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hmm , going to need a few more arms to pull that off.
pic of vishnu (and durga) stolen from here dollsofindia.com/product/hindu-posters/…
err... err.... really? superuser.com/q/685232/235569
what is with all the bad questions and superuser.com/a/685240/10165 spaaaaam?
Q: Iam using Toshiba Elite with windows 7 64 bits , can I convert to bits 32?

Paulus YunusWhere can I find Free software to convert windows 7 to 32 bits ? Thanks Paulus

and this is just crappy
Q: (Easy Q) Forecasting using arima using Stata

Sumedh ChalermkanjanaSuppose I have 5 years of daily stock prices. I input this into Stata. I want to run random walk on this data so I run arima model on it. I would like to predict daily stock prices of next year. What commands should I run? Please forgive me. I am really bad at Stata.

what is stata?
(I can figure that is a finantial tool, but hey, someone use it?)
@Psycogeek Are you knowledgeable about vacuum cleaners?
@Boris_yo only old school, i like the old bag style, because it is cheaper to replace the bag being a filter, than the filters in these new vortex style canistar vaccumes.
@JourneymanGeek LOL
Tempted to tell him to download DBAN :P
@Boris_yo now they seem to make sub $100 vaccumes with an engine and plastic trash that breaks. Planned obsolecence or just to greedy to put some metal in where it is needed?
@Psycogeek Last time I forgot to clean dust canister and left it disassembled inside of vacuum cleaner. Of course I forgot about this before I started vacuuming again and what do you know? The vacuum cleaner did a bad job with all the dust and canister parts inside of it before I realized it. I cleaned the dust that was inside of air out vent but most of it got to the filter out which is inside vacuum cleaner. Now vacuum cleaner makes loud noise when cleaning and I don't know how to clean the dust that is inside of filter out.
Todays vaccumes are like todays computers. 15 minutes of operation, 40minutes fixing it.
oh for fuck's sake
@allquixotic currently feeling the pain of PowerShell arrays :P
@Bob allquixotic is afk: finally caught some sleep
well he can read that when he wakes up
@Boris_yo what? why does it sound like it is trying to fly? is the air movement thing disconnected from the motor, or does it always sound like that with that many RPMs?
you heard that @allquixotic? @Bob said that if it were for him, you would never wake up D:
@Psycogeek heh, dysons!
or other cyclonic vacuum cleaners
@Braiam what?
Q: How to measure power of CPU when calculation conversion efficiency would be equal to 100%

Rik TelnerIs there a formula or a calculation. That would make it available to compare processing power of one's computer processor with another? Off course, I know that our computers doesn't process same in same moment. But let say that they would use 100% of their processing power on exact same data. Le...

Ugg, hurts my head. just tell em to get a benchmark tool and guess the rest.
Could this be a issue with the PSU ? superuser.com/questions/685216/…
or a cable
A: Notepad ++ How to replace a specific character between specific words

BobI would recommend you abandon regex entirely - it is simply too much trouble to get it to work in cases like this. Not everything can be solved easily with regex! In this case, most scripting languages can do this fairly easily. I've written a piece of JavaScript for you, here - just enter your d...

Is it overkill? Yes. Does it work? Yes.
@Gowtham There's so many things wrong with that.
regex @_@
...what's with all the spam today?
@Bob I know right ?
@Bob where? WHERE?
I wonder if they tried tweaking the spam filters
and something went horribly wrong
<--- never sees spam...
I just love it when I can use xkcd in an answer :D
@JourneymanGeek ^^
:P :P
and its back up
@Psycogeek ^
Sorry it's not the actual original - I don't have one
that was exported from my PS document (after all the hat layers were removed) at max JPEG settings
@Gowtham cats are so mean!
@Bob got it
@Braiam yeah ;p
@Psycogeek What is that image of anyway ?
now don't be playing with my spheres anymore
@Gowtham i assume it is some 3D ray trace ?
@Psycogeek Because I think air-out valve (top opening) is clogged. I need to find a way on how to get there and unclog.
Q: How to make date unreadable for certain amount of time, that it can't be read until months/years passed?

killer_PLWhat is the best way to make a "data time capsule", that can be opened only after some amount of time have passed, even for person who created that data? I was thinking about encryption with random password, so you have to wait many years until computational power will allow to decrypt this data...

