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Maybe I should put video card on test stress? Do you know of any free software that could do that?
IntelBurn is one vicious CPU beater. and FURmark will whoop on a GPU till it runs off crying.
But it is also good to have some sort of temperature monitoring set up before.
@Psycogeek Since IntelBurn is for CPU, it does not fit my situation which is to stress video card.
@Boris_yo If only you could leave it at that. for me I have layers of things that must be tested. the ram, the cpu and the gpu , if it is only a GPU problem, then a FEW different gpu testers and a gpu monitoring would be good. But your "kit" still needs to assemble the rest of the stuff.
A memtest86 boot disk, should be in the kit, still the best way to test ram hard.
@Psycogeek I don't think RAM is problem because with No Signal, you can still hear Windows welcome sound and see HDD activity.
@Boris_yo Yup, doesnt apply. there are situations were a ram issue where it is Very tight to the edge of the cliff, can cause software/driver problems. Even cause Disk data to corrupt when used or moved. but with normal computers not overclocked it is not likely.
@Psycogeek Should I suggest to client to buy another VGA cable? Should I also sugegst him buying video card for the sake of finding out the culprit?
@Boris_yo I always bring cables, even though I only diagnose a computer problem for somone else once in 100 years or so :-) see i got all that leftover crap just laying around here, like a "shop" would. and just because of my own uses.
@Psycogeek Or I could tell client that since I am not a laboratory, he should bring it to expert laboratory so they could test? Hmmm but since the problem is appearing/disappearin how would they find out the problem? Would they spend weeks testing? I doubt and they would probably advice to buy a new video card or even PC.
Client has SIS 661FX videocard. FurMark refuses to start test.
@Boris_yo They use "The method" they are assigned, and indeed just sell them something. A customer sometimes might appretiate an excuse to upgrade :-) The wifey doesnt complain as much, and the "need" means going into more debt was a requirement :-)
Maybe I should switch RAM modules? I don't know for what...
@Boris_yo No never switch ram , if you have to hard tested it first.
Maybe I should hold power button for 30 sec?
if the hard ram test showed something, then Pull a few sticks, test again, adjust the timing or the votage as needed, and then as a last resort replace the ram.
@Psycogeek You mean first to perform extensive testing and then switch if needed?
@Boris_yo If it is working, but intermittant, and it is a hardware problem, you can usually break it with a benchmark. If it is software, then that can be 101 things and becomes more endless. it is easier to diagnose a hard problem than a soft one.
@Psycogeek Break memory module?
@Boris_yo Yes whoop on it, if it isnt working it will faulter , while you (the software) is watching. beats the heck out of having thing fail internally and not knowing why.
@Psycogeek I Googled for No Signal problem, found YouTube video where reseating memory fixed the problem.
superuser.com/questions/639529/… I am so tempted to bounty this, for the most original solution
@Boris_yo 255 pins that must be connected. I am always amased how they figured that the method of cpu connection, and ram connection would be reliable. Remember back with the older cpus with the Pins going down into the socket, and the clamp putting the pinch on them when the clamp went down. That seems a lot more sure.
@Boris_yo But ram reseating would be further down the list for a GPU specific problem, unless it is one of them "shared memory" kinda GPUs
@Boris_yo ??? SIS 661FX is a motherboard? is it onboard Video? Because onboard video does usually "share memory".
@Psycogeek SiS 330 Integrated Mirage Graphics Video Adapter [AsusTek]
... ewww
sis adaptors tend to be crap
and I'm slightly more worried now
@Boris_yo yea, the i in sis stands for integrated
S stands for shit
Also AGP 8X which brings question... How can onboard video card use AGP 8X? AGP is separate accelerated graphics port.
oh, it could be using the interface internally
@Boris_yo: have you/are you planning to open up the system?
Maybe I should open the case to look if theres unused AGP port in case I find auxiliary videocard to place there for testing?
@Boris_yo: when you do check for leaky caps
@JourneymanGeek Leaky and inflated motherboard capacitors?
@Boris_yo Dude if it is that old, the caps in both the power supply and the motherboard could be meeting up with Mr. Mtbf
Its about the 'right' age for that
yeah, that makes it more complicated
@JourneymanGeek I should also disable RAM usage by integrated video card?
