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because js
this was mentioned on the comms room (admittedly mockingly). That sound you're hearing is my head hitting the desk.
if it uses no power why is it plugged in?
@JourneymanGeek Snake oil. Current scientific studies indicate that EM radiation has at worst a very minor impact on health. It's not a real concern.
no shit sherlock
@DragonLord: thats understood. I'm mocking it too ;p
@JourneymanGeek I don't quite understand why people have this superstition that there's some health concern about EM radiation. It's not ionizing radiation, so it's not damaging the way radioactive materials are.
people are stupid.
And its "radiation", radiation is the new bad joo joo
because tarot
because homeopathy
(though, all the other wifi networks in the channels I want to use are bad radiation, and need to go away)
@JourneymanGeek So if I live under a pylon, will this prevent me from getting cancer?
@MichaelFrank: You are wearing your tin foil hat, and taking your homeopathic plutonium pills, right?
@MichaelFrank First you need to construct additional ones.
Pylons. Pylons. Pylons. Pylons. Pylonspylonspylonspylonspylonspylonspylonspylons.
Also, that reminds me of the time I was working in retail... I had a lady come in for a new SIM card, and she asked me to install it for her. I opened her phone, pulled the battery and a little piece of copper less than 0.5x0.5cm fell out. Her husband instantly shot his hand out, picked it and and told her not to lose it. "Don't lose this, it's that radiation protection thing!"
It was all I could do not to burst out laughing.
I think I found a better Amazon listing...
@JourneymanGeek wut
> The Whole House Neutralizer contains a natural compound made up of paramagnetic matierials found straight from the earth
BREAKING NEWS: Mass SuperUser Chatroom users die in massive brain hemorrhage after reading about Scalar Energy Pendants.
@JourneymanGeek you see, its method of operation is it causes a surge to fry everything. broken electrical devices can't release any EMR.
@DragonLord heh, I seem to spend half my time ranting about it in here
along with Beats
@Bob what about living under pylons!
Those things must give off mega EMR
> volcanic lava natural minerals that are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level
so. rock?
@JourneymanGeek :P
I'm opening that quantum pendant article in a private tab so Amazon doesn't bug me about buying them for 3 years >_<
@allquixotic ugh... I hate that!
(amusingly enough tho, I'm pondering looking at/for power filtering gear)
@JourneymanGeek ...yea...
One of those amusing things about homeplug, everywhere its useful, its right next to things that do unspeakable things to its signal quality
good luck finding something genuine
@Bob: oh, they exist
@JourneymanGeek I know, but there's also plenty of... other stuff
@Bob: yeah ;p
or get passthrough gear (but thats not always practical)
@JourneymanGeek search for noise filters?
@Bob: precisely that ;p
or move things around
mine is not that bad
> power conditioner
yea, that's gonna return a lot of bullshit results
@JourneymanGeek funny thing is, I didn't even search for anything to do with networking
actually I'm getting the same sort of speeds most people around here report
just power filters
actually, in places like india, they use those super regularly
or used to.
wait just a second. I have a spare plug in the other end of my room, and there's nothing critical on a SMPS there
I'll test my switch there
@Bob: homeplug reacts badly to ... AC motors, switch mode power supplies, and probably small rodents
(ironically, its still subjectively faster than wifi, but I want/need to refine my testing methods first, lan speed test is too brittle)
> I am very electromagnetically sensitive and bought this pendent hoping it would help me.
> I wore it I started getting headaches again and sharp pains in a specific area of my head
@Braiam he or she probably ate food poisoning on the same day as they had a long conversation on their cellphone with someone
obviously two things that happen near each other in time must be caused by one another (eyeroll)
omg a piano is playing downstairs... JourneymanGeek, is that you???
you JUST wrote a message and now I hear piano!
I think I will most likely die from brain cancer reading the entire reviews rather than living in Hiroshima... seriously
(I react badly to bullshit too)
@allquixotic what? Like literally ate a bowl of food poisoning?
> I take it as fake because the box came with 3 typo errors
... you have 3 loose screws in your head if you brought it in first place...
@allquixotic hehe, he looks so silly.
@MichaelFrank yes.
@allquixotic: everytime a butterfly flaps its wings, there's a hurricane on the other end of the world. I'd rather not say what a dog does to cause a piano to play.
