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giggle keeps segfaulting, what do I do?
btw, if I ping Oli... which of them I will ping? Oli or Olivander Wand-maker?
@ThatBrazilianGuy JUST FIX IT! (TM)
@Braiam Sure, pay me years of programming courses, then invent me a time machine, then I will fix it yesterday.
For free, even.
give me 400 years to invent the time machine...
Damn, it is still broken. Why didn't you buy me a time machine tomorrow?
@Braiam If you invent a time machine, you don't need 400 years. If you can live 400 years, you don't need a time machine.
Hm. OliverSalzburg isn't here but if I type @ his name shows up, but not allquixotic, terdon, slhck
@ThatBrazilianGuy Geek is here much more than me
!!tell 12434998 fixit
It works \o/
@allquixotic btw, the new Firefox version of the extension was approved
@OliverSalzburg that was meant for @ThatBrazilianGuy right?
@Braiam Well, you said "fix it" ;P
@Bob you select the background in the original image, then clear it, after adding an alpha channel to the original image. then you copy and paste the whole thing into a new layer in the dest image ;p
@OliverSalzburg awesome!
@allquixotic the original image didn't have a background
@Bob it probably had semi-transparency, then. you could've semi-flattened the layer first
@Bob i had to google a few tutorials to do my hattage for my gravatar in GIMP 2.8.10 on Windows, but it works well once you know what you're doing... which is pretty true of any advanced image editor
@allquixotic fully transparent as far as I could tell
worked perfectly fine in PS
then again, neither of my source images had a transparent background; they had a white background that I had to fuzzy select
if you ignore the ridiculous flickering due to Win8 + switchable D:<
@Bob for some reason, that emoticon is very hard for my brain to process
an angry disgusted face, I get it now, but I had to tilt my head to see it
I much prefer unicode with a stupid number of superscripts that breaks out of the boundary of the chat line :D
!!help fixit
@allquixotic fixit: User-taught command: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhy7dXWjpAA
!!forget fixit
@allquixotic Command fixit forgotten.
!!learn fixit '<>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhy7dXWjpAA'
@allquixotic Command fixit learned
!!help fixit
@allquixotic fixit: User-taught command: <>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhy7dXWjpAA
i should just patch the bot so it always prepends <> to link-only learned commands
!! learn uio '<>!! NO'
@Gowtham Command uio learned
!! uio
Hmm i could start a infinite loop if only Chatbot listens to his own messages :/
@Gowtham Command uio learned
!! NO
!! no
10 mins ago, by allquixotic
@ThatBrazilianGuy Geek is here much more than me
@JourneymanGeek doesn't count. He's a component of the SE engine, therefore never offline.
He has been here consistently since I found this place
@bob is here half the time too ;p
@Gowtham See? Proof!
@Gowtham even when it's 4:30 AM local time and he should be asleep.
!!help sleep
@allquixotic Command sleep does not exist.
@allquixotic He's a crazy fox
!!learn sleep BOB, GO TO SLEEP.
@allquixotic Command sleep learned
@ThatBrazilianGuy actually, I'm a dog. I just have odd waking hours
@allquixotic You're off by several hours.
I also have to point out your hypocrisy here :P
(Also, I wasn't even on here until i got pinged - that noise is.. distinctive)
oops, I woke up bob. Now someone needs to pat him until he sleeps :/
@JourneymanGeek SE has Clippy, why can't it have a dog?
@OliverSalzburg Version 25.0? Without .SVG image browser crash?
Q: Chat Reply Helper for Stack Exchange sites

Oliver Salzburg Press : to start replying to a previous message. Press ↑ as many times as you need to mark the desired message. What does it do? First of all, the Chat Reply Helper for Stack Exchange sites provides a simple key combination to select a message to reply to. This removes the need to grab the...

@Bob Especially when you have headphones on with 80% volume. It's like sound hammer hitting your eardrum.
@Boris_yo Yea, thank you for demonstrating -_-
@Bob What do you mean? I only shared unpleasant experience I had recently.
@Boris_yo He doesn't like getting pinged
@Gowtham Oh that explains it now but previously Bob never complained about it to me.
