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@allquixotic Just ask yourself if you could see yourself subscribing to a tag. It makes sense to subscribe to questions tagged . Same goes for . not so much
@terdon I don't need to read the tags to know that the question is about or related to networking; furthermore, if I actually tried to search for networking using the built-in search engine, I'd get so many hits that only about 0.0001% of them might be relevant to my problem
@allquixotic both true, but I think we need some generic tags, if only to sort high level stuff into.
@OliverSalzburg perhaps, but I haven't ever seen a question about "communication" on SU that's on-topic and not about computers communicating... it seems like the devs could've either burninated that tag, or automatically just made it a synonym for networking, no?
@allquixotic anyway, come on, you saw who made the edit. :)
@allquixotic Feel free to request that on meta. But given that the tag isn't used right now, it'll hopefully just die silently
something like: if question contains communication tag { burninate communication; if question doesn't contain networking tag { add networking tag; } }
I only get 20 edit reviews per day, and I use them, and I'd be much happier if I got to use the majority of them on substantial grammar or content edits / improvements rather than wonea's tag changing frenzy... but I've said many times what I think about tags, and apparently I'm not the only one who dislikes them
I end up clicking "Improve" and further improving suggested edits about 90% of the time if it's not just tags, too, so I'm also adding content as well as approving
What @allquixotic said. Exactly.
@allquixotic I think a tag synonym would be a slight improvement here ;D
No but the flood of lowish rep users doing tag renaming can get really annoying.
Instead of approving 'real' edits that fix an error in the content or explain something useful, we have to wade through loads of re-tagging.
Which is also useful but not as much as the juicier edits.
don't you get unlimited, instantaneous tag rename edits after a certain amount of rep? I have never tried it. I assume it's like any other edit (of which I've made many) which take effect instantly
I'm not sure if they're unlimited but you can re-tage by hovering over the tags.
I think the mods should encourage mainly high rep users to re-tag things, i.e. people whose edits don't have to go through the review queue
@Boris_yo The natural Oil is best for you, stuff that comes out of the ground , put in your own well today.
@allquixotic Just upvote him to 2000 rep ;P
@OliverSalzburg has he posted any actual content? I haven't checked/
@OliverSalzburg yeah, because I can unilaterally do that, lol
@terdon he has almost 1400 rep, which is nothing to shake a stick at; he's above the extremely long tail of 1 - 100 rep users; but he's got a ways to go to instant edits
27 answers -> 1400 rep!
No, seriously, that's not normal.
@terdon I just looked him up
The vast majority of the rep is from approved edits then.
That's an issue.
@terdon well, he stopped gaining rep from edits a long time ago
I've been reviewing his edits for days and he's been at 1393 or something like that
if he were still getting rep from edits he'd be over 2000 by now
Ah, I thought that stopped at 2000 when you started to be able to edit with no approval
still, that rep seems excessive
27 answers/11 questions, nothing with a score over 7 and ~1400 rep! :)
they asked people to help cleanup the tags he did.
yeah I don't blame the user, just the process
@Psycogeek absolutely, I am sure this is an honest attempt to be helpful
Nothing against the user whatsoever
i feel like jmangeek already started a discussion on meta about tag cleanup yesterday so I'm loathe to post another question about it
It does seem like a bug though
If rep is "a measure of how much the community trusts you and blah blah", getting so much rep while adding so little content is a problem
@terdon: I think tag cleanups isn't something that the system accounts for
They're an exception, and something thats really a community thing, rather than a SE-wide system thing
@JourneymanGeek i failed to see the point in removing some of them, Server from server like or server included questions. stuff like that can be endless.
So i just skipped over the ones i do not "agree" with.
@Psycogeek: and the solution to that would be to have a mechanism to freeze tags so people don't use them... and maybe not bump up edits involving those tags
@JourneymanGeek My left knee hurts after running but the next day it is okay. I run in ASICS Patriot.
but changes SE-wide are usually gonna take 4-6 weeks
@JourneymanGeek 4-6 weeks years FTFY
@allquixotic: its a joke on meta ;p
Q: What is the origin of "6 to 8 weeks" and is it really the Crazy Frog?

