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@EinsteinsGrandson: reinstall the windows loader, format the ubuntu drive, extend the current drive, in that order
i might have forgotten passsword to bios
will have to figure this out later
i deleted the UBUNTU partitions from the HDD
via Gparted
so now I am trying to install the Windows loader again
Q: How to remove Ubuntu and put Windows back on?

Josev KingI know nothing at all about Linux, and I desperately need to get my laptop back up and running again with Windows, how do I remove Ubuntu?

i am using windows xp
not windows 7
don't know why
... you have bad luck...
this is funny
it works
i just put windows xp cd into the cd-rom
pretended to go to install new Windows XP
fixmbr.exe and fixboot or something like that...
but then at the the end when it was checking my HDD ... i just turned off the laptop
and now it's ok
i boot into windows
i hope i will be able to use windows xp for the next 50 years
or 70
i will be receiving service packs number 4587478154546289787655484584
@EinsteinsGrandson in 50 years, Windows XP will be as old as trying to fight in a modern war with a bronze short sword, a spear, and a chariot.
The questions is if there is gonna be a single compuer that will be able to run Windows XP...
probably 1 or 2, in a museum
maybe a Haswell or Skymont based ultrabook that could run Windows XP would be in a museum
I have 2 computers
and need to copy 25 GB from one to another
don't have external HDD
How can I do it?
I know I can create a network
But I would need a switched double cable
I am not sure I have it
Maybe the cable I have is only normal
non switched
I am connected to the internet viac this cable
Where is the step by step how to create this network?
Or if the cable is not switched I cannot do it?
i can use USB flash memory stick but it is gonna last milion hours
and I need to do it in 4 hours
@EinsteinsGrandson: is either one of the adaptors gig-e?
i am not sure
if it is, you can use a straight cable
The PC has it on the motherboard
Which is KM8 somethings .... from MSI
well, go check
• VIA® VT6103L 10/100Mb/s PHY
so it's not
laptop is also funny
ACER travelmate 2410
i am homeless so I am happy for having any computer
i need to copy it before they kick me out from here and i will be officially homeless
need to get new laptop though..
the laptop - 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet; Wake-on-LAN Ready
So , also not 1 Gigabit...
So what now?
you'll need to hope they do auto-negotiation
else you need a crossover cable
What should I put to Google to see the step by step how to set up such a network?
Q: direct ethernet connection between two wirelessly connected Windows 7 laptops

Journeyman GeekI've got two systems that are right next to each other, and connected wirelessly to the same router. I want to connect the two of them together with an ethernet cable - both have gig-e and autonegotiation so it should work. I DON'T need the second system to have internet, but I need any specific ...

the PC doesn't have a WIFI
only laptop has
I have a Kindle that has WIFI
So maybe there would be a solution to use Kindle wifi to send data via Kindle into the PC
But that would be too complicated
Kindle connected to PC via USB cable...
now i am reading it
so the second one doesn't need to have wifi
Hey @JourneymanGeek, you are a Linux guru right? I have a question about an answer I just noticed:
Why would "ls" be showing recursive results without the -R option?
I tried Google-ing it but did not see any clear results...
@David: thats not recursive
The part below isn't recursive even though it is showing a sub-directory's contents that match the string?

Sorry for my ignorance... I know you are always helpful and I'm curious about stuff...
you're telling ls to list anything starting with vsftpd. I didn't know that was implicitly recursive
let me fire up a shell and test ;p
Thanks a lot!!!
I would test myself, but I thought you would have a good explanation and I didn't have a linux machine readily available...
yeah, it does seem to be recursive
but mine looks different
hmm... The -R option makes me curious of its necessity...
-R might go deeper
Maybe ls is only recursive to the direct child directory, but ... yeah what you said
Thanks for your wisdom @JourneymanGeek.
the behaviour he's showing seems to be for ls -R confusingly
least on ubuntu 12.04
that is confusing...
