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@Braiam I doubt he's sweating
hi, i'm having trouble setting up DNS for my personal server. my domain is canisruf.us and I'm registered with theparsec and should be using this nameserver: ns1.shopco.com
when i set my computer to use that dns, it works. it hasn't propagated tho
and it's been five or six days
anybody know what could be wrong?
@allquixotic sweet
@canisrufus sounds like a problem with whatever shopco is
this is really a problem that cannot be resolved (or understood) by us; you just need to contact whomever is in control of those server(s) / hosting companies and get them to explain to you either what you're doing wrong, or what they are doing wrong
@allquixotic can you explain what you mean by your more elegant oneboxes?
!!tell 12358699 maybe
@rlemon see how I had to type your message ID to do that?
I don't want to have to do that
!!tell rlemon maybe
so you just want the @Name to find their last message and reply?
not a onebox. busted.
@rlemon yes, that would be nice, or just have it flat-out splat it without pinging anybody
@allquixotic okay, thanks. I've emailed theparsec domains and hadn't heard back. Maybe I'll email shopco/try to figure out how to transfer to a different DNS provider
maybe a !!learnraw cmd outputregex that splats the output directly without pinging the person who did it, so that !!cmd would just make the bot literally say whatever
there should be a way to do this right now actually.
!!learn rlemon '<>http://m.memegen.com/mddrea.jpg'
@rlemon Command test already exists
@rlemon Command rlemon learned
nice... <> does what exactly?
hmm... also
!!tell rlemon rlemon
!!tell 12358759 rlemon
ok, so <> fixes a direct unpinged splat
the old direct reply method still works
is there a DNS registrar that y'all particularly like?
@canisrufus many of us here use namecheap or godaddy
@allquixotic yes, it runs directReply instead of reply iirc
@rlemon I guess my only request then is !!tell whomever command would find the most recent message by whomever and reply to that message
unless it can't find a message by whomever, in which case it would do what it does now
hrm. there would need to be limits on how many messages up it looks
for our implementation at least. we still rely on the browser. that transcript stays on the page.
@rlemon understandable that it would be limited, I'm not saying to search the entire transcript of chat
most of the time when I'd run !!tell whomever no etc, I would be replying to a very recent message (last 10 or so)
nono, if you don't refresh the page old messages never go away. you can have days of transcript on the page at once
@rlemon I see... that might explain why my FF instance on my server eats lots of RAM ;-)
(I used to work as a SQA - so whenever a new idea is presented I instantly think of "how could this go horribly wrong" )
in either case, stopping the search beyond, say, 50 messages (or lower/higher if you start to notice a serious performance problem beyond a certain number) would be sane
!!tell 12357721 yes
@OliverSalzburg O_O?
are you working on something for it actually?
Have fun ;P
@OliverSalzburg you are awesome :D
!!info rlemon
@allquixotic Command rlemon, created by rlemon on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 18:05:14 GMT, invoked 3 times
Should work fine. I'll push it to the web store
@OliverSalzburg can you describe how it works from a user POV?
!!help rlemon
@allquixotic rlemon: User-taught command: <>http://m.memegen.com/mddrea.jpg
Chatbot Users Room Project: Please help us rewrite learned image macro commands by first calling !!forget commandname then !!learn commandname '<>http://whatever.url' -- call !!help commandname to see if it's already done for that command. Thanks!
!!help no
@allquixotic no: User-taught command: http://i.stack.imgur.com/M0Ngk.png
!!forget no
@allquixotic Command no forgotten.
@allquixotic Instead of using : to trigger the script, you use !!tell. Everything else is the same as always
!!learn no '<>https://i.sstatic.net/M0Ngk.png'
@allquixotic Command no learned
@OliverSalzburg oh ok, so you type !!tell, then use arrow keys, or click on message to get its msgid, right? :D
that's actually quite awesome
humm, i am using firefox... will see about building it locally
unless somehow you already have it out on mozilla web store :)
i recall you had problems with their review
!!mustache canisrufus
@canisrufus apparently your profile pic isn't facelike enough to be mustached ;(
Wow, that one is really good! What image library is it using? Seems like it's real!
@allquixotic Keyboard only. I haven't messed with the reply to icons or anything
@OliverSalzburg I see :) it's still really good though!
@allquixotic Seems like he's got it covered anyway
@OliverSalzburg i wonder if mustachify is smart enough to not add a mustache to someone who already has one... O_O
!!mustache thatbrazilianguy
@allquixotic I also published it to Mozilla Addons, but it'll probably take a while
@OliverSalzburg awesome :D
thanks a ton!
