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@Ariane emboldened perhaps ?
@Ariane Is that Frenglish? "mis en gras"?
@Gowtham No idea, I invented it on the spot. Never saw either word.
catamaran, mulligatawny
@jokerdino I geddit
@slhck Don't you "put" something in bold characters in English?
mulligatawny is the English word for what we call Rasam.
@jokerdino o_o
@jokerdino That's just super weird
@Ariane No, you "bold" it. This here is bolded. I typeset it in bold letters.
@Gowtham it's really mullugu thanni. pepper water.
@slhck But he was confused by "bolded" so I tried to paraphrase it. I thought it was "to bold" to b egin with but then not him.
Or wait, was it a he to begin with? Not sure where I got that impression.
@Ariane It's it. A cat.
does anyone here actually speak English natively? :P
Not me.
@Bob for now, just you.
technically, English is my third language
I guess.
@Bob o.O
spill the beans
I started with Cantonese which I've pretty much forgotten
Does anyone know why fries are supposed to be French, and only in the English language?
@Ariane: cause beligium is a lie.
@Ariane You can say "make bold" or "typeset in bold" but with Computers you'd just "bold" it.
@slhck I see.
my mandarin is barely passable
So you are chinese ?
the greatest reveal of RU this year?
English it's the third I (kinda) learnt, but the only one I'm fluent in.
eh, I've said this several times
and excuse the spelling phone typing sucks
@JourneymanGeek But even if it's a mix-up between France and Belgium... Whyever did they decide to put the name of the place of origin in the name? I mean, it's not like there are other kinds of fries... Or like we say American hot dogs or such.
French fries (American English) or chips, fries, finger chips, or French-fried potatoes are batons of deep-fried potato. North Americans refer to any elongated pieces of fried potatoes as fries, while in the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, long, thinly cut slices of fried potatoes are sometimes called fries to distinguish them from the more thickly cut strips called chips. French fries are served hot and generally eaten as an accompaniment with lunch or dinner, or eaten as a snack, and they are a common fixture of fast food. French fries are generally salted and, in...
@Bob Did you try gesture typing? I find it's less of a pain.
@ariane using Swype
"Thomas Jefferson had "potatoes served in the French manner" at a White House dinner in 1802.[6][7]"
@Ariane swiftkey ?
I see... Even though in France they definitely don't usually prepare potatoes that way. xD
Might be historical. Or a single case spreading.
Fun fact. There's a certain kind of sausage that here, in Vienna (Wien, Austria) we call "Frankfurter". And in Frankfurt (and all across Germany), they call them "Wiener".
I wonder. If in England chips are a sort of fries, what do they call chips as in chips in a bag with flavour pweder?
Wiener aka boner ? :P
chips are wedges more often than not
@Gowtham That's what you said.
@slhck: what do you call hamburgers?
phone's out of power. I'll be back later
@JourneymanGeek Hamburgers :P
Wedges? Wedge, wedge... Wasn't that the name for the material for wine bottle caps?
@Ariane Cork ?
Right, wrong.
What was wedge again?
@ariane crisps?
Wedge something in between something else ?
I think jou meant potato wedges
Pretty sure there's another meaning if I've heard the word before and it had absolutely nothing to do with potatoes.
search it up. I'm out
@Bob cya
A wedge is a triangular shaped tool, a compound and portable inclined plane of a wedge is given by the ratio of the length of its slope to its width. Although a short wedge with a wide angle may do a job faster, it requires more force than a long wedge with a narrow angle. Perhaps the first example of a wedge is the hand axe, also see biface and Olorgesailie. A hand axe is made by chipping stone, generally flint, to form a bifacial edge, or wedge. A wedge is a simple machine that transforms lateral force and movement of the tool into a transverse splitting force and movement of the wor...
So. Uhm. It's 5 in the morning and I'm discussing useless stuff.
I think it's time I go get whatever amount of sleep I can.
Bye-bye. Have fun wedging wieners while practissccing your maths with a primes and b dashes.
I... what? Wedging wieners? O_O
steam powered tv
skype is under important updates in windows update -_- well played NSA.
@NabilEchaouch Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1946 tabs now
WWII just ended.
JMG has company.
@Bob wah
1947 - India gains independence.
(yeah, that was the "lets buzz off all the hair so its easier to maintain. Thank god they never went for the mohawk look)
that's a dead account
@bob do you know of any keyboard shortcut way to navigate reddit?
like the one we have on twitter and stack exchange.
