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@Scorpion meaning, you opened the iso in 7-zip and extracted the files to the drive?
@allquixotic Because software does not know how to emulate EAX?
@Scorpion Simply put, you need to "burn" the image onto the drive.
yeah, You're Doing It Wrong.
Or create a boot sector manually, but using an existing tool is easier.
yea i assumed
in order to boot from a volume, you need to get block-level access to the underlying storage media, and write some kind of a boot loader to the first sectors of the drive.
I recommend YUMI. It's geared more towards multiboot, but it's easy and works with single boot.
last install i made was vista :)
that's what "burning" an ISO does.
thanks for the help
copying files into the drive's filesystem does absolutely nothing to the boot sector. in all likelihood the USB drive doesn't have anything in the boot sector.
UNetbootin is also considered good, but I dunno if it supports Windows
apparently not...
@Boris_yo yes, software can emulate EAX.
that site actually appears to do the trick, and it gives you two methods that should work
again, I'd recommend YUMI
Didn't we just go over this the other day? What's actually needed is clearly LILO. As always.
@Bob can YUMI boot Windows?
@allquixotic ya
!!tell 11982497 no
For XP, it creates a boot-from-ISO via GRUB
for Vista/7/8, it actually extracts it properly
interesting o.o
> * When installing Windows 8, 7, or Vista from USB, you must unplug the USB device before the first restart, otherwise you will receive an error stating:

"windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware"
otherwise, it should work
@JimmyHoffa don't you mean LI.....................................................................?
> Windows Vista/7/8 Installer bootmgr ; does install to root of drive
come on zeneva, add some stock
@JimmyHoffa LILO doesn't support: ext4, UEFI, NTFS, GPT, ... shall I go on? it's old and obsolete, man! give it up!
@JimmyHoffa that is a beautiful cat though. looks like a Maine Coon. I have a Maine Coon. different colors, exact same type and length of fur
@allquixotic now I want photos :D (ignore my gravatar for a sec)
@Bob I have some, somewhere...
probably on my google drive
@allquixotic huh, wouldn't someone have forked and updated it by now?
> Stable release 24.0 (7 June 2013)
@Bob O.o
anyway, I prefer syslinux
the config files aren't complete gibberish
huh, Nexus 5's out already? o.O
Android 4.4? O.o
@allquixotic Never, it still supports... hard drives! Those will never go out of style! At least until we all start storing our data on laser etched quartz crystals... SSC-> Solid State Crystal, 1 terrabyte per sparkle
It's called Kitkat? O.O
(wouldn't there be, I dunno, trademark issues there?)
@Braiam Command maybe learned
@Braiam lol nice
@allquixotic :D
I can boss Jon Calvin around too :D
though, (s?)he looks a bit like a small tiger in the first one..
lots of stripes hehe
she. her name is Nikki
@allquixotic Kitty \o/
I want one of those tunnels as well
we got her a thing so she can walk around outside and be in the environment without getting into things or running away
she didn't fuss or cry when she was in it -- she thought it was great -- enjoyed being out in the weather and watching us do gardening
grass looks like shit because that's early winter (but not very cold, a nice sunny day)
looks like your typical cheapo Chinese tablet
but Officeworks carries it :S
@Bob yeah, craptastic
heck, it was in the local supermarket
Coles doesn't even sell tablets (normally)
@allquixotic I used to have a cat I would take out on a leash. This cat was 25lbs; taller than most terriers and didn't care about anything that wasn't food or annoying me by talking endlessly. So it was more of a dog really, taking it on walks just sort of made sense
she has a very long tail
Now I want a cat :P
@JimmyHoffa Nikki is like 17 lbs. she would be a lot heavier if she were male, because male Maine Coons, even when not fat, can weigh 20+ lbs.
