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it plays Civ V, Hearthstone, and such at 60 FPS, and it's not even the best iGPU they have, by far; the Haswell one is a lot faster
I really don't know why those f**kers won't reduce the price tag for a mobile gpu. they give a lot of technicalities
i will be back in half an hr. hopefully you are still here when i get back!
they have to get it within an extremely tight heat and power envelope, without killing performance -- I can understand the reason for the expense there
Intel arguably has an easier time with designing their iGPUs because they are at a point where their current engineering is well within power and heat tolerances, and they have significant legroom for adding on performance
and their fab is a lot smaller than the state of the art for dGPUs
I wouldn't discount the possibility of a fairly beastly iGPU or very small on-motherboard dGPU by Intel for ultrabooks or small laptops (11" or so) this decade... likely able to challenge mid-grade desktop dGPUs of a similar model year
but who knows, maybe they won't pull it off
too bad you didn't get a CPU with the Iris Pro 5200 graphics ... would love to see how that works in real world situations
unless you're playing Crysis or Star Citizen, or for some reason can't live with graphics on lower than 16x FSAA/AF and highest shadow quality, Iris Pro 5200 should actually be viable for real gaming
it's a full 1.5x faster than your HD4600 iGPU
if you had a Core i7 4950HQ instead of a 4700MQ, you could probably get decent battery life when running games off the iGPU, and acceptable performance too probably ;p
for some reason my external keyboard isn't receiving input
probably due to install
external keyboard? external monitors? lol. wow. I'd grab my desktop and stuff it in a box and check it in as luggage on the plane for that kind of trouble on a gaming laptop
hardware RAID-0 I/O throughput has me spoiled, though. couldn't ever go back to single HDD. single SSD maybe, but not single HDD
I don't have external monitors lol. Just external keyboards and mouse and hdds + docking station. They all fit in to my bag :D
Damn heavy though
it's pretty terrifying how fast this thing can do sequential writes ;p Adaptec 5405E with commodity 7200rpm 4TB HDDs
I've been thinking about RAID on my desktop.
I don't remember what RAID-0 does. Isn't that replicated writes and parallel reads?
I have an SSD and 2x 500GB HDDs.
@LewsTherin no, it's striping with no redundancy
One of those is doing nothing at the moment.
I know I'm taking a risk with it, but it's only two disks -- RAID-0 is minimally risky with 2 disks, the risk increases exponentially if you have more disks in RAID-0
I guess you are not using ssd due to cost?
@LewsTherin cost per gigabyte, yes. I really need the storage capacity.
1/3rd of my Steam collection installed to disk eats about 2 TB
so 8 TB of usable space is nice. for movies and FRAPS and such ;p
Like the app?#
Speaking of Steam, I'm disappointed with the current sale. :/
yeah. video capture.
I occasionally upload stuff to youtube
Oh not the fps fraps
I used to capture uncompressed video with FRAPS to disk, which is about 3.5 GB per minute
now I use Bandicam, which uses the AMD APP SDK to encode it to H264 on the fly using the card's fixed-function video encoding engine (VCE)
Used to do that during WoW raids.
Ahh those were the days...
i bought just cause 2 for a fiver because i was told the multiplayer was worth it. ugh
having it encoded to the final format on the fly is great, and it doesn't tax the CPU doing it either
the only games I've needed to keep me happy for the past month or two have been Hearthstone, XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within, and Skyrim :P
shit. the install failed
!!tell install pissed
Hearthstone! My favourite deck so far is Murlocs and Warlocks.
AMD Display Driver
Final Status: Fail
Version of Item:
Size: 90 Mbytes
@MichaelFrank I hate rushdown decks. and that sounds like a freaking rushdown deck. >_<
my most successful deck so far is a druid with... all kinds of weird stuff... lots of 1s and 2s, but then suddenly there are ogres and yetis and stormwind champions and they smack your face in
turn 3 you can have 4 4/3 Murlocks out AND a voidwalker with Taunt. :D
it's good in the early game because i have lots of high damage answers to stuff that people play early, but it really shines in the late game when people are like, struggling to spend all their removal to take out yetis, then i'm like, HELLO, 2 boulderfist ogres and a venture co mercenary! you lose!
i never understood the appeal of role playing games
bioshock was awesome because it was a mix
lol hearthstone isn't a RPG
it's a TCG :P
if you mean the original Bioshock, then I agree.
It sounds RPG. Googles TCG
Trading Card Game
I'm still playing Bioshock 1. Not sure about 2 and Infinite
1 was great.
Oh.. that sounds even worse
2 was pretty good.
I beat 1 a very long time ago, skipped 2 and infinite :P
3 had a good story, but not much else.
Wait Bioshock 3!=Infinite?