Bob's moody ;p
@Gowtham Okay I won't ping him today anymore.
HostGator 75% Off Cyber Monday. Who wanted blog here?
They had $72 for 3-year baby plan shared hosting. That's rare.
@Bob I disabled that sound right off the bat... it's the first thing I always do when I join chat on a browser that doesn't have my cookie
@Boris_yo I applied to work at HostGator :-)
they were willing to hire me, but I found a better (closer) job :-)
I would be much poorer if I took the job with HostGator because I would have to move several thousand miles and pay for more expensive accommodations
in the phone interview they gave me remote ssh into a test server they had, and they were monitoring my commands, and asked me to do a few things
they wanted to know why a given file couldn't be deleted even as root
@allquixotic ooh how is that not possible
hello @TomWijsman
@Gowtham I looked at ACLs, UNIX permissions, SELinux, the logs, fsck, lsof, dmesg, and couldn't figure it out... I gave up... they said that their test kernel was custom patched to have that file and to deny the permission but they wanted to see the candidate try various things to figure it out to see what they know
on a real kernel that can happen if your filesystem is hosed
also you might have su or sudo mangled into something malicious or not functioning correctly, and your shell might lie about PS1 and actually display # for a regular user
@allquixotic You mean you had to commute several thousand miles and pay for expensive accomodations? By accomodations you mean residence?
hmm, interesting, they compiled a custom kernel to recruit someone
@Boris_yo no, i would have had to move and live somewhere else, in another part of the US
I still don't understand SELinux :/
@allquixotic That's called relocation?
And @TomWijsman doesn't come here often these days
@Boris_yo yes
@allquixotic I guess this is the last to resort to?
@Gowtham I'm here every day.
they were willing to pay a very small relocation fee, not nearly enough to cover costs
@TomWijsman but you talk less than you used to
@TomWijsman but you don't talk !
@TomWijsman Last time we talked was months ago...
i see you pop up in the user list all the time (who could miss Taylor Swift?...) but you don't talk much
@allquixotic ahh the "Kobayashi Maru" test :-)
True, but I'm still here. ;)
@Psycogeek exactly lol
@TomWijsman Your body is here but spirit is in another dimension.
speaking of, we seem to have missed the !!taytaytay command, due to bot memory erasure a while ago
@Psycogeek How does one translate Kobayashi Maru?
@Gowtham Nah, I don't really mind pings.
Kinda like them sometimes.
@Boris_yo i don't know the literal translation but it's Japanese and it basically means "impossible test" or "unwinnable scenario"
And I do a lot of pinging, too - be a bit hypocritical to hate them :P
there are several interview / job application / military training situations where it can be useful
The Kobayashi Maru is a test in the fictional Star Trek universe. It is a Starfleet training exercise designed to test the character of cadets in the command track at Starfleet Academy. The Kobayashi Maru test was first depicted in the opening scene of the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and also appears in the 2009 film Star Trek. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Dr. McCoy referenced the test as an example of the no-win scenario that he and Captain Kirk were facing. The test's name is occasionally used among Star Trek fans or those familiar with the series to describe a ...
@allquixotic lsattr ¬_¬, no need to patch a kernel...
the point of the test isn't to win; the point is to observe how the candidate/trainee thinks about the situation to try and give themselves the best chance
@allquixotic What department you were offered position in?
A test like that would probably drive me mad ;p
@Boris_yo sysadmin / customer service rep... basically someone who goes into servers and helps them configure stuff or troubleshoot
@TomWijsman Command taytaytay learned
@Gowtham I knew it! HostGator are fans of Star Trek!
!!/tell 12436221 TayTayTay
@Gowtham I would delete the whole system, and say there its gone :-)
@TomWijsman I'm going to re-learn that command with the <> (see the pinned message on the starwall), okay?
@allquixotic Is it by chat, email or phone? Phone is my weak spot.
!! forget taytaytay
@Gowtham Command taytaytay forgotten.
