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Oracle should change the status of this feature request to "Won't fix" and state "We won't implement this feature, it is reserved for Oracle Database"
This feature request is almost 10 years old, and I suspect no one at Oracle wants to implement it or risk getting a threat from Oracle's in-house legal counsel
...because it would hurt Oracle's core business
In marketing strategy, cannibalization refers to a reduction in sales volume, sales revenue, or market share of one product as a result of the introduction of a new product by the same producer. While this may seem inherently negative, in the context of a carefully planned strategy, it can be effective, by ultimately growing the market, or better meeting consumer demands. Cannibalization is a key consideration in product portfolio analysis. For example, when Apple introduced iPad, this took sales away from the original Macintosh, but ultimately led to an expanded market for consumer com...
#Oracle probably will never implement check constraints in #MySQL because it would cannibalize #OracleDatabase http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=3464
As for me, I prefer using .
FUCK ORACLE (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
@PatoSáinz ROTFL :-)
𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭: unicode is pretty neat to abuse on IRC
Q: Feature for Contesting a Duplicate Designation

gravidThoughtsThere needs to be a better way for users who have questions marked as duplicate to contest the designation. As of right now, there is no formal mechanism in the system for a user to be able to provide evidence that there question is not duplicated. The only option is to post a complaint on a per...

@JourneymanGeek Pretty sure they're better than AMD :P
@BenRichards Mine's similarly MSI mobo and GPU - and I've had a whole host of GPU problems :\
The mobo has been good, though.
can someone familiar with SE's internals tell me why did @StackExchange talk
@PatoSáinz That would be an RSS feed.
It's possible to specify feeds to be posted by special accounts, which have negative user ids.
SE is -2
Q: Comment économiser de l'argent sur ​​Vêtements d'hiver?

user279912Les frais supplémentaires de prépare pour l'hiver peut être un fardeau financier . Pourtant, ceux qui s'aventurent dans le froid sans un couvre-chef récolteront les tristes résultats . Alors que la perte de chaleur de la tête se trouve par la science pour être proportionnelle à la perte de chaleu...