@ChatBotJohnCavil That doesn't look like a moustache to me, Calvin.
@allquixotic as per the online memory, I will be working on that this week/weekend - my idea is that the bot would download and save memory to an online service with a access key. The key would be emailed to the person(s) hosting the bot and would be included in their userscript when loading the bot. There would also be a collection of methods you can call from the server to facilitate more robust commands on the client. This api would be accessible for all bots so long as they have a key.
the server API and memory store would mean we wouldn't actually have to port it to node.js (however it would still be better if we did)
@allquixotic It's also on my Drive: drive.google.com/…
@rlemon OK, that is fine, I am interested in hosting a separate instance of it myself though potentially, if there is any benefit to using it over just HTML5 local storage
well. you can use the full power of a server language to do things we can't in the client
@rlemon wait, so it's more than online memory? it can also send arbitrary commands? or what?
that is the idea
a thin API for running server side commands
i mean one idea i've had floating in my head for a while is a way for trusted users to be able to submit a command on a HTTPS URL and have the bot issue that command, without the command being keyed in chat -- that way it might be somewhat of a mystery who issued it, and the command jargon would not appear ;p
I can't remember the exact issues now, but there have been times where ideas were vitoed because it couldn't be sanely done on the client
something like https://myserver.org/botcmd?cmd=tell rlemon no
possibly with a login form and a nice web interface to submit it
that could lead to abuse
@allquixotic John is using a cached avatar when mustachifying, I have changed my avatar yesterday
not with a web interface and some kind of access control
stupid extra skin under my lower lip, almost tore it off by accident. now my face is bleeding and wont stop
@ThatBrazilianGuy the images are actually fetched by mustachify.me
well if Zirak is using the same code I originally wrote for that plugin, it is using the current chat picture as is.
so if Cavil is running in a browser, and said browser hasn't been refreshed to pick up the new pic..
@allquixotic Where is it taking i.sstatic.net/yqKog.jpg from? I'm i.sstatic.net/H6zb1.jpg
@ThatBrazilianGuy the image cache of Firefox
I have Cavil running in Firefox in xrdp now
noep he went a step above. it should pick up a gravatar for users.
        //SO now allows non-gravatar images. the email_hash will be a link to the
        // image in that case, prepended with a ! for some reason
        if ( hash[0] === '!' ) {
                finish( encodeURIComponent(hash.slice(1)) + '#.png' );
        else {
                        'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2F{0}%3Fs%3D256%26d%3Didenticon#.png'.supplant(hash) );
I also have a userscript that mustachifys all users in the chat automagically.
!! s/ he /Zirak/
!! s/ he / Zirak /
@allquixotic !! s/ Zirak /Zirak/ (source)
yea he only recently made me a contributor to the repo
forget it lol
before that I just handed him my hacked code and he re-wrote it to his likings
also did you see my easy access control button? gist.github.com/rlemon/ef65a1a5fa2bf3fcae4c
i would contribute a lot more but the programming style of some of the JS just drives me bonkers -- and being unfamiliar with the code, half the time I have no idea what the type of a given parameter is or how to locate its type, without running the code and inspecting it at runtime
puts a button next to info link that when pressed toggles Gallery mode
@allquixotic welcome to js :)
@rlemon this is why I love Ceylon
what is this types thing you speak of ?
I'm at about 16% completion on the motivation progress bar towards rewriting the chat bot (or just doing my own, straight-up) in Ceylon
it just occured to me that I haven't whored out my SE/SO userscripts on this room yet.
to date, easily my most used script
bookmarklet that replaces a selected image on the page with trollface
awesome for killing gifs
@rlemon we don't get rowdy in here almost ever, so probably won't need that, but nice to know anyway
Q: Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

rlemon About Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. How to use. All of the following commands are run if the user has focus in the chat input area. ...

@rlemon on the page? you mean in chat?
this is pretty handy
I use Ctrl+Shift+C, H for that :P
@allquixotic any page.
@rlemon hm... i use the remove element extension of FF
@rlemon also, because @OliverSalzburg so graciously updated his FF/Chrome/Opera extension at my request to make !!tell easier, here
well this is a nice easy one click bookmarklet for anyone who doesn't already do a less streamlined approach :P
!!tell, arrow key up, space, no... done
I never understood how to properly bookmarklet in Chrome :\
not bad
@OliverSalzburg well you can drag a link to the bookmarks bar.
or you can just javascript:codez;
@rlemon Oh, right. That exists
@OliverSalzburg ctrl+shift+b
Ugh, I have the shittiest bookmarks ever
Q: Stack Search Chrome Extension

rlemon Stack Search A Google Chrome Context Menu Extension Screenshot About This is a simple context menu extension that adds an option for selected text on a page to be searched on your favourite Stack Exchange sites. The extension has two main components, the context menu list and the '...