I wonder which flavor he is using... I am going to comment on the question with that question.
the behaviour or my tests?
feel free to reuse the image
Sorry, I meant which version the person asking the Super User question is using.
oh, I understood that ;p
I think I was being confusing... I think my brain is slowly melting today or something... I have been confusing for the past couple of hours.
@JourneymanGeek, your dog (I think it is your dog) looks REALLY happy in the picture on your profile.
@David: common wisdom on root access is that its me.
You're the dog?!
XD, also, its a dog covered in mud, at a dog park. So, yes, he's happy.
@David: on the internet, no one knows you arn't are a dog.
or a man-bear-pig...
(thats ash. Lets just say we get seen at the same time a lot. Quite unlike superman and Clerk Kent)
So you know a few people on here personally?
not really
I think there's one person here, and one on The Comms Room who knows me outside SE
Supposedly someone I used to work with helped develop SO. But I don't know for sure who...
Maybe you are the developer, you have been a member for 4+ years...
I could see that
Your a gamer, right @JourneymanGeek?
I tend to play games like I watch movies ;p
PC or console?
so, I'm not very good, and am more interested in the story
PC, clearly
I was thinking it was PC. I only recently converted to it...
You play Skyrim?
It is a good story game. Lots of stories...
been meaning to ;p
last major story game I played was sleeping dogs
pondering picking up fallout new vegas again
Was it good? I have that game, just sitting in my Steam library...
its like a hong kong action movie as a game
controls take some getting used to, but its a heap of fun
I played New Vegas. That was cool too. Skyrim is really similar to New Vegas (same dev), just a mid-evil version.
open world games are fun ;p
I had it for PS3, but it was way... to sluggish after buying the DLC's
oh, and I am waiting for SR4 to go cheap ;p
Oh yeah... that will be awesome
hehe. I have a combination of a reasonably powerful PC, and a not terribly high res screen
so, I can handle anything I throw at it
That's cool. I just recently got a GTX 680 for my gaming rig.
running with an AMD 8120, and a Kingston 3K series SSD.
I love having a nice graphics card. It makes the PS3 look pathetic. :D My girlfriend still likes playing the PS3. I think she wants to get a PS4 when it comes out... I am trying to convert her to a PC gamer...
Do you watch humblebundle.com for deals?
I got their Origins bundle a few weeks ago.
I thought that was pretty cool
I got a Gforce 660
XD, been playing quick games of RA 3 off that
I wish the GTX could use some of the GeForce software, like the dual screen software
It irritates me so much.
core i7 3770, samsung 840ssd (thanks to the SU contest)
dual screen software?
Yeah, I noticed the GeForece graphics cards can use some software to help manage your dual monitors, but only if you are using a GeForce card.
I tried installing it but it would complain that the card isn't GeForce.
The SU contest gave away a samsung 840 pro ssd?
A couple of gamers ay?
hello all
Hi @CarlB. I am a hardcore gamer. It appears that @JourneymanGeek is one also even thought he won't admit it... XD
Are you a PC gamer @CarlB?
I have not got a new gam in a long time....I need a fresh world to play in. I was looking over your talks about games...I think my favorite is Bioshock and maybe GTA San Andraus
I have Bioshock form a Steam sale, but haven't played either of them yet.
lol...that's how long it has been....well, there is borderlands that was pretty cool too.
Do you watch humble bundle @CarlB?
You can get some good games dirt cheap and help charity at the same time there.
I think you will enjoy Rapture...I have played the original Bioshock and Cioshock 2 about a dozen times. Infinite seems to have been a bust, so I never got it.
hum...never heard of it
You were talking about GTA, you know GTA 5 just came out today.
There is the site for humble bundle.
Yeah! I was thinking of grabbing that one in a day or two...
BRB...I want to take a look at that link
PC version of GTA 5 isn't coming out for a while.
@CarlB, basically you make a donation to charity, and you get games for the donation.
After doing research you will understand more about it.