@allquixotic WRONG!!! it's @Gowman @HackToHell
* @gowtham
@Braiam sounds a bit like actual radiation poisoning... wouldn't it be great if it turned out that the pendant actually had plutonium or something in it?
@MichaelFrank great, now I'm giggling chuckling at work
@allquixotic reminds me of the whole MSG thing. apparently some doctor ate at a chinese restaurant, felt sick afterwards, wrote something saying it might have been the MSG
some other idiot took that and ran with it
@Bob: fun part is? Psycosomatic food allergies probably exist.
I can't eat pineapple cause I had a bad experience with it as a pup.
(and the very smell of artificial raspberries gives me headaches)
I don't like butter or margarine unless it's melted. I never knew why until recently when I mentioned it to my Mum and she said it was probably because my Nana used to leave the butter in the cupboard.
the things I can't eat is because I don't like them... I don't have issues with eating anything just that some give me creeps
@JourneymanGeek Psycogeek probably knows all about those
(note: it's psyc h o)
picked up a power bank. I've confirmed it tops off my phone, and my tablet when its switched off. I need to drain my tablet a bit and try when its switched on (even if it reports it charges)
@JourneymanGeek how much did it cost?
@Bob: ~60 dollars discounted for a 8400 mAh version
I've been considering one, but those things so often have crappy batteries (cheap imports...), and the Belkin ones at Officeworks cost something like $15 per 1000mAh
@JourneymanGeek not too bad, I suppose
assuming it actually lives up to its rating, that's pretty good
This is what I use:
@Bob: wierdly, its not listed on their site
my bad, 7800
dyslexia strikes again
The efficiency claims are definitely accurate to me: It gets only slightly warm even when under a 2 amp load
not sure if it charges my galaxy tab when its running, it shows an odd symbol
(Valore is the 'store brand' of one of the local big box retailers. They're not a bad place to get stuff if you have store card with them)
12000 mAh of high-efficiency power for $50. Worth every dollar.
(and don't forget exchange rates)
Looks like your 'file' binary itself is 32 bit. Hence it will not be able to detect 32 vs 64 bit. You need 64 bit version of file utility. Check here: cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2013-07/msg00030.htmlanishsane Sep 4 '13 at 12:25
that's just plain wrong
@DragonLord Aren't the Anker batteries the ones that would go up in flames? :P
probably either not ship here or cost $50 to do so anyway :(
@Bob No--read the customer reviews. I've never had a serious issue with my Astro3.
there was this one company that wanted to charge $200 ($100 per shipment, $100 per item) for a pack of pens
I suspect I could get a cheaper, dodgier one off dx or some local store ;p
@Bob they ain't Bic...
@Braiam ?
@Bob company that makes half of the pens sold in the world?
@Braiam What has that got to do with ridiculous shipping costs?
I really really don't understand JS, or at least the common practices.
One recommendation is to always use typeof(x) === 'undefined' instead of x === undefined
because, undefined itself is a variable that can be redefined to be something else
ok, fine.
but anyone who redefines it is doing it wrong, and they'll probably find other ways to break your code anyway
there's coding defensively, and then there's just plain overkill
No such thing as overkill, only fire and reload.
And people do stupid things
> Unexpected 'typeof'. Use '===' to compare directly with undefined.
@Braiam JSLint is stupid.
@JourneymanGeek Yes, but this is so high on the scale of stupid that you'd find just about anything else that could break your code is less stupid anyway.
JSLint enforces a very very specific style so strictly that you'll spend the majority of your time trying to ignore the warnings it throws.
There's nothing inherently wrong with the typeof method. It's just unnecessary.
Oh god. Crockford is the source of that bloody supplant, too.
@Bob: I actually saw one of those animated signs IRL ;p
@JourneymanGeek wut
> Here I would like to quote Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript: "JSLint can suck it".
@Bob: one of those mobile led signs ;p
hm, nice. Apparently trying to do a speed test over wifi might crash my router
this makes data gathering a pain
@JourneymanGeek Do you subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud?
@gparyani: nope, why would I?
@JourneymanGeek I thought you would know the answer to my questions about it, because, after all, you are one of the top users on Super User, as you say...
@gparyani: I'm not totally sold on webapps
also, skillswise I'm pretty heavily invested on paint.net
@JourneymanGeek It's NOT a webapp, despite what the name says. Anyway, look at the Community Bulletin.
@JourneymanGeek ...for more information on it.
ah hah!
@JourneymanGeek Are you friends with BoltClock by any chance?
