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Hey @Bob one last thing, i've took your vimrc with indent and color, but I would like to take your solarize scheme too, where have you download it ?
I'm actually thinking of moving off it, since the background colour is somewhat annoying
You might also want to uncomment the undofile lines
I had to comment them cause the server that's on has an older version of vim
okay thanks ! I'll take a look if I can get Monokai color scheme I like this one
undofile can save undo history permanently, so you can undo past the last time you closed vim
well, not permanent. but i had it set for a long history
@Bob good !!!
you might also want to set up auto indentation (only set up for c and sh right now), and do note that I had it set up to replace tabs with four spaces
Yeah i've seen that
thought the comments are pretty good at describing all that
my only question remainning, is the enable mouse oO
uhm. you might want to change undodir
@JonathanLaf that's things like mouse selection, scrolling, etc
a mouse? in a terminal?
or gvim?
@Bob yeah, but i'll have to configure something else no?
uhm.. if any mods are still here (@jokerdino?) could you please delete chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/10889736#10889736 ? (or change the undodir line to =~/.vimundo, but deletion is probably easier
@somequixotic yup :P
@JonathanLaf nope. just set mouse=a :P
@Bob i've set mouse=a and still can scroll in apache2.conf ^o)
@Bob what is it?
@jokerdino my vimrc
forgot to sanitise a directory
@Bob over ssh?
not really an issue, except confusion when people try to use it and it tries to write to a random directory :P
@somequixotic yup! :P
@jokerdino thanks
you do have a funny way of deleting, though o.O
@Bob er..... this has to have originated from a criminal mind
@JonathanLaf huh. might depend on your terminal support :\
I can do it in PuTTY + vim
and konsole + ssh + vim
a mouse over ssh in a VT is like... like... making your hamster wear a 2-sided cheese grater to a troll shaman feast.
"don't worry little hammy, everything is going to be okay!"
@somequixotic Don't forget the screen!
@Bob maybe a terminal question, thank you for all your time :)
@Bob I actually like screen, but combining screen, a mouse, and vim, makes my skin turn inside out.
mostly the mouse part.
that was actually very recent experimentation
I might take it off again
it's only been there for half a week
I remember using a mouse in edit in DOS
blue screen, clickable menus, and the command to quit was ALT+F then X
Psycogeek would probably say he misses those days
a nice unbloated text editor
(let's jsut ignore that Notepad is an edit control in a window, for now)
I don't miss having to really think about whether my C++ was correct before hitting the compile button on Borland in 12th grade AP Computer Science, because the processor was so slow that getting a response (for a single object file, nonetheless) might take a minute or two
hm, I read processor as professor and I didn't bat an eye.
I'm off to sleep
it's 4am
good night!
it's almost midnight here zzZzz
now these spoiled LLVM/Clang kiddies can compile a web browser in the time it took me to compile #include <iostream> int main() { cout << "hi" << endl; return 0; }
oh, sorry, that was <iostream.h> -- the convenience of not typing .h came much later
get off my lawn
Hello! I came here a little bit earlier asking about Ajax. I had another question, How does gmail have the little window chat? How can I add that? JQuery? CSS?
@user2162942 add that? do you mean you want to embed Gmail's own chat window, or you want to implement something that behaves similarly?
Implement something similar.
@user2162942 by asking "JQuery? CSS?" I can tell you do not have a very thorough knowledge of the web platform and its architecture... you should really learn that first... you should be able to explain to me in a couple of sentences the role or purpose of: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and web servers, and how each one relates to each of the others... if you can't do that, you need to be able to do that first.
CSS just controls layout; the appearance of the page
JQuery is a library of useful JavaScript functions built on top of the core JavaScript
they couldn't possibly be more unrelated
@user2162942 I think for that part, that first of all you need a little bit more web developpement skills... Read on about php and javascript. And this chat is not exactly intended for this kinds of question, there's a room for php question
What's the room called?


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
@user2162942 go to chat.stackoverflow.com and join the JavaScript room... if people there are patient, they may help you; or they may laugh you out of there for being a total noob ;-)
@somequixotic eh, say, CSS and the Apache config language. That's probably more unrelated :P
I'm kidding of course


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
that one
@user2162942 but seriously before you go to these room, read on, they are not teacher, they are volonteer to help people that's not exactly the same
anyway, if I were to assume that you actually understood the architecture of the web platform, I could explain to you how to do that in the following way (although **this will probably not help you until you understand**): on the backend, Google exposes the basic XMPP protocol using a simplified SPDY wrapper, and authenticates you in using your federated Google credentials (OpenID I believe);

it then makes async requests with XHR back and forth to the SPDY<->XMPP proxy to send and receive chat messages. it keeps the socket open and uses SPDY to push updates from the server to the client wh
because SPDY can multiplex client-bound HTTP responses, server-bound HTTP GETs, and client-bound push events on a single socket owing to its advanced protocol design
@somequixotic I wasn't talking about how it works, I was talking about the UI. By the way, when I referenced JQuery I meant to say JQuery UI.
@user2162942 just the UI? obviously CSS and JavaScript are both used there -- the CSS is just to lay out the general appearance of the UI, and the JavaScript controls the showing/hiding of the window and the send/receipt of messages back and forth. without looking at the source code, the JS would also have to do some DOM manipulation at runtime to resize other things when you choose to hide chat
didn't look at their code to determine if they're using JQuery for UI convenience or not... it could just be their own custom JS
So, is it possible to float a chat div in the bottom left corner using JQuery UI?
@user2162942 I don't know much about jQuery UI -- can't you just do that with CSS and HTML? css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial
jQuery UI doesn't have any concept of a chat div... it isn't anywhere near that specific in its design... it has a couple widgets that it implements, and they do very specific, usually rather complicated things, but none of those things are "implement a chat div in the bottom left corner"
the purpose of jQuery is to provide certain widget classes, which are commonly found in desktop GUI libraries (like GTK+, Qt, etc.), but are not available natively on the Web
the Slider is a good example. there is no built-in "Slider" input element in HTML. but jQuery UI provides one
date picker, same thing
Ok Thank you
5 hours later…
How bad would it be for a android phone to not have Java? China phones, some of them list not having it.
... Isn't Android java based?
Anyone a good Linux/Ubuntu smart person? askubuntu.com/questions/332726/bridging-more-then-2-adapters
@CanadianLuke I think it is the web that is java based :-)
YouTube cool place to see a product, when it is not available in the local store, but unboxing isnt a review :-) It is more like a sales video. Show me the problems!
@CanadianLuke: kind of. they use a language similar to java, but with a different VM implimentation

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