this is chrome only sorry FF users
stackapps.com/questions/2318/… if anyone remembers the unicorn voting script... I converted it to a unicorn star script
that last one I posted I wrote two years ago...
horrible horrible style in that code :P
I use .live
i still think the biggest possible deal for chatbot users would be a clean port of it to NodeJS, thus making so-chatbot-driver meaningless, and eliminating the pain with Xvfb/xrdp or phantomjs/slimejs, etc
and also enabling things like storing all the memory in a local file database, and making an http server module that lets people send commands out of band
as someone who doesn't node.js too often, I heard there are auth issues and crap
not sure what else is the trouble there
@SomeKittens and @Zirak know more about that than I do
well the authentication is pretty hairy if you aren't in DOM
that's the problem i think
i have working java/selenium code for using DOM
the chats dom is a complete and utter mess
you know what would be a half-way compromise?
the way it updates, polls, checks for changes on the existing html... horrible.
@rlemon No kidding :P
@allquixotic my idea would be a half way compromise.
there's a Selenium WebDriver client for NodeJS. then all we have to do is get either PhantomJS or SlimerJS to work headless and support ES5
bot still lives on a browser, but gets its brains from a server
that way you could write the whole thing in JS, but half of it would run in a headless browser, the other half, in Node
the headless browser is a nice idea.
but not requiring anything special aside from a browser (to run the bot) is nice
PhantomJS as it currently stands is perfectly headless, but it doesn't support ES5
SlimerJS is not headless but there's an open issue and the lead dev is working on it
and there is an upcoming port of PhantomJS to Qt5 which may provide ES5 support
Why are such complex packages required anyway?
Can't you just throw something together with a bit of HTTP, OAuth and bam, the spice weasel?
@OliverSalzburg well, honestly, successfully doing the authentication over plain HTTP bypassing the DOM is quite difficult compared to just hitting the DOM -- it's much more SLOC, and much more difficult to fix if the authentication happens to change in the future
clicking a few buttons is a no-brainer that even a dumbo like me can code up in an evening
by using DOM for auth we really kinda future-proof it -- they can still break the DOM, but they can't fundamentally change the fact that it's little more than clicking on buttons, so worst case we change the name of the button to look for to click on
they won't make it user unfriendly so they aren't going to make the DOM stupid complex just to foil bots
they could quite easily make the HTTP ridiculously hard while making the DOM easy -- you could argue they've already done that
@rlemon well, the JS that would run in the browser wouldn't change, if we did a NodeJS based driver
all we really need is for either SlimerJS or PhantomJS to support both ES5 and headless
we could even have our NodeJS driver optionally support running on an interactive browser, by making a few lines of code tweak to use FirefoxDriver instead of GhostDriver if supplied a certain CLI option
I really need to build the experimental phantomjs-qt5 on linux and see if it complains about an X server
@rlemon substantially clarified and simplified my issue request here
@rlemon O_O
@rlemon ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ヾ( ´ â–½ `)ノส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
@allquixotic Again you are bugging the system!
@rlemon You have some balls I see...
@Boris_yo or utter
it's a cow from the Diablo cow level
@allquixotic Utter is 1 sack.
@allquixotic "There is no cow level"
What? You are not familiar with such cheat code?
@Boris_yo I am ;p
@allquixotic What game you had to enter this cheatcode?
@Boris_yo Starcraft
@allquixotic Oh I erred on Age Of Empires...
@allquixotic Played Redneck Rampage?
@Boris_yo yes
@allquixotic First BUILD engine game that had higher resolution textures than prior games. That's what pulled me in.
But dang... Proud and perfectionism killed 3D Realms.
(me) not knowing much past the basics of git... is it possible to do an untracked commit?
like change some indentation or formatting without having it show up as a commit
@rlemon that would break the fundamental model of source control, so, no.. unless you have direct block-level write access to the repository server
on github it's not possible, but you can do anything in your local repo
but trying to "commit" anything from a local repo that's been tampered with outside of commits will result in hash failures and errors and it won't commit
ok so "no not in a clean way"
that's how they prevent people from injecting code that isn't tracked as a commit, which is seen as a huge security vulnerability
inconsistent indentation in repos bothers me so much
not even clean, but the only way to do it at all is basically to violate the file format of the git repo
or the semantics i guess
@rlemon just fix it and commit it; I don't see the problem
restarting bot with changes from zirak master
@allquixotic I awoke on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 19:29:17 GMT (that's about 10 seconds ago), learned 32 commands
yay those were my changes :)
well... at least I fixed !!welcome from different rooms
@rlemon well i pulled a ton of stuff, my tree was about 2 weeks out of date
bot.adapter.out() // I was used for auto greet, but locked into the js room only.