Maine Coons are larger cats. and very fluffy (medium hair)
@allquixotic My cat was 30lbs when we got it, after a diet it lost all the fat to reveal something nobody knew: Not a fat cat, just a huge cat.
she doesn't act very much like a dog -- still a lot of cat instinct -- and can't be "walked" on a leash -- but she does play fetch :P
she loves chasing a laser pointer
she tends to follow an active person around the house -- doesn't matter who it is, if you're walking, she will generally come with you... basement, back up, back down, etc
@JimmyHoffa the pictures probably don't give an accurate sense of scale, but mainly due to her fluffy coat, if you were to place a typical shorthair tabby cat where she is sitting in that last pic, it'd only occupy about half the volume :P
That what our cat loves to do. Whatever I'm using, she wants to use it in her way
lol - awesome pic - that emotion is "IDGAF"
nice Steam in the background
btw the cats who chat in this channel are probably going ":O! that pic is X-rated!"
that is... hilarious
rofl -- we changed my cat over to wheat and she's fine with it
@allquixotic Best system ever... tidycats.com/products/breeze
Replace the pad every couple-few days (for two cats), replace the litter stuff barely damn ever. It's non-absorbent.
^--- high quality Super-User topical chat.
@JimmyHoffa does it keep the goddamn litter off of the floor? because that's my main gripe with the litterbox -- our entire hallway is nothing but litter
either that, or we vacuum every single day
my cat would probably jump over that tray at the end. :P
and create a 3 foot spray of litter into the air as she does
@allquixotic We never get the pellets on the floor. Like I said, they're non-absorbent. All liquids just go down into a diaper-pad thing underneath which soaks everything up. The litter pellets are rock hard, larger and considerably heavier than normal litter gravel bits. Really doesn't get around much
@allquixotic Tray? the tray in the image is just for showing, it disappears underneath snugly soaking up all the business
@JimmyHoffa oh ok - I thought they were intending for the cat to step on that tray on its way out LOL
to get all the litter off their feet
@allquixotic It doesn't get on their feet or anywhere
I really don't know about that -- maybe in a while, but we just finished switching her over to Swheat litter, made of wheat, because it doesn't cause sinus problems (for the cat or the people) like clay does
you replace it every couple months or so, it's a totally different system than anything else I've seen. so much easier and cleaner, all the odor goes straight into the diaper pad which you just take out and throw away, slap another in the tray and you're done (well after scooping up the dried up business; but leaving the pellets which it doesn't stick to)
@allquixotic Schweddy litter? Like... from the Schweddy family?
sounds like the FP of cat litter systems -- elegant on the surface but riddled with practical usability problems once you give it a try (I'm not saying it wouldn't or couldn't work for my cat, but I'm a bit skeptical)
@JimmyHoffa no, Swheat -- the letter "S" plus "wheat"
@allquixotic Yeah, I think they make some amazing balls
Alec Baldwin as... Luciano Pavarotti? O.o
Not a huge fan of SNL; but that skit is awesome.
BBL, drafting a Hearthstone Arena deck
I wonder where on that map @allquixotic is
Hey, I have vim installed and running console2, for vim I use the twilight theme, but when I run it from console2, the colours are slightly messed up? I've tried both the default console2 theme and a console2 twlight theme, anyone know what's wrong?
I don't think so..
@Link Which Vim build?
7.4 The latest stable release
I mean, is it the Cygwin version? The "official" one from vim.org? Something else?
The official one from vim.org
And are you running it through the default Windows command line? Not through bash or anything else?
Yes, console2's default shell is just the cmd
(those can all affect how colours work. tbh I have no idea how vim and colours are handed in default command line)
@Bob I'm actually offended by whoever the hell made that map -- they can go screw themselves in whatever backwater hellhole they live in -- the text over my state is "Do you like U.S. History? No? Move on."
