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Thanks a lot @Gowtham! Pfft
@Boris_yo You found this on the internet, so that's a 98% chance it's a stupid opinion. According to itself.
@Boris_yo you should realise that your huge diagram contributes to the crap
I realize now. Just another stupid opinion.
@barlop 3 hours
Input #0, flv, from 'Mike_Read_-_14_10_2013_p01h47lg_default.flv':
  Duration: 02:58:50.75, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 80 kb/s
    Stream #0.0: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, mono, s16, 80 kb/s
@DoktoroReichard Oh, those are stored in desktop.ini, I think
the MFT manages location on disk
bloody hell so after the slowness of mplayer and it seemingly keeping the file open so I couldn't see it writing.. with dir, after all that, it didn't get all of it!!!
desktop.ini deals with sort/display order IIRC
also, looks like it's actually a mp3 track!
@WilliamHilsum You can extract the mp3 from the flv :P
without conversion
@Bob hmm, is that ffmpeg -i blah.flv -vn -acodec libmp3lame blah.mp3 ?
I'd do it, but I forgot how to ffmpeg and I can't be bothered looking it up right now
@barlop no
that does a conversion. it's something like -acodec copy
it's a mp3 stream inside a flv container - you can just copy the stream out
oh ok
yeah you can do -acodec copy, or -c:a I think is the same as -acodec copy.
there's probably a higher bitrate available than 80kbit
but 80kbit is not too bad for radio mono
@WilliamHilsum If you want to try to find a higher bitrate, you have like an hour left before BBC removes it :\
@barlop the full 3 hours... I skipped to 2:05 ish and heard my brother
@Bob I think it is good thanks!
thanks for all your help guys
@Bob After you have remembered me about the desktop.ini file, I started searching, I found [this](http://superuser.com/questions/27990/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-desktop-ini-file-in-windows-and-how-can-i-keep-it-f/27993#27993), so I guess you're right after all. Still, the way things are now, it is still a little messed up, so I'm doomed to resort to backups.
Doomed, I tell you.
Well, all of you have a good day, I'm going to repair what isn't broken.
@ThatHelpVampireGuy: "exact copy"
@JourneymanGeek We have a local ubuntu, centOS and fedora mirror. If you browse to the domain address it says "mirror", period. I am creating a simple page explaining what it is and how to implement, but I am having a hard time conceiving a simple explanation that is not a wikipedia article and explains to a common user the concept of decentralized updating sources, and why it is better to use the local mirror
Has anybody here tried open source windows DVB drivers? sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/drm/…
"Its an exact copy of the update server. Its faster, since you don't need to go all the way to nebraska to get your tasty tasty packages"
I'm not certain how supported my tuners are in windows, debating giving those a try...
@JimmyHoffa: spin up a vm, passthough, test? ;p
@JourneymanGeek I made two huge progress bars, one red saying "slow" and one blue saying "fast" and a button saying "use it", but my coleagues say "you can't do it that way, have you measured it, we can't officially state that" bla bla blah
It's for internal use dammit. Our external connection is ultra-satured. Internal connecton is 100MB+, OF COURSE it is faster.
@WilliamHilsum wow, look who it is! it's the ghost of a guy who used to be here a lot! :> hi!
@ThatHelpVampireGuy: so... make some up
@JimmyHoffa ugh
I had a hell of a time trying to get my adapter working on Win8
ended up creating a Win7 VM dedicated to it :P
@Bob turns out I totally failed to do GPU accelerated video encoding, even though the drivers claim I'm supposed to be >_<
Some guy just made a commit to a project I'm in. The commit message: "alterations".
@ThatHelpVampireGuy I'd probably avoid it at all costs - to me, flashy colourful crap often means malware
@allquixotic o.O
tried various programs... the most promising one was Bandicam (I think either @Boris_yo or @Psycogeek linked me to that yesterday -- whoever it was, I love you!) but the result was essentially "Failed to initialize codec"
@Boris_yo uhm. That is not my understanding of the TRIM command. The TRIM command frees a specific block. It known nothing about files. It merely says "block number 12345 is no longer needed by me. Do what you want with it."
Bandicam uses the AMD APP SDK (which is essentially a direct path to the Video Codec Engine (VCE) part in GCN chips, which does several stages of H264 encoding entirely on the GPU) or Intel QSV or Nvidia CUDA
I have two out of those three (not the Nvidia, obviously)
after futzing for hours with the Intel drivers and BIOS switches, I got Intel card to show "The device is working properly." in Windows, but Bandicam refused to detect that I had any QSV capability, and the AMD VCE just didn't work
The filesystem knows about files. Deleting a file is often akind to marking the page as unused in the filesystems tables. It may even write zeros or something else to an unused block if it wants to, but that is usually not done.
@JimmyHoffa I think I tried zadig at one point...
heh, I have a search in my history for removing its drivers :P
VCE is weird... you have to initialize a hardware OpenCL context first, then, once you're in there, you call some special hw-specific function that accesses the VCE within OpenCL
Deleting a file with TRIM does two things:
1) See which blocks were in used by a file.
1) TRIM them (aka tell the SSD that you are no longer using them

