fan noise good for concentrating?
Q: Adding youtube video to playlist using Python

Alok Singh MahorI am creating a script to upload videos to youtube using Google's YouTube data API version 3. for uploading I followed the example given at https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/uploading_a_video now I want to add uploaded video to playlist in my youtube channel. I did not find any e...

^-- also beats me
You said that you are "looking for … example code to add video in playlist using Python for API v3" – this is clearly about programming in Python and therefore off topic here. — slhck 12 mins ago
I have edited my question — Alok Singh Mahor 34 secs ago
no, someone needs to beat him.
> I am looking for some help or example to add video in playlist using Python for API v3.
If I was that sound-averse, (I'm not), I'd use headphones
@slhck not sure if serious
That's a classic
Also a common edit summary.
@slhck how much d'you want to bet he's q banned?
@Bob I had someone confirm he is :P
@slhck you're no fun :P
A: Is looking for Wi-Fi access points purely passive?

SpiffNo, looking for 802.11 APs is primarily active. When you bring up a list of visible APs in the area, your 802.11 client most likely does what's known as an "active scan", where it tunes its radio to each supported channel in turn, transmits a Probe Request frame, and waits perhaps 20-40ms to gath...

is on Hacker News
views doubled in less than 2 hours
@Braiam :P
@Bob prolly :P
great, Target just let me know that my info may have been stolen as part of their huge data compromise
I get up to 1 year of free Experian credit monitoring and identity theft insurance
should I take it? ;p
@allquixotic If you plan to fight them legally.... might hold off on taking it
What all was compromised, names and credit cards?
Target didn't have your SSN or anything, I would hope
if it was just name & credit card, I would just cancel the card
> Hackers gained access to customer names, card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV security codes of the cards issued by financial institutions
I'd just cancel the card and not give your info to some company claiming to protect it.
@DarthAndroid that would've been a CVV1, not CVV2, though?
@Bob It's not specific and I don't know enough about credit cards. I'm assuming they have every piece of information on a card unless I see something otherwise. 2nd article I'm reading unhelpfully also uses just "CVV"
(CVV1 is for card-present, and would be used with a clone card in stores, not card-not-present transactions online)
@DarthAndroid Yea, the CVV1 is on the magnetic stripe while the CVV2 is printed on the back.
Both are so the number by itself isn't enough to copy a card.
Then presumably they only have the CVV1
CVV1 can't be used for card-not-present
and vice versa
so if someone did steal and decrypt (I hope it was encrypted!) your CC data, in this case they'll probably be making clone cards and using in physical stores
still, yea, cancel that card :P
@Bob It was skimmed
No encryption
@DarthAndroid huh. I heard they stole it from the server they process transactions on
which sounds more likely
No, it was done at the point-of-sale
considering the breadth of the breach... how did they get skimmers on every PoS terminal?
That's what everyone is trying to figure out
I believe I read that it was a software skimmer that got installed on the PoS machines
I could see a server breach
oh, so not hardware?
still... :S
Bitcoin solves this problem nicely
> What's unique about this massive breach is that it didn't involve compromising a centralized data center or website but instead represented a distributed attack at individual Target stores across the country. Investigators believe customer account numbers were lifted via software installed on card readers at checkout.
@DarthAndroid in what way?
chipped cards apparently have a CVV3, which actually changes (generated on the fly, not exactly sure)... that should make skimming less harmful
they're also apparently very rare in the USA
common in the EU
common in AU
The problem with credit cards is you're giving away the keys to the castle. It's like saying "Here are the keys to my bank vault, the gold is in room #6, you can have $30.95 worth, please, please don't take any more than that."
@DarthAndroid see above :P
a different problem with bitcoin is the time it takes to verify a payment
Though a lot of places are starting to not require CC slips be signed here
Chip and PIN is the brand name adopted by the banking industries in the United Kingdom and Ireland for the rollout of the EMV smart card payment system for credit, debit and ATM cards. The word "chip" refers to a computer chip embedded in the smartcard; the word PIN refers to a personal identification number that must be supplied by the customer. "Chip and PIN" is also used in a generic sense to mean any EMV smart card technology which relies on an embedded chip and a PIN. History Until the introduction of Chip and PIN, all face-to-face credit or debit card transactions used a magnet...
@DarthAndroid contactless payments up to $100 here
but the general idea of chip and pin isn't lack of signature, it's an entirely new set of protocols that should be more secure