@Bob That map is hilariously accurate, the "nobody actually lives here" part is not lying either. Literally; I live right below that in "Skiing (and marijuana)" and everyone here knows: If for any reason you need to go north, make sure your car's in good shape first and you pack supplies, because if you break down you may not see a soul for days
Speak for yourself, I got Snooki... I mean is that all we represent??
they could've at least been a little funny and not flat-out insulting by drawing an arrow on central Maryland and writing "NSA HQ: the first place to get nuked when the war starts"
being told that your state (your entire region, for that matter) is only relevant because of its role in US history is just flat-out insulting
@Link okay, that one is bad also :P
@allquixotic haha c'mon, it was clearly made to be insulting, it's funny and not to be taken seriously
(but really, nobody lives in wyoming)
@JimmyHoffa there are plenty of things on there that aren't insulting at all
probably the area(s) where that person has lived or lives
"Beer" isn't in itself insulting, that's funny, like, you could easily laugh at that one unless you think beer is the work of the devil and absolutely hate alcohol like a prohibitionist
Wyoming has less people in it's 97k square miles than downtown denver has in it's 150 sq miles
i love: "Tornadoes"
@allquixotic I don't find it insulting or funny; a little perplexing actually, we have way more beer than PA, to be sure I have no idea why someone would associate PA with beer
this place consists solely of tornadoes. :D
if you go there, you will be tornadified. :D
@allquixotic on the other hand, being historically significant is not necessarily a bad thing
@Bob It is why the vast majority of people go there
(I don't mean to live, I mean to visit)
if you try to distil a whole state down to a couple of words, it's really going to leave out a lot, and be heavily affected by the view of whoever is writing it
@JimmyHoffa the tourists, you mean -- yes, I'll go along with that
people go there to live for $, otherwise they're crazy because it costs a shit load of it to do so
if I were to distill Maryland down to one word, it'd be "Bureaucracy"
and I'd totally laugh and enjoy that remark placed above the DE-MD-VA area
@allquixotic Colorado: High. (get it? get it? I made a funny! :D)
(referring to the huge % of federal and state employees in the area)
@JimmyHoffa lol nice
I was in Colorado once on an Amtrak train. stopped in Denver
I was afraid to walk too fast because I worried about the thin oxygen ;-)
@allquixotic Beautiful union station, it got shuttered a few years ago
@JimmyHoffa for serious?! omg...
was it still going in 2007? because that's when I was there. but it was only a quick stop, maybe 10 minutes
@Link do the colours work in default cmd?
@allquixotic Yeah, I was pretty mad when I moved back here and found out about it.
@allquixotic Yeah
I don't think I went inside the station. oh well
@Link also, are the colours 256color? because cmd (and everything running off it) only supports 16
It's the classic train station: enormous arching cieling, large spacious solid marble floor
a lot of the historic Amtrak stations are very ornate and beautiful and artful -- that was the style of the time they were constructed in, and gov't had money to do it
A: Is there a way to make Windows Vista command prompt run in 256 colors so I can use my VIM color theme in it?

akirano, the default "command prompt" (aka terminal aka cmd.exe) is not capable of doing what you want. why aren't you using 'gvim'?

@JimmyHoffa I LOVE that. I've been in ones like that in Philadelphia, Toronto, Los Angeles and Washington DC
nowadays if they were to re-build them from scratch it'd just be a little one-story office building with benches
@allquixotic yeah, the amtrak in Pittsburgh was actually really cool...
@Link If it is 16 color and doesn't work in cmd, try changing the colour palette to match xterm default
Yeah, much older and cooler than Denver's union station
just neat thing with union station is that whole building being one big open shell
They're apparently building a hotel inside it now...
I was in a horrible train station in Niagara Falls, NY, that was like this but with a 1950s-looking building that reminded me of a low-budget elementary school, with a leaking roof and lots of mold, and dirty seats
that one is considerably better than what I was in
it's clean, and the vending machines look like they were manufactured within the past ~25 years
so ugly and featureless and utilitarian
that's the new Amtrak... the Amtrak that's literally on life support because profitability is hard when everybody flies
@allquixotic Heh yeah, to be fair it's bloody expensive
Not their fault or anything, just the way it shook out; flight is more efficient on money
your trains are actually long-distance
@JimmyHoffa not for freight :P
trains are still more efficient on money for shipping because the weight-to-cost ratio is much better with trains, it's just the minimum required to get a train from point A to point B is much more than for a plane
@Bob --^ heh
and the BBQ point is well taken on that map, I thought BBQ sucked until I moved to kansas city, at which point I learned A) I'd never had actual BBQ before and B) BBQ is awesome.
