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The real Back door today.com/news/… or is it the side door :-)
@Psycogeek Sounds kinda like HomeFront actually
I'm a retard
got email notification that AMD Catalyst 13.9 was out
went and downloaded it
ran it
was ready to complain to AMD or post on some forum
then realized... oh.... OMG.... I'm ON MY SURFACE PRO
epic fail
@allquixotic not had your morning coffee yet? :P
@Bob well I've been connecting my surface pro to my desktop peripherals with a USB hub and a Mini-DisplayPort to HDMI cable. I have my headphones, mouse, keyboard and main desktop monitor in use with my surface pro
Are you holding your tablet like a cat?
@Bob the movie or the game?
@Psycogeek game
mainly because my desktop doesn't do Suspend to RAM due to the RAID card (I believe the latest generation ones do, but mine is older) and takes aaaages to boot up, whereas on weeknights I usually don't have a lot of time, so I just tap the button on my Surface Pro and - BAM! - I have a Windows computer
@JourneymanGeek no, it's sitting on my desk, but I'm typing on my keyboard like a catoiasjdopadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvdfoijweopp‌​ppppppppppppppppppp
@JourneymanGeek a badger badger? where's the mushroom and snake?
@Bob hmm is that what i was doing, killing korean invaders? It was all such a blur :-) homefront for the PC was well done, and fun to play, but not "open world" type
this person is obsessed with edits
changes tags everywhere and makes a few minor tweaks to the text
should have a under his name instead of notepad++ etc
Which is exactly what we're prompting people to do…
yeah but he spams the frontpage pretty good
@allquixotic I wonder if we could have some kind of rate limiting for pushing accepted edits.
@allquixotic I think that is sweet having a whole Same OS on a tablet kind of item, so all the software, the tweaking, the layout and configuration is exacly the same. Doing winCE and Android, and symbian, i lost days and days re-learning.
@slhck or have a threshold to detect "minor" edits (just a tag change, or a tag change and minimal edits to the text like formatting only) and don't even make a question get bumped to the front page if it's been minorly edited
Then we don't have any reviews for those anymore.
@slhck er, they show up in the review queue at the top, which is what I click... I don't look at the front page for minor edits to approve
algorithm: look at the raw markdown of the post; disregard tag changes; strip out all markdown formatting, newlines, etc (just for the purposes of determining whether it's minor, don't actually delete the formatting from the post); count the number of remaining characters that have been changed; if it's less than 5, it's a minor edit
@allquixotic Yeah, that could work. But then again… this whole tag thing is so majorly screwed up. I've been thinking about how to improve that for almost two years now.
minor edits would appear in the review queues as normal, but wouldn't get bumped on the front page
I think we should eliminate tags and instead do a full-text search on the body of all posts using an advanced search engine... something like Google Search Appliance would do the trick
I mean when you do a google search through forums, and find the most relevant results in the top 5 results, it's not like forums have to have a "tag" system to let google know what the important words of the question are
it seems like the tags are only present in SE because SE is too cheap to buy a Google Search Appliance or write something that'd be as good at doing full text search as GSA is
Hmm. Have you used the old search?
It was terrible.
they're basically a performance hack, but the cost in terms of contributor time is appalling
The one we have now is… 50% less terrible.
Oooh. I just got my first Famous Question
I have used the old search, and the new one is still worthless
I get better search results by searching main google and getting SO / SU hits than using the actual SE search engine
Same for me
seriously, if the only point of tags is to help their search engine, it's not worth so many hours of moderator (diamond and otherwise) time to edit, review, approve, and do periodic tag cleanups all for that
how many people use SE's search anyway? most people who post a question, even fairly "dumb" users, have at least googled it first, and if there were already a question on the site, it'd probably be in the top results on google
