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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Psycogeek So you do modding at home and show off your results at CEED?
@Boris_yo CEED is modeleing at home, it has nothing to do with any previous instances of the use of that abbreviation on the web.
@Psycogeek lol you changed meaning of this abbreviation.
@Psycogeek Remember about DELL warranty talk? What I failed to notice directly is this at the bottom of email:

"Here's warranty form

* According to check of computer's condition in our labs"
@Boris_yo right, cause you gotta get it recertified as operational first. But one can hope that they dont notice such things, and accidentally insure you while your in the hospital :-)
@Psycogeek Yea especially when my screen shows nothing...
And with this problem, guess what? They recertify only after I pay them full price for repair. Due to my irresponsible attitude to extending warranty in time, I now have to pay repair price + warranty renewal. Seems I don't learn on my mistakes?
you could just wait till Obama computer care becomes available :-)
@Psycogeek In my case it is Netanyahu Care?
Well you know how these leaders are, if one of them has a pony they all want a pony :-)
They just dont know how they are going to feed it.
@Psycogeek Just like you can't go into hospital ill and try to insure yourself :) But how do they insure to make sure you are healthy person? Do they perform hundreds of tests on you first?
@Boris_yo records for one, all them records of everything you did, do, and are. Then they have you do a checkup just like your computer, and some minor testing, not whole batteries of tests. But there are still situations where i have heard of people getting insurance After they had terrible problems. You see after people die they have a hard time collecting :-)
If a hospital kills you, they might try and charge you (and your estate) but after killing you they dont really press the issue that much :-)
@Psycogeek After people die they have hard time collecting money? But if they insured person with terrible problems they would not make profit due to treatment of that person. So they better not try collecting money in this case as it will be futile. Not sure I get you here...
@Psycogeek Who will charge me? Hospital's staff that killed me?
@Boris_yo not sure I do either. If you die the hospital might not get paid, if you paid into insurance they dont have to pay anything back out (again) if your dead. Plus if you do not use an insurance policy you can often collect about 50% of it back . see the main thing the insurance companies want is Money, to hold and make more moeny with.
@Psycogeek So hospitals literally have license to kill like James Bond?
Because insuance companies can also be a complete scam, running a pyramid scheme of sorts, and actually not having ALL the money to be able to cover peoples losses. They will take anybodies money any way they can get it. even if your uninsurable some idiot will take your money.
And not get charged?
@Psycogeek Uninsurable? Like zombie? Zombies can't get insured, can they?
@Boris_yo Oh they get charged, and herassed, and have much and much problems with the people who go there TO die :-)
@Boris_yo A zombie would be a good one to insure. they dont need money, there isnt a medical treatment to give them, and if they die , it is done very cheaply :-)
No 750$ a day hospital beds needed for zombies, no $3000 a month care centers, and they dont even need chrutches very often.
@Psycogeek So there is nothing to insure? Zombies are not capable of paying for insurance.
They just drag thier broken parts behind them. Plus a zomboe wouldnt need a pharmacy policy either. There are no depressed zombies, none with heart problems, and they dont need viagra. Whats that leave Some extra dental work for good chewing and biting skills?
@Boris_yo Thats ok, the insurance company can just get the cash straight out of thier wallets, they wont protest.
@Psycogeek So if you uninsured die in hospital, they don't get their money and sue dead person? Or they have right to demand payment from his closest?
@Boris_yo Everybody has the right to collect what they are owed. Just sometimes it is hard to collect from a dead person, especially if you killed them :-)
@Psycogeek Zombies aren't capable of working for salary...
@Boris_yo Disability checks :-)
@Psycogeek What if you didn't kill and can prove it? Then you won't get judged but also won't get payment?
@Psycogeek Hahah but they don't need shelter, water or food. Just brains. Do brains qualify for disability check?
@Boris_yo potentially a hospital can collect from the estate everything that is owed of them, even if they did kill them. Even if they got sued for killing them the hospital could still get thier billing covered .
(could being the operative word here)
@Psycogeek They can just confiscate his assets?
@Boris_yo sort of, it would be all figured out of the estate saleing and all that complicated stuff.
one more thing for the "executor" of the estate to deal with in the process of all that (and the trustee persons too).
@Psycogeek What do they do with assets? Refridgerator, vacuum cleaner, TV qualifies as estate? How do they turn this into money then?
@Boris_yo different things for different ways people "willed" to do that. It might be "sold with the house" , "given to a benificiery as designated in the will", "sold by the executor/trustee to cover bills, or to just finalise things into cash pools"
@Boris_yo they are, they don't need food... I think. And they don't feel tired + they have the health of the dead (being able to move)... the only problem with them is that they rot
@Psycogeek I meant if dead person killed by hospital has no cash or credit to pay but only refridgerator, vacuum cleaner and TV, do hospital still confiscate this? If it does, how do they cover their expenses on dead person?
@Braiam And break easily.
@Boris_yo They could, but think of the bad press that might have. with the hospital killing people and taking thier things. Sooo while that might be what they would do to get paid, they would tread carefully if they had to do that. Instead might write it off as a loss.
(it would be quite an Undertaking :-)
@Psycogeek What if it's yacht, car, motorcycle and such? Same thing or something worth to confiscate?
@Boris_yo assetts are assetts.
@Boris_yo not the ones I'm used to :O
Newsflash: The most expensive hospital for aristocrats is killing their patients and confiscating their assets!
@Braiam And these are...
@Bob I see too much JourneymanGeeks recently...
@Boris_yo he is the Journey -man ;)
About time for some realistic requesters. "delete all this? your freaking crasy, you realise thats almost everything on the drive?"
@Boris_yo Pretty sure the site is named healthcare.gov
Clear recycle bin? You know 5 minutes later your going to want that back.
@Psycogeek Don't worry, you can recover it from sectors.
"Format THIS drive?" it has all your music on it you know? are you sure you dont want me to format the one that is practically empty instead"
What website is this?
"I said ERASE ALL THE DATA, you say yes now, dont be blaming me later"
@Psycogeek Are you about cases between you and your clients?
@Boris_yo Real Requesters. ones that actually tell you what is going on, instead of all looking the same.
Copy files, bla bla bla. instead " Holy cow, you going to copy 2 Terrabytes? This is going to take a while"
"were you really thinking about moving that HERE? All of that aint going to even fit there"
That is a system file , I dont think you should be doing that Please Click one to proceed [Shut-up and do it] . [Oh your right blessed be Microsoft]
"404, did you want to refresh , or go to a real website that isnt failing half the time?"
"did you want me to update the updater? Or would you rather be watching porn"
@Boris_yo It says in the title, chatroulette
A: Half the screen on my laptop is displaying incorrectly (random colors)

Isabella WardI have the same problem. I've been searching for the same answer. I found that there may be a magnet nearby or your monitor may be dying. Nothing you can really do but buy a new one. I know this sounds kinda stupid, but have you tried punching the screen real hard? I did it with my other monito...

@Hiroto Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
bathtub multitouch display
@JourneymanGeek I just came to tell you how much insane you are... (or the guy in the vid for what matters)
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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