@jokerdino Ya. RES
RES is a bit too much.
Eh. They have keyboard shortcuts for just about everything, though.
maybe i should try it again.
Key	Function
shift-/	Show help for keyboard shortcuts
.	Show/hide commandline box
H	Hide link
K	Move up (previous link or comment)
J	Move down (next link or comment)
shift-K	Move to top of list (on link pages)
shift-J	Move to bottom of list (on link pages)
shift-K	Move to previous sibling (in comments) - skips to previous sibling at the same depth.
shift-J	Move to next sibling (in comments) - skips to next sibling at the same depth.
alt-shift-K	Move to the topmost comment of the previous thread (in comments).
> Fully remappable
ok installed RES again
Type ? for the list of shortcuts.
Crap. they migrated this apple.stackexchange.com/questions/98982/… and now the dude is asking me about a 149$$$$$ freaking part, which should costs 29 max
fricking rediculous for such things.
must be an audiophile store
> acousticfrontiers
uhh, how bout no
do they sell magic rocks? ;p
surely makes my advice look stupid, hell he could buy a mixer and a new amp for that price :-)
(seriously? If I were in the US, I'd get stuff off monoprice all the time)
and with a bit of shopping around, you can get decent, cheap interconnects online...
oh, snap
I'm still trying to find a place to buy copper wire -__-
I actually should have tacked that onto my most recent DX order
@Bob: audio or just general stuff?
@Bob real copper or copper colored aluminum :-)
(ie, power cable or cheap interconnects ;p)
@Psycogeek Real copper :P
@JourneymanGeek General stuff.
@Bob: get a cheap/dead externtion cord? ;p
@JourneymanGeek "cheap"? :P
@Bob: donno, from the aussie equivilent of poundland or uncle teos
or chop off cable from something dead and strip it
Ne'er heard of them! :P
Might have to drop by jaycar sometime
(uncle teo is a singapore thing. Its my other other local source for tools)
Ok, jaycar actually has some
Looks like I'll be taking a massive detour tomorrow.
takea de tour
around here big lectronics and computer store is only 20mi
it is becomming (like evrything) the big china junk shop, Ala wal-mart
Americnas used to make things other than bombs and jets to drop them.
but it is no longer profitable to make such things with $20/hr paychecks, competing with $5/hr labor, and $5/ to ship on slow boat from overseas :-)
Making things worse, I am not about to pay the hostage fees for thier junk, when i can buy direct from the source they get it from.
@Psycogeek: and the coolest stores are always slightly out of the way
my favourite tool store is currently inside an office building
wondering if I can power oneof those crees off a joule thief
@Psycogeek amazingly, jaycar is actually cheaper than ebay/dx
for some of those items, anyway
@Bob A high powered led , can run on low power with very good output . more efficient as soon as you get above 20-40ma
let's see. got my wire, battery holder, massive packs of leds and transistors... what else...
@Psycogeek I'm talking about running it off a 'dead' 1.5v AA battery
eh, got a couple of 0.5W LEDs to test with. if they run, I'll order some 1W
@Bob right , i am familliar with joule thief although i have never made one, nor have use for it. Rechargable batts.
superuser.com/a/632233/10165 <- I wonder if this is patrick by another name.
Huh. The cree 45CD one runs at 30mA. Nice.
@Bob: they tend to need higher voltages IIRC
@Psycogeek I tried it before, but it failed :P
Got it working for a bit.
Gonna have another go, this time with a proper breadboard.
you could probably use a bunch of 'dead' batteries tho
@JourneymanGeek The Joule Thief is supposed to step up the voltage
some people have measured 30V when open
so called "boost curcuit" of what is very low miliamps, compared to what you can buy now (again) cheap on china site. (flashlight DIY).
@Psycogeek eh, most of those lights need a relatively powerful battery.
also, the Cree XR-C runs at 350-500mA O.O
@Bob right and actually put out more than a night light
100 lumens?
100lm from a dead battery, it aint that dead.
@Psycogeek No, I don't think this one will run on a dead battery.
Definitely won't run on a joule thief witha 2N3904
that thing is only rated for 625mW (200mA)
a 2n2222 might just make it (the tin can packaged ones would. the plastic ones are 200mA lower)
maybe if I stuck it to a heatsink...
Evening all
@adam2510 oh geez i think it is actually morning here. I should run before the sun comes out and burns my eyeballs .