this needs spam flags
though I must say, spam for berets?
mtgox trading engine in a nutshell
@JourneymanGeek O.O
also, this move jumps all the sharks
@JourneymanGeek boom!
@StackExchange I would pass that odd ball @random
@JourneymanGeek I don't even...
@PatoSáinz ...
@Braiam yep?
@allquixotic You've got some balls, coming back here after what you did.
why do that cat's eyes glow? O_O
@PatoSáinz: demonic possession.
thats the only reason the guy is alive too
@PatoSáinz cats' eyes are reflective in light, there is probably a flash bulb on the camera that took that picture
@allquixotic if they are reflective, then i guess it's hard to see for them
the tapetum lucidum is a mirror-like structure in the back of the cat's eye behind the retina that acts like a mirror and reflects light back onto the retina
The tapetum lucidum (Latin: "bright tapestry", plural tapeta lucida) is a layer of tissue in the eye of many vertebrates. Lying immediately behind the retina it reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors, though blurring the initial image of the light on focus. The tapetum lucidum contributes to the superior night vision of some animals. Many of these animals are nocturnal, especially carnivores that hunt their prey at night, while others are deep sea animals. Similar adaptations occur in some species of spiders, although these...
we don't have one of those
@allquixotic the problem is... that it's a video, not a photo!
and it's eyes glow in any angle... mm...
@allquixotic did I miss anything interesting in the recent steam sale?
@JimmyHoffa unless you don't yet own XCOM: Enemy Unknown, no
@allquixotic Don't. That good co-op?
...never played any x-coms
@JimmyHoffa I've only played a few of them briefly, but XCOM: Enemy Unknown is freaking awesome
don't know if it's co-op, but it does have a multiplayer component
there's also a new expansion to the game that was just released last month that's currently more expensive than the base game
but both the base game and the expansion are freaking awesome
the single player campaign and story alone are worth it, but then the game mechanics are downright interesting, and pretty different from anything I've played before
the closest thing in recent times to the game mechanics I've experienced would be Shadowrun Returns
What type of game is it?
@JimmyHoffa turn-based tactical, with a long-term strategic aspect in the campaign (turn-based base building and unit upgrading)
@allquixotic oh cool. I do like some turn-based games, there was one I really loved a long time ago called uhh..disciples
the base game is: take a team of up to 6 soldiers of various classes/abilities/strengths/veterancy into combat and take out a usually superior number of aliens, very often with some other objective to make things harder (disarm a bomb in X number of turns, save civilians, etc)
disciples and disciples 2 if you played them, there were expansions for disciples 2 to play a campaign as each different class etc and they were all great
I loved the Disciples series. this is not quite like that. the tactical turn-based combat is vaguely familiar to Disciples, but the strategic aspect is nothing like that
did you play that? any simile?
gotcha. is the strategic aspect more like those old swat games?
the tactical is much closer to disciples than the strategic aspect vs. disciples' strategic
i don't know about those old swat games. basically you have a base where you can construct equipment for your soldiers; recruit soldiers; promote soldiers that have enough XP to level up; give soldiers special powers; dismiss soldiers; outfit their equipment; build new base buildings; research new technologies; sell loot; deploy satellites; and scan for hostiles (which advances time)
Disciples is possibly the only of that type of game I played with any sincerity and 1/2 I played through completely and all expansions completely as well.. such great mechanics... anywho I'll have to take a peak at X-COM if I can see a decent price
the strategic aspect isn't very hard, it's just varied; there's a LOT to decide on, you have an extremely limited amount of funds and resources that you get from successful missions and from passage of time, and you have to decide how to allocate them
the tactical aspect of the game is really the meat and potatoes of the whole game, and it's brilliantly hard, but so rewarding if you pull it off
ah there's like a thousand X-COM's in steam for $4.99 each...
it's not stupid hard though
@JimmyHoffa really the only two XCOMs you should care about are XCOM: Enemy Unknown (the base game), and XCOM: Enemy Within, the super awesome great November 2013 expansion to Unknown. and any DLC for the two games.
ignore the older XCOMs
@allquixotic I find many of the games of that general type to be stupid hard which is often why I play them rarely... they tend to be very poorly balanced difficulty wise, either they're for hardcore players and I have no chance or for casual players which makes it wayyy too easy
story-wise, Enemy Unknown is a complete reboot of the series, so it doesn't depend on you knowing the old games
@allquixotic did you pick up Assassins Creed series in the recent sale?
@JimmyHoffa I am not the best tactical mastermind in the world, and on Normal difficulty, I found the game soberingly hard, having to suffer difficult losses at times, but I was able to plow forward regardless and eventually beat the game without cheating... which is a great difficulty curve IMHO
@JimmyHoffa no :( but I was tempted :( finances atm, I'm holding back on discretionary spending for a little while (just a month or three)
@allquixotic Yeah, this basically describes disciples to a tee for me..
@allquixotic Gotcha. I know how that is.
@JimmyHoffa basically, I grow "attached" to my units over time, since there aren't very many of them and they can get very rare abilities by advancing, but sometimes if they lose their health in battle they have a chance of permanently dying
it sucks and it seems unfair at the time, but the game has enough forward momentum that you are able to suck it up, and play another guy in his place, get him promoted back to max, and you're happy again
and you learn over time how to minimize permanent deaths anyway
@allquixotic ...just like Disciples. I remember losing some units I had from the beginning pretty far in Disciples and being totally pissed
yeah, there are some bosses that do stupid high damage, but if you bring the right equipment, you can basically take the teeth out of them, and win with minimal losses... or you can go in like a fucktard and lose 4 out of your 6 guys to permadeath lol
just gotta know what you're doing, but it isn't ridiculous
and the first, say, 3/4ths of the game isn't as hard as the last 25%, so you really get a chance to get your feet wet, develop some units, and become competent with the UI and abilities before you start to sweat
I'm a pretty demanding stickler in terms of wanting my single player games to present a proper challenge, but not be babyingly easy or maddeningly impossible for all but cheaters and power gamers
I think this game nailed it right on, without even changing the difficulty from the default level
and I say that with conviction after loving Disciples II for the same reason
I'll admit that the first hour or two of play do baby you, but in which game is that not true :)
you don't know the UI, you forget to use your special abilities, and the game forgives you for it. at first. OK.
but then it stops dicking around lol
I actually ended up losing my most powerful and highly ranked soldier to permadeath about 35% of the way into the game, which at the time seemed like it would set me back permanently and I wouldn't be able to catch up -- but on the more difficult missions, a low-ranked guy will rank up much faster than your guy did at first, so he'll be pretty close to the dead veteran's rank after a small number of missions
Q: Clarify misunderstanding about USB hosts and IRQs