@Boris_yo: probably not
I'm still leaning on bad cables or caps
@Psycogeek Who is Mtbf?
I am leaning on taking the owner out shopping.
@Psycogeek How about the trick with holding 30 seconds power down button?
@Boris_yo Mr Mtbf is Murfys friend. Mean Time Between Failures. Caps that have discharged and recharged 100million times, or even Floated a charge for 7-10 years, Fail.
@Psycogeek To me the system is very slow but owner says it suits him. He previously had Norton Antivirus and said system was slow indeed.. I wonder.
@Psycogeek Oh yeah I am familiar with this aspect.
@JourneymanGeek So I will check caps and take picture? Wait but if No Signal i s shown while computer runs fine, what does it have to do with failed capacitors?
@Boris_yo: just something to check. My money's still on a bad cable
@Boris_yo I have been there where a person states that the unit is sufficent, and they "only do" this or that with it. and at the time i should have CHARGED them for was enough to replace the whole damn thing it was so slow.
systems of that era often has issues
@Boris_yo If they are to cheap, take them shopping on E-bay. get a usable used piece of junk that doesnt cost $150 total, take it home make it right ($250) and replace the thing.
@Psycogeek Either client pays for your work that would lead nowhere which is same amount that he could afford himself new system?
@Psycogeek It would be good if it actually fixed problem but what if it doesn't? Then buy new motherboard? What if it doesn't then?
@Boris_yo Been there done that. How do you charge to make a pigs ear into a pigs butt, so there i am working for hours with crap, and even at a low wage, the thing could be replaced with a cheap used computer. The key would have been to say "this is going to cost more than it is worth, and still fail later"
@Psycogeek In the end should I try 30 sec power button thing?
@Boris_yo How old is the power supply ? too
@Boris_yo There is no 30sec button thing on a desktop. you could clear the CMOS, but no need to do that. it might be usefull to look in the BIOS. The 30Sec power thing possible on a Desktop model, is to shut-down, pull the plug out of the wall, wait 30seconds, then plug back in and power up. Other 30second press things for resetting some special stuff, i do not know about.
@Psycogeek You think old power supply might fail in suppying power to integrated video card?
hmmm, desperate ways to change things for the integrated or AGP type video in the Bios. Some boards allowed the change of Latency , could be very important. Some boards allowed for a change in the Memory alloted to the APG video side.
@Psycogeek So far over 1 hour no problems. The problem seems only when powering on PC.
@Boris_yo if it has been ON for 5-7 years, has a old PSU , and a Older board, both of them might be at end of life. Or say on for 1/2 time for 10 years.
@Psycogeek Can it be also monitor's capacitors? No does not make sense because I would not see "No Signal" then.
@Boris_yo (Problem when powering the pc) "cold start" ? where sometimes the video inits , but sometiems it does not?
@Psycogeek Yes.
@Boris_yo The monitors own Caps, would more likely reveal itself during operation.
@Boris_yo Cold starts can be the PSU caps, or the motherboard caps, or in this sitatuation where the GPU is the only fail, the psu and the gpu "area" of the motherboard.
If it is just a cold start, pull the power, and put it back, boot up, shut-down, pull power again. and run a few cycles of that. Then of your too cheap you just Live with it. It works, you just have to pull out the choke or start a fire under it to get it going :-)
@Psycogeek Pull power means pulling off power plugs while computer cold boots?
Should I wait some time between cycles?
@Boris_yo Removing the power entirely off the computer will discharge the last few caps in the thing that remain charged. For some reason that also does a full reset on a video, I Assume that (at least some) video card does have use of the tiny standby power , because of how it acts.
So you would discharge all the caps, which also includes the PSU high voltage filter caps, then restart the thing. do that a few times. But i am not saying it is a solution.
Will try looking inside now.
@Boris_yo ""You think old power supply might fail in suppying power "" bad caps can reduce total power delivery, it can also cause "Dirty" power, or to much ripple, or to much interferance, or wavering around to much. however you want to say it.
^ that should say more like "on demand power delivery" , but depending on the curcuit it could also be total power delivery.