There has to be 101 funny answers for this one?
1) Send it to a developer and tell them there is a Bug in it, find it and fix it
2) Send it to [email protected], NSA will get it. 10 years later apply the "freedom of information act" to retrieve it.
the current discussion in comms reminds me - whatever happened to the plans to run an IRC server, @JourneymanGeek?
3) send it to microsoft to get it "certified" for use with windows 12, dont include a payment
4) Put it in your garage, you know you cant find anything in there already without removing everything in it.
@Bob Galaxy S2? USD 400, S3 is USD 600 and S4 is USD 690 ~ 850. Moto X is USD 515 (Those prices are in the cheapest possible way, paying full price in cash.)
@ThatBrazilianGuy huh, actually not as bad as I expected!
5) put it at the bottom of a TOU or License for software, right before the I agree button, someday someone will read a TOU and the time capsule will be opened
@Bob USD 400 is half of my "official" monthly salary (bonuses excluded)
@ThatBrazilianGuy yea, that part would be a bit of a problem
Yeah, salaries and prices here doesn't match nicely :(
If it weren't for the really random bonuses I get, I'd be pretty f$@$# up.
6) put it in a Movie (dvd rip) and start uploading it to a public server with a 14K modem. when it is finally done it will be 2015
But to be honest, I don't have a university degree, if I did my salary would be almost twice for doing the same stuff (I know 2 persons who are less capable than me, at least less thchnical knowledge, and earn more than me)
Hey. How do I choose the boot device on one of those newfangled UEFI thingies kids use nowadays?
I couldn't wait and tried to boot my new laptop using a USB ubuntu (I can't boot Win8 because I want to sue them for including win8. Long story).
But there is no boot device list when I press any key!
There is no POST screen!
@ThatBrazilianGuy uhh... the same way you did before
(make sure you are actually starting from powered off. Windows 8's shutdown actually hibernates)
I just powered it on for the first time. It shows a black screen with the DELL logo on center and a rotating loading circle below it for 20secs, then a Win8-looking dialog "please choose your language and keyboard for use on this OS" screen.
I power it off, power it on, infinite loop. :(
@ThatBrazilianGuy power off, pull the battery and plug, hold power button for 20s
then put it back, power on and spam F2 and/or F12
maybe esc for good measure
I'd never imagine Dell would ship their laptops in hibernation state O_o
@Bob That's for total discharge?
@Boris_yo there's a sleep state where it's off but not off
that's what happens when you hibernate
when yo uturn it back on, it usually skips some parts of the normal boot process, e.g. BIOS settings
draining any residual power forces it to drop to the fully powered off state
usually works - the power state is rarely, if ever, written to more permanent storage (that would be weird...)
@ThatBrazilianGuy normally, a forced shutdown (hold power button for power to cut off) works too
Win8 just hibernates if you shut down normally
@Bob I thought it is completely off when hibernated. It behaves exactly as if I restart or power on laptop.
IIRC, in occasions I have hibernated, removed the battery, removed power cord, then plugged all back in and it continued the hibernation "wakeup".
It wasn't 8, but eihter XP, vista or seven
@ThatBrazilianGuy Same to me. Hibernation does not use energy.
Damn! No wifi on Ubuntu! :'(
/travels to AU
@ThatBrazilianGuy What does that change?
@Psycogeek yeah, but only 1 real and feasible one...
Well. I have an issue with Ubuntu. If I go to a ubuntu Q&A site... Then maybe...
@Boris_yo No.
A: Why can't I boot off another drive or change BIOS options after hibernating?

BobWhat you need to do is drain all power from the machine, by unplugging it and either waiting for a while (at least 5 mins) or pressing the power button a couple of times (this attempts to start it, which will drain any capacitors in the PSU - typically, fans might spin up or LEDs might light for ...

