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@Bob Command snore learned
Anyone know how to tell what processing is killing a specific process randomly?
@soandos OS?
@Bob Win 8 (and as an aside, does non-pro not have performance monitor)
@soandos First step is to check the event logs.
all done, nothing shows, and I'm pretty sure its malicious (its tied to the appearance of a randomly generated name as a chrome extension)
both administrative logs, as well as the application and other (I just went through them all)
@Bob does it give just a minidump, or the PID of the offender as well?
@soandos read it :P
(very cool in either case, im now curious about the implentation)
@Bob how did you find that (or just a google search now)?
!!tell 12463535 google windows log process kill
for what its worth, the last two are totally useless. New chatbot?
@soandos He's been here for a bit :)
and, yea, that isn't a particularly refined search
it worked well enough that I didn't bother
Need an opinion: for a server I want to build where the 4 users would have less then 10GB of Data, is there anything wrong with just using 2x 16GB USB sticks in a RAID1 on Linux?
@CanadianLuke uh... performance
also, why the hell would you do that? what's the benefit? it's not like HDDs are expensive
especially for a server
and you also kill any future expansion room
Cause the organization is extremely cheap
back to performance: average consumer HDDs can hit sequential ~100MB/s. You'd be lucky to get 10MB/s read and 4MB/s write on a flash drive
random access might be slightly better, equal or worse (most likely)
also, flash drives fail
Guess I shouldn't mention that I run my home server off of a USB3 flash drive, and store the data on 4x 2TB Red HDDs...
they don't really do wear leveling, especially the cheap ones, so they'll probably fail pretty quickly with any real use
@CanadianLuke a USB3 flash drive of significant size is already approaching the price of a 500GB/1TB HDD
not worth saving $10-20 on
@CanadianLuke Yes, access speed will be dead slow, depending on your USB pen drives.
Ah, scroll down.
@CanadianLuke: so by a server you mean a 'server' ? ;p
heh, that was a fun issue
apparently my raspi hadn't mounted my external USB drive the last few sessions
so, it had saved all of the... very large set of linux livecds I was downloading to the SD card
and then started acting slightly odd cause I ran out of space
@CanadianLuke: what's the bigger picture?
what're you using hardware-wise? how important is this data? what's your budget? how important is speed?
@JourneymanGeek no matter what, I just can't see where flash drives would be preferable over HDDs except possibly portability
and RAID kills portability
Basically, a 50MB Access database, and random Word/Excel files. That's the extent of it
so it needs to be windows
Nope, it's file sharing, so I was going to install Debian
Remember: RAID is not backup.
And flash drives are unreliable enough that I wouldn't even trust RAID on them.
And the other reason for doing Debian was so I could rsync files to my server back home
if you want something cheap, you could probably get some old second-hand machine for $100
because, really, if you're resorting to flash drives for permanent storage, apparently that's your price range for the machine itself.
I think the cheapest spinny hard drive I can get locally is ~65 dollars
/me misses the days when I could get 50 dollar, 500gb hdds
@JourneymanGeek ya, but you might as well skimp on the server hardware, not the storage
I know @bob. I hate used machines, but that's what they bought us, cause they were told they were awesome... P4s... I'm working with what I got
and no storage?
just grab a RasPi and hook up a USB HDD or something. back it up daily. probably better than RAID on flash drives
No, for my workstation
I brought in my own netbook instead
your workstation is a P4?
whoever bought these needs to go out back and....
OK, I'll use proper terminology
!!forget toostupid
@allquixotic Command toostupid forgotten.
My "machine that computers slower than a TI-83+ calculator" is a P4
@allquixotic: along with the the PIVs
!!learn toostupid '<>https://i.sstatic.net/EjqJ2.jpg'
@allquixotic Command toostupid learned
@allquixotic hm. early P4 or slightly more recent PD?
(hell, I'd rather have a PIII than a PIV)
We actually have some PentD machines here
they aren't that bad, honestly
P4. No hyperthreading. Single core.
y = your
@CanadianLuke: ow
...yea, go with the Atom-based netbooks :P
they'll be faster
we cheap out, and our oldest running machine is a core 2 duo
(which badly needs a reinstall and better yet, a new HDD)
apparently Singapore is better-off than Canada
@JourneymanGeek our oldest running machine is a server. it's 9 years old, the only server, running 2003
This isn't for work, it's for a youth organization
(also due for replacement next month)
wait no
got my release years mixed up
@CanadianLuke Just use your phone - it'll be faster.
