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@bcsteeve Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I want to ask a question about my home network's problem with a server VPN connection interfering oddly with (some) local traffic. Is this the right StackExchange site to ask on?
Nevermind... looking up at the chat, its obvious this isn't a place for any on-topic discusion
@bcsteeve It is
We have quite a few experts here, so just shoot. Or ask on the main site.
@jackmawer Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
@mpy Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
@IgnacioVazquez-Abrams Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I think this is getting out of hand
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@allquixotic ---------^
@slhck we learned him too many things
why are all of the sudden tons of people coming here o_O
@bcsteeve The Comms Room (ServerFault) might be a good place, or here, except that not a lot of people are here ATM
more people here during the work week than weekends -- that tells you a lot about our userbase ;)
@slhck for some reason, I thought the code was smart enough to realize that listcommands is too long, and page it out to multiple statements, or at least put a newline between them to get a (See full text) message
but maybe there's a bug with that. I could've sworn that he's been a 2-pager listcommands before
@Pops if you have any questions about our bot, feel free to ask :) Code is at github.com/allquixotic/so-chatbot-driver and github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot (the latter is a friendly fork of github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot tailored to Super User)
@Hennes Mine is without spam, please. But make it with some spam, thankyou.
Q: Use NTFS HDD with FreeNAS

tibelchiorI'm making my old pc into a FreeNAS server to share my files in my home network. I have the server already up and running ok but I bumped into a problem when I tried to add 2 HDDs. For some years I have collected all my files, cds, dvds in 2 external hdds of 3tb each, now I want to access these ...