Sha Wiz Dow ArdLast week I was watching a TV show. During a dialog, one character asked the other something like "So how long will it take you to do it" and the answer was simply "6 to 8 weeks". This led me to believe Jeff was just using a known meme and just applying it here, over five years ago but all my se...

I obviously meant 6-8 weeks
@JourneymanGeek my suggestion/discussion to @slhck yesterday was basically that we should have suggested edits that only change tags not bump the front page
@allquixotic: that sorta changes end up filtering through the community managers to the developers tho
@allquixotic might be good, but the tag editor was also making some minor edits, could say he was doing his 2rep worth. Tossing out "thank yous" and fixing some minor spelling every once in a while. (i do not agree at all with removing accolades)
or let folk tag suggested edits as "minor edits" but I think that was suggested before.
@Psycogeek Yeah, that's the thing, they're edits that I would normallyhave refused on the grounds of being too minor.
And I will be missing or unable to approve edits that actually make the content of a q or a clearer.
@JourneymanGeek I know, it requires code changes, but getting moderators on various sites to support it makes it harder for the devs to say "sorry, can't do it due to performance considerations"
basically it needs a lot of widespread support before the devs will get up off their lazy you-know-whats and do something actually suggested by the community
@Psycogeek Well... No well in my location.
@allquixotic: not so optimistic on that ;p
for example review audits. I'm quite sure lots of people outside SE are spewing bile about it.
@Boris_yo they find oil everywhere. earth compressed biological stuff, just look for the mass graves and stuff, seek and ye will find. Remember they even found oil in the dead sea?
@JourneymanGeek they're pretty NIH, too
"ideas from other people who don't work here? pah! we're the best and the smartest on the entire planet; Joel Spolsky told us so! if we didn't think of it, it must not be a good idea!!"
@Boris_yo when that doesnt work, there is always Fracking :-)
@Psycogeek we don't need your frakking fracking!
@JourneymanGeek ^^ said in a Tigh voice
@allquixotic: I wouldn't put it that way, but there's some disconnect between the devs and users it seems, least to me
@allquixotic thats fricking fracking to you.
course, I hang around SF, where they've been venting about stuff for quite a while. I believe the words they use is "River of shit" when it comes to their front page.
@JourneymanGeek most certainly is
Yes, but they're pros writing for pros, having newbie questions here is normal and desired I would think
@terdon: well, the disconnect feels the most obvious there
@Psycogeek In graveyard? I am not necromancer.
@JourneymanGeek hey, you're almost there for the bounty! :)
The forgot word "shit". ^^^
What do you need to do to make a Windows XP machine discoverable in a network?
@Sammy luck?
I guess...
@terdon: thats up to the op tho ;p
unless you mean the automatic half-bounty
@Sammy I am not a Windows person but I seem to recall they changed the default workgroup name after XP, could that be your issue?
@JourneymanGeek I don't feel that disconnect with community moderators or diamonds, I feel like I can get through to them and express my opinions and have them considered, but the devs are in a completely different category, as well as SE staff members who aren't devs
@JourneymanGeek nah, was just a subtle hint to get people to go and vote up the ridiculous amount of effort you put into that :)
@allquixotic: community mods are users like us ;p
@Sammy From what they are telling me if you get the (highly insecure) XP anywhere near the net, it will be discovered :-)
@allquixotic you are a community moderator (>10k)
@terdon I don't think so. It's "WORKGROUP" on both and I can ping between them.
there's also the community development team, but I'm not really familiar with anyone other than grace note or aarthi (who was cool), and aarthi left
@terdon yeah I guess ;p
she did? wow
@Psycogeek I would hope so! :p
@Sammy even though the reality is that every security item for the other Oses is being fed also to updates for XP. (if it applies)
@JourneymanGeek do 20k trusted users still have limit of 20 reviews per day?
@allquixotic: yup ;p
@Psycogeek It's strange because I can see the Vista computer on XP, but not the other way around.
I don't usually blast through all of them tho
I actually spend more time on chat ;p
@JourneymanGeek that's lame - they should add a new privilege that removes that restriction
I mean is there something like "enable discovery" in XP?
Like you do in Vista?
"Network discovery"
@allquixotic: I DO have a crapload of flags...
something like 99 or something
@Sammy Well all systems that came after XP, had much better reasons to be on the web, and interconnect, and all that good stuff, so they can go to the MS store :-)
@Psycogeek So that's a no then?...
@JourneymanGeek I know, because you would flag a question just for having a :( in it
@Sammy I dont know, I spend more time securing stuff than connecting it. I could only tell you how to break it.
@allquixotic: lots of NAAs and Spam
So when it comes to discovering other computers on local network, it can be automatically done using same versions of Windows. However not when different versions of Windows are used on computers? In that case how can you still discover?
@allquixotic: its REALLY hard getting a marshall badge once you're a high rep user XD
Q: How do I play DASH files in Windows?