"I grilled this meat, then I put BBQ sauce on it" != BBQ
huh, there's still a train from Sydney to Melbourne
$110, 11 hours. joy.
@Bob How far apart are they? That sounds really cheap..
@JimmyHoffa ~900km
Actually, more like 700km straight line
(approx. 450 miles)
the rail line is ~1000km
so 6-8 hour drive, $100 to avoid that is not so bad
You'd likely spend that on gas if you drove
@JimmyHoffa the flight is about $100 ($130 with bags)...
Yeah, like I said earlier.. planes are more efficient for shipping humans than trains.
@JimmyHoffa ya, 850 km road distance, assuming 30mpg would be about $104
Heh Michigan -> "Sadness", that's a funny map
I remembered just now... but Gates looks old...
@Braiam Gates?
This is the management address for one of my routers/APs:
.asp wat
@allquixotic ^
IIS crap
Gates Rubber?
@Braiam It's a bloody WiFi router
I would hope they aren't running an IIS stack on there.
@Bob Classic ASP was quite light weight, but just because it has an asp extension doesn't mean it's running any variant of MS' "ASP"
in an early era ASP wasn't an uncommon term referring to any sort of "Active Server Page", not just the MS variants
@JimmyHoffa Command maybe already exists
@JimmyHoffa I'm even more worried now.
@JimmyHoffa Command gates learned
This is a new (ish) AP.
!!forget gates
@JimmyHoffa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: learn
@JimmyHoffa That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@JimmyHoffa Command gates forgotten.
!!tell 11983683 gates
@JimmyHoffa Command gates learned
//     Show the text in right language.

//var stype = getCookie('language');
var stype = 0;
@JimmyHoffa wikipedia don't concur en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Server_Pages
talk about halfarsing it
@Braiam I know, I wrote classic ASP for years once upon a once :P but in that time when CGI was phasing out and people were starting to do JSP and ASP and PHP the term "ASP" was occasionally used by the less web-inclined devs to just mean any of that server side stuff that wasn't CGI
@JimmyHoffa anything more than CGI is ridiculous for a simple AP/router
@Bob But common, PHP is pretty frequent or jetty
@JimmyHoffa every other one I have uses CGI. for good reason
@allquixotic You said that won't work... Or was it to someone else?
why the f--- would you put a PHP interpreter on there when the built-in busybox (or other) shell can handle it?
@Bob My cheapo at home uses php..
they're supposed to be light devices
and the web interface doesn't have to be particularly fast
@Bob And that stuff is light
/me lights up @Bob devices :S
Jetty is explicitly purposed to be an embeddable light weight web server
and minimal PHP setups are light weight. I don't really know how you do a light IIS install though so I don't suspect that's really MS ASP... the lightest I could imagine would be like some variant of the old embeddable win NT stuff, but that shit's ancient (like classic ASP)
Still Better Than COD!
@JimmyHoffa busy trying to break into my own router :P
it's giving me a ton of "unrecognized command" errors, despite the binaries clearly being there... hrm
all I have so far are echo and cat
no ls? or worse, dir?
echo * all the way!
/bin/ls exists, but I can't run it
trying /bin/ls doesn't run?? thats weird...
@Braiam nah, I'm not even sure what shell I'm in
sshd:error:112.112:processInput:314:unrecognized command /bin/ls
busybox exists, though
/bin/msh and /bin/sh exist
I might be in msh
msh is depreciated by the makers of busybox, and hush is recommended instead

      The minix shell (adds just 30k) is quite complete and handles things
      like for/do/done, case/esac and all the things you expect a Bourne
      shell to do.  It is not always pedantically correct about Bourne
      shell grammar (try running the shell testscript "tests/sh.testcases"
      on it and compare vs bash) but for most things it works quite well.