@allquixotic: oh, we have a pentium M somewhere
Of course it's faster, I'm running a quad-core phone with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage
I remember interning at a place where an engineer had a workstation with an APC battery backup and he said he had like 833 MHz processor and 128 MB of RAM and I was like "...................WOW"
if I had to pull it out of storage, I'd run it off a USB drive simply cause its oldschool IDE and I can't replace the hard drive
@allquixotic but 640k should be enough for anybody!
apparently 128 MB of RAM was serious iron back then
would have been a PIII
so yeah
Gotta run
now? I have 16gb, with 2 slots to spare ;p
@CanadianLuke Good luck.
Thunderbird - 200 MB. Whoops.
Firefox - 2,200 MB. Whoops.
MSE - 85 MB. There goes half your RAM!
pretty sure the Windows Kernel back then ran inside of 1 MB of RAM
(less than)
they needed to leave enough headroom so as not to eat all of a poor user's 32 MB of RAM
now the kernel probably uses more than 100 MB
thats why you don't run ff ;p
<fanboy>qtweb</fanboy> would probably a better option for a older system
@allquixotic Still does now.
good moring to USian guy,Canadian guy , Singapurian dog guy ,Australian guy and chat bot
@Bob if you mean the Windows Executive, sure... but load up a driver -- any driver -- and you'll bust 1 MB easily
the infrastructure for WDDM/Aero is probably 20-30 MB footprint
well, ntoskrnl.exe here is 7,226 KB
that's a bit more than 1 MB
we're all sounding like psychogeek ;p
!! s/cho/co/
@allquixotic we're all sounding like psycogeek ;p (source)
(we also had hard drives that could be measured in megabytes or low gigabytes, and mhz processors, ;p)
True, true...
@allquixotic 72 kB for me :P
@JourneymanGeek I still have a 15 GB HDD in the basement. No idea what's on it. No idea if I can even find out...
(Better than the umpteen boxes of floppies, though.)
@Bob wat? on what OS? Windows 3.1?
@allquixotic 8
weird, I'm on 8.1
@allquixotic he's watching System
heh, apparently I ran out of space on my 32gb SSD on my raspi
@Bob that's how much memory it has mapped
that's not including the image size
cause apparently my media drive got unmounted, and everything was being saved to it. oops.
you can't load a 7 MB image into read-only memory and have the code take less than 7 MB... it has to be in RAM somewhere
ntoskrnl.exe is ~7 MB, that's what I meant, the file size, not the amount of memory it asks for at runtime
but on that topic my "System" process is using 496 KB
AFAIK the private working set doesn't include the image size
you could load a 1 GB executable with tons of "code" that, at runtime, just does return 0; -- the PWS will be small, but the image size will be huge
and it has to go into RAM regardless
(or swap....)
eh, forgot about that
@JourneymanGeek ...I think you said that already
I'm obviously slightly cranky over this ;p
I'm about to ask a question about how to assess the best performing server to ssh into given ssh access to 30+ shared computers. Do you guys think this question should go on Super User, Server Fault, or another Stack Exchange site?
@Backus either SU or SF will probably be fine, though you might get more snark from SF
unless you catch @JourneymanGeek at a bad time
Yeah I always prepare myself for a bit of snark when asking on stack exchange sites
Can anyone connect to ssh://cjbarone.dyndns.org:2202?
there's less on Super User
!!tell 12465217 maybe
fewer neck beards on Super User → less snark on Super User? @allquixotic :P
@CanadianLuke I'm able to establish a connection and get a password prompt
but I don't know the password
OK, I'm not even getting that far... And I'm in the same city!
@Backus I dunno, I cultivate a rather proud neckbeard, but I try not to be too snarky
OK, connected
Must've been a small outage
I don't like newbies very much but I am completely un-snarky to people who show any semblance of competence
You should probably shave your neckbeard then. You sound too tolerant
it should be fine to ask on SU though, it isn't a "code" question (clearly SO) or an "enterprise iron" question (clearly SF)
there are a great many questions that fall within the spectrum of topicality for all three of the trio sites, although the degree to which it falls in ranges from "dubious" to "extremely relevant"; I think this is one of those cases
your question would probably be dubious (but not closed, probably) on SO; pretty much accepted on SF; and quite nicely topical for SU
not enough enterprisiness for SF :P
unless you mention, I don't know, that each SSH server is running on a VMware vCenter guest... THEN you have their attention
the concept that perks me up a little bit is that your question is about performance -- we care a great deal about performance on SU, or well, many of the regulars do
@allquixotic And you're connecting through a VPN, of course. Let's not forget that they're all running on RHEL.
