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heh, know of any tools that can repartition a disk from windows, and dosen't try to install adware?
hmm, minitool seems to work for now
@JourneymanGeek you mean, apart from the built in stuff? :P
@ЯрославРахматуллин Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OliverSalzburg what's up here? Is the editor the same as the OP?
@terdon Yes, probably same guy. He should get his accounts merged. The edit is still not legal
I know, I got distracted while I was reviewing it and by the time I got back to it it had been approved. That's why I thought I'd bring it up.
So, reject the review if you think that's the right way to do and leave a comment directing him to superuser.com/help/merging-accounts
@OliverSalzburg I can do that? You mean roll it back?
I was going to but thought I'd ask before in case he's already talked to one of you guys.
@terdon If it's already approved, leave it be
But leave the comment ;D
It's already very late here :P
Yup, here too, I know how you feel :)
We're in the same time zone, no worries I'll go tell him to get in touch with you guys.
Oh, I see :D
Through the account merge I mean
Yeah, we (the mods) can no longer merge accounts. He has to go through the procedure outlined in that help article
I seem to recall going through pretty much the same thing when I first joined.
It was you who walked me through it actually!
You were very helpful :)
Sweet :)
So we have come full circle with you telling other people about this now :D
@Bob yeah, trying to resize a windows XP disk. Found something that works
@JourneymanGeek any idea if that guy from yesterday managed to set his server up?
@terdon: which guy?
Was it some other small canine?
ahh, no idea then
there was another guy asking about a server too
This guy:
Q: How to execute a script from a browser that is on a private server?

jflory7I am extremely new to Linux / Unix as a whole, so I apologize in advance for any ignorance that may be perceived by this question. I am trying to execute a script to set up a control panel from the front-end of a server so I can finish setting it up. (For all of the details, I am trying to insta...

no idea ;p
Shame, you spent some time with that.
I hope he did, went on to the next interesting problem ;)
I'm currently trying to bootstrap an XP install without any additional drives ;p
from xp itself
Umm, the question springs to mind: Why?
superuser.com/questions/641015/… I want to steal a bounty, naturally
hehe, grub can do that ;)
@Braiam I can see your logic. "That Brazilian Guy" means I'm a girl. If I was a dude, I'd be "That Brazilian Girl".
tricky thing is getting grub on a xp system with nothing else
And if I were a dog, I'd be @JourneymanGeek
at this point, I would savage the ankles of windows XP, if it had any
and ie6
ie6? You're actually browsing using that thing! Poor puppy...
@ThatBrazilianperson did you have a look at the answer you got on U&L? It should do what you need
@terdon: yeah, I'm using one of the ie test VMs to try this
Heh, sounds like fun. Are you trying to make the windows bootloader boot from the iso?
Sigh. One year and hald ago I didn't know git. And knew less than what I know today of CSS and HTML. I customized a WP theme for a client and it... well, it worked, that's a fact.
Now the client asks for some changes and I want to go back in time, slap myself and teach myself GIT, and to never comment out code.
Heh, yeah, know the feeling. Still don't use git and I know I'll be kicking myself eventually.
(I'm not a professional coder by the way, I have an excuse!)
I work in an environment where people do code, although that's not in the job description. I have never formally studied programming. I aim at becoming a front end developer, but I should propably spend less time on chat and more time studying.
Now back to work...
@JourneymanGeek there is a xp clone called.... reactos
@Braiam: my problem here, really is that I'm not trying to replace xp
I can do this, easily in 7
or dos, amusingly
meh, is a good windows without microsoft thingy...
its not ready
also, dosen't solve my actual problem ;p
@JourneymanGeek hang on, wasn;t XP the last version to run on DOS? Or did they stop that with 3.11?
@terdon IMO XP runs over NT... :S
me was the last version
but there's a dos xp installer ;)
man, what we have to deal with "semi-proprietary" source code reactos.org/pita-bugs-part-3
@JourneymanGeek I'm thinking that of you can do it in DOS, then do it in DOS.
@terdon: I need to get dos running from XP and nothing else
freedos dosen't seem to like unetbootin
Ah. Perhaps one of the others? Like multisystem?
Instead of unetbootin I mean.
@terdon: if I could use a usb key this would be trivial
@JourneymanGeek wait, you have a problem and it's not Windows?
@Braiam: not directly
this is pretty fun
geek :)
kinda like chasing my own tail, but intellectually
@Braiam that was a horrible bug
I just did a prayer that I never find something as nasty as that @terdon
if this was 7, or I had its bootloader this would be trivial too
ooh, I used to have an Amilo, horrible machines
After a while, mine would only work on a completely flat surface. Tha chassis was so crappy that anything else would apply too much torque and the grahics card would freeze
@JourneymanGeek would it be possible to start this from daemon tools? Not sure how you could get it to resume after the first reboot but...
@terdon: daemontools boots isos?
Well, no that's where it might get tricky :)
I was thinking there might be a way of tricking windows into resuming the installation from the iso
Once you start it from daemon tools, then you get to the first reboot, then you wave your magic wand and get it to resume from the daemon-mounted iso
What, no magic wand?
oh F me sideways
you can start an xp install from xp
Well, yes, that was the easy part.
The trick is getting it to continue after the reboot. I seem to recall it took N^2 reboots (where N is the number of drivers to install) or something
lets try this and see
and cough keeping the system offline so I don't use up one of my precious install keys
this guy is tenacious askubuntu.com/q/347591/169736
@Braiam he seems to be making sense though right?
yeah, I just was trying to see where the bug set off so he can do a perfect bug report for the devs... so he don't get the "is all good here" with the MOTU....
He seems to know what he's doing.
@terdon I'm praising him!
Ah, OK, tenacious can go both ways.
I can count with the hand fingers the devs that will fight finding bugs in someone else code and see where the problem is.
and install 8 OS's to boot...
yup, this is gonna be messy
How's it going?
blew up the install ;)
care to elaborate?
and didn't snapshot so I need to do it again
ok, I got a second copy of windows installed
(sorry, just slipped out)
I can't format the original one since the pagefile and boot directory are there
I was thinking, could this be done through WinPE perhaps?
I can think of half dozen ways this could be easier ;p
Q: How do I run emacs from terminal? This is my first time using ubuntu

