I was using speedfan for 775socket, using advanced graphing i could tie in every temp senced hot part to every fan that would cool it. Hours of work testing, my HD stays between 25-35C , the chipset between 40-60, the cpu between 40-60. all by juggeling what cools it with the sencor reading.
This new board has Asus "fan Expert" lol in it, every fan in the system reacts to the CPU temps only. fans are going 100% the chipset is freezing , the thing starts lifting off the ground.
All this stuff is supported now with APCI in the os, I think speed fan might NOT supprte the really new stuff. I wonder if there is any "better" software out there that would support the new stuff.
@JourneymanGeek i have had it do it Auto, and i have attempted to create graphing for them all. But i do not see where the "system" (chipset) or "HD" or "ambient" graphing is. Only making a graph from One shown temperature?
@JourneymanGeek well that would solve the problem. right now when the cpu goes hot, Every fan in the system goes ballistic , and the "system" is still at 25c
@JourneymanGeek the case itself does have a only manuel adjuster. I was thinking about keeping one fan on manuel, then cranking it manually as needed. like when gaming and the video card would like to cool more. But i ended up dropping them all on the board for automated control instead.
@JourneymanGeek I have one configurations like that, but again on this stupid thing it is only reacting to the cpu getting hotter. The "auto overclocking" software is also 100% lameo compared to the sandy bridge type boards. Could be i have to wait for them to finish.
With the sandy bridge like 77 boards, asus put in a whole overclocking benching testing thing, that ran the whole AUTO overclocking gammut. This one you manually set something, it checkes a few things Quick, and then comes up with a terrible setting. Other people are mentioning that the Asus suiteIII is not very good. They did not say "hey its new it will get updated ?"
@Bob I saw they had only a Few styles where instead of the board being 11" long, they made it "taller" from the socket up. Then put on bigger fan items. I could not afford to be pickey, so i didnt get one, but i liked the idea.
hmmm youtube.com/watch?v=r7s_XXuiYmU this yous-tube shows a guy in 2013 doing speedfan still with a newere board UEFI bios type. That might be enough hope for me to try it.
It was a sad sad day when i could no longer use motherboard monitor :-) we need proper funerals and obituaries for these things, so we can honor them, and know they are gone :-)
Here lies Office 2003, it was a good software package, but its time has come. Please pay your respects to the MS family of software on your way out.
@vedantchandra Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jason Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm looking for a low powered motherboard/cpu for virtualization computer. I currently have a intel atom 330 not virtualized which works well for the past 3 yrs but I would like to run smartos and have two virtualized machines on one computer. Does anyone know if there are similar hardware like intel's 330 atom that handles virtualization?
@Boris_yo hi. nope never bought a video card because of the free game that came with it. I am still trying to figure out morrowwind :-) from the last free item that came with the gpu .
yes, I played some of it long ago, and it was to mentally challenging for me. They couldnt call people jimmy, and nancy, noo they gotta call them Herbidelgon, and formihjkley. Then the town names couldnt be simple like new haven, or trundle nooo, try to remember that you supposed to go to Freblijet and pick up the fluber fungus from Lenadrorikley
I do like to "enter" the world of the game, but on the other hand I am not going to live it for a whole year or a life, I just want to play, till it bores me with repetition.
@Boris_yo People like me need a universal translater, set it to moran mode and get the info in without the complications. Its like a doctor, "your metcula olimbgada is inflamed", Uhh yes doc i told you that when i came in, thanks for translating a-hole.
@Boris_yo yup robocop 3, and whats it suffer from? just like the other one, marvel superhero rediculoto disease.
@Psycogeek "Little girl takes her laptop toy to droid threatening to destroy her friends, somehow knowing where interface is, she connects her laptop to droid. On laptop appears menu looking like it is 8-bit console graphics and on menu you can see different droid commands you can choose. Little girl tells to her friends that she will make droid as friendly as puppy and types something like "friendly as puppy" into command interface. Droid joins their side telling how friendly as puppy he is."
That was the part I felt intellectually insulted.
"Girl takes control of evil robot wirelessly through her kids laptop, telling him to destroy another evil robot." - Another part I felt insulted intelligently.
Robot obviously had built in Wi-Fi router with discoverable SSID "Joe's free WiFi" and unencrypted for strangers to take control.
ahh so your seeing all the way off computerish things, normal people dont know how most of that would work, so no use in spending 10K of the 30mil budget on a expert :-)
cinema sins does an "everything wrong with" on some movies, youtube.com/watch?v=OjKEcE1mcdQ <--pitch black one you might know. It is sure to destroy any entertainment value of a movie if you begin to Think :-)
@Boris_yo (cinema sins) that way you dont think about IT much, to notice that he is also wrong about a few things sometimes
@Boris_yo Its a good thing to watch that, right after you were sitting in a movie saying "no way", "thats illogical", "how did that lead to that?" and "WTF 20 seconds ago they were . . . " and other things you shouldnt be noticing about a movie.