user255568I have some DASH files that I need to play - how would I do this on a windows system? I'm running windows 8 64 bits

@Psycogeek Yes please... ^^
@JourneymanGeek nice edit, I hope it doesn't get closed now
@allquixotic: question still has one big ??? for me
@allquixotic: I'd vote to reopen if it were probably. Only if so I can work out what the hell he's talking about
@Psycogeek I do get the prompt asking for user name and password when I do \\\ but it doesn't accept the credentials I provide. I know they are ok.
it looks good to me, now -- basically it's the canonical "I'm trying not to make this a software-rec so I'm doing exactly what our community overlords moderators told us to do and reframing it into a How do I do this instead of What software can do this question"
Witha -player ;-)
@Psycogeek Can you tell me how to break into it? :)
I still don't understand the distinction between "How do I do this" and "What software can do this" -- because 99.9999% of the time, the answer is going to be "Use XYZ software"
@allquixotic: its... splitting hairs
but apparently the canonical shopping question discussions on meta yielded the memetic "close shopping questions, or reframe them into 'How do I do this' questions"
Originally it was "no shopping questions"
then, someone decided that software req questions were shopping questions
@Sammy what do the logs show, surely there is a log being made when some outsider tries to log into the thing?
then, someone realised there was a loophole most people were happy with
@JourneymanGeek Diago, probably... he was super strict
@allquixotic: actually no
Good jump!
@Psycogeek What log?
@Boris_yo great animation to put into a platformer video game with a main character of a cat :P
that cat is strong, too, he pulled himself up using only his front arms
@allquixotic Are you aware of such platformers?
@allquixotic Yeah, even though I consider my arms a little bit pumped, there's no way I can pull myself like this that fast.
@allquixotic: oh. I might have posted the canonical reframing question
@Boris_yo: you're not a cat
you also can't jump many times your height :P
cats basically are beings of pure evil and spite, and as such are capable of super-feline feats of strength.
that cat jumped like 4-5 times its height
@JourneymanGeek If I was cat you were to chase me around SU chat.
a human who could do that, could jump on top of his own house from the garden
@Sammy event logs. Also when you setup the network on XP, did you use the wizzard? Never use the wizzard :-) but if you do, did you set up the "type" of connection? as in local or public style? what is there 3 types, home intranet, business intranet (as in corporate), and public internet kind of settings?
@JourneymanGeek Vampires are such too?
@Boris_yo: just not the sparkly vampires.
@allquixotic Maybe Jackie Chan could?
Dear Valued Customer,

We have received your device.  It's now on the way to our technicians to be evaluated for the service you requested. To track the status of your repair, please use below link.

Customer Name: CUSTOMER, VALUED C.

Serial Number - 990001234567890
Tracking (RMA) Number: 1234567

Tracking URL - motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/repair/trackrepair

For any questions or comments, please contact us at 800-734-5870.