@allquixotic o.O cheating! :P
!! learn taytaytay '<>http://i.imgur.com/SYvAqgs.gif'
@Gowtham Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
@Gowtham Command taytaytay learned
or Gowtham will beat me to it
@Boris_yo phone, with simultaneous SSH
they had a login script on the server so that when you SSH'ed in, you'd fork off a screen or something that they could observe your shell buffer to see you type in real time
the interview questions were given over phone but you "answered" by typing
!!forget forget
@TomWijsman You are not authorized to delete the command forget
most of my verbal answers were "there...." after getting the result desired
it started out REALLY simple but then got fairly complex
the first one was like go to the test directory in your home folder
then it was "get information about the running system hardware and software and tell me the important points"
so uname -a, cat /etc/issue, cat /proc/cpuinfo, etc

You will be assigned to visit a shop.
You need to "pretend" to be a normal potential customer who is looking for a particular service or product.
You will then finish an on-line questionnaire to share with us your customer experience.


16 Years old or above.
Can speak local language well.
Can read and write english.
No experience needed like shopping.

Job pay:

You will get $200 for each assignment.
Most of the time you will only need to spend 20 minutes on the visit.
> No experience needed like shopping.
So people who have never been to a store before, ever qualify for this... K
> 16 Years old
now they also scam 16 yro?
I've been monitoring prices for some cryptocurrencies today and a question came up. Why don't people just purchase a ton of coins at an exchange where the rate is low right now and sell on another exchange where the price is high? It seems like there are pretty large price differences
@OliverSalzburg I just noticed that the reply showcased on your stackapps page for the chat reply helper is a message by me, lol
I guess considering the high percentage of messages in this chat from me, that's hardly surprising
the only other ones it could've been are Bob and JMan
!!tell 12436533 yes
@allquixotic: but a pretty large proportion of mine probably say lol
just testing the extension -- works fantastically!
@JourneymanGeek or ;p
I was hoping you have information for me :P
I have no idea why people don't just buy low and sell high -- my only thought is transaction fees can be high
you would think that the exchanges would fairly rapidly equalize on the same price level if there were enough of a difference that simply buying and selling, even including transaction fees, would net you a significant profit
I mean heck, someone could create a bot that scrapes all the exchanges' prices and makes incremental money, even pennies on the dollar, by selling whenever it's profitable, and just run that on a VPS somewhere and pay for the VPS and then some
that kind of "work" is beneath me, though... fruitless moving of money is the kind of stuff that HFT scum do
do something of value to society ffs
@allquixotic also takes a while, and the market's volatile enough that prices can change a fair bit in that time
@Bob true
> I have no idea why people don't just buy low and sell high
When price is low, people think "meh, no value, me not wants it"; when it is hight, people think "oh, shiny, me wantsss"
Back in 2009 I was in the crew of a video channel for stock market lessons, and learned 95% of people behave like this
@ThatBrazilianGuy he's talking about low and high at the same time in different exchanges
@Bob I would buy in one and sell in the other, then profit the difference between sell/buy values
or he's telling that people do not do that?
...that's exactly what's being discussed, yes
my theory is that the prices can change enough in the time a transaction takes to go through that it's rather risky
remember that bitcoin transactions are not instananeous
hm. apparently only about 15 mins average... not as bad as I thought
then I suppose it depends a bit on how big that difference is, and how quickly it changes
I remember times were lagging because someone started to make several (about thousands) transactions in a very short span of time... miners were happy tho...
Wait, is it a single bitcoin worth ~USD1000?
I think I had about USD5 in bitcoin months ago
Does it mean I have now USD50? Hmmmmmmm
value shot up recently
Now I just have to remember in which damn HDD my coins are
(and go back in time and kick myself really hard for not having bought A LOT of coins)
I wanted to invest today, but that is crazy territory. First of all it's insane how hard it is to get coins from real money. And every step along the way you have to pay a cut
Until you get your 500€ worth of BTC, you've paid 520€
Nah, wait for all the BTC craze to pass.
And if you want to sell, you have to pay the same cuts again
Or mount a mining cluster
@ThatBrazilianGuy That's what I did 2 years ago!