abyss.7I have a long-suffering usb sound card (Creative X-Fi HD). Its manual sais the following: Ensure that the headset/soundcard uses a USB Host that is on an individual IRQ slot. This means that no other devices in the PC can be sharing this IRQ. Does it means, that I should connect only one d...

I didn't know soundcards could suffer
Thanks! I've accepted this answer, because it appears to have been posted first. Second answer is great, too! — Simon Steinberger 5 hours ago
hate it when that happens
/me is not a fan of FGITW
Q: Fastest Gun in the West Problem

Omer van KloetenI feel like there's a problem with Stack Overflow, as the number of people prowling it increases. Each question's answers are sorted by descending score and then by descending time of posting. This means that if a person sits down and answers a question in a long, thorough way, going through eve...

aha :P
it's ok, I got some upboats anyway
October 29-30 were good days for me; I've been in trickle mode since then
a few low-upvote answers per day
I've had a good few weeks
(and an embarrassingly high amount of rep off a rediculously trivial question)
I don't think any of my high-rep massively-upvoted answers were trivial or easy or throwaway answers, so at least I don't feel bad about the rep I got... on the other hand, I often put a lot of effort into an answer to get MAYBE 20 rep out of it total
and it's not like it's wrong, or it'd get downvoted or debated in the comments; that almost never happens
A: Why do some RJ45 plugs have the lock release clip under a rubber cover?

Journeyman GeekFrom experience, those retention clips break off a lot on the first sort of cables - those are fine for cables that are well protected and/or going to be plugged in and forgotten, but the moment those clips bend the wrong way, they break, and you end up with a cable that dosen't clip in place. Th...

oh, its right
lol, one big paragraph, one medium paragraph and one small paragraph for.... 1040 rep :P
minus whatever overflow
and its mostly anecdotal, common sense stuff
wtf, someone else's answer in that Q has more upvotes
did that get slashdotted or something? rofl
ok. so there was a TINY reference to monty python/obscure forum injoke
I know, its just not the sort of question you expect to get a load of upvotes
I honestly thought this question would get a lot more attention than it has (irrespective of the fact that I posted a careful and long answer, the question itself seems like something that would be compelling for people to read/view/answer/comment on)
Q: Difference between a stand-alone executable file, and an installed executable?

Tom TurkeyI have noticed on Windows, at least, that you can download a direct, statically-linked executable file and launch it directly, or write your own program and executable it (even dynamically) without having to install it. That brings me to my main point ... what's the purpose of the installation p...

to me it's just an interesting question... not trying to pimp my answer at all, it's just the type of question that I would have thought would tend to get lots of views
no spanish spam for spanish day?
Q: Mac Book Air -school computer

makaylaI went over to a friends house and her mom smokes and i come home and i can't get the smell of smoke out.IM only 13 and it reeks really bad! Also all my clothes and tennis shoes? Does anyone also know how to get the smell out of the school computer backpack? thanks

Invite the kid over here perhaps ?
funny thing is? One of my old answers covers that
but its still off topic. I'd just close that
looks like the pet people don't want a bot
Q: Do we want a chat bot in The Litter Box?

allquixoticSeveral popular rooms on the network are running a chat bot for some time now, including Root Access and JavaScript. There is a decent implementation of a chatbot, written in JavaScript, here. I run the chatbot for Root Access based on my light fork of Zirak's chatbot here (Selenium driver here)...