Cool thanks.... Figures with the GTA %...lol
You seen any youtubes of this guy Mark Iplier?
Funny as hell..
He plays games while on camera and talks about them...mostly indy games with jump scares...he screams like a little girl sometimes, but man it is fun to watch.
Sounds funny
When I play call of duty online, people always think it is funny listening to me because I rage.
If you want to check one out...this is a recent one that is pretty good. youtube.com/…
My son and I watch them together and get a giggle every now and then
Your image reminded me of some of the indie game "monsters" and then the Mark Ipllier came to mind @David
Ahh, If you are curious where it is from, it is from Disturbed. A US rock band.
Mark Ipllier is oddly entertaining. Usually I don't like watching other people play video games, but that was pretty funny for watching someone play video games.
Its worth signing up for the HIB mailing list
humble indie bundle ;p
nice - i bumbled spelling humble, as bumble.
Say, if someone bought an "OEM" Windows 8 from there and installed it on their PC, would the installation be forever bound to their motherboard? I was sure that OEM licenses had been abolished with Windows 8 and now it was just "system builder" that was a sort of combination of retail and OEM that wasn't bound to a computer, but then I went back to that page and apparently that's not the case (anymore?).
@Ariane the system builder is split into personal use and OEM
@Ariane: I think you'd need to call to reactivate at worst.
there's still manufacturer OEM as well
manufacturer OEM is bigger manufacturers like HP and Dell (typically, contracts and custom T&Cs)
system biulder OEM is a small builder/repair shop
eeeeh. So basically if I tell that person to order an OEM disc from Newegg, it'll be the equivalent of a retail Windows 7 disc to her?
personal use is if you install it yourself, i.e. not sold with a machine
general rule is OEM is installed/sold with a machine
as long as you install it for personal use, and order it with any hardware, its ok.
@Ariane err... I'd make sure it was a system builder one
places like HP/Dell have custom activation methods too
usually a BIOS key
that said, its PRETTY rare for my OS to outlast my hardware, grandpaw's axe aside.
you don't want one of those OEM disks, cause... ya.
@JourneymanGeek technically, PUL doesn't apply when purchased as a bundle with a machine... at least, that was my interpretation
But uhm. Look at the items from my link.
@Bob: the old OEM licence needs you to buy it with some hardware, even a mouse ;p
@Ariane: I've installed OEM on DIY systems and laptops that came with other OSes
the big thing is whether the licence is transferrable, IIRC retail was, OEM isn't really
the last time I answered this, I said:
> Home users who purchase a copy of Windows 8 separate from their computer fall under the Personal Use section of the System Builder licence, which is more or less the same as the traditional 'retail' licence.
based on this part of the OEM/SysBuilder licence terms
> If you are not a system builder and are installing this product for personal use, refer to www.windows.com/personaluselicense for terms that apply to you
@David 200 dollars worth of hardware as a second prize. I bought a SSD with it ;p
@JourneymanGeek did you get the pro version of the samsung 840?
@David: regular version
Still good
That is a nice prize though
@JourneymanGeek it may let you, but again you are actually violating licence terms
it's a legal restriction, not a technical one (yet)
paired it up with a 3tb drive for bulk storage
@Bob: hence me saying licence, not install ;p
but we're splitting hairs
@Bob Then whyever is the OEM disc cheaper than the upgrade disc on the very same page? Sounds like a ripoff, since they do the same BUT the upgrade requires Windows installed contrary to the OEM.
@JourneymanGeek as I said, the distinction with Win8 is if you install it yourself (again, make sure you actually pick up a "system builder", not just an "OEM") (@Ariane)
@Ariane 's friend can install a copy of windows 8 with no issues.
Yeah, that is what I like to do... A small SSD for OS (i.e. 90GB - 120GB) and a large secondary drive for storage.