America has be the most selfish country on the planet foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/08/25/…
oh yea I was meant to look at that manual @JourneymanGeek
the manual actually is pretty decent
at leas it has good English grammar and spelling
I'm so tempted to edit out the "r".
this here begins to look a bit spammy. Especially when his company is one of those "types" mabey an edit would fix? superuser.com/review/first-posts#first-posts/…
That seem definitly spam to me
hey guys
can someone offer me any help on this question?
Q: Investigating torrent traffic (e.g IP address info) on a network?

asadzI need help in understanding how torrent traffic travels the network. I don't ask this because its purely educational, but I'm stuck in log analysis tasks which requires understanding of some core concepts. Background From firewall logs I can track IP traffic going to one of bit-torrent tracker...

@Kwaio who would have voted it up, being a ~2yr old question? might that mean there is 2 of em?
@Saladin I did had a look, but i don't really understand your question. I don't have much experience of GNUtella though
@Psycogeek Don't high-rep have a way to know who up/down voted ?
@Kwaio well let me explain here you must be knowing about torrents in general?
@Kwaio Gosh i hope not, they might find out that i downvoted thier stupid answers :-)
I am going to edit it for now, and hope someone else knows what to do.
@Psycogeek: don't edit
flag it
@JourneymanGeek ok your call, I already edited, now i will kill.
I've rolled back, lots of flags will do the trick, as will voting to delete it if you can
@Gowtham foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/08/25/… Arm the rebels, kill the rebels, arm the country rebelling, kill the country rebelling. Man rebels get all the luck :-(
@Psycogeek You are supposed to rebel against your government yo !
@Gowtham Right, and i am wondering now how much that makes me Fodder :-)
gah, can't get WinDbg to load symbols from ms symbol server
they move the server, then dont tell anybody.
i donno, here is a 2013 post says "Symbols are files that help the debugger translate the binary information inside the dump to human-readable information. This particular command sets a default symbols path. For WinDbg, it downloads from the public Microsoft symbols server: : http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
" Which is odd because some old junk shows different paths for different OSes.
@Psycogeek @JourneymanGeek Photos are ready:
I see some caps I'd find suspecious on the second photo
the right side
@Gowtham ping to there fails, whatever that means.
some on the top ones too
@JourneymanGeek I concur, looks like bulging
the heatsink looks horrid too
@JourneymanGeek Where do you see heatsink?
bottom photo
dude, that fan is FILITHY
@Psycogeek I think the site is down
Also whee bsod
@Psycogeek To such extent? To me,I saw photos of situations worse. Caps were indeed inflated there.
@Boris_yo: its bulged enough to indicate failure
@rlemon Hey there! You're pretty special, aren't you? :)
@JourneymanGeek Client was afraid to clean it because he thought he would damage it... I offered to buy can of compressed air but would that clean fan?
@Boris_yo: I use qtips first, then canned air
@Boris_yo You know that todays motherboards use "poly" caps that are much more reliable, and longer lasting. The ones shown are old school.
but I would recommend considering replacing the sysem
@JourneymanGeek It's hard to judge by pictures and better to examine with your eyes in real life. It would be better to fly to Singapore with motherboard to show you.
@Boris_yo: basically if its not flat, its suspect
its showing other signs of failure
its of an era where you saw many capasitor failures
@Boris_yo At the bottom of that type of cap you could observe also, the base plug might being to extrude out of the alum container, and can (but does not confim) lean the cap.
@JourneymanGeek Did power off cycles like @Psycogeek told me and then I noticed client didn't use Standby. He always shut down computer. So I recommended him to stick with new method and thought this "No Signal" problem would no longer occur due to Standby mode. Makes sense?
@Boris_yo: depends on where the failure is
@Boris_yo Provide better lighting for the picture, by lighting it with a "key Light" offset at about 20% and dont use camera flash, or use flash only for "fill"
@Psycogeek Key light? You mean those Chinese LEDs on key chains? Camera was on auto-flash...
@Boris_yo well that is one poor way to do it. how about a 100W (or more) light offset some from the camera location. Or you could just confirm if there is bulging on the top, or bottom of any of the caps.
@Psycogeek Closed up light is the problem, yes? I need to have light farther?
or learn to identify them
@Boris_yo The light being straight on, flattens out the "depth" of the picture, no shadows.
and trust your instincts
@Psycogeek I don't think I can confirm bulging because I don't remember the last time I took a look on new motherboard. I don't know the normal condition caps should be in and I don't know bad condition this can't compare. The all look same to me.