@adam2510 ello
So it seems as though my core issue is my NAS cannot see anything on the network except the router...
Wait. Your NAS can't see out?
@adam2510 Cool, that is about par, You cant use it, but all the hackers on the web can get to it fine :-)
Seems that way yes
Did you have a chance to try nc going in?
nah I haven't tied that
Also, 'cannot see anything but the router'.. Hm.. wat
Random suggestion... iptables -L ?
I wholeheartedly agree.
seriously if you get your advice from peter griffeth , well :-)
Next thing you know we will be getting education advice from Bart Simpson.
Speaking of which , why isnt that little bastard in college by now, what its been 20 years.
@Bob "But, you know what I mean, artificial chemicals!" ;D
@Psycogeek It's a meme. You take your text, put it in the format, and add to the image.
The text did not come from that show.
all the actors of that time , are now playing on the Golden Girls.
@Bob Sure but it fit in so well with it :-) and obviously the combiner knew that.
my 0.8mm drill broke
@JourneymanGeek I hate it when that happens
I probably should buy a spare
@OliverSalzburg: when I was ALMOST done with something ;p
.8mm? o.O
What are you working on that requires such tiny holes?
I've never even seen a drill bit that small.
its a wierd little hand drill
You should get one of these maybe:
imagine an eyeglass screw driver with a drillbit at the end
@OliverSalzburg dang that is cute. Does it come with a recharge base?
I use them very rarely, mom needed some badly made holes in a thing for making noodly things rightened up
I probably should just get a pin vice
but I don't really need 0.8mm holes very often
I also have a 0.5mm bit ;p
@OliverSalzburg That looks expensive.
@Bob 9.99 on Ebay actually ebay.co.uk/itm/…
@JourneymanGeek That's... thinner than my pacer lead.
@Bob: yeah ;p
last time i had to make holes that small, i put a needle in the dremmel tool.
@OliverSalzburg THIS is a kit
there's also this
@OliverSalzburg this one's probably similar to yours
surprisingly cheap
@Bob Neat. I have a set of like 12 drills and it's still the first one I ever bought :P
""it's not really any different than broadly dismissing nuclear as bad, vaccines as bad, GMO as bad, without understanding the difference. "" Cause chernobyl was a party, but they just did it all wrong, The japanese did it much better. cnbc.com/id/100961020 . problem with that stuff, is Misteaks last so damn long
@Psycogeek Did the Japanese also figure out what to do with the nuclear waste?
Oooops , thats ok we will fix it in 1000-10,000 years or so
@OliverSalzburg I have no idea. you know that american nuclear plants still have not figured out what to do with thier spent fuel still. Every nuke site has many "casks" of low level radiation trash sitting around waiting to be burried in somones backyard . you know the "not in my backyard" .
Really helps to have a nice war with somone we can throw it into thier country DU
I just saw a report the other day about all the nuclear waste we threw into the ocean in the 80s
And, not like into the middle of the pacific ocean, but right in front of our beaches basically :D
Oh, it wasn't in the 80s actually. spiegel.de/international/europe/…
My idea is, they Dig it up (takes a LOT of energy to get it out of the ground), then they process it basically concentrating it really well (takes a lot of energy again), then it is mostly wasted, and little more active than the stuff they pulled out of the ground. Put It Back in the gaping holes they got it from,?
5.According to the Congressional Research Service (using NEI data), there were 62,683 metric tons of commercial spent fuel accumulated in the United States as of the end of 2009.

a.Of that total, 48,818 metric tons – or about 78 percent – were in pools.
b.13,856 metric tons – or about 22 percent – were stored in dry casks.
c.The total increases by 2,000 to 2,400 tons annually.
@Yasmin Hey there! You're pretty special, aren't you? :)
!!cowsay What if someone actually answered this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/18241075/…
/ What if someone actually answered this                                                            \
\ question?                                                                                         /
\ stackoverflow.com/questions/18241075/… /
> QuickTest Professional (QTP) is an automated testing tools from HP
I think you have a typos in your tag description
@OliverSalzburg easy now; most likely that tag wiki / tag description was written by someone from South Asia. they speak a dialect of English that is rapidly diverging from European/Western English, even further away than American English diverges from British English
I think that kind of grammar is actually considered correct in South Asia
@somequixotic So, it could be correct in a certain percentage of the Englishs?