@allquixotic same here, but any changes that have been made have improved the SUs own search , A person can find something now :-)
besides, tags aren't necessarily the best indicator of what a post is about -- how many questions out there are just tagged but are actually about Audacity or OpenOffice, etc?
I really think that the 'smart' way to do it would be to stop bumping tag edits a day or two, and go a load of them at once ;)
if the search engine does do full text search, tags aren't necessary... if it doesn't do full text search, then SE is just being lazy, and needs to make it do full text search
@allquixotic: its a bigger problem cause there's more than one person doing it. ;p
there's 4-5 folk who are.
there's really nothing more to say about it
heck even a free (as in $0) "Google Custom Search" over the particular SE site you're visiting would be more than sufficient
actually for $100/year you can use Google Custom Search with even more customization, like removing the branding
@allquixotic tagging for the OS is important, especially if it has been left out of the main text, and I also use the Follow and Avoid features of the tag system, to try and avoid linux questions. (not that linux isnt good, just that I am not into it today)
Well, if there were no tags, people would be forced to provide the info in their question's body.
@slhck oh no! a disaster! :P
@allquixotic Not saying that's bad.
Just guessing that many will forget that.
and I can't tell you how many times, until I got really used to the site, I posted a comment like "please indicate your operating system" when they ONLY posted it in the tags
Or they'd start doing How do I foo the bar? [Tag] again.
because I didn't realize they had tagged it
people should really just put all the pertinent details into the post body, and not try to be clever by tagging it instead
some tags aren't nearly specific enough, too, which gives users a false sense of providing information when in fact they are really not giving enough
like the tag -- it's practically meaningless unless your question is directly about the Linux Kernel, in which case 99% of the time it belongs on SO anyway
saying "I'm running Linux" and then proceeding to ask about a specific application on top of some unknown GNU/Linux distro / version does not provide nearly enough information to answer the question with any confidence
Or people who post a question under and I have to be all nit-picky about answers that aren't POSIXly correct :P
@slhck 99% of the time when they say "unix" they really mean "Ubuntu 12.04" -_-
they just don't know what they're talking about
@slhck that's a bit of a head-scratcher, and not really the type of thing I'd expect out of wonea
that might not have been the best tag excerpt I've ever read, but it was okay, and now there's nothing there?
right, anyway, i gotta get to work
@slhck unleash the dogs of edit :-) and they are off
Is it possible to see the network transfer speed in real time on Windows?
The Network tab in Task Manager only shows "network utilization" in percents! Like 25% of "link speed".
Can I see the speed in Mbit/s or MB/s?
@slhck Heh. If I know I use a GNU-isme I will explicitly state that in the post.
@Hennes That's always good to do :) Many people forget that and live in a Linux-only world.
I do not use linux (well, not much)
I also try to educate people to #!/usr/bin/env bash etc etc
Me neither. Only GNU coreutils :P
@Sammy thats what 3rd party tools are for :-)
@AsheeshR Oh no, master is here! Hide the cookies!
Anybody interested in TOR? Its almost about to launch.
Tor. The books? The router ?
Hmm, seems rather specific
@allquixotic "I installed this program into /etc, but now my memory is full"
Reject, custom. Reason: Captain Kirk shot first! Review question killed!
@Hennes: better than mine
Edited by "Kirk" one min. ago.
Sadly it was "Kirk" and not "Han" or "Solo"
that makes it funnier ;p
Set phasors to stun. Target photon torpedo's on the leading death star!
@Hennes chat audit :-) thats just wrong
Hmm, target the leading review question?
I need to remember that for the next time.
@Thanos Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
torproject.org/about/findoc/… <--- pdf showing 3/4million Tor funding, comming from the US goverment. Or as we like to say here in the US, if the CIA tells you something, whatever you believe after you hear it (no mater how you thought of it , like they are lying) is what they want you to believe.
A: Windows 7 - Open the Volume Control popup from the command prompt