user194448Need help getting emacs going to run program for CS I class

read the comments...
To repeat something I said in comms room with a small change...
"I have a rock, a fish, and 3 pounds of lemons, how do rocket surgery?"
first put down the chocolate covered banana...
ok, I repartition, then I reinstall windows. Then I make a snapshot so I don't waste another hour or two redoing what I did already ;)
Might be a good idea, yes :)
> and you have to gove the question.
@terdon ^ ;)
I miss the edit privileges... :(
for CS I class??
Computer Science One?
Shit, well a newb's a newb.
Wow @Braiam AU guys seem to be worse than Windows newbs!
Q: dowloading ubuntu 13.04 on osx and the sudo command requires a password

Luis PerezI can't download ubuntu because the terminal asks me for a password when i do the sudo dd command. help? i get through step 8 of the download process but I can't get it to download onto my flash drive

@terdon some brain cells died cuz that!
ok, got back to where I was before I fucked up ;p
Sorry, it is actually almost fun to know that it is not I who is going through all that :)
@JourneymanGeek I can sort of reconstruct your efforts by the time you take between posts :)
@terdon: I'm gonna try a safer option first ;p
@JourneymanGeek :) c'mon, brag to me!
suprisingly satisfying, but not quite perfect ;p
Are you going to write it up?
Quick question: If a user with <10 rep tried to ask and answer their own question but answered it as a comment due new user restrictions is their any actions that should be taken on the question?
You mean the one you answered?
Can't new users answer their own questions?
I thought so to then doing the reading relating to the meta post earlier I found out they need 10
and yes the one I answered
"If you have more than 15 reputation and already know the answer, click the checkbox that says "Answer your own question" at the bottom of the Ask Question page"
15 my bad :)
A: Trying to format a laptop with no DVD Rom

Journeyman GeekI actually tried a few solutions and its kind of strange, and might take a lot of coffee time. I'd note i've had a few failed attempts, and have warned where things get dangerous. Read through the whole answer before you tried it I basically created a second partition, installed windows there fr...

