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@Hennes Urk. Got enough of that from the reddit thread, tyvm
@Hennes honestly speaking literally doesnt always means literally
If you allow me to espond: F@@@@ yes it does! :)
"espond" being an Old English verb meaning "to respond in a truncated manner"
the literal use of the word literally doesn't literally exist everywhere.
much like how meme is being used in the current era
or inception even
the culture evolves changing the denotation of the word. it just happens
!!urban honest
I am likely querulous on this matter.
@Psycogeek honest What everyone [wants] you to be, but no one wants to [hear]
Maybe I should close my word of the day.txt file.
I used to post interesting words once per day. :)
Which was fun, and quite educative
cutely scary
@JohnCavil thanks @Bob for whatever you did to fix it
didn't mean to reply to that
Hmm, how do a show a backtick in a post?
Apparently it is not `
Hmm, and in chat it works
@somequixotic And here I was thinking I had broken it :P
@Hennes Escape it. Chuck a backslash in front.
@Hennes try `\``
@Hennes looks like i got a dead pixel, dont do that again :-)
@jokerdino I awoke on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:56:12 GMT (that's about 14 minutes ago), got invoked 3 times, learned 12 commands
Following the instructions I ran the command: ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock` which gave the following result:
hmm, it still didn't greet @Sathya
it didn't even tell him he's pretty special
I'm omnipresent
@somequixotic It does have that memory, though.
!!mustache Sathya
!!tell Sathya hi
@Sathya Several nakid dancing ladies Greet you with a smile
@JohnCavil gee thanks
@JohnCavil dead link yo
@somequixotic The only remaining errors are of the SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string variety
Hm. Line number wouldn't help much, anyway. Minified thing...
Hmm, I seem to run into differences between the preview and the real post
@Hennes Comment or answer?
ls -f `which mutt` works (backslash backtick)
Post from someone
You can backslash-escape backticks in an answer.
In a comment, use multiple backticks as the start/end
(s)he used backticks in the command, which accidentily trranslated to markdown
That might work in an answer too
> The fact that the authors of SO-ChatBot felt the need to use every single experimental/advanced/brand-spanking-new JavaScript API under the sun. In fact, they're probably writing up a patch right now that is going to use an API that is being committed to V8 git next month. Hell, they probably wrote the damn thin
I tried blackslah backtick, which worked in preview.
Then encapsutaled the whole new thing in backticks to show it as a literal command
ANd when that failed in a Pre-tag.
@Hennes Try multiple.
I will, but in another post where I do not mess up someones editing history :)
!!awsm Can you read this?
@Bob Cn u rd ths?
var user = bot.users[ msgObj.user_id ];
I sure hope that it's actually .reputation...
@Sathya hehe
@Bob it is; the reputation comparison was used in a slightly different way in Zirak's own code
var semiLegitUser = bot.isOwner( user.id ) ||
		user.reputation > 1000 || user.reputation < 20;

	if (
		Number( room ) !== 17 || semiLegitUser  || seen[ user.id ]
	) {
		if ( semiLegitUser ) {
			finish( true );
//a place to hang your coat and remember the past. provides an abstraction over
// localStorage or whatever data-storage will be used in the future.
@Bob nice :D so basically HTML5 storage at this point... surprised phantomJS supports it... I bet it stores it in ~/.something
Default saveInterval is 15 mins
!!tell somequixotic say hi
@somequixotic hi
nice :D
Ok, that was saved.
!!sayto somequixotic How are you?
@Bob @somequixotic How are you?
!!help taytaytay
@somequixotic taytaytay: User-taught command: http://i.imgur.com/SYvAqgs.gif
yeah, Gowtham made that I think
Probably made for @TomWijsman
it isn't oneboxing it because it's telling it to you
@somequixotic Ya.
!!/tell 10756830 TayTayTay
there we go
she is pretty...
!!help xkcd
@Bob xkcd: Returns an XKCD. Call with no args for random, new for latest, or a number for a specific one.
Aww, no title/text search?
@Bob Maybe you can !!google it
!!xkcd 1234567890987654321234567890987654321234567890987654321
!!google site:xkcd.com balmer peak
@OliverSalzburg Probably would have to.
!!xkcd 323
!!xkcd 666
@somequixotic I'm thinking maybe everyone in this room has been 'seen' already.
Probably not a great idea to purge the memory.
Maybe temporarily comment out the check for seen?
@Bob or just wait until a newbie shows up, we do get them
Eh, too boring to wait :P
you can comment it out if you want, it's fine with me
but it will be rather spammy
Ah well. It'll only be when someone joins. Hopefully.
XD or every time it polls lol
!!welcome Bob
that calls welcomeDirect() ... and it didn't work
Not loaded yet.
oh ok...
Now it is.