      It also uses only vfork, so it can be used on uClinux systems.
I can run /bin/wlctl, so it looks like some artificial restriction going on
ah, whatever
@Bob looking for the hammer and chisel?
nah. I'll leave it be
@Boris_yo just remember that the key to an OEM licence is zero support from microsoft directally. the support comes from the seller of the computer. So it is no sweat off microsofts back if your parts need to be replaced, as long as you dont call them to get it working :-) (other than the activation)
@Psycogeek OEM license comes with no support from Microsoft? I didn't know this.
What are you trying to do with the device @Bob?
@Boris_yo thats where huge sums of money are saved. when hours of tech support for its operation come from thousands of sellers or builders. Those builders can also be much more aware of issues that are specific to the build itself.
@Psycogeek But I am sure they all like to give you run around sometimes...
@Boris_yo naw they just tell you to re-install :-) over and over again, the tech answer to everything is to re-install. then they have thier OEM designed quickee reinstall methods , they worked hard on, that could be the run around, the reinstall around.
@Psycogeek Reinstall around :D
If a very specific build of the OS, that works with the computer the day it was made, is returned back the same way it was originally. there is some reason to believe that if that doesnt work , then something else is wrong.
But they don't do that for businesses where uptime and data safety is crucial?
@Psycogeek Most likely hardware problem.
@JimmyHoffa Oh, not much, just run one of the existing and very visible commands/binaries on it.
Anyone had Nokia N-Gage? Remember the buzz, hot talks and obsession?
Probably was breakthrough in its time. Android and iPhone set today's standard so nothing will be jawdropping anymore.
@Bob Yeah I know that, I just mean what were you on it to actually get done?
@JimmyHoffa Just for fun™
(there was something I wanted to do some months ago, but I forgot now)
Ah, well apparently they don't want you having fun with their routers
shame on you... routers? fun?
2 hours later…
So, I'm curious.
Can my Windows Phone pick up a SIM card if the card hasn't been activated?
@studiohack depends on what device, what carrier and what kind of SIM card
my phone picks it up, but I can't find the APN settings for it
bunch of errors. :(
there are lots of different things called "SIM" now that have completely different policies and such for getting it activated; some "just work" while others require you to contact the carrier
Well, it doesn't help being deaf, since I can't call them on my own. big pain haha
@studiohack My experience has been the sim needs activating
@JimmyHoffa interesting.
@studiohack here with ATT all sims or any identification method of the phone has to be entered into the system, prior to them allowing it to connect? once a sim card is activated in a device i am able to move that same sim to another device, manually set a few things mabey, and have it work.
@Psycogeek Yeah, I'm on AT&T as well so what I said above regards that. Don't know anything about verizon's sim card policies
with Verizon, you can't even get your hands on a SIM card without it being essentially "activated" -- they can remotely deactivate SIM cards at any time if your plan changes because each SIM is uniquely identified in the system, but there's no such thing as a customer ever touching a SIM card that isn't associated with an account and needs to be
you can, of course, collect dead/deactivated SIMs that do nothing (and cannot be activated) by buying new phones, because they don't ask for your old SIM back
so basically your SIM is your physical "authentication" to use your phone and/or data plan(s), and there's a 1:1 association between phone numbers (accounts) and the active SIM for that account -- the active SIM can change, but only atomically while deactivating any previously active SIM
with this system, you plug your active SIM into compatible hardware and it Just Works, no questions asked
@allquixotic mine is weird. and stupidly complicated.
@allquixotic Wow, I totally like AT&T better in this regard. I can turn on old phones I have with their SIM cards in them that I keep around in case my current phone breaks, and they'll come up and get confused for a bit colliding with my current sim on the network before just giving up, if I turn off my current phone they'll come up and work flawlessly taking over my number.