Customer service hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7AM-10PM, Saturday and Sunday 9AM-6PM Central Time.
Then what kind of vampires were in Buffy?
@Psycogeek Is that the wizard you speak of? :)
He doesn't seem trustworthy.
@allquixotic whhhhhat? i thought you just got a new motorolla?
@allquixotic You just exposed your serial and tracking numbers without editing them out? You don't think people can intercept your device?
@Psycogeek If you mean the Network Setup Wizard then no, I haven't used that. I have just done clean install of XP SP2.
@Psycogeek I did -- my old one is in for repair so my mom can use it once it's repaired
@Boris_yo you really think my serial number is 990001234567890? and my tracking number is 1234567?
@Sammy he can make a mess of your system for sure. Best to use simple methods like going to places called "advanced" Which in Microsoft words means "the only dam way your going to configure anything"
@allquixotic ohh, dont scare me like that.
my new one is sitting on my desk happy :D
@allquixotic: your name isn't CUSTOMER, VALUED C?
it's actually smiling
@JourneymanGeek nope, it got my middle initial wrong. it's actually Q
@allquixotic picture or it doesnt count.
@Psycogeek I can't take a picture of my smiling smartphone, using my smiling smartphone!
maybe in a mirror, hmm
@Psycogeek OK. No, I haven't done any configuring really, except for user name, password, computer name and workgroup name. IP and DNS is set to Auto.
@Psycogeek Where is this "advanced" option you speak of? What do you use instead of the wizard?
@Psycogeek File and Printer Sharing is enabled, under Exception tab in Windows Firewall on XP.
@Psycogeek I even tried disabling Windows Firewall. Didn't do a smack.
@Sammy well auto is ok as long as something can hand you both an address DHCP and DNS. but you have communications, what your not getting is only authentication.
@Psycogeek Yes, and I can ping between them. This has more to do with security policies I think.
It's just that all the settings are so different in XP.
@Sammy Well many people would go into the proerties of the device itself, and adjust and see all that stuff in its raw form (as raw as a GUI gets)
@Psycogeek Properties for network connection?
@JourneymanGeek umm... not sure if i want to click that
@allquixotic: heh, its just a picture of a mailing label addressed to "Journeyman Geek"
@Sammy sort of, but it is more like tabs added to the device itself , not the devices own hardware properties, but the properties that the net junk has for it. Where all the configuration stuff is and the "protocols"
@JourneymanGeek haha, nice!
did they send you a shirt for a small dog/?
@terdon It's not?
@allquixotic: well, that was a hoodie.
@Bob well it seems a little artificial since the rep does not represent useful answers/questions
I'm at 12.3k rep with 280 answers (and some questions that I didn't count) - on average, that's only 5 rep/answer lower than him.
And there's a limit to how much rep you can gain (total) from edit suggestions anyway.
280 > 27
@terdon 12.3k > 1.4k
By the way, I repeat in case you missed it, there is no doubt in my mind that there is nothing malicious here and the user in question is honestly trying to help
@terdon Oh, I'm just saying that the answer:rep ratio isn't really abnormal.
Anyone with a decent amount of rep probably has at least one answer that got a whole lot of upvvotes.
That's not what's abnormal, what is weird is that there is almost no rep from actual answers/questions there
The user in question has one answer with 7, nothing else even close
(also, suggested edit rep is capped at 1k... which is 500 edits. I don't think that applied to retag edits, though)
Yeah, look at the rep page, most of it is from edits. believe me I reviewed quite a few of them :)
@Bob: I think edits are edits
@Bob you have a better rep density than me
I'm at 13.1k rep with 401 answers
@allquixotic probably the bunch on questions that exploded :P
they removed the retag privilege
I've been working on my peripherals, lately -- edits, reviews, and flags
wonea would be well above that level (500 rep) by now, if it still existed
@allquixotic yup, moving in that direction too
@Bob now retag is called edit... whereas you edit a tag, it falls in the suggested edit queue
53K, 1889 answers, 84 questions 1,706 revisions
some of which are really really trivial ;p
@Braiam the original intention when they removed dedicated retag was for edits that only changed tags to not fall into review if rep >500
but then the retag privilege disappeared
Q: suggested edits adding minor tags

Nikita RybakSay, there's a Java (C#, Javascript, etc) question involving array and tagged only 'java'. Two months ago nobody would lift a finger to add 'arrays' tag: the benefit is tiny, if it exists at all. Yet, last few days I've been noticing a lot of such edits and not sure what to do. Some users even g...

Q: Do we still need the Retag privilege?

Shog9Ever since suggested edits were rolled out, the Retag privilege has been a bit... Weird. You can retag questions at any rep-level, even with no rep (or account) at all - you just need a few people to approve your changes. Then suddenly, you don't - but any other changes you make to a post still g...