@ThatBrazilianGuy It seemed like trading is a lot easier and has much higher gains than mining
A few months back I have been in a room here at my work that has a machine that was in the top 100 list once. At the moment I thought "it might even render Crisis 2". Now I have.... other ideas ;)
@ThatBrazilianGuy the value of bitcoins has gone up, but the value of a fixed amount of hashing computation has gone down exponentially
I'm all ears ;D
btw, reading the chat on btc-e is mindblowing
Just kidding, obviously I'm not gonna break into a huge lab to mine bitcoin.
It's hard to believe that these people have money
@ThatBrazilianGuy obviously
@ThatBrazilianGuy you should convince them to mine bitcoin "For Science" and give it to you
also, depends on how long ago it was in the top 100 -- if it was in 2004, you might be able to produce similar amounts of computation with a single GTX TITAN
if it was in 2010... well, that's very nice
@allquixotic Join effort between CS and Economy studies, right? To test theories in a real, fast changing environment?
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes, exactly
interdisciplinary studies in the monetary ascension of a lowly sysadmin (or whatever it is you do) and subsequent migration to the first world ;p
@allquixotic #1 in LA in 2010. 7k processors, 65 teraflops.
for the purposes of the test however you have to agree to have brain scanners attached to your head (electrodes)
65 teraflops is about 12 GTX TITANs :P
oh, #1 in Latin America... gotcha
World #86 (back in 2010)
the modern worldwide supercomputers (global top 100) run thousands of current-gen Nvidia ASICs, usually attached to AMD Opterons due to their high core density
Damn, I gotta stop giving info that can be used to track me +_+"
most of the compute punch comes from the Nvidia Teslas
the CPUs are mainly for I/O and coordination, not for number crunching
which apparently AMD is really good at
TSMC must be happy as a frog in a gnat swarm with AMD and Nvidia releasing multiple generations of devices on the 28nm node, and giving them so much value out of that process
I'm sure they've been asking about the 22nm node or smaller, but TSMC is probably like !!no until we make tons of B$ on 28nm
@ThatBrazilianGuy Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
i.e., one of the very few companies on the planet capable of HKMG bulk semiconductor fabrication at process nodes smaller than 45 nm
Intel does their own thing with GlobalFoundries (funded by Intel) so they run on different node sizes than TSMC, but TSMC makes both Nvidia and AMD GPUs
meaning every AMD APU, every AMD graphics card, every Nvidia graphics card and compute card, most smartphone and tablet SoCs, and probably a lot of other assorted stuff, rolls off of TSMC's foundries
oh and let's not forget the PS4 and Xbox One APUs (which are both AMD parts)
isn't globalfoundries AMDs old fab division?
> ... a lowly sysadmin (or whatever it is you do) ...
In fact, what do I do? I wonder each day. The application process is for one area, the team is (supposed to be of) other area, and the actual work is... well... whatever shows up x_x
@JourneymanGeek I don't recall... I thought Intel spun off GlobalFoundries but you may be right that it's AMD... ah well... yeah Intel appears to own their own fabs
user image
@allquixotic: intel does
AMD is basically entirely dependent on a third pty company for their revenue/profit though because they're fabless... Intel would never fab AMD GPUs or CPUs, so TSMC is their only choice
and recently opened up to outsiders.
@allquixotic: intel might!
I would be astonished if AMD broke their long-standing tradition of fabbing with TSMC and convinced Intel to fab for them
Intel seems to be in command as far as the speed of spinning up their fabs on new nodes and scaling it up, even better than TSMC, but they want to reserve that goodness for Intel products
intel is 2 generations or more ahead on process sizes
Guess you all knew it
@JourneymanGeek and right as TSMC is planning to slightly leapfrog Intel by moving to 20nm (20nm is smaller than 22nm obviously), Intel is getting ready in 2014 to release the die shrink of Haswell
@ThatBrazilianGuy yup
intel's looking at 14 nm ;p
then again, Intel only has to spin up their fabs for their specific ASICs -- TSMC has to produce a more general purpose fab because they have to support both Nvidia's style and AMD's style
!!help billgates
iirc they're currently making arm processors for someone
@Braiam Command bil does not exist.