@Bob I awoke on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:32:36 GMT (that's about 21 seconds ago), learned 12 commands
!!welcome Bob
@Bob Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hm. Reputation check didn't go too well.
welcomeDirect() doesn't go by reputation
I just joined.
I saw you pop off the user list then come back, but apparently it didn't notice :(
@somequixotic I am not sure what aspect of it your referring to, but to reduce the "spammyness" of a bot, is to give it 15-20 different phrases.
@Psycogeek We're having some trouble getting it to say a single phrase, right now
I'll try staying out for a minute.
you aren't a room owner or a moderator on any site, nor are you the bot's "owner", so I'm not quite sure why it isn't greeting you
Maybe restart the bot while out?
Hm. Shouldn't be.
I wonder what counts as joining.
!!welcomeDirect somequixotic
@Bob That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@IvanMatala Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yay. That was convenient.
Thanks @IvanMatala! :D
@JohnCavil is your message automated?
@IvanMatala Maaaaaybe...
@JohnCavil hehehe
@Bob How you doin my friend
Guys, i have a question regarding here.. puu.sh/40hSc.png How does the search time ended that way (how did the values become like that)???? It was given that it takes 5 ms to rotate from sector 0 to sector 4. thanks
how does moving from sector 1 to sector 4 ended up with only 2 ms
@IvanMatala Via the "read ahead" feature of the hard drive . .. course that was not in the scenario :-)
@Psycogeek what does that mean
@Bob you should be able to uncomment the seen check now
@somequixotic Yea
good to know it works
that rep check logic should work for everyone except for Jon Skeet
for him, the system will dynamically attempt to resize the integer to bigger and bigger widths until it causes an Out Of Memory and the kernel's OOMkiller has to kill phantomjs
@somequixotic java at ~9GB of virtual memory, phantomjs at ~1.5GB
I'm pretty sure you're reading that wrong if it says it's using 9 GB... now remember, the virtual memory does not correspond 1:1 with actual mapped memory, it can be copies of data shared across process bounds
(120/75 phsyical, though, which isn't bad)
@somequixotic Apart form memory mapped files..
I dunno, i kinda equated virtual memory with commit
just the fact that it's a Java VM is enough to cause it to pull in just about every library on the system and then some, so the 9 GB doesn't really surprise me, but that's not actual physical memory (or even swap) being used
which isn't correct, obviously
@IvanMatala umm it means that it all gets very complicated. in the simple the head has to move to get to the data, the platter has to rotate to the location of the data to get to the data. Getting to far beyond that , and there are many complexities. But there is not just one head either.
also the Java VM pre-reserves its heap, I believe
even if the program doesn't use all of it
the heap can dynamically grow over the lifetime of the app
but there's really no reason for there to be much data at all in the java process, because it's just using a wire protocol over TCP to phantomJS to tell it what to do
ok thanks
the JavaScript engine, the HTML parser, the network I/O with the Internet, etc. all lives in PhantomJS. the Java process is just there waiting, although technically you could kill java and phantomjs should keep running
@Psycogeek Looks like he only cares about his simplified model, for now
@IvanMatala They try and describe things so it is easy to understand, which is good. but I (my opinion) is when they try and make a fact based "if then" sequence and mathamatic definition of how it will happen exactly, then it gets way more complex.
This is ridiculous.
in the Java program, if it is allowed to exit cleanly, there's a finally block at the end of main() that kills PhantomJS regardless of whether or not an exception was thrown; however, if you hard-kill the Java proc, that can't run
I have a VPS here running postgres taking less total memory than the other one running apache2 w/ prefork and mod_php
To be specific, a fifth of the physical memory.
Huh. Why the heck is bind running?
Ah, whatever. Might as well go sleep.
@somequixotic Don't forget to commit
@Bob thanks!
@IvanMatala For me it is just easier to understand that (in general) you want the data to be close because head jumping takes time. You want the data to be contiguous, because the people who make hard drives have methods where they have rotation and head jump worked out to achieve very fast sequential readings. Plus the drives will read ahead (as best as they can predict) to keep the data speed going.
I just got back a monitor I let my coworkers borrow for testing HDMI stuff. I included the HDMI cable for it.
Just got it back today, but they gave me a different HDMI cable than the one that I provided. Same length, and it's HDMI and all. But dangit, why does this bother me? :P
I'm so weird.
!!tell BenRichards cowthink Gee
@somequixotic Command cowthink does not exist.
!!tell BenRichards cowsay Gee
@somequixotic Command cowsay does not exist.
@somequixotic Not working :P
@BenRichards Because the original was made from unobtainium. The rarest mineral ever seen mined from Navi's planet.
!!tell BenRichards say Gee...
@BenRichards Gee...
There you go!
@BenRichards I think Sigmond Freud would say "sometimes a HDMI cable is not just a HDMI cable." that your space has been violated, and your possessions reverted to a lack of control. The obvious thing to do would be to beat them , till you get your cable back.