@Sammy You have been there in the net devices properties, because that is where all this stuff is. The dns and the wins, and the ip address, and the gateway and all
@Bob maybe we can both run for half-moderator in a two-person campaign (like US Presidents running with a Vice President) and win out over @JourneymanGeek... combining our rep we have like 25k, which is significant, and lots of flags and edits and such... Vote for me and my running mate!
instead of having a full diamond we'd each have like, half of a diamond
@Bob BOO! if I reject all those edits... then AU will stay forever with crappy tags :(
> Editing tags only will result in the same behavior as retag, except for the message (low enough rep will put it in review queue for suggested edits, having the retag questions privilege will make it a regular edit.
fun fact. I have 460 rep on webapps without answering a single question there.
but that privilege is gone. which makes me sad, because review floods.
maybe we need to expand our platform and have more running mates to take down the great @JourneymanGeek... i think throwing in @terdon and @KronoS as members of our cabinet would be enough to tip the scales
then we'd each have 1/4th of a diamond :D
@JourneymanGeek err answering questions is different as asking questions...
@Braiam: or asking. All my rep is from migrations from SU ;p
@allquixotic heh :)
@allquixotic: assuming I stand in the next election, whenever it is ;p
A: Do we still need the Retag privilege?

Peter O.I can easily strike out two of the reasons for keeping it: It can reduce the load on suggested edit reviewers somewhat While that may be the case, the current load on suggested edit reviewers is very manageable, unlike the load on close vote reviewers. It's still somewhat useful on sites (chil...

@JourneymanGeek Sitting at 454 and slowly rising on SO - most of it (265) from a very basic answer to a simple question
@Bob: most of my 'real' rep on SO is from stackoverflow.com/questions/15778239/…
@JourneymanGeek While this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
@JourneymanGeek o.O
not entirely sure if that question is actually on-topic :P
Can someone find me x86 version of .NET Framework 2.0?
I gave up 100 rep for a bounty on SO, which really doesn't help me there :S I kind of suck on SO... and 99% of the time when I'm typing an answer, some scumbag types a 2-line answer that's technically correct but a lot shorter and gets all the upboats
@allquixotic Sorry :(
@Bob strangely enough I don't have that problem on SU
(in my defense, that was a 2013 answer to a 2009 question. short? yes. but it didn't need to be long)
my only real source of rep in SO stackoverflow.com/q/15469763/792066 ...
@allquixotic For the rep farmers whores: less text, more pictures.
@Bob: QFT
@allquixotic and here I am yelling at people for sending people to lmgtfy
@Sammy book mark this, oldversion.com its got every old in the book and was (at least befroe) reliable and not re-packed with evil.
@JourneymanGeek Funnily enough, that's pretty much what my high school engineering teacher told us - he marks higher when there's more pictures :P
Q: Fastest Gun in the West Problem

Omer van KloetenI feel like there's a problem with Stack Overflow, as the number of people prowling it increases. Each question's answers are sorted by descending score and then by descending time of posting. This means that if a person sits down and answers a question in a long, thorough way, going through eve...