@JourneymanGeek I know that he is the first SE moderator from Singapore...
singapore is a small place, but with many people ;p
(as for the one of the top users bit, I'm still in the top 10, and thats mainly for possible employers XD)
In the name of Bwian of Judea, what is this... — nitro2k01 Dec 29 '13 at 12:08
@Bob I know that you have Adobe CC...
...do you know the answer to my meta question on it?
@gparyani I have it, yes. I don't use it much. And your meta question, I already answered, didn't I?
@gparyani: @Bob's answer sums it up pretty well.
I've decided to just consider the management app broken :\
It's failed to update a good number of times for me already.
I know that you mentioned about the applications that are part of it, but my questions ask about the CC desktop app, which your answer does not cover.
and both those questions are fine
> If the question is about a local application (e.g. Photoshop CC), then it would be on-topic.

If it were about the interaction between a local application and the online service (e.g. uploading from Photoshop CC), it would be on-topic.
@Bob They seem localized to me since (I'm assuming) a rare margin of users actually have the subscription...
The management program would fit under either or both of those categories.
Generally, if it's installed locally it's good.
@gparyani We removed 'too localised' as a close reason ;)
I haven't been encountering the issues that you have with updating.
but, yea, the thing is a black box anyway
There's not much we can do in most cases
Do you know the answer to my question about the Edge Reflow question?
I know you probably don't have Windows 8 Enterprise or Windows Server so you can't answer my RemoteApp question...
@gparyani: being localised would be the reason you're not getting answers ;p
Thankfully they removed the prerelease close reason.
@gparyani No, I don't use Edge at the moment, sorry
@JourneymanGeek Too localised as a close reason wasn't intended for questions like this anyway.
@Bob: agreed.
I have posted a couple of questions (including that one) that seem to be about prerelease software at first glance, but really aren't.
I do think its on topic
and part of the answer is "adobe is releasing buggy crap"
@JourneymanGeek ^
I've considered trying Edge Code, but..
the management software for my homeplug gear crashed.
well, I spend most of my time at work in JS these days
and EC is only CSS/HTML
is writing stable software some kind of lost art?
or maybe it does do some JS
@JourneymanGeek ayup
By the way, I don't encounter the Edge problem on Windows 8.1 64-bit (the question is on Windows 7 32-bit)
(well, there's a workaround, I need to install this on a system, and actually go to each plug I want to reconfigure)
(I seriously can't think of a single hardware manufacturer that also writes excellent software. At this point, it seems like "it doesn't crash" is too high of a barrier too...)
@gparyani You could try watching process monitor to see how it tries to detect installation status
but it's a fairly tedious process
personally, too much trouble
it's remotely possible that they hardcoded a 64-bit Windows' path in the detection
I code Java(not Script) in Edge Code these days...
or a 64-bit Windows' registry entry
@gparyani wut
(And I do believe it supports C++ too, but I haven't tried it yet.)
There's also (formerly Adobe) Brackets
it's open source now
I sure hope Fireworks becomes open source...
... no wonder they looked so similar
> A code-based HTML editor, Edge Code is designed to complement the other applications in the suite. It is built on the open source Brackets platform, which Adobe launched in June 2012. Rather than replacing Brackets, Edge Code is designed to make it more accessible, and integrate its functionality into existing Adobe applications. As with Edge Reflow, Edge Code is available as a public preview, launched alongside the announcement of the Edge suite.
I wouldn't see the point of using Edge Code or Brackets on other languages though
it becomes effectively a wrapper around the CodeMirror editor
I used jEdit for Java previously before switching to Edge Code...
I still use Visual Studio for C++...
Anyway, let's talk about something else.
As you may know already, I use Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode...
Do you have Windows Virtual PC?
@JourneymanGeek Do you have Windows Virtual PC?
I use virtualbox
Tried Hyper V, but it didn't integrate well with my set up
@JourneymanGeek I couldn't even get it installed :P
VMware works better than VBox for me, when it comes to 3D accel support
@JourneymanGeek I have Windows Server which I believe integrates much better with Hyper-V, but the only problem is that it disables sleeping and hibernating (which is problematic considering that I have it installed on a portable computer).
bloody Massdrop... robbing me of all my money! :|
@gparyani Weeeeellll... Server kinda might not be designed for laptops, ya know?
@gparyani: neither does running VMs
I like that Windows Virtual PC is an extension to the Windows Shell, instead of a separate program.