@BenRichards Because they took your stuff! I made sure my family learned early on that touching or tampering with my computer hardware meant lost fingers.
(tampering includes not returning loaned hardware in the same condition)
@BenRichards also, not all HDMI cables are created equal! Not by a long shot! The amount of shielding, the quality of the wiring... I have a Micro HDMI to Full HDMI 1.4 cable ("full speed") that randomly produces static on the display when plugging it in; it only renders properly after unplugging it and plugging it back in about 6 times
@DarthAndroid You were so mean as to cut their fingers? It's your family man.
strangely enough, once it's up to the point where it works properly, it'll keep on working pretty much indefinitely as long as you are outputting video, as long as you don't unplug the cable
@somequixotic Though they are made far more equal than Monster would have you believe though. :P
@somequixotic Oh right, that's why I buy from Monster always. /s
@DarthAndroid lol true
I use the "cable thickness test"
It's a digital signal. So long as you aren't running it over a 3 meter cable, I think it's fine. :P
@somequixotic Must be made in China.
thin cable = poorly shielded, easy to cut
And that's not always true
I had a thinly-shielded 15-foot HDMI cable that I was pushing past specifications (to drive a 2560x1400 monitor)
Actually, I have a few Monster cables. :P
From way back
Dang Best Buy
@BenRichards yes, but digital signaling at high bandwidth requires a very low noise environment with a highly conductive medium and, if the wire comes in contact with any other cables, significant shielding
and I could get a signal as long as I didn't have too many white pixels on the screen at once.
@DarthAndroid very interesting, lol
I had to judiciously manage my windows so that I removed one before moving another over it, they couldn't be more than a certain size, etc. or I would lose the signal completely.
this is why they recommend Cat7 ethernet cable for gigabit and 10G networks, and why some people have no end of problems with Cat5 or Cat5e at those speeds
it's not all about the shielding, but shielding does matter, unless it's the only cable in your entire setup, which is practically impossible; you've AT LEAST got a power cable in addition
But then Monoprice shipped me my 24AWG dual DVI cable, which was thicker than the power cable for my computer.
No quality issues there :3
Ok. So my display is HDMI 1.4a and does 3D modes. Should I look for my HDMI cable that came with it, then?
@BenRichards if the cable they supplied you with is good enough, it shouldn't matter; but if they swapped it out with an older cable with poorer shielding / wiring, you might have issues, it all depends
cable length has a LOT to do with it though; you need less stringent specs all around for shorter cables
They swapped it out for a cable that's thicker overall, but doesn't have those ferrous lumpy things that they clamp around the ends of cables sometimes.
those ferrite cores are extremely useful; and if they've been provided to you in the past to use, and now you don't have them, that's a significant loss
@somequixotic Not a problem if you use repeaters.
@Ben if the cable you have now is HDMI 1.3 or better, then it should be good. 1.4 just added more things you can do with the cable, but doesn't increase bandwidth or anything like that.
A ferrite bead is a passive electric component used to suppress high frequency noise in electronic circuits. It is a specific type of electronic choke. Ferrite beads employ the dissipation of high frequency currents in a ferrite ceramic to build high frequency noise suppression devices. Ferrite beads may also be called blocks, cores, rings, EMI filters, or chokes. Overview Ferrite beads are used to prevent interference in two directions: from a device or to a device. A conductive cable acts as an antenna – if the device produces radio frequency energy, this can be transmitted through t...
1.4 added a standardized protocol for stereoscopic 3D and ethernet over HDMI, IIRC
@somequixotic It's not any higher bandwidth though, just new standards.
@ultrasawblade Hey there! You're pretty special, aren't you? :)
All hail the special @ultrasawblade
:) why thank you
oh cool, the bot is doing the greeting messages correctly now @bob
(JohnCavil is my bot)
(I'm no one's bot)
@somequixotic if it wasnt so condescending sounding to some people.
JohnCavil takes after CapricaSix from the JavaScript chat on chat.stackoverflow. they're both Cylons from the reimagined battlestar galactica series.
fitting, I thought
of course I could always rename it *Hyun-ae or *Mute from Analogue: A Hate Story
so a bot, eh?
@somequixotic help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, dead, o_o, stopgowtham, dino, @_@, no, taytaytay, stackoverflow, say, sayto, hello, hi, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube (page 0/0)
!!github allquixotic/SO-ChatBot
!!github allquixotic/so-chatbot-driver
@somequixotic allquixotic/so-chatbot-driver SO-Chatbot Selenium login script and wrapper.
@Sathya DIE DINO
@Sathya just
!!mustache Sathya
@somequixotic Chuck Norris solved the Travelling Salesman problem in O(1) time. Here's the pseudo-code: Break salesman into N pieces. Kick each piece to a different city.