needs a bit more work ;)
@50-3: upvote them, get them some eyes, comment ;p
@terdon: ^
I saw, I went, I upvoted :)
@50-3 still, your answer is good (hence my upvote, I'd already seen it :), it answers the question and gets the job done for the OP. He was not after rep I think, he was just being nice since he was proud to have found the answer him/herself.
@50-3 Good for them and good for you! :)
Wow @JourneymanGeek you really went to town with that one! Shame you're up against harrymc ;)
@JourneymanGeek wow that was a lot of work yer?
@terdon: my answers better ;)
@JourneymanGeek hi
this answer seems exact copy paste from this website
also, uses a single system, though at the moment I am cheating by no formatting
@JourneymanGeek agreed, but he came first and you know that counts :) I only have one upvote!
what i need to do while seeing this kind of answers?@JourneymanGeek
@Vignesh4303 you should flag them for moderator attention.
@Vignesh4303: flag, presumably comment.
Wow, taken straight from your blog huh @Vignesh4303?
@terdon: I don't believe in fastest gun in the west, its even in my guide for superuser awesomeness ;p
@terdon not from my blog lol
Ah, sorry, my bad, misread your name
@JourneymanGeek you have a guide! I can be like you?
@terdon: see the last point meta.stackoverflow.com/a/174873/135565
@terdon: lol, its pretty common sense actually "post lots of good, clear answers!"
i got banned for this kind of answers once
and the best way to win gunfights is to never duel someone better than you
@Vignesh4303 Yes, copying is OK though not very good but copying without stating the source is a no no
ok guys see ya have a good day ...
@JourneymanGeek and never bring a knife to once
@JourneymanGeek @terdon bye ..
@Vignesh4303 thanks for pointing that out
Hmm, he did actually cite his source. I won't flag this I think.
@JourneymanGeek there's a meta post somewhere about copy/paste answers isn't there?
@terdon yer I felt bad for my comments after I found out about the restrictions
If anyone wants to he is one up vote from having them lifted
Q: How can I attach a cygwin script to a keystroke?

user447607I want to launch my development environment with a keystroke using Cygwin. That includes opening some ssh sessions on a remote box and tailing the logs.

Already done. Felt kinda bad upvoting, it wasn't a very good question.
@terdon I'd guess this
A: Is it OK to downvote link only or link/copy/paste answers?

ChealionTo add to BloodPhilia's answer: I'm of the belief that yes it is worth down voting link only (or generally very poor quality) answers (and leave a comment of the sort saying just links aren't helpful). The answers are not useful because they are dependent on an external link and add very little ...

@terdon I've submitted a suggested edit - did you want to check to see if to many assumptions have been made or it's justified based on the comments?
just hit 1337 rep is it immature of me to want to keep it that way -_-
@50-3 nah, we all go through that :)
@JourneymanGeek also i regards to the below question would the fact he's formatted the usb boot device in NTFS possibly be stopping it from being detected as a bootable device?
Q: Trying to format a laptop with no DVD Rom

John DemetriouI am trying to format a laptop but the DVD Drive is not Working. I tried booting from a USB but even though I have it on the top of list it skips it. I tried disabling all other boot devices and leaving only the Removable Device but still nothing. In case it matters the Laptop is a Fujitsu Siemen...