@allquixotic What is temperature like in your town these days?
ok.. what's with all the spam?
@Boris_yo cold, snowy/rainy/icy
below 0 Celsius very frequently right now
@allquixotic How do you heat up your house? Conditioner? Radiator?
@Boris_yo natural gas furnace
sometimes small space heaters (low wattage)
@allquixotic: not bitcoin mining?
@JourneymanGeek lol
I would, but I'm not very confident in my Radeon's ability to continue being a stable card if I start running it full tilt a lot for heat
it crashes often enough without me trying to run it on a heavy duty cycle
wait what
every time I'm reminded of the existence of Anime & Manga...
> What did Uchiha Madara do to Obito with the Black Zetsu?
(I'm have to admit I do understand some of the words)
Yesterday I've noticed my HDTV has VGA in RGB. That means I don't need to buy external VGA monitor?
@Boris_yo who's Yesterday? your brother?
@allquixotic No but Wednesday is my sister.
Canadians (who like handheld gaming) here? walmart.ca/en/ip/nintendo-2ds-crimson-red/6000134323687
!! s/Canadians/Canucks/
@allquixotic Canucks (who like handheld gaming) here? walmart.ca/en/ip/… (source)
too bad the nearest store is across the city
@Bob yeah, too bad, because otherwise you could buy a previous-generation phone for almost $360, which is hideous for an outdated piece of technology ;p
I won't judge people who want to buy something older, but for heaven's sake, drop the price to a manageable level... -_-
@allquixotic for the price, it's a perfectly good phone
for an S3 I would expect $100-$150
well good for you, I'd be lucky to find a S2 for $200
In the $100-$150 range? Galaxy Y, if we're talking Samsung.
why are phones so much pricier than tablets? are they selling the Nexus 7 at a net loss? is it just an incredible feat of engineering and economies of scale?
(And @ThatBrazilianGuy would probably have to pay $1000 for that)
@Bob lol, yeah, true
@allquixotic ...tablets are more expensive
Here's one of the cheaper S3s => kogan.com/au/buy/samsung-galaxy-s3-16gb-white
@Bob OK, but I consider the Nexus 7 and the new Nexus 7 to be at least middle of the road if not high-end for a 7" tablet (obviously the Nexus 10 and all 10" tablets are pricier), and they slide in under $200 despite being measurably larger than any smartphone
@allquixotic $299 from Google for the 16GB model.
$339 for 32GB, $439 for the LTE
ohh... where was I thinking it was $200? maybe that was a special price for the old one
(those are AU prices - the US is something like $100 cheaper, IIRC)
Some stores go down to about $240, though
(I think those are the original version?)
this whole "you live in a poor / remote country, so we're going to charge hideous markups for high-tech items" business practice is really rubbing me the wrong way... not that it impacts me directly in any sort of negative way, being a USAian, but I don't like that you have to pay $100 more for stuff and TBG has to pay like 5x what I pay
Was looking at S4s. $500, if you're lucky.
that's way more than shipping costs to be sure
@allquixotic Ya, I could buy in the US and shipito would probably be able to deliver such a small package (with insurance) for maybe $30
Might be import duties (free under $1000 here)
but then there was that AUSFTA? Not sure what that means, practically.
free under $1000 is nice; I think where Oliver lives, in the EU, there are import duties for just about anything
@allquixotic they're talking about reducing it
something like $50, I forgot
importing is so ingrained in the US as part of our business model that I don't think there are any taxes on it, or if there are, they are extremely small or only apply to extremely large purchases, because I've never paid a specific tax for importing, only general sales tax
our normal sales tax (GST, similar to VAT) is 10% on the purchase price
we're kind of in love with importing :S and it has its benefits and drawbacks
to the extent that it is economical -- profitable, even -- for companies to import food to the US from China
I think that if you go above $1k, they charge both import duties and GST
how much is your income tax? I think our sales tax is lower but income tax has been a pretty significant penalty on peoples' buying power for many years
Not too happy about this bit of the AUSFTA:
> Australia agreed to extend its copyright expiration period from 50 to 70 years after the author’s death where copyright is calculated on the basis of the life of a natural person, and 70 years after the first performance or publication in other cases.