@Braiam Command bill does not exist.
@Braiam Command billgates does not exist.
AMD's parts tend to be bulk CMOS, whereas Nvidia's parts are Silicon on Insulator
those are very different processes, and TSMC supports both at 28nm
they have to, because GCN parts are bulk, and GTX 680 and later are still SOI
and TSMC makes both at 28nm
IIRC bulk is easier on the fab as far as difficulty and defect rate, but the end product has to be engineered a bit more conservatively because of worse leakage
so, what it's stoping AMD is the revenues of the maker of chips for the competency... noted
@Braiam well, TSMC has a huge financial incentive to resist allowing AMD and Nvidia to tap into a smaller node at a faster rate, because the more value they get out of continuously producing chips at a given node, the more their investment (which is enormous) is leveraged
they put many $MMillions into the process and get many $BBillions out... but if they jump node to node to node every few years, the $BBillions out is less
they can basically profit by being complacent
and since Intel still has no answer for discrete GPU, there's an actual market for the same old process node chips
with very incremental improvements based on chip layout R&D and software and firmware stuff like new Direct3d
(and of course die size increases)
I think we might see one more (that totals three generations) GPU iteration from AMD and Nvidia on the 28nm process before they start 20nm
I'm sure AMD and Nvidia are working on 20nm right now, but they also probably have one final product on the pipeline closer to release that's 28nm
@JourneymanGeek how ash looks when he becomes a hipster
TSMC would only worry and have to speed up their node shrinks if Intel was like, today, "Introducing the new Intel Tiger's Den platform, a flagship PCI Express 3.0 gaming-focused GPU with 8 TFlops built on the 14nm node, debuted as the Xeon G5000"
they'd have Nvidia and AMD basically saying "if you don't give us 20nm or smaller now, we will stop selling GPUs"
also to follow up on earlier bulk vs CMOS discussion
> The primary barrier to SOI implementation is the drastic increase in substrate cost, which contributes an estimated 10–15% increase to total manufacturing costs. (link)
that accounts for Nvidia being 10-15% more expensive at comparable performance to AMD :P
and how he looks when its Christmas
O_O, SO close queue will hit 100k in next days...
@Braiam they should just handle the issue by automatically closing every question asked on SO, and only manually voting to reopen the questions that are known to be valid
or questions posted by users with more than 10k rep
@allquixotic I flagged to close a >10k rep user question (of course I answered it first :P) so maybe you can't do that...
@Braiam ah, so you're a mixed messenger
1. user asks terrible question
2. answer it
3. VTC and flag
4. upvote
dun hav 3k rep... :(
@Braiam We need to crowdfund someone to take care of it
Or maybe I should just go in there and crush through it ;P
Take a couple of days off, buy a sack of cocaine, close some questions
@OliverSalzburg amazon mechanical turk!
@allquixotic err... I don't upvote bad/ot questions :(
I was busy trying to set up one of these (the Chinese "FAST" version, though): newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704121
I already had one of these working as an AP, but I was trying to get another of them to work in client mode
This is so that my father's desktop (which doesn't have Wi-Fi) can get online wirelessly as well
In client mode, to access the configuration control panel, you need to turn off DHCP and set a static IP. When finished, you remove the static IP and re-enable DHCP. Why? The documentation says that this is because of a "DHCP conflict".
I don't fully understand why there would be a "DHCP conflict".
damn you google ads
@Ash I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
@DragonLord because you can't have two dhcp servers in the same network offering ip's right and left
first make sure that the static configuration works as intended then once everything is a-OK leave DHCP doing it's magic
Well, both computers are now online. I simply find it odd that I need to assign a static IP to access the control panel.
@Ash What is this ad about?
@Boris_yo The Beatles "I am the Walrus" song.
@Boris_yo that made you curious too ?
long story short : I dint see it.
I am now using an old laptop with less than 200 mb of RAM.(midori browser ) & midori crashes at any image that it encounters.Sadly , it crashed when i tried to load that page .
@ThatBrazilianGuy whats it about the "I am walrus song "
I dont quiet get it.
more over every single web page I search for it crash before me except root acceess
Damn you midori
@Ash Why you are using this laptop?