@allquixotic same here, i held onto the old SIM, which allows a phone to go beyond "no sim inserted" , so it is a "sim" but it certannly wont connect to a tower.
which is key because the sim card size changes, my latest sim card would be useless in my last phone so if my current phone breaks I can't just toss the sim into my last phone. Good thing my last phone's sim still works fine
I've never had an old sim for AT&T stop working that I recall
though I probably still have some sims that are 5 or more years old sitting in old dead phones in a drawer somewhere that I haven't tried since I turned them off. (Though I did have a brief period my last phone broke and I had to go to the phone before it until my new phone arrived to replace my last one)
@JimmyHoffa that is what i was hoping for, them to not deactivate the one i had, for it to be on the same account. But "stolen phone" meant they deactivated the original sim.
@Psycogeek AT&T has never done this to me, my SIMs always seem to continue working so long as they fit in the device.
@JimmyHoffa If i could have had 2 sims, i could have a "designated time" where the one phone could be turned off, so the other one could be used. And have my own time sliced family plan :-)
I'm gonna hurt myself come the steam winter sale... given the upgrade I just did, I better just hold my breath and pass out for the course of December. I already have more than I need...
(though I suspect everyone here has more in their Steam library than they could ever possibly need)
@JimmyHoffa are you saying the BUY exceeds the Play :-)
@Psycogeek I'm saying the buy exceeds the time
Given infinite time I would easily get my moneys worth of play time out of the games, but it's the play time in life I lack at a rate such that I increase available game time by buying more at a rate above the rate of game time consumed
I probably add 25-50 hours of game time to my library every 3-6 months (ok most of that occurs in the summer and winter sales), I probably consume 10-15 hours in the same period O_O
@JimmyHoffa it's so good not to have kids (or even kid, singular) -- I play about 25 hours of games per week :D
when I was unemployed I played about 100 hours of games per week, give or take... that was awful... it's not true that more gaming = better, but only 25 hours over a 3 month period would be too little fun for me
I have a good balance, because there are still games in my library that I'm very eager to play and know for a fact that won't be boring to me in the least, and I don't have to spend as much money to achieve that as I would if I played more
although MMOs are slightly irksome because serious MMO playing with other people often requires you to put in more than 40 hours a week into the game to really succeed and feel like you're a part of the team
so I've been tending to play "pick up and play" games -- multiplayer is fine, as long as I don't have to have a social network just to play it... like Hearthstone... 1v1 card game... just click the button and play any time
Hearthstone is a perfect way to unwind on a weeknight when I get home tired at 8 or 9pm after work and don't have the energy or stamina to log 4 hours in an MMO, and just want a quick laugh in a card game or two (about 10-15minutes each)
beats watching trash TV or sports
Hello - I had a question regarding the Plesk control panel and nameservers. I am trying to get a nameserver working, and my server provider said I had to open port 53 to get the nameservers working properly. Anyone think they can help?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
@ChatBotJohnCavil Seriously, Caprica? How did you get here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, forgetseen, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, test, fixit, why, ok, no, hello, yes, orlmente, hv, lol, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, maybe, gates (page 0/0)
Yep, definitely our bot ^_^.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Found him in an abandoned resurrection ship
he's just a copy
@allquixotic This is what I've been looking for forever. So different these days how so much of gaming relies on a social network (which completely dries up when you have a wife and a kid), I recall ages ago it was the norm that you would just search gamespy, find a game with people and low ping and hop in. This is why Counter-Strike and Left4Dead 2 are the things I find myself grabbing for multiplayer. Will have to try that HearthStone one you mention..
@allquixotic Do you have high school and university degree?
@allquixotic It's not all dead time though, it's mostly netflix/hulu with the wife each night when I get off work after we put the kid down. She passes out immediately at like ~7 though couple few times a week lately and so I take that time to game a bit.
@allquixotic I wish all of society would stop thinking I know or give two craps about a bunch of overpaid shmucks who play a game that scrambles their brains because money is more important to them than quality of life.

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