@DarthAndroid yeah, but they have identity theft insurance, meaning, if someone actually does fraudulently charge to my CC or to my bank, or something like that, Experian (via Target) would pay me, which is probably more than I'd get with a class-action lawsuit
most class-action lawsuits, the lawyers get millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the victims get about $3.25
not even worth considering
and I certainly am not going to personally fight them in court
I have much better things to do with my time
convenience vs security...
@allquixotic The question is what do you have to give to Experian to get that? I would not give them any more information than what was breached, that is Name, CC#, CCV1, etc
@DarthAndroid Experian is a credit reporting agency that already knows more about you than you know about yourself
their whole job as part of the credit reporting agency "responsibility" is to gather info on people
@allquixotic even if there are fraudulent payments, your bank should be able to reverse those...
they know when you bought your house, how much it cost, which payments you're late on, which payments you've made, when you've paid extra on your principal, etc etc
credit reports here are... rather bland
they know where you live, they know your name and phone number and your siblings and when you got married and they probably even know how many warts you have on your arse
Experian knows more about you than the NSA, probably
@allquixotic That's fine and all, but I'm not inclined to help them any more than I must :P
@DarthAndroid it's not really helping them if they already know everything... I'm 100% certain they know my full SSN as well, so providing them that isn't going to make matters any worse
the only thing that would be annoying is if I had to like send them a certified copy of my birth certificate or passport
that would be giving them official-looking means of stealing my identity, or worse, criminals who then hack Experian and take this data from them
I'm very infosec-conscious, but I'm not that paranoid to think that I would be making things any worse for myself by taking advantage of a free year subscription to a paid service (unless they make it impossible to cancel and automatically renew for a fee after the year is up) that will provide me ID theft insurance and credit monitoring, which normally costs $$$
especially if all they want from me are typical "form field" data about me: name, address, phone, SSN, blah... they already know that stuff
if they want official documents that officially testify that I am who I say I am, maybe not
@allquixotic Fair enough
my physical passport, birth certificate and driver's license are really my final ultimate "nuclear option" mechanisms to verify that I am who I am, in the event that someone manages to steal everything else about my identity
so I keep those close to me
like if someone stole my identity very thoroughly today, as well as passwords, bank info etc, I would be able to break out of the chain of mistrust (meaning, orgs might not trust me when I tell them that I am who I am because the thief knows the same info as I know) by showing them these official documents
then I could use that level of trust between me and the third party to establish that I am the real owner and get the thief kicked out of my identity, effectively
don't you just love print-sign-scan?
I should probably just keep a scanned copy of my signature and paste it in -__-
@Bob heh, I use the Reader app built into Windows 8.1 and my Surface Pro's tablet pen to sign forms
I remember submitting one for a fairly rigorous application and it was accepted
@allquixotic yea well I don't have a digitiser :P
@Bob you need one
@allquixotic not often enough to justify $80
You want a Surface Pro 2. \*mind controls\*
\*I am not a shill for Microsoft, I promise
@allquixotic that costs even more than a digitiser
and I like my tactile non-cramped keyboards with numpads
yes, the keyboard is that important to me
was considering one of the Dell convertibles though
@Bob D:..... if i ever strike it rich i will help you out ;p
2 hours later…
how is called the intel thingy that uses SSD as cache??
Intel Smart Response...
@allquixotic What's up with the chat bot?
@allquixotic Your name resembles that of an old SU moderator...quack quixote.
@DarthAndroid Remember the question that I posted about how a hypervisor communicates with a VM that you voted to close as too broad?
It was reopened by a moderator
The moderator also took the trouble of answering it...
Thanks @OliverSalzburg for answering my question.
I reopened it because I thought it was answerable, even though the community initially decided to put it on hold. But that's why we have the on hold-close-reopen process in place
@gparyani And you're welcome :)
@Bob You do know that the original Surface Pro is now $300 off, right?
@gparyani umm, what do you mean what's up? is it not working right?
@allquixotic Why is it here? What is its purpose?
@gparyani it's here because I want it to be, mainly, and it's been here for months with vanishingly few complaints and a lot of people besides me using it. its purpose is to reduce keystrokes for some common things (like posting xkcds and memes, defining words, displaying wikipedia pages, etc) and for fun
I noticed that a similar off-topic reason shows up twice in the closed post notice
Q: Screen capturing application for Linux