P.S Don't start Greenshot with Kernel Debugging switched on
makes my computer hang :|
Though I can't figure out why ...
How is it related godamnit
@Boris_yo Still take this picture i.sstatic.net/TT4wb.jpg, upper right side, One cap in for the right, and the way the light glows on the top of it, creates a illusion (at least) that the surface between the indents is Convex (bulging up)
@Boris_yo: still on site?
And the stupid pdb files are not downloading -_-
I told to customer if problem happens again, he should buy VGA cable for $8.
@JohnCavil that is what my mom keeps telling me!
@rlemon it's a bot :O
but you gave it a human name
so i'm interacting with it
!! ok
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
is it Ziraks bot?
yea I know the bot well
it is
with some changes
@JourneymanGeek I left the site. Money earned: $27.47 Experience earned: 0 Time spent: 1:40
@Boris_yo What site ?
@JourneymanGeek How about changing his profile picture so people regard him as bot and not person?
@Boris_yo LOL, sure buy a new VGA cable thatll fix it :-) not
thats a cylon
@Psycogeek Haven't you suggested this to me? Bob did I remember.
@Boris_yo I suggest bringing one to test. But more info you provide , it is intermittant, not a interferance issue, and The Computer Is Dead :-)
@Psycogeek So you are saying I should have better recommended to send his computer to laboratory instead of getting VGA?
@Psycogeek We didn't have one. Nowhere I could get it except buy...
@Boris_yo If it is that big of a charity case (meaning poor suffering hopeless computer) I have sold used ones for $25 :-) You could still greatly assist , by setting him up with a good used setup at least.
@Psycogeek Just a sec... I used computer for almost 2 hours without encountering "No Signal". But what we know is that this "No Signal" happens not during operation but in cold boot. Does that tell us that the problem is not in VGA cable?
@Boris_yo Mostly it does.
@Psycogeek Not in VGA, yes?
@Boris_yo Yes it is very unlikely to be a VGA cable problem.
@somequixotic when was the last time you synced with the source
Zirak has made quite a few bug fixes / revisions in the past few weeks
@Psycogeek Dang, haven't applied my last minute logic. Must phone him to dissuade from buying while it's not too late!
@Boris_yo Did you put your finger on the top of the caps, and feel if they are flat?
@Psycogeek Because if cable was the culprit, we would know it by the following symptom: intermittent signal failure.
@Boris_yo Without being an alarmist, you do realise in RARE cases, exploding caps can start a fire , VIA other things in the home, and burn your home down.
@Psycogeek No, I was afraid of causing static damage.
@Psycogeek I don't realize this.
When one of my (too damn expencive) PSUs failed, the caps blew up and literal fire was shooting 2 inches out of the back of the psu for less than a second.
@Psycogeek Why buy expensive PSUs?
I was thinking about painting my case like that, but never got around to it :-)
@Psycogeek People paint their cars like that to show off. Why would you want to paint your case? To show off to? In front of whom?
@Boris_yo Because my tower beast computer needed a lot of power, and each item in it costs like $300 (at the time) so paying more than $200 for what was claimed to be the best power supply in the world, was par for the rest of the computer. without power they are nothing.
@Psycogeek Each item $300? What kind of items you have there mate?
@Boris_yo Paint the cases, because they were white (back then) for one thing, and things didnt match, like put a CD in and the face is wrong color, etc.
@Psycogeek I think you're taking this stuff too seriously like putting it on exhibition.
@Psycogeek Don't tell me you judge quality of automobile by its looks.
@Boris_yo Things are still $300 each. great I7 unlocked, a Premium motherboard, the base of the whole thing ~$260 , Great video card ~250-799. Even a lower quality Raid card with processor is $500-1500
@Boris_yo Dude it was white :-) thats fine for a car.
@Psycogeek What's "the base of the whole thing"? Why you need premium motherboard? Raid card is $500? That's a lot, that's new good videocard right there to play latest games! Raid card has got processor too? For what?
@Psycogeek But not fine for chassis? What about monitor? Are you also color-stressed about it?
@Boris_yo Must have a very very good motherboard so it lasts many years, is not obsolete for a long time, has no buggs, and has all the better features for shoving stuff in it. Has to have good cooling, to overclock and all. Raid cards to fit all the drives in, and run them fast.