It's NTFS, I am not sure I understand what your other comment is saying — John Demetriou yesterday
and booting XP off a thumbdrive dosen't work very well
huh, missed that :) @50-3 quick, go post an answer, steal his bounty!
@terdon I posted before he did :)
the tag says its xp
Right, I'm off to bed, see y'all around!
Yer he is on XP and wants to re-install XP
without any available external drives
now to see if we can actually format the drive :)
I have an idea on how to do that
install linux, which replaces the bootloader over c:
then boot into windows
hm, for some reason thats not working, and I currently can't be arsed to work out why ;p
i think i have a poor understanding of banks and channels in DIMM
can any body point to some good resources or explain them ?
I am about to move my hosts file (just a mess) over to the other puter. www1.yesadvertising.com www2.yesadvertising.com #[Tracking.Cookie] www3.yesadvertising.com www4.yesadvertising.com www5.yesadvertising.com
Its got 1/2 Meg of stuff in it. and it does the local address thing. I got 2 questions.
1) wouldnt this work "better" with addresses?
2) cant there be some kind of wildcarding for all the repetitions?
@Ashlie what do you mean by dimm? they have a lot of cute names for ram now, the basic reality of it has not changed that much. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ddr3
@Ashlie All i need to know, Boards that support the Teaming up of the ram modules, you look in the motherboard manuel and install them the way they say to to achieve the working together as a team. There are teams of 2 , 3 and 4 depending on the motherboard support, and now with the memory controller on the cpu with the cpu and MB support.
@Ashlie Sometimes when the ram modules team up for this faster operation, the ram timings are such that it could be a total fail. So my standard practice is to test a single module, which cant be a team with another first. After that first one works, or if being so inclined you could test each module one at a time in each different slot.
@Ashlie After you know that all this memory is functional, and all the slots are operational, then you cram in 2 or 4 (or 3 in the tripple) and see if that all functions correctally. Check any ram bios options, and go.
@Ashlie When Only installing one ram module in, it is preferable to use the one closest to the CPU slot. Or if the manuel says different. When putting the second one in, it is important to put it in the proper Team slot , to get the team working together. The teammates slot can be the next one, or the 3rd one (skipping one) again important to refer to the actual motherboard manuel for the proper information.
@Ashlie: I just tend to follow the manual. Also, host files are a blunt method to do filtering, they arn't actually designed for that.
at some point it makes sense to just run/use your own filtered dns server
hi @Psycogeek im DEFCON 1.i recently change my display name.
@JourneymanGeek when a hammer works i use a Sledge. no wait 3 sledges :-) i got not only the hosts, but sites in "restricted" , plus content filtering. I live in a cave .
@Psycogeek: hosts.txt was never designed for large scale filtering, its meant as a hack for some local addresses
@Ashlie the other name was cool
@JourneymanGeek it has not hurt anything yet. and it is required because many things try to open to the web, so without a router , this is my method of DNS nuking.
learn.adafruit.com/… <- you can do that without a raspi I believe
far more efficient
in winders it gets stuffed into ram
this was like "lord ashley". it was cool when i thought about it.but now its just embarassing.
and i have to wait another 30 days
@JourneymanGeek running through any other hop is not going to be faster. it will just add more delays.
@Psycogeek: you're doing DNS trough a local cache
its actually marginally faster.
@JourneymanGeek uhh, the broken ones by the hosts file dont have to go look, they are local to this computer in the here and now.
i thought i was correct about my knowledge in banks,slots in memory until i saw this comment from sawdust.i have posted an answer to this question here.please anyone check if my modified answer has some errors (if its acceptable to ask to review my answer, i will post the link here)
they "resolve" right here, to what is supposed to be nothing. Which would be better though to send them back to myself to break, or break them by being invalid?
A: Can a long /etc/hosts file slow DNS lookup?

Tero Niemi Can a long /etc/hosts file slow DNS lookup? The answer is yes, in a Windows (XP/Vista/7) machine. It is a known problem that a long hosts file does not work well with "DNS Client" service. http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm: in most cases a large HOSTS file (over 135 kb) tends to s...

@JourneymanGeek mabey on his laptop. but i have tested with and without the cache, and the cache once up and going is faster.
Lets ask him if he can open 16 web pages in 2.5 seconds
open and finish render
@Psycogeek , @JourneymanGeek is this correct ?
A: Is it bad to use two slots that are not adjacent to each other?

AshlieFor dual channel configuration and best performance DIMMs (dual inline memory module) need to be installed in pairs. look at the pic of dual channel memory slot shown below. The colors indicate which channel the RAM belong to,channel 0 or channel 1, e.g. lets assume orange is channel 0 and ye...