"finding out and measuring stuff" (especially performance stuff) is prime rib for SU
Well, that or Windows XP.
@Bob haha yeah
no, wait! in order for it to be on topic for SF, it has to involve VLANs
VLANs inside a VPN....
I'm getting a little carried away here :p
VLAN in a VPN? Is... what? I'm scared :(
@allquixotic VLANs inside of a virtual machine's VPN connection with a site-to-site L2 VPN on top of it
well, don't forget that you can do Ethernet over GRE :D
your stack could be: physical -> ethernet -> GRE -> ethernet -> IPv4 -> TCP -> etc
you can also do GRE over other things, so you could do physical -> ethernet -> IPv4 -> TCP -> HTTP -> GRE -> ethernet -> IPv6 -> ...
although, the level of overhead at that level....
@CanadianLuke bonus points if it's a nested VM
... All running over a 28.8k modem?
because one level of virtualization isn't slow enough
nested hardware-accelerated VT-x/EPT doesn't add too much overhead, but if you're using software virtualization inside a paravirtualized or hypervised guest, prepare for pain
I'm writing a question about shared machine usage and talking about how "strained" the machine is (as in how much of its resources are already being taken up by others)
@Backus sounds fine, but if you can quantify stuff prior to posting the question, that will really help
I'm sure there is a more technical / common term for what I'm talking about, but I'm not sure
posting your load factors from top would help
@Backus Remind your users that they aren't to play intense console-based games on the box, as that's your job
well, I may have just given you the term
@allquixotic is a very helpful person
load factor is generally used in reference to the CPU (not so much RAM, network, I/O, etc, although it can be used there too) to describe what percentage of the resources are used, or what multiplier beyond the total resource usage is being contended for
the load factor from top works like this: if you have a 1-CPU system (no hyperthreading and 1 core), a load factor of 0.50 means you're using half your CPU resources; 1.0 means you're using it all; and something greater than 1 means that you have tasks demanding more CPU than is available, so they are therefore running at less than optimal speed
if you have more than 1 hardware thread (due to cores, processors, or hyperthreading), the 100% utilization number increases to the number of total threads you have
so if you have a box with two CPUs with six hyperthreaded cores each, 24 total threads, only a load factor of 24.0 would be total utilization
greater than 24.0 in that case would indicate contention for more resources than are available
@allquixotic my snark tends to be useful ;p
@Backus: I believe SF has a question on capacity planning
@JourneymanGeek thanks. I think simply using grepping output from sar on each machine should be sufficient for what I'm trying to do
@JourneymanGeek his question is about how to find the fastest node for SSH out of a system of 30+ boxen... I don't know if that's quite the same as capacity planning
(I'm not the sysadmin I'm a user of the machines)
I understood it as the other way around ;p
not sure if you could just throw all the hostnames / IPs in a newline-delimited file, then loop through them running time ssh ....
or you could loop through each one and run some local diagnostics while SSH'ed in to determine which node is least busy
I was thinking that but I wasn't sure how good of a metric the response time of the machine would be for finding the fastest performing machine
maybe parse the output of top, iotop, etc
Like right now a few hundred students are distributed across these 40 machines all writing and testing their own custom heap allocators
So they're slower that usual
@Backus the fastest responder will generally have an empty (or at least relatively shorter) queue/buffer on the networking stack, which would definitely indicate that it is either processing packets faster, or fewer are coming in
Oh wow checking out top returns all the users on the machine as a result. Thats super useful!
Hm ok.
either way, the fastest responder is probably a good choice, but it depends on what specific resource you're looking for
you might have to blend I/O load factor, CPU load factor and network load factor if your workload needs to use all three
do a weighted average or something maybe
Ah the who command is even better
if the files that the SSH daemon needs to access to authenticate you are all cached in RAM (page cache), you won't hit the disk layer at all by just logging in, probably, which would mean that a simple time ssh would measure CPU and networking, but not I/O load
and the number of users might not be indicative of load if half of them are just sitting there going "hmmmmm how do I fix this compile error" :P
a box with two or three students running multithreaded programs pegging as many CPUs as they can get their hands on, is going to be busier than a box with 15 students using emacs
I do think he has a point there >_>
woohoo, my domain name transfer to namecheap is complete
@JourneymanGeek hehe but he didn't have to edit your post did he? :P
i got a pretty good deal (money-wise) on stuff by transfering... they gave me a bonus year i think
and a free SSL cert
my raspi is being super troublesome today :/
ok, I can't get in at all.