@Boris_yo Yes i painted my CRT monitor (white beast) candy apple purple, mostly so the frame is dark.
@Boris_yo But i build the computer from scratch, so that is like building a car, not just buying it, you would paint a car that you built right?
@Bob Correct! :3
Even if you got one of these color enhancers to sit on it ^
@Psycogeek ...could we refrain from posting blatantly NSFW images here?
I mean, I'm currently sitting in bed at 2 AM. But others might be at work.
@Bob Correct! :3
must be nice to see that at 2 AM in bed though ;p
anyway yeah my offer to host discourse on my SU container still stands
@Bob WTH she was wearing clothes :-)
@Psycogeek NSFW covers an admittedly large range.
gah, WinDbg makes my computer hang randomly :|
I would be happy to avoid installing it myself if part of the reason for setting it up is to learn how to do it (JmanGeek or yourself might learn something of sysadminning by doing so); on the other hand, if your primary goal is to use it, I could set it up, but I wouldn't learn anything
If a reasonable boss won't be happy seeing it, it's NSFW.
@somequixotic Hm. Would you be able to set up a different container?
@somequixotic Disclosure needs nosql and mysql iirc
@Bob I would, but I'm running out of IPs on my subnet, and each container adds overhead to the kernel and takes up memory and such, so if I can avoid that, I'd like to
Too much work ;p
There's quite a few associated components that might not be a good idea to stick alongside @JohnCavil and whatever else.
@somequixotic Ah, nevermind then.
on the other hand I'd be happy to take an image backup of the existing stuff and then let you play with Discourse
They're getting public IPs? o.o
there's really no "whatever else" besides Cavil
@Bob each container has a publicly routable IP on a little /28 I got from the host... I have a ginormous IPv6 subnet too but I figured that wouldn't be terribly useful to you guys so I didn't set it up
@somequixotic Pretty much all allocated IPv6 subnets are 'ginormous'
considering the standard allocation is /64
@somequixotic The installation guide is pretty thorough.
Unless something breaks.
Which always happens.
I needed the IPv4 subnet anyway for my personal stuff so it's not costing me anything to do the IP for SU; it was spare
but I don't recall whether I have another spare on top of that
and I really don't care if you break Cavil, but the best way to avoid doing so is to be careful about not running most things as root, and run Discourse as a regular user who's not the same user as the one I gave you originally
huh. that should be easy enough
I think
discourse wants a fair bit of additional stuff, though
including a mailserver :S
and as I mentioned before, you'd almost have to have serious malicious intent (and a lot of persistence) to wreak havoc outside of the container I gave you, which is the only instance where I'd be more than mildly inconvenienced by a catastrophic rm -rf /
Arts course on formal logic? Wat.
@somequixotic nope, no intention of breaking the cage
@Bob not sure why it's classified as ARTS, but maybe that's the general classification for philosophy?
@somequixotic That's the faculty, yes.
by the way, philosophical logic was my favorite course in my entire college career, by far
despite going through lots of computer science and foreign languages (which I love), philosophical logic was #1 for me
I felt like I actually belonged in that class
eh. I'm looking for a gen ed class (compulsory later)
and the best part (for me) is that, at times, it was damn challenging
I'm completely hopeless at languages :P
doing derivations with predicate logic and quantifiers changed my life... changed how I think... I'll forever be grateful for that, as worthless as 90% of the classes were
I like, really, really love logic
anywho, it isn't too terribly hard to set up an outbound-only SMTP server for discourse, and I don't think it would need to accept inbound messages (would it...?!) so...
to get the outbound mail properly working and not tripping gmail's spam filter, though, I'd have to assign it to an actual domain name and set the MX record in DNS
I'm totally willing to do that but I can't afford a TLD at the moment so it'd have to be a lame subdomain of what I already have
or one that somebody else has
@somequixotic hope not!
don't need to accidentally create an open SMTP relay
that would be quite bad
if you go with postfix, it's secure out of the box once you apt-get it, and there are 10,000,000 guides on how to configure it... I can't particularly recommend it over any of the alternatives though because it's so complicated to edit the config files
@somequixotic eh, I can grab a quick domain. or just use a dot.tk
but this'll have to wait
too much crap to do
yeah :/
maybe @JourneymanGeek can try? :P
heh. if he's up for it I can add his key to authorized_keys
except they'll ask that after busting down my door (they don't knock)
@Psycogeek The more expensive motherboard is, the better quality? How to know this? None of motherboards I met, had any quality indicator in them. No bugs? If motherboard has constantly released BIOSes, does that make it buggy? Motherboard also dictates cooling? I thought fans in chassis decide that?