Robert MunteanuI'm looking for a screen capturing application on Linux which should: capture all input on one screen as it happens; allow for cropping ( deletion of particular sections ); annotations ( i.e. add some text + border for a given section ). Is there such an application for Linux?

it does nothing unless you specifically invoke a command on it, so it won't just magically start talking to you
Why did it answer some questions?
@gparyani what did it answer exactly?
Is it friends with Community, the SE bot?
@gparyani no, it has absolutely nothing to do with the SE bot
@gparyani oh, i see what you mean now -- it had to answer questions (the answers are by me) to get enough rep to talk in chat :P
@gparyani in a way, we all are friends of community
I hate it when Community deletes questions that we have waited over a year for attention to come to them...
And they are considered deleted by a moderator, so we can't reverse the deletion ourselves...
@gparyani the similar off-topic reasons are due to us changing the close reason wording (the SU mods can get the devs to change them, I think)
@gparyani just re-ask it?
Why does Community have 3 rep on meta?
Q: How does the Community user have 3 reputation here on Meta?

gparyaniOn most sites (including on main), the Community user's reputation is stuck at 1. However, if you look at the very instant that this question was posted, the Community user's reputation here is 3. I am curious about two things: Why is the Community user's reputation something different from 1? ...

@gparyani community's rep resets after a while
but it's not on real time
Well, how long does it take to reset?
In that case, could you provide an answer?
> a while
The moderators are baffled, as you can see in the comments...
dunno, one day iirc
the mods are always baffled ;)
@Bob how did the gpu surgery go?
A magnetised needle and a steady hand I suppose
so the mods are always agitated by the agitator?
@allquixotic you're not even reading me ssh
@PatoSáinz I can't SSH into you, sorry.
!!xkcd magnetised needle
@allquixotic Was that an automated script doing that?
No, real programmers use Adobe Edge Code.
(if they have Adobe CC, of course)
sublime ftw
Oh, and Adobe Flash Builder (which is really just Eclipse Indigo in disguise)
Can you explain this?
And this?
Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1 respectively...
@allquixotic my savior!
$ umount /dev/sdf1
umount: sdf1 is not mounted (according to mtab)
$ sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/sdf1
/dev/sdf1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!
what seems off about this picture :/
Q: Taskbar context menu appearing behind taskbar when jump list is being shown

gparyaniI've noticed something weird in Windows 8. When I right-click the taskbar, the context menu shows up normally. However, when right-clicking the taskbar with a Jump List open, the menu appears behind the taskbar, but I am still able to use it. The below screenshot is on Windows 8.1 Preview, but th...

@rlemon I'm going to guess that /dev/sdf1 is not mounted, but something is referencing / locking the block device. What's the output of sudo lsof | grep sdf1 ?
@Ariane Remember this question?
Does anyone know the answer to this question?
Q: Why do I get an internal stack overflow error when minimizing and restoring an MS-DOS virtual machine window?

gparyaniI am using Windows Virtual PC on a Windows 7 machine. I have created an MS-DOS 6.22 virtual machine with 16 MB RAM and a 2 GB hard disk. Whenever I minimize or otherwise deactivate the window, and then restore or reactivate it, I get an error message, the PC speaker beeps for a second, and the vi...