RichardTOn windows XP: Use sndvol32 as follows sndvol32 no params to display master volume window sndvol32 -x to display small master volume window sndvol32 -t to display volume control only (as per sound icon)

question has
@allquixotic somone should ban that commuity person, to many malicious edits :-)
answer starts with "On windows XP:"
Anyone here running FF on Windows could run a test for me?
@ThatBrazilianGuy sure
@allquixotic Does FF uses the proxy settings from "Internet Options"? Last time I checked, in FF v4 (IIRC) it just ignored it.
I was trying to contribute here superuser.com/questions/647282/… (see my comment on the question)
@ThatBrazilianGuy it can, but it can also use its own proxy settings... is the question about FF out of the box?
@allquixotic The question is unspecified, so I'd assume default, out-of-the-box behaviour unless stated otherwise (and as a way of confirming with the probable settings of a wider audience).
Also, I was totally unaware FF was even able to use the Windows proxy settings
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have FoxyProxy installed (always) and that overrides the default proxy settings panel :/
Is that (using Windows proxxy settings) something "new" (as of, later than FF v4)?
I always thought "Hm, Chrome and IE uses windows proxy settings, FF uses its own, that's a fact, period".
that's with Firefox 23 -- I don't know when exactly it came out, but I do remember Firefox 3.x didn't have that feature
so it came out sometime between FF 3.6.x and FF 23 ;P
It has been a long time since I had to meddle with proxy settings
I deal with more proxy-related stuff in a week than most people deal with in a lifetime
I believe the OP's answer is the best one though
is the ability to "Improve" edits a new feature?
@r.tanner.f @Tanner hi! LTNS
@allquixotic Hey how goes it?
@allquixotic What do you mean?
Editing chat edits? Like this? Multiple times?
I think it's nothing new
A: Missing module error: nvsql.ole

allquixoticIn general, when you are receiving mysterious error messages, and especially in your case where you can't find any information by googling the file path in the error message, there are some lower level steps you can take to attempt to diagnose the problem. Here is what I would do in your shoes, ...

@ThatBrazilianGuy I mean when you are reviewing edits to questions/answers in the review queue, you can edit an edit instead of just approving or rejecting it
@allquixotic it has been there for quite a while. I read some of the edits and see just a few little bugs that get missed, the edit is "ok" , it just needs a tweak.
@Psycogeek @allquixotic awww, you removed the Shakespeare quote, I thought that was rather funny :)
@terdon I really hate questions that have a lot of verbiage in them that serves no purpose
this isn't a stylistic writing class; the point is to convey information
Anyone here with epx with a ReadyNAS?
@allquixotic I know I know, still, that one was kinda fun to read. I agree with the edit, would have rolled it back otherwise.
@JohanLarsson what? considering that I have no idea what you just said, I think you belong in The Comms Room.
Need to replace a disk in the RAID array, RTFMing now but fishing for some chat while reading.
@JohanLarsson why do disks always die in nas, do they get bounced around the room? used as steps to fix light bulbs? Jumped up and down on by angry girlfriends/wifes , or just because the people using them have kids ?
or because the disk is WD? One or more of the disks has been making sounds from day 1
lol, thats it
Found it in the manual now, hot swap -> Auto rebuild of array -> email when done
@JohanLarsson if I had a disk that makes sounds from day 1, I send it back where it came from
hope it works
My friend went through 6 disk in his drobo, I was telling him "dude there is only 4 In It."
@allquixotic Yes I should but it is so little money that it is hardly worth the effort
I don't think I have ever had a non-WD disk fail
A: Are USB unplug events logged in Windows 7? (When was my mouse stolen?)

TonyFor USB storage (sorry, not for mouse), please see http://www.squadratechnologies.com. secRMM does monitoring on any USB storage device and smart phones, tablets, SDCard, CD/DVD.

seems halfway relevant, but reads a lot like spam
@JohanLarsson And I have had far more trouble with non-WD disks than WD ones :P
luck of the draw and all
@allquixotic so, no day 2? :P
@Bob yeah, they can't be all crap. The company would not exist if so.
gotta afk now, sry about drive-by q :)
@Bob looks like spam to me, locking the door after the horses were stolen is not an answer.
@terdon with a bit(/lot) of polish, that might be a valid answer. hence "halfway relevant".
@Bob: 1 rep, only a first name, unregistered user ;p
Dunno, the question is about logging usb events, the answer points to a site about usb security, not the same thing. Anyway, as it stands it's link only s... :)
@terdon eh, they do cross over a bit :P
> secRMM writes all Removable Media Events to the Windows Security Event log plus Microsoft Operations Manager Management Pack or use SNMP v1,2,3 traps
@JourneymanGeek ya. again, I have to say it's much better than those idiots who advertise jerseys and other crap
@allquixotic huh... I was making a joke
@Bob so was he.
@terdon yay
@allquixotic: (and anyone else...)
Q: Could we be doing our tag edits better?