I've found it applies in a lot of places.
@Bob: I diagree there
I often get lots of rep for questions where the fastest gun missed the mark
@Psycogeek just keep in mind that it's often not quite conforming to the licences
@JourneymanGeek Hm?
@Bob they pulled things where there was complaints .
Also, I have to ask. @Sammy, why are you downloading a .NET 2.0 redis?!
@allquixotic Yes, but "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (x86)". Isn't that only the SP?
Or is that everything in one package?
@Bob: fastest gun dosen't always get the most upvotes
everything in one package
@JourneymanGeek uhm. I didn't say anything about FGIW
I was talking about more pictures
@Braiam posted that link :P
@Bob A software I'm trying to install requires it. And I do like the number 2. It's a nice even number. :)
@JourneymanGeek but is normally the "accepted" one...
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)
That's the "redist" version of it.
@Braiam: not in my experience
But for x64 only???
@Sammy: not x64 tho
@Sammy SP's are made to install over the release version...
@Braiam So what are you saying?...
@Sammy .NET 3.0 and 3.5 both include 2.0
Is there no "redist" version of .NET Framework 2.0?
the other thing that annoys me about SO is that 90% of the questions here are questions that approximately 1 person on the planet can answer forcibly (the guy who wrote the software they're using), and over 50% of them are just flat-out library bugs where an implementation isn't doing what it was defined to do in the spec
@Sammy right now... beats me :(
4.0 is a different CLR
You should just install 3.5. That will run anything targeting 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5
@Bob CLR is what?
common language runtime
Programs won't be able to tell the difference (unless they explicitly check for newer versions, which is stupid)
@Bob Will 3.5 run on SP2 XP?
@Sammy Probably.
It will definitely run on SP3.
Which you should be using.
@allquixotic O.o huh?
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the virtual machine component of Microsoft's .NET framework and is responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs. In a process known as just-in-time compilation, the compiled code is converted into machine instructions that, in turn, are executed by the computer's CPU. The CLR provides additional services including memory management, type safety and exception handling. All programs written for the .NET framework, regardless of programming language, are executed by the CLR. It provides exception handling, garbage collection and thread manag...
@KronoS you'd have to read more of the context to get an idea :P
@Bob Yeah, I know. I'm ditching SP3 for now because I want to test network authentication on original XP SP2. So I don't want to make big changes to it.
@Braiam :)
@allquixotic tl;dr? I'm kinda too lazy to read that far back :P
man, AU users are as clueless as could be a windows user... without windows...
Oh if you mean mods, and mod elections, I'm pretty sure we're not having any anytime soon
no need for a new one. The moderation is being handled really well with current mods
@Bob The so called "NET Framework Service Pack 1" etc. are these Service Pack ONLY? Or are they full package Service Pack + NET Framework?
WAIT! How many moods SU has? 9?
If you scroll down a bit, you'll see a table showing how the .NET Framework versions correspond to CLR versions.
Basically, any newer .NET Framework version will include all previous ones that have the same CLR version.
CLR version changes break things. Where the CLR version remains constant, it's only new additions on top.
@Bob meaning that you have to install them all from 2.0 ...
@Braiam Hm?
It means 3.5 implicitly includes 3.0 and 2.0, since they're all CLR 2.0
wonders how many .Net has Windows 7 installed right now...
.NET 4.5 implicitly includes .NET 4.0, since they're both CLR 4
@Braiam By default? .NET 3.5, which is CLR 2.0 and includes .NET 3.0 and 2.0
If you install .NET 4.0/4.5, you get CLR 4.0 as well
@Braiam Ya 9. Which is plenty for SU
@Bob Again, what are .NET "service pack"?
@Sammy not sure
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1 (Full Package)
In this case it explicitly says "full package". So I guess this is NET Framework 3.5 + SP1 for NET Framework 3.5.
But there are others where it only says "service pack".
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (x86)
> incrementally upon .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and includes .NET Framework 2.0 service pack 2 and .NET Framework 3.0 service pack 2 cumulative updates.
@Sammy Why don't you download it and find out?
@Sammy that's the service pack if you have installed 2.0 plain/base
Also, .NET 2.0 SP2 is available. No point getting SP1...?
you need SP1 before SP2!
@Braiam Some sources imply that the installers include prev. versions.
is the microsoft way to do the things, don't argue and shallow it D:<
@Braiam So what you're saying is, if I don't have .NET Framework 2.0 installed already, I will have to download and install:
1: .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable
2: .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
3: .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2

@Bob fun fact: CLR 1.0 mscorlib APIs can be called from COM such as VBscript
I will get the "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1 (Full Package)" I posted above and see how it goes.
@Sammy yeah... something like that...
@Sammy that sounds like a plan...
@Braiam As I suspected then... thanks for confirmation. I could not locate the x86 version "redist" version of .NET Framework 2.0. Microsoft only hosts an x64 version of it. So I will go with 3.5 "full package" instead.
> Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 provides cumulative roll-up updates for customer reported issues found after the release of Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
@allquixotic That's not fun at all!
@Sammy I'd recommend you use the web installer if you don't actually need an offline install.
@Bob hmm, System.Reflection.Assembly is available in mscorlib.....................
That'll save you ~270 MB of downloads.
I could totally write a complete .NET WinForms program in VBscript if I dynamically load System.Windows.Forms dll
@allquixotic NO
I can feel your brain cells dying
Microsoft. Your site sucks.
> All .NET Framework Downloads...
(on the right)
@Bob because they are... microsoft?
Don't they, I dunno, categorise their bloody downloads?

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