@Bob In Russian, such abbreviation sounds as following: Careful! Boobs on screen!
@Boris_yo when overclocking the Voltage regulators can be "hotter than the Cpu" even. Something i noticed when following some of the overclocking and cooling information was, the people who were overclocking had no idea (back then) that there was other "just as important" items on the motherboard that were way to hot, while they displayed thier wonderfull Cooling on Just the cpu.
@Boris_yo The motherboards "chipset" is the Hub of all I/O traveling to and from the computer, via the disks, the PCI and even the USB.
@Psycogeek So with more expensive motherboard, these voltage regulators are hot-proof? Are more durable due to better material?
@Boris_yo Yes at the least they will have some logic for cooling them, at the most they will have Way more avilable power capability, and heat syncing.
@Psycogeek The more expensive motherboard, the faster is hub with its I/O data travel?
They even have "clad" motherboards, where there is a vast copper layer (probably the ground plane) , and that offers up some "spreading" of heat from the hot components.
@Psycogeek How do I check for these things if retailer won't allow me to open package I haven't bought? Do I check online reviews for this?
@Psycogeek Better make aluminum layer for even better cooling. Better than copper, no?
@Boris_yo The chipset is the chipset, be it a big board, or a little one, they could have the same exact chipset in there. a Premo board just might have sofisticated extra cooling for it.
@Boris_yo Yes the reviews tell, usually. but lesser important thing or things not Hyped at the moment might not be pointed out, so many features so little time. and really some of it makes so little real differance.
Also i myself want a "big" board, because things can be changed in and out easier. they have a full contingant of memory slots, usually have at least 2 of the PCI-E slots, and sometimes with a leftover old PCI on the side. A "smaller" board has everything that is normally "needed" , just does not offer a lot of room and expansion ability.
@Psycogeek I once had similar computer to in my friend had. Same graphics card: GeForce MX440, AMD Athlon 1.8GHz, same amount of RAM. Surprisingly with same specs, he had better FPS in video games. Video games on his system ran smooth where on my system they were way slower. What was making his system faster than mine? I speculated his motherboard had better bandwidth.
@Psycogeek At least 4 RAM slots such have, yes?
@nhinkle That's because you're Spock.
@Boris_yo I would be checking the PCI "lanes" first in that case, CPUZ in the motherboard tab. then there is the resolution your both running, latency, timing and tuning, software, drivers. . .
@Boris_yo Have they got 8Gig ram chunks down in price yet? I want me lotsa lotsa ram, and so far the Huge ram sticks have costs way more per gig.
@Psycogeek My video games for most had medium graphic details but ran slower than his system with graphics on high details. His system was 2x faster and I couldn't get wrap my head around it.
@nhinkle congrats
@Psycogeek RAM is expensive these days? Oh come on, recall early 2000 when 256MB cost as 8GB module costs today.
holy shit
              follow each command line symbolic link that points to  a  direc-
that's one long argument
@Bob I'm surprised they don't have a shortened version of it
@nhinkle congrats!
like -Q
@somequixotic ya, me too
I hnestly expected one.
because obviously there are tons of Qs in that long option so it's the most logical letter to use
@Boris_yo One thing I like to do when finishing up an overclock, is to see if my system "compares" to a relative system, using benchmarks (which are not everything) and FPS and see if i am totally missing something. In the situation of finding out that a similar system was not up to par operation, i would try and figure out why.
Guess they're trying to discourage its use
@somequixotic not sure if serious suggestion or poking fun at name choices
@Bob hehe there was once a gstreamer command line option for ./configure that you had to pass to say that you don't want to execute the tests that always fail, because otherwise configure would execute "tests" that fail (like something about a proprietary/patented algorithm) and give an error
@Boris_yo There was 2 times where I though i had everything set right, and the system was slow, because i missed just one thing. Back to the drawing board.

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