Da fuq?
@LewsTherin I know what you're thinking; I was doubtful at first too. Hearthstone is the first TCG I've ever played, but I love it. totally hooked
Infinite is 3
Scared me for a second there.
@allquixotic I may.. may try it.
It's free to play once it's released.
watch TotalBiscuit's Lord of the Arena videos on youtube -- if you aren't hooked just by watching someone else play it, you lack the soul of a gamer ;p
(it's blocked where I am atm)
search for totalbiscuit lord of the arena
Reminds me of YuGiOh
it'll be the first hit, guaranteed :P
or just watch Kripp on Twitch.tv, he's ALWAYS streaming it.
Kripp is funny... do you know if his battletag in the game is Kripparrian or Kripp?
sheesh there is a lot of episodes on it
one time in casual mode I fought a mage who ONLY ever used spells the entire fricking game until the very end, and his name was Kripp, and I won, and I spent like an hour trying to figure out it if it was THE Kripp just testing a deck, or some random guy
he was really good and slow and deliberate, and was able to continually remove my minions and deal damage to me with spells only without playing a single minion
at the very end when he realized he lost, he dropped two abominations and conceded
Whoa, it does remind me of Yu-Gi-Oh
I was like O_O
Will definitely give it a shot.
I just came by because @allquixotic was like O_O
!! s/O_O/-_-/
@allquixotic I just came by because @allquixotic was like -_- (source)
hometime! :D
@MichaelFrank ditto! :D
and it's only lunch time.
it's 6:30pm here
and i've been totally unproductive for the past hour and a half
i need to close Root Access more aggressively
Are you at work?
i've done nothing since I got into work at 8.30
but i was technically good for my 8 hours 90 minutes ago, so i haven't been really pissing away company time
At half 6? KUdos
i worked like a beast all day long :X
yeah, slaves laborious workers like @allquixotic work even the 23
i work tomorrow too
see ^
and the 26th
I work on the 27th :(
that's upsetting.
i get christmas day and new years day, that's it
Have a great christmas all!
not going for any further vacation because i expect i might need it down the road
Tbh, I don't really give much thought to the Xmas bullshit
and i only get like 3 hours of vacation a year (kidding)
But hell I like holidays
yeah j/k it's not 3 hours it's actually 35 minutes ;p
I don't know if say "@allquixotic is so cool" or "... so fool"... D:
@allquixotic How big of a difference is there between desktop cpus and mobile cpus. I know heat and scale are factors that may hinder performance.
you should get sick more ofter :/
@Braiam whatever you say, say it in doge for maximum effect
wow very cool/fool
so workaholic
@LewsTherin you can get a general sense of the difference by comparing TDP; assuming the fab size is the same (as it is, for Ivy Bridge and Haswell aka 3rd and 4th gen Intel CPUs), the performance should scale somewhat linearly with TDP
Too bad there aren't actual benchmarks. Although to some it might be apple vs oranges.
I hope this reinstall works.
@LewsTherin 47W TDP for 4700MQ; 77W TDP for 3770K
there's your ballpark comparison
if they were different fab sizes I'd be saying apples to oranges, but fab size is the same
you get about a 5% lead on performance per watt of TDP because Haswell is a newer arch than Ivy Bridge, but it really isn't a very significant innovation CPU-wise (Haswell, that is)
Googles fab size
@LewsTherin yes, watts
@LewsTherin fabrication size; or, the smallest possible resolution of size that a component can be fabricated at
lower fab size equates to more performance density: greater performance per watt, and greater number of transistors in any unit volume
all recent AMD and Nvidia GPUs are 28nm fab size while Intel's Ivy Bridge and Haswell CPUs are 22nm
So the 3770K has 150% increase in performance?
Compared to the 4700MQ?
Holy shit, oral vaccinations taste HORRIBLE
@LewsTherin something like that... it also depends on whether you are able to do any overclocking or turbo mode... if you compare base clocks it's probably close to 150%, but the "K" variant 3770K can pull away even further because it can exceed its TDP with overclocking
Dang, if that's just the 3770K I wonder what the latest cpus have
TDP = thermal design power, which is an approximate amount of wattage that the CPU won't go beyond mainly due to heat and voltage leakage concerns that start to become problematic beyond the TDP ceiling. although "K" variant CPUs can exceed TDP, while non-K CPUs can't
@CanadianLuke Eww
@LewsTherin well the current highest-end desktop CPUs are actually Ivy Bridge Enthusiast (shorthand Ivy-E), which is a scaled-up Ivy Bridge chip with no graphics chip onboard, but with more cores and clock rate and cache
the 3770K is a mainstream Ivy chip
although the way Intel has their enthusiast chips releasing long after the mainstream, there is no Haswell-E available (and it won't be until maybe Q4 2014 at the earliest), and Ivy-E is faster than mainstream Haswell
Oh wait. The i7 4700MQ desktop counterpart is i7 3770K?