and I don't have time for it right now, exams this week ;p
lol all of my arqade questions are "popular" but I have like, no popular SU questions
well maybe one
I have 24 ;p
oh you've gotta be kidding me
@JourneymanGeek client is running tomcat on a virtual machine with 4 GB of RAM
of course, it's a Windows VM
running a Java-based webserver
is there a good reason for it being a windows vm? ;p
@JourneymanGeek oh, that's not the main problem
it never is ;p
2 hours later…
@Boris_yo @CanadianLuke It's a 60 GB SSD I plan to use for swap, actually. 32 GB RAM installed which means that with proper swappiness settings in the kernel, I probably won't hit swap at all except under truly exceptional circumstances, but I also use ZFS which can be quite memory-hungry and does not play well at all with the out-of-memory killer. Also I'd like to implement hibernation later, which in Linux uses swap space rather than as in Windows a separate file on disk.
@MichaelKjörling Did you read article, link of which I gave to Oliver Salsburg?
@Boris_yo No, I looked back through the transcript but don't think I saw such a link. Would you mind posting it again?
I know putting heavily used swap space on a SSD isn't the best of ideas in terms of device longevity, but like I said, in my case I likely won't hit it much at all, if indeed at all to begin with (before enabling hibernation). I view swap space as a safety buffer, not a replacement for RAM.
@Boris_yo Thanks, having a look at it now.
@MichaelKjörling Read all the comments with good information too.
Yeah, like this one: "Pagefiles are a relic of the past, dating back to the times when memory was scarce, only 2, 4 or maybe 8 GB memory" :D The first PC I used to do much serious stuff on had 4 MB RAM, later upgraded to a whopping 8 MB. Stuff ran at an amazing speed with that upgrade.
I honestly don't recall how much RAM the first PC I used at all had, but it was a 286, which sort of dates it.
@MichaelKjörling Mine was Pentium 166-MMX with 8MB of RAM and Unreal FPS was slideshowing. After upgrade to 16MB it became more playable.
@MichaelKjörling: I might take a differing view here
if you have a SSD primarily for swap, while your SSD itself may wear out, you don't really risk data loss
yeah, they're bigger SSDs but they've lasted well past 300TB of writes
(also, since you're using zfs and a ssd, you can probably split if up so you can have swap, ZIL and l2arc on the ssd)
which may wear out the drive sooner..
@JourneymanGeek That's roughly the way I figure it too. While the drive itself might wear out, if a part of "RAM" becomes read-only the likely result would seem to be a system crash because of invalid state of some data structures. And with 32 GB RAM and a swappiness value of 10, well... let's just say I don't really hit swap a lot even now.
Plus, I'd much rather stress a swap device a little more and even if only by a slim margin reduce the likelihood of failure of the system drive. Backups run automatically every 24 hours so even with a total failure I don't lose much (especially since system files don't change much), but I don't fancy rushing out to buy new hardware and restoring from backup either.
For such use, a cheaper (in absolute terms), smaller SSD would seem almost ideal. And yes, the idea of putting ZIL and L2ARC on one has crossed my mind as well.
If anything, ZFS would be the write hog on such a combined drive.
(just to put it out there anything I know of ZFS is via osmosis from other people talking about it or wikipedia. It might be, for all I know, a horrible idea ;p)
Actually I think lots of people do use SSDs for L2ARC in particular. It's supposed to help performance. I don't really suffer from low performance. ;)
yeah, I know this cause I've seen people talk about it ;p
they guy who's the expert is a tiny bit picky over what hardware he uses though
(alas, consumer level ram drives never caught on)
@JourneymanGeek Just teeny-tiny? :)
"If you're running ZFS without ECC RAM, you're asking for trouble" is a pretty common sentiment among some people too.
@MichaelKjörling: yeah, just a bit ;p
(mostly uses HP gear, and certified SSDs ;p)
"Certified"? As in "certifiable nuts"?
naw, the manufacturer has tested it
often more expensive but you know it bloody well works
And if it doesn't, there's someone to blame.
of course, he also tends to work with PCIe SSDs a lot
some interesting stuff there
Same reason, mostly, why I use enterprise-grade drives for anything but ephermal storage.
(Is that a contradiction?)
Wrong link?
my drives are random ;p
250gb samsung 840 (cheap and decent) 3tb HGTS (which backblaze seems to love) 40gb fujitsu (for linux, cost me a tenner) and a 250gb hard drive with bad sectors for ephermal storage (trying to kill the thing)
at some point I'm pondering getting a consumer nas, or building one off an old atom box I have lying around
@JourneymanGeek I've thought about that as well, but it wouldn't really save me much because I'm almost always on my main PC anyway. Which has the heavy storage.