@David: I actually use a 4 drive setup now
I also have an XBMC (OpenElec) machine with a similar setup
I also have a 250 gb drive with some bad clusters for downloads
@JourneymanGeek potential legal issues aside
it was in my laptop, replaced under warranty, only to find the damned thing just needed a reformat. and an old 40 gb laptop drive for linux
you also can install Windows with an activation crack
@Bob: if she dosen't move it, I don't see any legal issues ;p
doesn't make it legal
@JourneymanGeek again, OEM from large manufacturers is different from system builder
that's why you need to be very very careful
@Bob: If its installed on a single system, with a legit key, its legal. Ok, sure, you may need to buy a mouse to make it a proper system builder OEM.
there are a lot of people selling Dell/HP/whatever "OEM" discs
@Bob: I'm currently abusing dreamspark
@JourneymanGeek that's not how it works
not at all
OEM - Dell/HP/etc., CANNOT be separated from the machine under ANY circumstances
@Bob: heh. Probably ;p
System Builder is PUL if you install it yourself
@Bob: but you wouldn't get those from newegg
so, not a massive issue here
System Builder installed by a professional builder (e.g. computer shop) becomes 'OEM'
Everyone, instead of telling me how OEMs vary between manufacturers and to be careful of what disc it is, just look at the Newegg page with them in it that I linked and tell me if it,s the right disc.
@Ariane I haven't even seen a link.
Having some trouble scrolling around here :\
@Ariane: "yes"
@Ariane Yea, those look fine. The pricing is a bit weird, but they did stuff up the licensing pretty badly.
You should be able to install any of those on a system with no issue.
don't get the 'pro pack', though - that's just an upgrade from Win8Core to Win8Pro
I know.
Just, I'm looking for the catch, because getting something better for cheaper is suspicious.
and heh, I seriously need to look at getting a powered USB hub or 3
@Ariane: MS's pricing policy/sku policy is too complex, even for them.
Any students in your house @ar
@JourneymanGeek, why do you need a powered USB hub?
@David: raspi, neatens up charging phones
@JourneymanGeek just make sure it's not a dodgy hub :P
do you have a rev2 raspi?
@Bob: yeah and yeah
@CarlB Eh. I'm a student. Why?
the former is tricky ;p
@Ariane I'd say Newegg is overpriced
Win8Pro Upgrade is only $68 here in a retail store
as in, a brick and mortar
@Ariane: isn't there a local .edu program?
Might want to look for student discount. I go to an online school and I can get win8Pro for 24.99 US
My uni has one, only they're australian.
@JourneymanGeek be really careful :P
those aren't fused
@JourneymanGeek o.o
I almost forgot
@Bob: yeah, I'm familiar with their quirks
I tried backpowering my pi off a ddogy usb hub
it worked until I plugged a keyboard in
Might want to look around as I think you only have to supply a valid .edu email addy
@CarlB last I checked, the school needs to actually sign up for dreamspark if they want that
@Bob: I was kinda wavering on a dodgy DX one
@Bob: dreamspark is usually faculty specific
not sure about this discount thing you're talking about though
@JourneymanGeek whole uni here has it
@Bob: with murdoch, business school dosen't have it, IT and engineering does
@CarlB .edu... That's exclusive to the US I think.
lucky us! lol
I think it is only state universities in the US also. I don't think my college offered it (I live in US).
@Ariane: I linked you to the canadian site ;p
@JourneymanGeek Interesting, but they don't sell Windows, just computers. And anyway not sure why I didn't say it right away, but the person in question isn't a student. :p
Also, that .edu thing is annoying. Tons of free or discounted software offers for students require you to have a .edu address. To hell with the rest of the planet.
@Ariane: or the local equivilent
I know of no local equivalent.
.edu simply means a school address in this case
And anyway what school offers STUDENTS email addresses on the school's domain?
We have the internal message system and that's it.
@Ariane: a lot of them
I actually have 2, one from my local school, and one from murdoch. Student email is seriously common
Really? Shrugs We get our crappy system and that's it.
@Ariane, do you go to a private school? That may be why.
We didn't get email addresses at my private college.

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