@Boris_yo yup. like we say here, if the people didnt act reallllllly stupid in movies, they wouldnt have any action :-) now how much fun would that be?
@Overflowh just customising my computer, to death. Every customisation i have ever done in Years, i want back on install. I need to quit changing stuff.
@Overflowh how is it that you determined the HD is failing?
@Boris_yo is there any resolution or full screen or embedded or popped out of browser, that it seems to have more or less frame drops? Meaning grafic card speed (more res to render, lager size of video buffer), cpu speed (more interpolations occuring) issue, or disk (more data).
I need to create a search engine for study.
I have my crawler so this is not a programming question.
I want to know what resources do I need to download all internet in an reasonable amount of time ?
In this moment I have only a simple adsl connection :D
@JourneymanGeek My parents loved consoles.. haha. I remember, some evening when I was already in bed they finished Yoshi's Island without me knowing. I was mad pissed at them.
oh boy now I am ticked off. Message to MS "The system update readyness did NOT repair the component store, that YOUR f--king update corrupted to being with"
If i have to read one more lame MS script, after having already done everything in the script, i am going to cut off the head of a MsMPV and shove it down his throat
raymond.cc/blog/… and this? is the solution thing that "worked" for everyone, while the "ms fix nothing ever" didnt. Problem is after hundreds if not thousands of people used that method. nobody told them the "critical" update is still not installed, and whats left of it is still all over the computer.
Stuff is becomeing so bad, that people are just happy to torture the system back into operational status, and give up completly on the original idea that the update would have solved. is like "heck, just give me my computer back broken and unsecure" better than nothing.
--news.softpedia.com/news/… Updates are so badly done (well having that many alone is a problem) there is 3-4 sites now featuring a "weekly" report on what the updates screwed up this time.
i Would not be so irritated if i had not already had a list of 21 known updates to check out carefully before doing my meticulous time based install of the 100+ update items. The 2 stuck ones, not anywhere on my list :-( boo hoo.
If ics is used for questions relating to iCalendar, then what tag do you use for ICS? You know, Internet Connection Sharing?... and how come, that so many questions that have already been tagged as ics have nothing to do with iCalendar? Most of the questions tagged as ics actually are relating to ICS.
I wouldn't really like having a dot in a tag name. And I agree, it's a bit silly to have tags for file format, as there are so many formats, and sometimes same file extensions are used for completely different file formats.
@Sammy Well, DBAN has a problem with Linux. When I try to boot from the DVD, it returns a black screen with an only line, saying: "ISOLINUX [...] Peter Anvil" and does not go ahead. Is the same screen that appeared some other time when I tried to boot from a corrupted Linux installation. So I assumed that the ISO is corrupted, because I tried to burn in 4 times (on a rewritable DVD).
@Sammy HDAT, instead, has a different problem, I think. I assumed that it is created to be burned only on a CD-ROM, so when I try to boot from the DVD+RW with HDAT2, it reaches the screen where asks to choose what drivers you need, but then cannot recognize the media (aka, the DVD), and does not go ahead. It leaves you with a DOS-like command line with HDAT2: A:\>, but seems to not recognize commands, neither the command exit
@Sammy Yes, right. It redirected to sourceforce, and automatically downloaded.
@Sammy I also tryed to search a non-beta version, since the one on the site says "2.2.7 Beta", but I choosed to use that, eventually.
@Overflowh DVD should not be a problem, but to rule that out, if you do have a CD-RW or CD-R then burn it to that. The System Rescue CD can often be very good to have and helpful in many situations.
@Overflowh It's just the name of the menu option. I don't know why they call it like that. I'm guessing it's left like that from old days, they were too lazy to change that title.
@Overflowh It's just saying "old boring floppy programs". But they are running from CD or DVD, or even USB actually. There are version of System Rescue CD that can be used on a USB pen drive.
@Overflowh Most of those programs were originally ran from floppy disks. They need to change that title...
@Sammy Yes I red about this option this morning. But infortunately all my (2) usb pen drives are taken. One for Mint that I prefer to not mess up, and another with backups that need to be organized.
@Overflowh I don't see HDAT2 in there though... for HDAT2 you will have to burn a CD/DVD or maybe write it to a USB pen drive (though that's not an option now that all your USB pen drives are populated).