That's actually O(n)....
wouldn't that run in at least... yeah
@DarthAndroid He's jigsaw from Saw movie.
you guys are quiet
!!help learn
@somequixotic learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
!!learn foo "/cowsay test"
@somequixotic Command foo learned
@somequixotic say test
@somequixotic Command foo learned
@somequixotic /cowsay test
!!eval rand()
@somequixotic [object ErrorEvent]
!!learn godmode "Canadian Luke will not grant God Mode without the proper cheat codes"
@CanadianLuke Command godmode learned
@CanadianLuke Canadian Luke will not grant God Mode without the proper cheat codes
@somequixotic Command iddqd learned
!!tell CanadianLuke iddqd
!!tell 10760779 iddqd
Need to fix that bug
!!> alert('hi');
@somequixotic [object ErrorEvent]
@JourneymanGeek remember back hours and hours ago. I just deleted (shift delete bypass recycle) 300G in 5 files, and it went away so fast there was nothing to time. the usual files show some activity. mft bitmap logfile usnjrnl , and oddly enough the recycle had a little blip, like i accidentally woke it up.
!!> try{ var x = 1+1; } catch(e) { }
@somequixotic [object ErrorEvent]
All the files were (mostly) single contiguous chunk on a NTFS disk that nothing else was being written to, no multi fragments, although the system does find "biggest hole" to toss them in, which might frag them once or twice. Cluster size is Big like 32 or 64K
!! $rand (max=100)
@Psycogeek That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Psycogeek That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
David Fullerton on August 12, 2013

We launched Stack Overflow Careers with the goal of fixing how companies hire developers. Traditional resumes only tell half the story, so we created Careers 2.0 Profiles to fill in the gaps. A few months ago, we released Company Pages with the goal of reinventing the traditional job listing the same way we reinvented the resume. Today, we’re excited to announce a new way to advertise your company to developers with Company Page Ads.

Company Pages (here’s ours) were created to give developers a better picture of what it’s like to work as a developer at a company. They focus on the obvious questions that every developer asks before taking a job: …

@Psycogeek That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!eval $rand (max=100)
@Psycogeek [object ErrorEvent]
Guess i will have to go and ask on SO what the code should be :-)
!!help eval
@OliverSalzburg eval: Forwards message to javascript code-eval
!!eval return 1;
@OliverSalzburg [object ErrorEvent]
So !!> is the shorthand for that?
!!> {return 1;}
@OliverSalzburg [object ErrorEvent]
!!eval 2/0
@Psycogeek [object ErrorEvent]
@Psycogeek [object ErrorEvent]
@Psycogeek [object ErrorEvent]
!!> function(){ return 1;}();
@OliverSalzburg [object ErrorEvent]
!!urban error
@Psycogeek error When your computer freezes then starts playing an annoying sound over and over again, driving you so insane you decide to jump off a bridge with your computer in one hand and the manual in the other.
!!urban Java
@Psycogeek Java A programming language commonly used as a solution to everything and anything.
!!urban Java Error
@Psycogeek No definition found for Java Error
!!> console.log("helo");
@OliverSalzburg [object ErrorEvent]
I don't understand any of that JS :P
@somequixotic Yeah, and that just sends the code to github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/…, right?
!!> [400]+[20]
@Psycogeek [object ErrorEvent]
@OliverSalzburg the big base64-encoded blob in eval.js is this:
var global = this;

/*most extra functions could be possibly unsafe*/
var whitey = {
	'Array'              : 1,
	'Boolean'            : 1,
	'Date'               : 1,
	'Error'              : 1,
	'EvalError'          : 1,
	'Function'           : 1,
	'Infinity'           : 1,
	'JSON'               : 1,
	'Math'               : 1,
	'NaN'                : 1,
	'Number'             : 1,
	'Object'             : 1,
	'RangeError'         : 1,
	'ReferenceError'     : 1,
	'RegExp'             : 1,
	'String'             : 1,
@somequixotic Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that exactly the code I just linked to?
Looks so similar
I don't really see the point of why the worker has to be b64-encoded into eval.js if it's in its own file already
that's so wonky
I don't understand the whole base64 thing. Maybe the .js file is just for version control
Oh, maybe that's the "safe environment" approach
attempting to do eval without gaping security breaches?
Jesus Christ! Worker isn't an internal class, it's an HTML5 web worker :P
I could probably fix !!> and eval and friends just by starting up Xvfb, running Firefox in it, and changing so-chatbot-driver to drive Firefox instead of PhantomJS. But having to run an X server makes me rage for some reason
So the web worker gets that JS code up there fed and somehow causes the onerror event to trigger
And that can probably happen in any number of ways :P
But it's probably the worker itself that is throwing an exception, and that is being returned through the onerror event :P
user image

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