(translation: I'm having the same issue, read the documentation but couldn't find the relevant info).
Yay. My band released a new album, and you can download it for free. It's German though.
@slhck I'll only listen to it if you guys do a cover of Justin Bieber.
/runs really fast
@ThatHelpVampireGuy moves mouse to suspension link
I am about to paste a link to a Justin Bieber youtube video.
What video?
Someone managed to turn a Justin Bieber song into something actualy listenable: youtube.com/watch?v=bidHnEekXpE
@ThatHelpVampireGuy I love that. Been listening it since I found it way back then.
@iKlsR The week I discovered it, I'd listen to it for hours on a loop.
Nice to write to or play in bg when watching documentaries.
Justin Bieber being that good is almost a mindf*ck
It goes really well with rainymood.
@ThatHelpVampireGuy That is awesome, haha
@slhck Not bad stuff, what part do you play in the band?
@iKlsR There's a somafm channel with sound-alike music 24/7
@Mokubai Piano and keyboards, and backing vocals.
And thanks :)
@ThatHelpVampireGuy Nice, will take a look.
@slhck What, a german band and it's NOT METAL? Fake!!!
@ThatHelpVampireGuy What? Germany is the country of indie bands. If you're looking for metal you'd be going to Sweden or Norway.
In my defense, I did play in a metal/hardcore band: demonwomb.bandcamp.com
Bah, German, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Swiss... Same thing. Bunch of countries in a remote part of the globe. European ,exotic, cold and distant.
Oh, isn't Sweden and Swiss the same country?
And they speak the same language, right?
And all the guys wear green hats and drink beer in october and all the girls are blondes.
@slhck It's one of the kinds of music I like, Regen has a pretty good rhythm, and good contrast between the piano and guitar. Pretty nice.
@Mokubai Glad you like it :)
Jokes apart, I think I have listened to a couple good indie bands from German.
I liked the artwork of your band's EP
Yeah, a good friend of ours does all the drawings.
The EP I did myself.
They are great
As soon as the 30min not-quite-Justin song ends, I'll listen to your band
Come the day I have some money (Hah! not any time soon given current situation) then I will endeavour to purchase a copy of said album (even though it is free)
I wish I could play anything =/
But I can write \o/
I have even been published in print. Twice!
And it's not tech.
That's nice. What do you write for/about?
I'm part of a local writing club.
We gather each 15 days to read short tales and write short tales
Actually is all just an excuse to meet and drink beer and chat
But there are tales being written somewhere inbetween
I like short tales. I can't read entire books.
We`ve been doing that for, dunno, 6-7 years
Even appeared on interviews in magazines
And there have been 2 published compilations
@slhck Short tales aren't much popular in Brazil
Us in the bookstore where we meet
Awesome :)
Although a bookstore should have wooden floors, not tiles.
I should be in the picture, but I'm not because in 2013 I haven't been much active =(
@slhck Is the most awesome bookstore ever
It seels used books. Dunno the english word for it
The owner LOVES comics and rock and roll
@ThatHelpVampireGuy used books ;)
That's my favorite bookstore.
I came to know it because it used to have indie (really indie) band gigs
And it is so small you could touch the band players
Actually even if you don't wanted to you would be pressed against them
And the store owner created the reading/writing club
And created the indie bands festivals (before the government shut it down)
And he's in his 30's but LOVES VYNIL
And used to have DJ sessions recorded live in the bookstore
Hmm. I wonder if there's anything similar around here.
But I don't think so.
I made lots of good friends because of this place
I can imagine.
One of them writes comics and smokes marijuana all day, hasn't a single dime, writes really crazy, psychedelic (but really good! comics, but no one knows his work, then a few years back he was hired by an indie/underground cinema room, and now they have unusual cinema sessions... Sometimes they'll play Pink Floyd's The Wall, or Star Wars, or Rocky Horror Show, for free... And with crazy sketches played live before
@slhck I can't "buy" your album, I use neither twitter nor facebook :(
@Mokubai I have a fake twitter account created just for those "click here to tweet and download" situations
I'll only actually promote something if I like / agree / believe / try it first.
@Mokubai I can upload it somewhere for you.
If there was a G+ button I'd give that a click...
@ThatHelpVampireGuy It's the first time I've seen this "pay with a tweet" type page....
@slhck Well I've heard one can play songs from Soundcloud and then get the MP3s from the cache... If only we were tech-savvy enough =P
@ThatHelpVampireGuy Haha. Yeah it's quite easy. Same for Bandcamp.
You guys should have an English version of the page.
Or a bilingual page
@ThatHelpVampireGuy Doesn't make a lot of sense for a German band really, tbh
Well, I'm not german, doesn't speak a word of german, and here I am, with the site open in front of me, not understanding anything.
(and too lazy to use Translate)
@ThatHelpVampireGuy translate.google.com
I was gonna say :D
@slhck Yoink! Ta muchly! :)
@Mokubai Sure thing, thank you :)
So how long has this pay by tweet thing been happening? I mustve been asleep at the web not to notice it...
@Mokubai Yo!
@allquixotic Yo! How's you? Was going to give PS2 a quick try, how do I find a good battle where I don't get my noob arse handed to me?
@Mokubai well, first I'd suggest going into VR Training, which is an area where you can practice ANY weapon in the game (every single item and upgrade unlocked) against practice targets... I could come in game and show you a few things
it's incredibly educational to see how things work in there before you go fighting real people
it gives you a sense of how the weapons work and what damages what and how much
Ahhh. Might be useful
it also lets you know what you might want to certify in as you gain certs
Are those the points you get? I got a few but it looks like you need a huge amount
@Mokubai kills, kill assists, repairs, heals, participating in alerts, and capturing bases all give you XP, and XP translates directly over time into certs (X number of XP == Y number of certs, I think it's 100 per cert or something)
@Mokubai No idea! Our social media expert does all that stuff.
certs let you enhance your stuff, but when you're just starting out, you've still got a well-rounded set of equipment, and you can drive all the vehicles and play all the classes
personally I picked one infantry class that I throw about 50% of my certs into, then I spend the other 50% pretty evenly across several vehicles and other infantry classes
What game?
that way I have one infantry class that is really good and I'm not totally useless as the others
@slhck Planetside 2
Ah. Never heard of that.
the certs do improve your game mechanics in your favor somewhat, but it's not a "play a long time to win" or "pay to win" type game; the vast majority of your success is still skill
and having the right equipment to counter whatever your enemy has
@slhck We have social media experts now?!?!
what's your character name? are you on Mattherson?
@Mokubai Our drummer studies that kind of thing. Well, it's not all about social media, but a major part of his studies.
People are experts at wasting time on facebook?
You could say so.
@allquixotic Guess :)
It's all about marketing and PR tho
@Mokubai Mokubai!
@slhck Aye, I get that it's a whole huge bucket of marketing and reaching out to people
I sent you a friend request, my character is Hotohori
@allquixotic \o/
hopefully you're TR :P
I hope so too ;)
@MikePennington Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
Hey everyone - I bought a TV recently and my AMD drivers aren't letting me change it from underscanned to normal. :( Everything is zoomed in, anyone have any ideas?
@slhck No. Maybe steward or building superintendent or overseer?
1 hour later…
Yay. L30 flaming sword in candybox (1)
In a 32-bit computer using 32-bit memory addresses, when I allocate a char in C, which is 1 byte. Does this mean that only a portion of a memory address is used for that char and the other portion cannot be used, or the other portion can be used for something else?
how both?
You can either do this:
char1 emtpy empty empty
char2 emtpy empty empty
char3 emtpy empty empty
Or char 1 char2 char 3 empty
Most architecture will fail when you try to access char 2 (unaligned access! TRAP! Core dump!)
X86 will work around it in hardware but at the cost of significant speed
It just seems inefficient to allocate a byte for a char, and have the other 3 bytes go to waste.
Many programing languages have the option 'packed' which seems to avoid wasting space
Also 1) a char can use a lot more than 8 bits (UTF-16)
and 2) You can work around that by using wisely selected datastructures. (e.g. 24 bit colours being stores in 4 byte chunks)
And pointers are even more interesting
struct Something
    int nX, nY, nZ;
Something *psValue;
cout << sizeof(psValue) << endl; // prints 4
Those integers are 4 bytes a piece. That is a total of 12 bytes there. Pointer only holds 4 though
although that struct is just declared there, doesn't take up any memory until accessing a member
My C is rusty. Is that the size of the pointer or the contents of the structure.
It fits with the psize
sizeof is the number of bytes the data type holds. But in this case, it is a pointer which points to a memory address, and only 32 bit architecture, that would be 4 bytes. That is why it prints out 4.
superuser.com/posts/671731/revisions <- I suspect I wrote "tie beware" rather than buyer beware.....
So I think the compiler does something internally linking all the different elements to that one address, somehow using other memory cells to do it, since a memory address can only store at most 4 bytes on a 32 bit system.
ok I see how it works
int nValue = 7;
int *pnPtr = &nValue;

cout << pnPtr << endl;
cout << pnPtr+1 << endl;
cout << pnPtr+2 << endl;
cout << pnPtr+3 << endl;

# standard output:
when you access the second element in that struct or an array, the next element is actually the next piece of accessible memory.
if it is an array of ints, then the next element would be four bytes adjacent to the existing memory address
is there stock dvd drive?
Or do you not get one at all?
Fine, don't reply.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute: whatchamean?
At the moment, I just have a DVD burner on ONE of my systems
I have no clue how pcpartpicker even works.
It obviously collects prices from different sources, but how do I buy the parts once I assemble the system on the website?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute: go to the site and order?
whichever site is the cheapest?
newegg sells all of my parts except for motherboard
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute you darn lucky...
The motherboard is the base of everything lol
Might as well just go out and buy a ready-made computer and then customize it.

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