Anyone here think that the chat notification sound should be changed to the Windows 95 Chord?
@DarthAndroid going for a smoke, then formatting the SD card and starting over :P then i'll let you know
I'm following this: archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/ti/beaglebone-black and getting stuck on 4/5
Fun talk about reverse engineering the microcontrollers on SD cards
The Tamagotchi reverse engineering talk from the same event was also interesting ;D
@rlemon "according to mtab"
if it isn't obvious -> I'm a fly by my seat linux user
I should get better but there are so many video games to play when i'm off work :/
@rlemon fortunately, when I was younger, I had more of a curiosity and a fire about me, and was more enthused about learning, and really picked up on Linux systems hacking, and retained most of that knowledge, despite the fact that I spend most of my evenings playing games and watching videos now
although I still get to practice on my server and my NUC once in a while
also, and I say this completely tongue in cheek, I don't have time to do your job for you today, as I'm busy enough as it is doing mine ;D (not kidding about how busy I am, but kidding about doing your job for you)
I spent my time programming and less working with the system/hardware itself.
 tar -xvf BeagleBone-bootloader.tar.gz -C boot
tar: ./MLO: Cannot change ownership to uid 1001, gid 1001: Operation not permitted
tar: ./u-boot.img: Cannot change ownership to uid 1001, gid 1001: Operation not permitted
tar: ./uEnv.txt: Cannot change ownership to uid 1001, gid 1001: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
the docs say Ignore these, and it should be okay - I did ignore them... but It won't boot on the fucking BeagleBone
Anybody here good with mercurial commands? I've got a question here: superuser.com/questions/703219/… but it is getting low view :(
I know someone who is. Let me get him
he's afk at the moment but I linked him to your message
i was tempted to ask it on stackoverflow instead... might get more views, but it really belongs on super user I think
@JasonDown aww, I was hoping that could be something which is sufficiently analogous to git that I could just answer, but I don't know about "draft" changesets in hg... I'm really a git guy who happens to think (to a greater or lesser extent) that hg =~ git
(with significant terminology differences but considerably less significant actual implementation differences)
draft phase really just means it hasn't been pushed up to the remote repository
ohhhhh, then I know what that means now :)
@allquixotic okay, you should go buy a BeagleBone and do this: archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/ti/beaglebone-black and then tell me how the heck you got it to boot into Arch
which then makes it pretty much immutable without causing lots of greif
because I can't seem to make it work
@rlemon if you send me a beaglebone, I'll actually do exactly what you asked of me :P
otherwise, no.
@JasonDown well, it's a good question, and I know how to do it in git, but hey have you checked this?
Q: How to view diff between head of local repository and head of remote repository?

jhourbackBefore I push to a remote repository, I want to see a consolidated diff between the head of my local repository and the head of the repository I'm pushing too. The best way I know of doing this is to hg clone the remote repository, get the revision of the head, then do a diff between my head and ...

(also, questions about version control system usage are extremely topical on StackOverflow itself, with no chance of it being off-topic unless it's unanswerable or opinion-based, so it's valid at least to ask them there, although we accept them on sU also)
@allquixotic I'll have a look
(evidence: there are some git questions on SO with over 1000 upvotes and 5-6 answers with more than 100 upvotes)
I'm guilty of asking questions on stackoverflow about version control... just thought I should try to ask on SU since in theory it is the proper spot
@allquixotic well it might just come to that
"get this working and you can keep the beagle board!"
@allquixotic Not quite what I was looking for. That question shows me all the changes that were made to all files in the outgoing changesets (line-by-line, 78K lines in my log file!). I just need the filename and whether the file was added, deleted or modified in the given changeset.
it has to be possible because tortoiseHg shows me this. The problem is that tortoiseHg makes me look at each changeset individually to see the status of each file (in 87 changesets, this is a bit taxing).
What do you call it when you go to work, there's no internet, you come back home (because one simply doesn't work without internet), and there's no internet home?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Hell?
To make things even more pleasant, my throat aches like dozens of really tiny cats are sharpening their claws on my uvula.
@OliverSalzburg I call it Rio, but since December there's not much difference anyway.
Hell de Janeiro. .___.
@ThatBrazilianGuy are they all grumpy?
also, how do you know what it feels like to have cats sharpen their claws on your uvula?
I don't even want to know
I'm gonna drown the little bastards in tea, lemon and propolis.
And vitamin c pills
And don't make me laugh, it hurts when I speak
fx users can see this? prismjs.com/download.html
@ThatBrazilianGuy formulae
@Braiam works for me
also, lol PRISM.js
that's a thoughtful choice of words
@PatoSáinz Oh, I thought it was special effects
@ThatBrazilianGuy :)
@Braiam I can see the page, but the theme circles they do nothing
Also, Languages: HTTP (?!)
@ThatBrazilianGuy good for you, chrome/ium crashes unless you use incognito...
actually scratch that, incognito fails too
@PatoSáinz PRISM.js: watching every character you write, and rendering them beautifully to your screen (and ours)
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek is that you on Mars? :)
Well... shit.
My Time Capsule just died.
hmmm nope. Just seemed to lose power suddenly.
@JimmyHoffa ES on permanent hold? :P
@allquixotic I go back and forth between things, in ~3 years of off and on I'm still only ~50% through Metro 2033, been spending evenings with the wife. Video games usually happen for me more when she get's addicted to some crap show like America's Next Top Model which the new season hasn't started yet
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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