@rlemon actually I'm not sure if I pulled all your commits :S
actually i did
I love his publi.sh script
so sexy. so nice.
even commits+pushes it to the repo
After 4 years Obama can stay president if he signs what?
@Boris_yo no, he can't stay president
POTUS can only have a maximum of 2 terms.
since 1940s.
minus Roosevelt* ofc.
4 terms
after WWII the amendment was made
@allquixotic Guy on YouTube said he must sign something 15 err...
The Twenty-second Amendment of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for election to the office of President of the United States. Congress passed the amendment on March 21, 1947. It was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 27, 1951. History Historians point to George Washington's decision not to seek a third term as evidence that the founders saw a two-term limit as a bulwark against a monarchy, although his Farewell Address suggests that he was not seeking re-election because of his age. Thomas Jefferson also contributed to the convention of a two-term li...
to my knowledge Truman was the only exception because he was in office when the amendment was written.
H.J.Res.13 is a proposal to amend the twenty-second amendment
it won't pass
as it stands he cannot go for another term. if they change the constitution he can. but that is a big if
also you put a lot of faith in a brit who's name is ConspiracyDetective who is talking about the US government :P
his youtube name alone makes me think he is a crackpot. :P
@rlemon they can't even agree to keep basic public services running; how would they ever pass something that controversial as amending the constitution?
we pretty much have to accept that our political system is permanently gridlocked and nothing of note will be able to change for the foreseeable future
in fairness Obama was right not to back down during that
@rlemon Unfortunately conspiracy theorists have their reputation spoiled which only benefits shadow government.
@Boris_yo we have a local one in the JS room. he thinks EVERYthing is a conspiracy.
and when you show proof it is all "well that could be made up.. but check out this youtube video! Totally not made up like those legal court documents you just showed me!"
so forgive me when i'm a little "yea yea" about conspiracy theorists
@rlemon JS?
37 mins ago, by rlemon
@rlemon What is room name?
@rlemon unless there is a massive change in the system of dividing congressional districts up in the most retarded ways that basically assure extremely partisan congressional elections (some candidates get as much as 95% of the vote), we're going to be gridlocked for a long, long time
SO room not SE
I hate that they are not joined
look at a map of congressional districts sometime... it's laughable... it's like they figured out who's a dem and who's a GOP, and they drew lines connecting together as many of each party as possible to create "blue districts" and "red districts"
if it were, you know, logical, like a bunch of squares, things would be very different
@allquixotic my favorite question to ask Americans and people who loosely watch american politics is: How many parties can you choose from?
@rlemon 1
your entire country is convinced if they are not republican they are democrat.
@rlemon there's one congressman who's an independent :O
as a Canadian I was VERY worried during the last election. Romney would have caused WW3
@rlemon Obama isn't much better
he really isn't
@rlemon What is his username?
heck, Rosanne Barr ran for president last election
@Boris_yo connor.js
some of the transcript goes back months
@allquixotic he is and he isn't. like every president he is a sockpuppet for large industry
Romney on the other hand was stirring up more of a religious overtone on an already fragile country (when religion vs state is brought up)
@rlemon he's a bit too friendly with telecoms industry and big internet business, for my tastes
he's practically begging Verizon, AT&T, Google and Amazon et al. to be as evil as humanly possible
@rlemon Different monster
"please, oh please, huge scary companies, please monopolize the emerging electronic economy!"
@allquixotic I was pretty young during the Clinton days.. but even then it was transparent that the POTUS has little to no control over the country. They are a figure head and the scape goat when things go wrong.
@rlemon who forced him to appoint a cable lobbyist as the commissioner of the FCC?
are you saying he lacks free will?
no he does not lack free will. but the president is influenced from many sides that we are made to ignore / not see.
I'm not saying he is a great president, I'm just trying to point out how little power presidents actually have over the state of the country.