(based on spending years working with people from that region)
@OliverSalzburg yesses its most likelies corrects in certain percentages of the Englishs speakings populations
a dialect stops being a dialect when mutual intelligibility with the parent language ceases to exist. but I'm pretty sure there is still mutual intelligibility between, for instance, Indian English and US English (the written word, at least; spoken, not so much)
I want to have my own English :(
we're essentially witnessing, in real time, the events that unfold to cause the creation of a new language... this has happened many times in history
give it 100 years and the language will be called something else entirely, and it won't bear much resemblance to the English spoken in the west
@somequixotic yeah I hate it myself
bloody thing is unintelligible to me even
@jokerdino what thing? Indian English with terms like lakhs and please do the needful? :P
former is the Indian numerical system and the latter is 19th century british english
@OliverSalzburg lakh = 1,00,000.
crore = 100 lakh = 1,00,00,000
and those commas really confuse me - they're in the wrong place! :P
@jokerdino The amount of digits seem to confirm that it's "a hundred thousand", but your use of , is confusing
100,000 and 10,000,000
hundred thousand = 100,000 = lakh = 1,00,000
10 million = 10,000,000 = crore = 1,00,00,000
i constantly have to move the commas because I am more comfortable with the western numbering too :P
@jokerdino Wait, that wasn't a typo? O__o
The South Asian numbering system is used throughout the India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It is based on the Vedic numbering system in which numbers over 9,999 are written in two-digit groups rather than the three-digit groups used in most other parts of the world. In Pakistan, they do not use South Asian numbering system in English but only in Urdu and other regional languages. The terms lakh (100,000) and crore (10,000,000) are used in Indian English to express large numbers. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 lakh rupees, written as 1,50,000 or INR 1...
Totally not. We use lakhs and crores in place of millions and billions.
It's pretty much on the same level as yankees using gallons and pounds instead of liters and kilograms.
That is quite confisugn
whoa, if you copy the little symbol here to the clipboard and paste it somewhere, it pastes as "INR" instead of the symbol!
To add to the confusion, the Chinese have words for 1,000 and 10,000. A million is 100x10,000...
@somequixotic That's an image.
You're trying to paste an image into a text field, so it uses the alt text instead.
<img width="7" height="10" srcset="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg/11px-Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg/14px-Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg.png 2x" style="vertical-align: baseline" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ee/Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg/7px-Indian_Rupee_symbol.svg.png" alt="INR">
oic... does that mean they're using the image in lieu of the unicode character, or is there no such character?
@somequixotic I don't see no little symbol.
The Windows clipboard supports multiple (pre-defined and arbitrary) formats for each item. When copying, it probably copies both the image and text.
Then the paste takes only the text, because that's all it can use.
@somequixotic that character was only invented some 2 years ago.
it was designed newly
is imgur drag and drop broken or is it just my comp?
"written as INR3,00,00,000.". Oh.
@jokerdino it reminds me of this
train catenary cable connector
Ah I see it now
reminds me of power poles knocked over
it's actually a modification on the Hindi letter standing for Ra (Ra for the r sound in rupee) and the two lines like the one in $.
@jokerdino The currency dates from 1500 but the unicode official symbol (with no unicode support yet) is from 2010?
ah seems to be ok ok another comp
it might be supported by the next unicode standard release, but operating systems are relatively slow to adopt new unicode standards
This thing:
@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah, we were using Rs until now
especially because things like Java Strings only support a rather old version of Unicode
@somequixotic Do they have space reserved for things like this, or do they put them in higher codepoints?
@Bob they may put them in higher codepoints; that poses a slight problem for the UCS standards, but when you have MBCS, really you can go as high as needed
Unicode 6.0 released in October 2010 added explicit support for the Indian Rupee sign, plus a few new Chinese/Japanese/Korean ideographs (Kanji)
6.2 is funny, they made a whole new release of Unicode specifically for the Turkish Lira symbol :P
I find it so peculiar that pictographic languages have to create new ideograms to designate new elements, such as fax, computer, cellphone, etc.
@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah, and every time someone comes up with a new idea, they have to modify Unicode standards :P
@jokerdino Where are you from again?
hey, time to modify Unicode: I just came up with the idea of a bear eating orange peels while sitting on a tree branch while being bombarded by time-dilated relativistic muons resulting from a hadron particle accelerator underground!
@somequixotic Good luck finding a font :P
@ThatBrazilianGuy land of INR
Q: How to insert Indian Rupees Symbol in Database (Oracle 10g, MySql 5.0 and Sql Server 2008)?