Journeyman GeekThis came up on chat, and well, there's a few issues to be raised. Folk who're editing tags tend to get adviced to edit a few tags at a time, and it kinda worked - we've having more people editing tags (yay!) in many cases at a sensible rate (double yay!), but we still end up getting the front p...

feel free to point out things I might have missed ;p
I am hoping the [edit tags] things gets intro production so I could start editing full speed again
Question timey !
Is there a way to find out which scripts are run by bash during login ?
Found ya !
/etc/profile.d/* there you were little basterds
@Hennes yeah, that's a good suggestion.
@Kwaio also check ~/.profile, ~/bash_profile and ~/.bash_login
First check what your login shell it.
It might not be bash
Granted, bash is the default on many modern linux systems
But It can be dash, or sh, or zsh or something elese
@Hennes VBShell! :D (I'm kidding; it doesn't really exist... Or Does It?)
It was bash
i just had to track down 7 diffrent layers of scripts until i found the one calling an undefined command
actually PowerShell is kind of VBShell because of its wonky syntax
But at first i thought it could be another script called besides ~/.bash_profile
I had to code a primitive shell for school
A friend made one as hobby. pinosh and it uses .sesamerc
@Hennes I wis i had done something like this in school
But they made us do Java as soon as we had mastered C basics
Huh, they just taught us to read and write and do sums! :)
by basics I mean like K&R excercices
@allquixotic NO
@allquixotic Ya. PS syntax is borderline retarded.
@Hennes Don't we have a SU user who wrote her own shell?
oh yea
@Bob the good part is, PS has various ways and means to do things, so if you hate the borderline retarded bits, you can just ignore them (usually) and use the less horrid bits instead
after a while, my PS code starts to look a little bit like VB.NET, except having to go through a lot of machinations to prevent automatic array unrolling
@allquixotic I tend to cop out and jump into LINQPad instead.
@Bob the only thing that was really painful for me to do in PS was a GUI... even a simple GUI has lots of lines of code that are usually in your *.Designer.{cs,vb} files in Visual Studio in C#/VB.NET
anything beyond MessageBox.Show, that is
[x] Hot-swapped the disk
[x] Auto-Rebuild did start
[x] Use it while it does its thing
[x] Wait for email
[ ] Profit
@allquixotic Never tried. Never want to try :P
I mean, why would you bother?
@Bob if your customer requires it to be in PS and not in some actual programming language...
let me put it this way -- it was either that, or VBscript
@allquixotic Embed some C# in the PS :P
Or fire the customer. That works too.
@Bob works great if you can find a new customer to pay you money
Seriously, in what situation would that be a reasonable requirement? o.O
@Bob "the network guys don't like it when we have binaries on our fileserver, and we like not to have to dig around and find source code, we just want it to be there as/with the program itself"
"also, what happens if you die tomorrow? none of us know C#/VB.NET"
@allquixotic That kinda ignores he unmaintainable mess witing a full program in PS would be.
only 1000 SLOC or so
we're not talking about writing a web browser or a virtual machine hypervisor in PS
just a little information processor of sorts (XML, blah blah) and a simple GUI
T_T is there no love?
A: Missing module error: nvsql.ole

allquixoticIn general, when you are receiving mysterious error messages, and especially in your case where you can't find any information by googling the file path in the error message, there are some lower level steps you can take to attempt to diagnose the problem. Here is what I would do in your shoes, ...

@allquixotic You know, they say a picture is worth a thousand words :P
@allquixotic probably most just can't be bothered reading that much :\
also, on ProcMon: I find that minimising other uses is often close to useless - far easier to just exclude programs until the list becomes reasonably sized
@Bob or disabling registry stuff if you aren't particularly interested in it
@Bob did you see this I posted earlier?
suddenly I care less about things like the fiscal cliff and Obamacare and the programming language of choice at work, and more about things like appreciating nature and other people
and the fact that I'm here
The content of SU answers is CC-SA-BY, right?
@ThatBrazilianGuy and chat :P
Does that mean I can, technically, copy an answer, edit it, give credits, and use it to answer the same question, while not infringing the rules?
Hm... Gonna ask it on meta.

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