The agreement expands the rights of patent holders.

The agreement requires legal enforcement of digital rights management systems, however an Australian legislative committee has issued a report stating that this portion of the treaty has a "significant flaw": while the agreement provides permitted exceptions allowing the use of copyright
ugh, that sounds like a nightmare
@allquixotic Me, personally? I fall into the under 18k tax free threshold, but I'm not working full time
actually, I might go over that this year
I really should calculate...
I'm pretty sure my income taxes are a lot lower than Oliver's, and for that I'm thankful, but the sheer number of ways that we get taxed is starting to take its toll
@allquixotic As a whole, Aus income tax is higher than US, I think
But there is the free threshold, which is good for low income earners
heh... instead of levying a huge tax in one specific area, we pay all types of different taxes, but in the end, we basically end up shelling out a little over half of our yearly earnings to some part of the government
of course the rich pay a much smaller percentage
but the poor really don't get much relief
sales tax still applies to them
it looks to be about 10% higher for every bracket (which line up pretty well!)
but that's just income tax
not sure about the rest you guys pay
my state has an added tax for gasoline that other states don't necessarily have, or they have a gas tax but it's cheaper
@allquixotic I guarantee your petrol is still cheaper than here and probably anywhere in the EU
no doubt about that either :P
gasoline is only cheap in the US and China, primarily -- the countries with big scary militaries, lots of land, lots of global influence, and either the moniker of the most powerful country of the previous century (the US) or the most powerful country of the current century (China)
tax on " Gasoline (other than for use as fuel in aircraft) " is 38c/litre on top of the 10% GST
also, interesting that the ATO uses "gasoline", while we normally call it "petrol"
I think it's something like $1.60/L at the pump now
27 cents per gallon for regular unleaded gas in my state
wait, that's the tax, right?
please tell me that's not the final price
that's the tax.
oh good :P
the final price is something like $3.60 USD per gallon these days -- it was much lower earlier in the year but it's been surging upward
otherwise I think I would have to move
if gas were 27 cents per gallon total, the year would have to be, I don't know, 1985
but 27 cents also held more buying power back then than it does now
!!tell allquixotic sleep
@allquixotic BOB,
lol... that command is broken
!!help sleep
@Bob sleep: User-taught command: TO BOB,
it was supposed to say "BOB, GO TO SLEEP"
i think i forgot quotes
!!forget sleep
@Bob Command sleep forgotten.
@allquixotic actually yeah
the nexuses are much cheaper in the US than elsewhere
they want us to buy them, then spend spend spend in the Google Play Store and microtransactions :D
there's $30 of Play credit for $15 right now
but I'd probably never use it anyway
they should just have a government-subsidized Personal Entertainment Device Issuance Program (PEDIP) that hands out free tablets to people and provides routine maintenance and repair (although if you claim to "lose" it or have it "stolen", you don't get a new one) and have the apps, etc. feed tax revenue to the govt data to the NSA.... </sarcasm>
> MSY - 10% off All Gigabyte + Free BBQ / Soft Drinks at Selected Stores
also, that's the store that's like an hour drive away, and I missed the closing time by about ten minutes -_-
10% off gigabyte equipment, so you go there, buy a motherboard 10% off and get free barbecue chicken and soda?
only in Australia
@allquixotic apparently! :P
> 10% off all Gigabyte branded products from MSY this Saturday at selected stores, also free sausages for all.
You don't even need to buy anything? :P
lol wat
sleep time. i HAVE to get up on time tomorrow when my brain is not fried and implement the TableDataVerifier class
@allquixotic: also have a baseline configuration for tablets so everyone is forced to be at least that good.
ditto with nexen
hey there's a branch over in Ultimo!
!!afk finally caught some sleep
@allquixotic Just go already!
TrackID is now available on Android. I thought it was properietary software of Sony?
The Illuminati doesn’t want the public to start investigating on who actually murdered Heath Ledger, so Ledger’s death was kept very  low key, even in this 24/7 tabloid TMZ.Com obsessed world of constant streams of information.
These Illuminati Call Girls are protected and they always live to kill another day.

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