@MichaelKjörling: its more the versatility
same reason I use a raspi as a download box
(also I don't leave my main PC on cause the fans are lit)
The main problem for me right now is that the system drive appears to be dying. But really, after a service life of over 42000 hours (four years nine months), I'm not complaining. I'm pretty sure it came with a five years warranty but I don't think I'm going to bother.
SMART reports 42247 power-on hours.
dying as in running slowly?
No, dying as in throwing occasional read or write command timeouts.
Q: Given a kernel ATA exception, how to determine which physical disk is affected?

Michael KjörlingI woke up this morning to a notification email with some rather disturbing system log entries. Dec 2 04:27:01 yeono kernel: [459438.816058] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0xf SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen Dec 2 04:27:01 yeono kernel: [459438.816071] ata2.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED ...

SLIGHT chance it may be just the cable
Started a little over a week ago, happens a few times once or twice a day now, seemingly not correlating with heavy activity.
backed up I assume?
Full system backup once every 24 hours, with revision history.
(Yes, I've been bit by crashing drives before.)
I'm not too worried as long as the errors are being reported and logged. But it's a slippery slope that I'd rather not stay on for too long.
I need to be better about backups ;p
more so since I got bitten by something I SHOULD have backed up but didn't ;p
I learned after a small handful of crashes and doG knows how many user errors.
oh, this is some software thats badly outdated in squeeze
The plan is to add redundancy to the main storage ZFS pool too. Right now it's only a single drive; I plan to add one more and run a mirror pair before doing much of anything else to the storage solution.
I wasn't planning on replacing the system drive now but...
and since its on a raspi, I can neither upgrade to jessie (tried it, went badly) so the only way to get a new copy is to compile
no time like the present? ;p
Well, it's Squeeze, what do you expect? ;)
@JourneymanGeek That's in the field of temporal mechanics.
@MichaelKjörling: my attempt to upgrade to jessie went badly ;p
Mirroring doesn't help me if I screw up, but it does help tons if there's a physical drive failure.
but snapshots will help you if you screw up ;p
As long as the screwup doesn't involve the "destroy" operation. :P
All things considered, I'd probably rather have redundancy than no redundancy, now that the system offers the capability of both redundancy as well as using it to silently recover from (recoverable) errors.
@MichaelKjörling @JourneymanGeek With SSD becoming read-only and 32GB of RAM you won't encounter system crash but will lose unsaved data (which you could not save anyway on read-only SSD) and may not boot properly or at all if critical data could not be saved on last shutdown.
@Boris_yo Um... wasn't the issue the swap earlier? Swap is supposed to be ephermal. The data files are backed up so worst case I'd lose the last day's worth of changes to the OS and configuration. I think I could live with that.
@MichaelKjörling When SSD becomes read-only, not only is it problem with swap if at all, but any data that was crucial to be written before shut down was made.
@Boris_yo So it will behave roughly (not exactly) as if I'd done a forced power off. Not nice, but not a huge problem. If it's really a problem, I'll just restore from the most recent backup. I'd need a new drive at that point anyway.
Everything critical is on the ZFS pool anyway, where it's protected by ZFS' copy-on-write behavior, multiple layers of checksumming and for the really critical data multiple redundant copies.
@Boris_yo: I assume that everything dies
If its important but not sensitive, I store it on dropbox/googledrive/btsync ;p
@JourneymanGeek Besides loss data, it could also be corrupted OS.
I just reinstall ;p
@MichaelKjörling Z File System by Oracle?
@JourneymanGeek Everything that has beginning has an end...
Alibaba sellers know how to sell...
"Instant trust"
> With regards to the server specs, we will be looking at a server with just over 1Tb of storage, 32Gb memory, dual quad core processors, redundant power supplies, raid controller, with options on backup drives.
this is to replace a 9-year-old server...
"overkill" mean anything to these guys?
@MichaelKjörling Swap is used to improve performance even with an abundance of memory.
Swapping out something that is rarely accessed frees up RAM for caching other files.
@Bob: actually? thats not much ram and storage for a dual quad core processor ;p
blah, I wish I still had 2 home internet connections github.com/Morhaus/dispatch-proxy ;p
@Bob I rebooted the PC last night actually so the numbers aren't completely representative, but right now it's sitting at 17 GB RAM free and of the used, buffers+cache is a little over 1 GB.
@JourneymanGeek What is this exactly?
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