@Bob I was just thinking this.
@Bob: I have a copy of vmware from someone, but I'd loose access to my os/2 vm :/
@JourneymanGeek lol
@gparyani Actually, that's something I strongly dislike about it.
@MichaelFrank What were you thinking of?
@JourneymanGeek There's a fridge magnet at work that say something like "If you ain't using OS/2, you're working too hard!"
I prefer a nice configurable control panel somewhere.
Virtual PC just doesn't have that.
@gparyani That WinServer is not really designed for a laptop.
You've got the "Settings" button at the top...
huh the ads on SE have the alt text Click Here
@MichaelFrank Well, my computer is an Asian model, so it has a nice 2.8Ghz processor and 6GB RAM, which is pretty nice considering that it's a 13.3"
@MichaelFrank: I mainly use it for the sheer horror value of it
@gparyani Oh, I'm not judging. Just remarking on the peculiarity of the scenario
@MichaelFrank Well, you can use it in a laptop. You've got the battery meter and power plans...
@JourneymanGeek I need to see if I can grab an Atari or C64 emulator sometime
Anyway, do any of you know how to do RemoteApp?
I am having trouble RemoteApp-ing the Creative Cloud desktop application...
Welcome @jokerdino!
What's up?
Auto joined.
Oh yeah, I didn't notice that you are a moderator on AU...
@MichaelFrank Oh, and it has Japanese characters on the keyboard...
Huh... that article makes a couple good points on why you would install WinServer on a laptop.
@gparyani Oooh. I didn't notice either.
...which I don't know how to use since I don't know a bit about Japanese...
@gparyani I hate to say it... but have you tried asking on Technet? (I will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from this advice, including but not limited to loss of hair, imprint of head in desk, flattening of face, liquefaction of brain matter, defenestration of electronic devices and autodefenestration.)
Whoever wrote this utility should have his shoes stolen, slobbered and hidden in the darkest corner of the UnderBed in the dead of winter. And made to walk, uphill, both ways in the snow.
@Bob You mean banging my head on my laptop keyboard?
oh wait
it isn't crashed yet
Damn, I wanted to add murderous rampages, but it's too late to edit :(
@Bob But you will be responsible if any of these Japanese characters end up imprinting on my head, right? You did not say that...
More specifically, my laptop is a Sony VAIO VGN-Z56TG with custom installs of Windows 7 Professional 32-bit and Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter.
@Sathya What happened to SuperNews?
I found a loophole that permits me to flag any answer as "not an answer" multiple times...
this is not going well
Even though you get an error message the second time you flag, you can type in "not an answer" (without the quotes) exactly into the custom flag box and the system will accept the flag, but treat it as a normal not-an-answer flag.
I think the homeplug utilities just don't work on windows 7 and 8
dosen't really want to get an XP box up for this ><
This, therefore, enables one to flag twice as not an answer in case the first time it was declined or disputed...
@JourneymanGeek >>Windows XP Mode<<
@gparyani: I need a physical ethernet connection
or to do some song and dance at each node
@gparyani super news?
@JourneymanGeek Just change the option for network adapters in the settings panel of the VPC VM to your computer's network adapter from "Shared Networking (NAT)".
@gparyani: erm. I'm probably talking to the device at a lower level than tcp-ip
@Sathya The old chat room that is now frozen due to inactivity...
last activity on that was more than 670 days ago
and I need to downgrade winpcap for an alternate utility
@JourneymanGeek This treats the VM as a different computer on the network than the host OS.
@Sathya But what caused it to become inactive?
@gparyani: this works at lower than network level.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, now I see better.
Just use Windows 8 boot from VHD and boot from a Windows XP VHD...
@gparyani: homeplug adaptors are very typically 'dumb' devices
@gparyani: I found an alternate utility that mostly works
unfortunately it looks like I need to reset all the devices
@JourneymanGeek layer 2/ethernet is probably all you can do
remember that you can only send what the NIC lets you
@Bob: I need to take down the whole power line networking set up ;p
So.. my only two miners with my only two pickaxes are now stuck in the bottom of a hole, and I can't get them out. D:
@gparyani no one posted anything
I can see one of the devices from here with the alternate software but not the other.
which makes no bloody sense
@MichaelFrank that's exactly the situation I ended up in :P
eventually figured out the scroll for viewing different layers
and constructed a ramp
but that was painful
@JourneymanGeek unless the software has custom drivers for the NIC too, it can't really be a 'lower level' than what the NIC allows
you can't send arbitrary signals AFAIK
@Bob - aaaaaaaaand they drowned...