hi guys, is there a way to change the text in Adobe PDF document?
i would have to have Adobe Acrobat installed to do that?
@ThatBrazilianGuy You can 'wake up' from the fully off state
or even adobe acrobat would not help me?
@Bob Makes sense.
@Braiam crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/606/… wow, must be a better way. after all the wasted power and energy and time, there must be a physical lockbox method that is time based, that a password or a flash disk could be stored in.
@Bob I used the wrong word. I meant it was totally, unpowered off and then it "continued" the hibernated OS
Not a "wakeup from sleep function"
@ThatBrazilianGuy ..."powered off" is the 'powered off' state.
as far as the OS is concerned, resuming from S4 and S5 is the same
@ThatBrazilianGuy I never said that.
just read that freaking answer.
BIOSes tend to restrict changes while in S4, because changes break hibernation
ok, @Boris_yo.... what if i donwload and install TRIAL version of Adobe Acrobat?
S5 does not prevent hibernation resuming
will i be able to edit text?
i only need to edit like 10 words in one document
nothing more
It just means that the BIOS will treat it as if it was powered off, rather than hibernated
i.e. it will give you more options, with the potential of breaking hibernation
@Psycogeek should be, but is one... ;P
the OS doesn't give a shit
in fact, I'm pretty sure the OS never knows
@Bob I think the OS knows the cake is a lie...
the fox may not know... tho
@Bob I am reading the wikipedia page. Without reading it first, your answer isn't clear to me.
@Braiam The methods they are choosing Physically, would be like drilling a hole 17 miles into the earths crust, and burring it there, then handing everyone a shovel :-)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Do you think I should include those in the answer?
Ok, I think I get it. It is possible to resume hibernation from G3 / D3-cold, but it is not mandatory, and it is possible to resume from other states. And for different devices, the state it goes to might be different. Some might go to S4, others to S5, others to G3. And I assume in eihter some (or all) that go into not-G3, if you remove all power sources, it is the same is it was into G3 and on next power up it will resume hibernation?
Does hibernation set some flag on the HDD / bootloader indicating "Hey, I've been hibernated, please continue resuming hibernation"? I have the impression it is so.
@Bob Yeah, I think the Power States / Global States / Device states would clarify the answer greatly for those who are not very familiar, like myself.
you don't need to worry about device states
@ThatBrazilianGuy not quite
even from S4, it's not mandatory to resume from hibernation
and a lot of BIOSes just treat it like S5
but some BIOSes will attempt tp preserve the environment when booting from S4
that typically means it will pass control back to the bootloader on the same HDD it did before
@Psycogeek err err... too expensive!
without any configuration possible
also, you can't be sure if you can do it in the time you want...
then, the bootloader can do whatever the hell it wants
it could shut down the machine, resume from hibernation, format the HDD, anything
hi superusers, i have a problem with my bluetooth headset and linux; it worked until some time ago so I'm not looking for a step by step tutorial, I just need some "interactivity" because I really don't know what else should I do... is anyone available?
BOOTMGR (Windows Vista+) will always resume from hibernation, AFAIK
Well, there have been cases where the device was in G3, the RAM obviously flushed and then I resumed hibernation. Or am I dreaming?
@ThatBrazilianGuy ...when did I say anything against that?
only the BIOS cares what power state you were in
once you reach the bootloader, it doesn't matter
the bootloader will do exactly the same thing whether you came from S5 or S4
both S5 and S4 will cause the BIOS to pass control to the bootloader
often S4 means the BIOS will attempt to keep the environment the same, by not allowing you to configure anything during booting
don't worry about G3. It's the same as G2.
The only reason I mentioned G3 in the first place was to point out that it's the most sure way to get yourself into G2/S5
@Braiam I said, it sound like something dreampt up by a bunch of crypto nuts while smoking to much dope one day :-)
@cYrus available, kinda
any idea about Linux & BT? well, not me...
you can feel free to ping ideas off us
!!wiki Rubber Duck Debugging
Rubber duck debugging, rubber ducking, and the rubber duckie test are informal terms used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck. Many programmers have had the experience of explaining a programming problem to someone else, possibly even to someone who knows nothing about programming, and then hitting upon the solution in the process of explaining the problem...
@Bob Doesn't the BIOS always pass the control to the bootloader?
@ThatBrazilianGuy when resuming from S4 and S5, yes
when resuming from S3, well, you still have the current state... just start executing the next instruction? I dunno, really
I don't think the bootloader handles resuming from RAM
Ok, so S3 is sleep / standby.
And G3 is "I have removed the battery and power cord"
I'm looking at a company that provides basic hosted VMs. I've noticed that the public IP used for RDP access is also the IP thats bound to the network adapter in Windows. Is that usual in such hosted arangements?
..yes, but G3 means nothing in this context
it's the same as G2/S5
and largely the same as S4, as far as the startup process goes
@Fitzroy "usual"?
If you're asking for best practices, you might be better off on Server Fault
@bob, hi I had very long and pleasant conversations with my rubber duck.. still no luck.
@Bob Well, wikipedia says "G2/S5 is almost the same as G3, except that the power supply unit (PSU) still supplies power".
@ThatBrazilianGuy in this context it's the same thing
because if you're actually in G3, you have no business trying to boot
your first step is to step into G2 anyway
Even if there was no hibernation?
8 mins ago, by Bob
The only reason I mentioned G3 in the first place was to point out that it's the most sure way to get yourself into G2/S5