2) Adjust internet filesystem tables to 'delete' the file.
I guess it just uses OpenCL as a hardware interface and for data marshaling between the host and GPU, but the VCE functions activate a fixed-function video encoding pipeline which is ridiculously efficient -- it just doesn't work
@jokerdino ha ! hello ! :P
It's been 2 weeks since I have been here
@Hennes in that order?
I would've expected it to clear the FS first...
@Gowtham welcome back!
Well, it it first forgets where the files was and then needs to tell the SSD what no longer to use (which information just got deleted) then it might need a time machine
It might well be locked as one atomic operation.
@Hennes or, it stores that information temporarily in memory, clears the FS tables, then forgets it from memory
As in
3) Unlock file access
it's not too big an issue if you forget to TRIM
it is a problem if you don't delete it from the FS table after a TRIM
TRIM is nice for long time high performance. But you never need it.
because now you're trying to access garbage data
I have been using an SSD without TRIM (no support for that on the RAID card) for 5 years and it is still nice and fast
@allquixotic Hi... Don't make me feel bad :(
@WilliamHilsum Mr. "I only come here when I need to be a help vampire or get someone to buy games on Steam for me" -_- (I'm only kidding)
Mr. "I'm running a business so I never have any time for those lowlifes on Root Access" :P
Low lives with low level access ?
@Hennes lol :D
@allquixotic haha... working for someone else, but, you aren't wrong with help :( lol...
@jokerdino !!
@Gowtham were you having exams?
Nope, I was sick for a week and I didn't have proper internet for the next ! :P
My exams start this week or something
Sick due to internet withdrawal ?
please, don't mention "proper internet" *says the guy without 'proper internet'*
@Gowtham :(
@Braiam: I had sub-dialup speeds off a wireless broadband sticj there
@jokerdino NaNoWriMo sounds interesting
A: Speeding up/optimising Internet access for a slow connection

Journeyman GeekIn addition to @Sathya's answer - to use opera turbo(which probably is the biggest thing), I found a few things helped. Downloads are an utter pain, and rather unreliable. I used wget (which has really reliable download restarts) to download opera and feeddemon - I already had thunderbird. The s...

@Hennes nope ;p
@JourneymanGeek lol no, I don't mean in speed (throught that is still an issue) I mean reliability:
45267 packets transmitted, 38822 received, +13 duplicates, +60 errors, 14% packet loss, time 45341091ms
@allquixotic So you love me for failure you experienced?
^ see?
@Boris_yo no, I love the fact that Bandicam is working on that tech, and eventually, they will work out the bugs and it'll be great
it may be broken right now, but either Bandicam or AMD will patch and fix the problem
everything wired, though modem seems to "die" or do stupid things at time:
45368 packets transmitted, 45236 received, +9 duplicates, 0% packet loss, time 45429439ms
^ me pinging the modem...
@Gowtham Yes. But not when you are into the second week :P
@Bob One of my tuners doesn't have drivers available past vista...
@Braiam why are you trying to ping for more than half a day?
@jokerdino So you decided upon the story and stuff ?
I am still confused over the story :/
@allquixotic so I can brag how unreliable is my connection :(
@Bob: ^
@Gowtham I have.. some kind of a terrible story.
@Gowtham You got a 10 day to plan it out!
@allquixotic This is the only reason I want to go to windows over myth, I found out hardware encoding is basically shunned by the linux community apparently for reasons something like "We created fantastic open-source encoders, why should we support closed-source hardware acceleration!"
@gowtham Join Wrimo India on Facebook :P
@jokerdino Doesn't matter, you have a story ! You can make it awesome :P
@Gowtham or something
@JourneymanGeek what how that was fast
@Gowtham I hope I can say at the end of Nov :P
@JimmyHoffa ah, the FOSS purists...
@Bob: lol. I was watching it like a hawk ;p
(I'm past that too)
@JourneymanGeek you get more rep in five hours than I did in the last week :P
@JourneymanGeek eh, a VPN with LZMA compression enabled can help
@Bob :c
Opera Turbo does some extra things though
@jokerdino good luck ;p
@jokerdino I have already liked it
like lossy compression of images
@Bob: two questions were VERY similar, and I'm still getting rep for the cd destruction question
@Hennes Without TRIM, SSD should degrade in performance. Unless you use 75% of capacity?
@Bob Unfortunate because I got myth all setup and working nicely and I actually quite like it, it's just getting the secondary step of encoding the resulting video that I find out I can't do with any reasonable speed...
I don't have access to a Windows machine right now.
@JimmyHoffa it's worse than that -- there are very valid patent fears over using proprietary video encoding solutions on other platforms than Windows and Mac. Granted, there are patent fears over software encoding of MPEG LA formats too, and people use x264 anyway...
and I have a plenty good video card, I'm sure in windows there's hardware encoders
@Gowtham Join the FB group too?
@jokerdino link ?
@Boris_yo I seem to use 38% of its capacity atm. (74.3GiB availablem 45.9GiB free, 28.4GiB used)

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