The only way I could think of getting the out was to dig into the pond... and contruct the ramp there... But it filled with water before they could get the ramps up.
@Bob: the utility that isn't a crashy piece of shit uses win pcap
ooh there's a newer utility
Q: How to merge multiple pst files into one?

andrewoliver58I am using ms outlook 2007 for a long time. I have made many archive PST files for saving my PST data from data corruption issues but Now I have purchased MS Outlook 2013 and I want to merge all archive PST files in my default PST file. If anybody knows about a trust able and easy tool for how to...

yep. keep yer spam flags ready
@Sathya We've been getting so many of those in the last weeks…
Does anyone else know these kinds of people who think "wh000t!!!" is another form of writing "what??!"
That really grinds my gears.
I do mean whoot as in whoot
I wouldn't have expected otherwise :P
Microsoft can remove programs remotely ?
@HackToHell prolly the malicious software removal tool
which is released with every montly update
you can deselect it if you want, or turn off automatic updates entirely
it is using MSE
@jokerdino wouldn't be
MSE isn't installed by default on Win7, and WD (the renamed version) isn't activated on all Win8
I mean, MSE probably catches it
but that's an obvious A/V program, and not remotely newsworthy
the MSRT is a little more obscure, but even then hardly hidden
> He surmises that Microsoft used its Microsoft Security Essentials software to eliminate the programs, a program users must install themselves.
@jokerdino That's someone else's guess.
I'm saying it's unlikely.
Then again, neither MSE or MSRT are completely silent about their actions.
In fact, both pop up nice big warnings.
@Bob That's a possibility too -- in order not to get anyone to file lawsuits.
Yup, my guess was right:
> Yeah, no shit. Microsoft explains the whole thing here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/mmpc/archive/2014/01/09/tackling-the-sefnit-botnet-tor-hazard.aspx

The method Microsoft uses to "reach into certain computers and delete programs" is called Windows Update.

Microsoft sends out it's Malicious Software Removal Tool through Windows Update every month. Every month a new family or two of malware that Microsoft has seen proliferating will get signatures added to the MSRT. This has been going on for years. If you don't want them doing it simply deselect the MRST from Windows Update once a month.
That was in the comments.

October 27, 2013: We modified our signatures to remove the Sefnit-added Tor client service. Signature and remediation are included in all Microsoft security software, including Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Defender on Windows 8, Microsoft Safety Scanner, Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection, and Windows Defender Offline.
November 12, 2013: Signature and remediation is included in Malicious Software Removal Tool and delivered through Windows Update/Microsoft Update.
They added it to MSE (obviously), but also to MSRT
MSRT will run on every computer by default, unless updates are turned off (or it's explicitly disabled)
obv doesn't run on every machine if you look at that graph
> This converter allows you to use bottled ink with most fountain pens (except Aurora, Cross, Lamy, Parker, Pilot, Platinum, Sailor, and Sheaffer).
soo.... all the big brands? :P
Oh, Mont Blanc, Monteverde and Pelikan use standard international
I wonder why converters for converters (to different fittings) don't exist...
its not just fittings tho
hm, homeplug switch isn't working in my room, but is fine elsewhere
I wonder what the hell is going on
tho, connection quality is a bit naff
nonetheless, one thing ruled out
@JourneymanGeek oh?
Question: Why not double-check that Java will prompt you before running any plugins/apps on webpage?

Answer: You couldn't be more wrong. Java is a binary file, the java virtual machine interprets and runs the java bytecode in the applets. Put the right magic into the applet and you exploit the java runtime. Just like opening a corrupted pdf file can exploit acrobat reader.
Does that guy know what is he answering about?
@Bob: set up security on the homeplugs, and figured it was that (since there is no way the confounded things tell you what the networkname is) - moved the unit closer to the other homeplugs and it worked. Moved it back, and it didn't....
eventually? I think the plug was SLIGHTLY loose
its a fincky black box ;p
@sparkubullet wtf is that question
my brain hurts
@Bob: I have a few platinum carts
they are odd
they're sealed with a metal ballbaring at the end
GPU surgery scheduled for tomorrow
Nurse, Scapel.... small screw driver..... CHAINSAW!
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