@ThatBrazilianGuy you're still not going to boot when the bloody switch is off
Is the "turn it on" process the same for hibernated and non-hibernated devices?
@ThatBrazilianGuy ???
(Regarding the state it starts in)
It will always start from S5?
please reread all my messages
because I'm just repeating them at this point
15 mins ago, by Bob
even from S4, it's not mandatory to resume from hibernation
15 mins ago, by Bob
and a lot of BIOSes just treat it like S5
15 mins ago, by Bob
but some BIOSes will attempt tp preserve the environment when booting from S4
15 mins ago, by Bob
that typically means it will pass control back to the bootloader on the same HDD it did before
15 mins ago, by Bob
without any configuration possible
15 mins ago, by Bob
then, the bootloader can do whatever the hell it wants
13 mins ago, by Bob
the bootloader will do exactly the same thing whether you came from S5 or S4
12 mins ago, by Bob
both S5 and S4 will cause the BIOS to pass control to the bootloader
Seriously, that's pretty much exactly what I've been saying.
The BIOS may or may not do things differently. The bootloader should not.
Logic dictates - to boot you must have power. When you have power, you are in S5 or above - you cannot be in G3 by definition
@Bob I was expecting to find a private IP address bound to the NIC. I'm just hunting around for some article on how providers of such services typically set this kind of thing up, and the pros/cons of the different approaches.
From that point on, the BIOS can do whatever
The G3/G2 separation is not a software or hardware thing. It's basic PHYSICS.
At the risk of being tautological - if you don't have power then you don't have power!
@Fitzroy Again, you're better off asking that on SF.
Though you might want to rephrase - I initially assumed you were asking about remote access.
Now that you mention private IPs - it's a safer assumption that you are talking about access from within the LAN.
Don't make people answering your questions assume. The more assumptions, the more mistakes, confusion and wasted time.
Then again, someone more familiar with the subject matter might already know.
I'm probably not familiar enough and/or too dumb.
There must be some broken fuse in my brain, because I feel like I'm just on the verge of understanding it all on the concept, then it goes blank.
I can understand if you are getting frustated and angry. .____.
I will try to read more about the subject.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Step back a bit and think about how power on works.
You plug in the computer.
It's in G3.
you switch it on (physical switch, e.g. at power point). it's in G2/S5
you power it on. the BIOS starts from G2/S5 and goes to S0
it presents the normal power on options, e.g. BIOS settings page.
Wait, it's in G3 after I plug it in? And what's the difference betweent "switch it on" and "power it on"?
it passes control to the bootloader
@ThatBrazilianGuy it's always in G3 until it has power
it's in G3 before and after you plug it in, assuming you aren't plugging in a live cable...
@ThatBrazilianGuy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… <--here
now, hibernation
the OS saves to disk
it signals the BIOS to switch to S4
you have now gone S0 => S4
@EinsteinsGrandson I don't know exactly.
you power it on. the BIOS goes from S4 => S0
@Bob. Sorry its not a very well formed question at the moment. But just to clarify, the means of remote access to the server is RDP and that is achieved by connecting to a public IP address. When i logged into Windows, I was just supprised to see the public IP I used for RDP bound to the NIC (rather than a private IP). But point taken - probablly better for SF.
depending on the BIOS, it may or may not present configuration options.
the reasoning is that presenting configuration options may allow the user to alter the state, and therefore break the resume
then it passes control to the bootloader
at this point, the S5 => S0 and S4 => S0 branches merge
@Fitzroy ahh
@bob Appreciate its a pretty sucky question - its more the internal ramblings of my mind typed into Root Access...
yea, you're gonna want SF for best practices
I mean, technically, either is possible
pros and cons? I haven't the foggiest :P
@Fitzroy it's not really a bad question
Who has tablet here? I have question about brightness.
Let me see: The "S4 powered down" and the "S5 powered down" are not the same, that's the cause for removing battery and pressing power, to force it to go into S5; and if after that I had booted and let the bootloader continue from S5, then after the bootloader had taken control then it would make NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL, because after the bootloader has taken control, then as you said "at this point, the S5 => S0 and S4 => S0 branches merge"
but BECAUSE I WAS ABLE TO PRESS F12, then I told it to boot from a new device, actively changing the boot flow and breaking away from the hibernation resume.
@bob correct?
@Boris_yo Genesis GT-1230 running Android ICS
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes :)
Thanks $DEITY (and Bob).
!!afk now I'm asleep too
@Bob Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
I seriusly should get more sleep. It is starting to affect my brain. ;______;
@ThatBrazilianGuy That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: sleep
@ChatBotJohnCavil HUH?
@Bob That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: sleep
!!help sleep
@Bob Command sleep does not exist. Did you mean: sleep
You mean without the exclamations, just sleep
!!info sleep
what the flying fuck
What will john do if I say stop
What will john do if I say sleep
                guesses = this.commandDictionary.search( cmdName );

                //resembling command(s) found, add them to the error message
                if ( guesses.length ) {
                        msg += ' Did you mean: ' + guesses.join( ', ' );
@Bob Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
                return 'Command ' + name + ' forgotten.';
@ThatBrazilianGuy What happens if you move brightness slider all to the left?
@Boris_yo I haven't used it in months, but as far as I know, it lowers the brightness.
I might left if charging if you want me to test

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