If you ment "For what are you using this" - mainy for typing something with kate .
Also when there is rain and thunder outside.
I can't risk my PC when its thunder outside
well "for why " - i dont earn
so i cant buy a new one as long as i am unemployed.
@JourneymanGeek lessons form adafruit are so damn good.
@Boris_yo you know what this "walrus song " is about ?
openclipart.org/people/GR8DAN/showbizframe.svg : this aint crash midori while it crashed firefox.
@Ash Why exactly link to it and let others suffer the crash? You could specify address without hyperlinking to it. You almost owed me second core of my i5 processor.
@JourneymanGeek I dub her "JourneywomanNerd":
@allquixotic please, no porn.
I just switched chat because @terdon mentioned "porn"... what kind of human I'm??
@Braiam a male one
A disappointed male one I hope, else you may have more serious problems... ;)
I have a Raspberry Pi that provides a network share (via SMB). I have one of the shares mapped to a network drive on my Windows box. However, every time I boot the box, I get an error that "Windows could not reconnect to all network drives."
The Raspberry Pi is always on, so I don't see how this is possible...
@NathanOsman maybe windows is trying to connect before it gets an ip...
@NathanOsman are you mapping using IPs or server names?
IP addresses... I think...
They are handed out from my router via DHCP.
@NathanOsman I have the same behavior with some remote shares as well. Look for a solution on the Windows side
@NathanOsman try with static ips, check if it gets better...
Is there any way to delay reconnecting to remote shares when the PC boots?
Damn, I had this issue with a WD drive that was acting as a NAS, could connect to it fine on Linux but windows machines had issues like this. @NathanOsman try setting it up to use the IP, not RASPBERRYPI, but 192.168.1.whatever
I'll try that.
If that solves it, just switch your Pi to static IP. That tends to be a good idea for devices that are always part of the network anyway. A surprising amount of network issues come down to dynamic IPs.
@terdon you mean NetBIOS :P
Well, the IP addresses are not random - the router always hands out the same IP addresses to the same devices via DHCP.
@Braiam yeah. Among other things
@NathanOsman this is the voice of experience rather than any actual knowledge. I have just very often fixed random connectivity issues by giving things fixed IPs.
Name resolution is surprisingly finicky (at least if you're not an expert which I'm not) and I find that static IPs solve most of my problems.
I can't seem to set it up that way. I browse to "\\" in Windows Explorer and click "Map Network Drive".
That seemed to work after signing out.
@NathanOsman so it works? Oh, and which Windows is this? I saw differences in the same network between a vista machine and a win7 one
Windows 8.1.
I haven't tried an actual reboot yet.
One sec.
*drum rolls*
Seems to have worked.
You're welcome :)
wtf is going on with GitHub? I'm getting unicorns all over the place!
@OliverSalzburg I don't see any unicorns... only ponies D:
@Braiam It's normalizing now
@OliverSalzburg I'm not seeing anything at all.
Anybody knows how many people in the world have access to internet every day?
i tried Google
more than 12 for sure
@terdon 42
Of course!
i think its 1 billion
or 1.5
a long time ago when I was talking to some guy on IM, I "invented" (air quotes) a mathematical system called ansal (shortened answer + "al") where the sequence of natural numbers consisted of { 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, ... } and applying any operation (elementary function, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, derivatives, integrals, everything) to any number always produced 42 as a result
log(42) = 42, 42^42! = 42, -42 - 42 = 42, etc.
indeed, under such a system, it is impossible to "count" (in the sense that we think of counting) anything other than 42 things
so we have 42 fingers, 42 mothers, 42 fathers, 42 hearts, etc
!!help no
@allquixotic no: User-taught command: <>http://i.stack.imgur.com/M0Ngk.png
A: BSD fortune for Windows command prompt or DOS

allquixoticFrom examining the source code of fortune.c from fortune-mod, it seems like significant porting effort would be required to make this compile natively on Windows. Cygwin is probably your best bet; all you'll have to do is ship the Cygwin runtime DLLs alongside the built EXE, and you won't have to...

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