@rlemon well, they can sign executive orders with much more sweeping power than ever in history, so I don't know how true that is
@rlemon Puppets
Canadian politics are no better. We are just less 'world news'-ish
the executive can in effect make laws now, which was supposed to be reserved for the legislature
the scope of the things they're able to sign... is the kind of scope that would in the beginning have been a huge violation of the separation of powers and checks and balances
but gradually that scope has widened
@rlemon You are from CA? This major of Ontario is doing weird stuff.
@allquixotic technically he can do a fair amount of things... in reality he never would unless the corps. that run the US economy back his choice to do so.
@Boris_yo lol so much facepalm there
*mayor of Toronto
and yes he is quite a turd
@rlemon Maybe major is being mind-controlled...
no he is just a moron. I said it when he was elected. hes always been a moron
@rlemon Why do people elect morons?
@Boris_yo because they think "ooh, that's a fundamental particle; must be pretty smart"
bosons, positrons, neutrons, morons...
wonder what the "spin" on a moron is
because unfortunately charismatic people are not always smart, or truthful.
and it usually takes time and giving them more power to recognize that.
@allquixotic They are susceptible to manipulation and corruption?
In Canada we have never booted an elected official. Which is why we are not kicking him out. The government of Ontario has been systematically removing his staff / pay / power in the hopes he will just leave. He has made it known he will not leave.
so right now his deputy mayor is actually in charge, he is just a public figurehead because he won't step down
@rlemon Charismatic people - use artifacts for boosting charisma but with a trade-off of lowering intelligence and wisdom.
@Boris_yo like Steve Jobs' Reality-Distorting Dapper Blue Jeans of Convincing?
@allquixotic FALSE - everyone knows it was the turtlenecks.
@Bob I got it to work, thank you for the help yesterday!
@Boris_yo also, everyone and everything is attacking him if you haven't noticed.
have fun :)
( I know I will )
!!mustache rlemon
not good
!!mustache braiam
@Braiam You do not have permission to use the command undo
2 x D:
!!mustache CanadianLuke
That... Is... Amazing!
!!mustache CanadianLuke 4
let me find my userscript
you will like it if you like this one
run this in the js console.
function gravatarUrl(a,e,f){
function init() {
  $('.avatar img').each(function() {
    var tests = $(this).closest('.user-container').attr('class').match(/user-(\d+)/g);
    if( tests ) {
      var id = tests[0].split('-')[1];
      this.src = gravatarUrl(id,CHAT.user(id).email_hash,128)
ahh dammit
one sec. bug fixes.
@rlemon What are you talking about here?
@Boris_yo when you first entered the room
he gets defensive very quickly
@allquixotic You consider Steve Jobs not intelligent?
@rlemon Yeah, I've noticed his offense.
@Boris_yo I don't consider him anything; he's dead
@allquixotic Before this, what did you think of him?
@Boris_yo there is a nice chunk of transcript for you
connor came to the conclusion that he knows more about Laws than anyone else, especially the people living in the country he is debating the laws about
fun read.
@rlemon lol
i wonder why google play doesn't have a verified icon for app developers so someone can't impersonate, say, your bank
(or to make it harder to do so, anyway)
@JimmyHoffa what the heck with the Q/A of that.... thing
@JimmyHoffa old news ;p
@allquixotic awesome news.
anyone in " Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, or the United States" without a Spotify account, want to have one?
I will buy you a one month premium (send you $9.99 over paypal) if you put me in for the refer a friend program (I will get some benefit towards my account), plus you get the free trial month
@allquixotic I hate my country...
@Braiam ;p
that's a lot of countries with DRM trade agreements with the US :P
we "have" one... but the thing is that the schools computers uses pirated XP....
conspicuously missing "kind of a big deal" countries: Russia, China, Japan, Canada
...and India
I was proposing one time that in the school they teach linux instead... saves millions in contracts for me D:
heck we have a TLC with US...
@rlemon No, I came to the conclusion that you don't know what law is
@rlemon I mean, you don't even know who your leader is, so why would you know about the laws it creates, right?
> So, i closed the computer and reapplied thermal paste on the GPU.
custom GPU fan? removable heatsink? I mean... that's pretty weird
Q: GPU fan stops working under heavy load

32dfjas239lfdfreI have been experiencing hardware problems for a little while now and would like to know what the problem is exactly. What usually happen is while playing a game, my computer will freezes and I'll have to restart it manually. Earlier today, it froze again as usual and I decided to take a look i...

@Boris_yo there is no cow game
@connor.js yea and now you are just showing this room how stupid your argument is. I'm done this discussion because you are convinced you know more than I do and are not willing to consider that you are wrong. It is a circular argument.
in other news: Programming is Terrible

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