SanjuHow to insert Indian Rupees Symbol in Database (Oracle 10g, MySql 5.0 and Sql Server 2008)? Actually i had one Table "Currency" , in which 2 field is like "currencyName" and "currencysymbol", so how would i insert new rupees symbol in databse.

Q: HTML code for INR

BharanikumarFor pound (£) there is HTML code &pound;. For INR can you please tell me the HTML code?

@jokerdino Aren't you @sathya with a new nickname are you?
Q: Is there any unicode 6.x ready font?

pavianI'm still looking for any TTF/OTF font with almost full Unicode 5.x or 6.x support, i.e. I'm interested in Transport and Map Symbols from Unicode 6.2 range 1F680-1F6FF. Does this font exist at all? The example of symbols: 🚀🚁🚂🚃⛍💩📴👎👨👩🚹🚺

@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah
I don't know if it's bias due to my location, but India really seems to have a disproportionately small global presence for its population...
@somequixotic Eh, I can see all of them :P
I can see none of them
FF23.0 on Win8.
only boxes here too.
Chrome 28 on Windows 7
@Bob yeah
lemme try Chrome
ya, boxes
> font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, Lucida Console, Liberation Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Courier New, monospace, serif;
@Bob It's the 2nd most populated country and holds 20% of the world's population. So let's assume it's a bit crowded. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population
@Bob there is an enormous Indian Diaspora (Indian ethnic groups and Indian immigrants) in the U.S. and Canada
I also think FF's font rendering looks smoother than Chrome.
they flock basically where there are jobs to be found, particularly in computing
I find the ability to communicate with them is highly variable from person to person, depending on their upbringing and education, and how well they learned English... some have an accent that would be completely unintelligible to someone who hasn't spent years knowing that dialect/accent
@somequixotic I swear most of that group ends up in call centres.
it's impossible to make any blanket statements... some of them speak great English that anyone could understand, while others have such poor English ability that they can't even understand what's being said to them, much less speak to others
What the pointless chat flag.
sometimes I find myself saying things in 3 or 4 different ways to convey a point, and it's annoying when that person is someone who's "in charge" and impatient and trying to make a decision
who flagged what? I saw a flag, but it was dismissed before I could click it
was it another math.SE flag, or actually here?
@somequixotic Comms room, actually!
in The Comms Room, 2 mins ago, by Wesley
@DennisKaarsemaker Don't make me cPanel all over you!
@Bob The huge majority of call-centers here is nationally located, but many times in a distant district (the country is big) so many times there's a strong accent difference. Nothing that would cause trouble understanding, just peculiar cultural differences, such as a city man listening to country people's slang.
Ya know, I've never heard a Chinese accent with tech support.
Prolly cause most can't be bothered learning English, though.
I'm not used to international call centers at all, so it was very weird when I called paypal and someone with a very strong spanish accent was assuring me she was, indeed, from my country and spoke my idimo as a primary language.
Why does rm -r *.*~ doesn't work as expected?
Files in subfolders aren't gettin deleted
@ThatBrazilianGuy there is no way to tell the rm command to delete files matching a certain wildcard/glob in all subfolders; you have to use a looping command or find
That was a slightly weird thing to star.
Oh, don't unstar it! :P
use find with -delete and cry a river
you can tell it to delete actual folders (and all their subfolders) or actual files in the current directory or in any directory you specify, but it won't "recurse" into subfolders and apply the same globbing pattern in those folders
@jokerdino Better print first to make sure you don't wipe everything.
i would suggest you use find and then xargs rm things
yeah, always do a print or echo or similar command whenever you have some kind of recursing delete script
lesson learned the hard way -_-
@Bob once upon a time, i used find with -delete as the very first parameter. I learnt my lesson.
the damn thing deleted my home folder
damn it, I really need to set up backups on my VPSes
essentially got nothing at the moment. gotta figure out some way to do it properly..
@somequixotic you have great experience handling Indians. I salute you.
somequixotic should be on the government handling Indian diaspora in US.
I do remember a time (pre-2009) when Orkut was highly popular in Brazil and India only.
Oh I remember. I have shut my orkut account now.
It led to strange situations where mustached indian men would hit on hot brazilian girls using autotranslated phrases that just almost made sense
@ThatBrazilianGuy wat
@ThatBrazilianGuy I want to believe.
Enviromental problems!
most 'hitting' involves saying hi
breaking bad has too many seasons -_-
Any bb fan here ?

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