@LewsTherin no, the 4700MQ desktop counterpart is the 4770, I believe
(no "K")
note the 4 -- that's Haswell, aka 4th gen CPU
Haswell is a tock, so you have an updated microarchitecture, but the same fab size as Ivy Bridge
Ivy Bridge is 3rd gen
deconstructing 4700MQ: 4 = Haswell, 7 = highest-end mainstream part, M = mobile, Q = quad core
deconstructing 3770K: 3 = Ivy Bridge, 7 = highest-end mainstream part, 7 = highest-end stepping, K = overclockable
If 7 is highest end mainstream what is 8 and 9?
H is for Iris Pro graphics (high-end graphics)
@LewsTherin Enthusiast series.
I see
84 W for i7 4770
4820K, 4930X and 4960X are Ivy Bridge enthusiast parts. they are all similar but with different levels of stepping / clock rate. The Enthusiast parts are in a class of their own, they are worlds apart from even a 4770K
@LewsTherin This one is for traveller's diarrhea... Tastes HORRIBLE
note that they are branded as 4 for Haswell, but their actual generation is 3rd (Ivy Bridge)
Overclocked versions?
I think they release them as parts with a "4" on them because they don't want people to perceive them as previous-gen or old
@CanadianLuke Hate that. I hate liquid meds.
nope, the enthusiast parts aren't necessarily overclocked, although they are overclockable
the main difference is they basically removed the GPU and replaced it with more CPU cores
Liquid Penicillin tastes like candy to me. But not this stuff
the 4960X has six cores with hyperthreading and turbo up to 4 GHz
And I gotta wait an hour after eating/drinking, and before, and I have to take the same dose in one week
also, the 4960X has an enormous 130W TDP
@allquixotic I wonder if Mobile laptops will one day bridge the gap. Maybe when they develop a fabulous cooling system
and that TDP is before overclocking. it can probably top 160W
@CanadianLuke That sucks
@LewsTherin well, unless battery technology reaches a breakthrough that revolutionizes several industries (cars, electric grid energy storage, laptops, phones, etc), there will come a time in the not too distant future where you won't be able to use certain features of super high-end laptops at all unless you're on A/C power
the batteries just won't be able to provide enough voltage, or if they did, it'd either damage the batteries or run them dry in a few seconds
@LewsTherin It'll be worth it for where I'm going
they might even say "you have to have the power connected to use the dGPU"
The batteries is a no no situation. The heat is going to kill the battery. I don't get why people game on their batteries.
@LewsTherin they are still designing desktop replacement laptops to be able to be used with the battery for at least an hour or so, and the entire system is constrained by that
@allquixotic I don't mind that. My only gripe is that the laptops are fkng expensive. And they aren't looking for a way to reduce the costs.
if you remove the constraint on battery limiting the whole system, and just make it a plug-in only, you might as well buy a SFF desktop and stick a desktop HD7970 in it
@allquixotic Mine runs for 3-4 hrs without gaming of course.
@CanadianLuke Where?
@LewsTherin the problem is that miniaturization is expensive
If I get disconnected again for saying it, I'll just go home... But I'm going...
miniaturized hard disk, miniaturized CPU, miniaturized power supply, miniaturized RAM, you get the picture
just letting things be huge and consume loads of power is a lot cheaper
hence the price differential
it's always going to be that way
if gaming laptops get cheaper, so will gaming desktops, so desktops will always be significantly cheaper
@CanadianLuke Ah, nice one.
Sweet, didn't get kicked off chat this time
@allquixotic That's very true.
@CanadianLuke lol
@CanadianLuke Why do you get kicked for that?
he dare speaketh the name of a country that may potentially harbor trrists! :O
Back around January or February, when I found out about this trip, as soon as I said I was going to Cuba, I got disconnected from the entire SE network for 2 hours... Yet, everyone acted like I was still here
Coincidence maybe?
I bet the Canadian govt was performing an investigation on you because of your utterance of <redacted>
@allquixotic You still on dialup? :P
@allquixotic? You there?
NO! NOT MY FAVOURITE @allquixotic!
@Bob may as freaking well be. the internet here sux
@allquixotic cough
*I'm talking about at work, not my LTE
I'm on a 100mbit connection at work... Lol
@allquixotic here up to couple years back, dial-up was a luxury...
FUCK. Install failed again
@CanadianLuke I'm on a rand(0, 100) Mbit symmetrical connection... rand() gets invoked approximately every 2 minutes and gets rounded to one of three values: 0, 3, or 100
I'm the only one in the building right now

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