I usually just follow the manual ;p
i m not so good wid english.was "
I usually just follow the manual ;p" was for me or the other guy ?
here i am only 45ms from google dns, and Akkk my ipdns is not pinging.
oh, when it comes to working out where ram goes ;p
I can never be arsed to remember, its not like I swap out my ram that often.
59ms from my IPs dns caching. well that aint so good today.
1ms away from my own Hosts, BUT it borks, borks either way as local or as 0000.
I think i am Hacking myself, all those requests from me.
Ahh i know, i will route them all to Journeyman.com :-)
@Ashlie heck you wrote that up damn nice if you ask me. Still cant "depend" on the colors, depend on the manuel.
@Ashlie (the comment there) ""had two sticks of ram side-by-side in the same color, (same speed and size) I had run memtest86+ to determine if the RAM was bad and the second slot of RAM produced errors (as determined by yank and retest) I then plugged it into the third slot and reran tests again without error, what do you suggest? –"" Ram is not bad, he might have to loosen up on the timings to run as a team, most people would smartly send the ram back so they dont have to deal with it
--I need a test HTML with 100 items from my blocked hosts list, and 3 items (top center and bottom) of normal unrestricted locations. Then i can test.
whats this doing in Su code? schema.org , i knew i shouldnt have looked.
Well, i didnt wedge 100 in but i changed all the pictures at a yahoo media page one by one to different HostsBlocked sources , just replacing the yahoos .com things with the blocked evilsite.com things, many different ones in different areas of the hosts file. Then i re-ran this Html from the local disk. It sets off to find the few yahoo picts, and breaks the hosts blocked pics (that do not exist anyways). and the Hacked up non-resolved changes HTML loads faster.
Conclusion, For my uses, with my computer, anyone who says hosts blocking will slow down the loading of a web page, should test it for themselves. Either that or they are affiliated with the massive list of BS, which includes many Fake sites, and trackers, and porn sites that suck.
As we refer back to the source of this information. serverfault.com/questions/322747/… We observe that the users Drops in, pastes this one thing, and leaves forever? While long term users OF hosts, and long term respected members of the community say the opposite.
@Kwaio heylow
@Psycogeek: Oh, His source is one of the most popular adblocking hosts files ;)
@JourneymanGeek the locations say to turn off the DNS cache. the host file gets crammed into the DNS cache, according to other locations, plus I tested that stuff also myself.
@Psycogeek: and I also suggested using your own dns server, since you wouldn't have to maintain multiple hosts files ;p
@JourneymanGeek There could be more factors, like antivirus going crasy when somone touches that file, some way they have the web setup, they have some speed of web that is 20 times what i got. When applying that method back when addblockers were few and far between, with a 14.4 or 56k modem, the differance was bigger still.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, to have some other unit to deliver it for multiple computer items. There is only 2 computers here, 3 if you include the one i am "upgrading"
@Psycogeek: its worth considering as an alternative. There's more than on approach to the problem. I just consider the massive hosts file solution very useful except in some edge cases
personal opinion, of course.
*not very useful
@JourneymanGeek logically if the hosts people were downloading was 1/2meg Years ago, if it had been continually added to as every evil and fraud site came up, I figure it should be about 20megs at least by now.
I think the usual normal slacking off after a whole lot of work was done exists in this case.
@Psycogeek: or people realised there's better ways ;)
My UPS died today. I tested with software that came with it and it showed no errors. What a piece of junk. Who needs such soiftware anyway?
Anyone remembers since which kernel (linux) we can unload modules ?
After I plug it off from power source, it turns off and that's it. Accumulator is dead but UPS itself functions.
Should I buy new UPS or just replace accumulator (cheaper)?
@Boris_yo dont remind me, i have to replace (standdard maintance) all the batteries in these ones. the shipping costs are terrible. I was thinking of trying out Li-Fe-Po4 type replacements.
man modprobe says "if your kernel supports it"
@Kwaio: errrrrr.... remember, no. I recall referencing that quite a while back. Still stuck with your thricedammned fedora core 3s?
@Kwaio: 2.6 onwards
modprobe is a Linux program originally written by Rusty Russell and used to add a loadable kernel module (LKM) to the Linux kernel or to remove an LKM from the kernel. It is commonly used indirectly: udev relies upon modprobe to load drivers for automatically detected hardware. modprobe is distributed as part of the software package "module-init-tools", for Linux kernel version 2.6 and later. It was previously developed as "modutils" for use with Linux versions 2.2.x and 2.4.x. Jon Masters and others maintain module-init-tools. Operation The program offers more full-featured, "Swiss-...
That's RHEL's $$
@Kwaio: I have a photographic memory. Sometimes I just forget to load it with film, cause I got distracted by SQUIRREL!
But yes. That means i have to be cautious with loading them since i would need reboot to undo è_o/
@Psycogeek All the batteries? Your UPS has multiple batteries? Mine has only 1 accumulator...
its been eons since I list did it, but wouldn't insmod let you load a module on a running system?
Load yes, unload, no
@Boris_yo one of them is a Beast, because it had to keep the beast computer going, plus the monitor, and a few other trinkets. It has 2 massive batteries that only costs like $25-50 each if I know where to get them. or about $200 to get primo replacements with wiring from APC.

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