I have an old computer with the mouse not working because the cable connector is broken on the mouse. The mouse connection is directly on the computer, not on the keyboard. The mouse connection(which is broken) on the mouse has 6 round pins and 1 flat pin. Where can I get an old mouse or an adap...
My PC will not power up at all, after thinking it was the PSU I replaced that to no resolve. When I try to power on the PC the CPU fan will move about 1mm and then nothing.
I tried all sorts, but it seems removing the 4 pin power cable for the CPU will cause the motherboard to function (spins th...
yesterday I met up with somebody, he can't speak english, I didn't know what he's talking about, I sent him a pic of where to meet up, a pic of some doors and I said by the doors. Turned out he had some different doors in mind. I said to him I SAID BY THE DOORS I EVEN SENT YOU A PICTURE. He replied "You are so in the digital world, I do not use this picture from google".
@Psycogeek bot The larva of a bot fly, which infests the skin of various mammals, producing warbles, or the nasal passage of sheep, or the stomach of horses.
@Psycogeek [bot](http://bot.urbanup.com/210890) 1. Simple computer program used to perform highly repetitive operations, e.g. trawling websites to collect email addresses.
2. Computer program run concurrently with an online game to give the player an unfair advantage. Bots may alter the game environment, boost the abilities of the player's character or hinder opponents. Writing bots requires a great deal of skill; using them almost none.
@Psycogeek crabs crabs:A tiny bug like creature that will infiltrate the pubis maximus,and lead you to isle 3 at the local pharmacy for some blue ointment.
@sabgenton writing a journal entry, putting it in the $log, sending it to the Trashbin, which requires renaming , trying to fit it into the restore pile?
@CanadianLuke Chuck Norris eats beef jerky and craps gunpowder. Then, he uses that gunpowder to make a bullet, which he uses to kill a cow and make more beef jerky. Some people refer to this as the "Circle of Life."
@sabgenton in winders , the trashbin empty has always seemed to take way longer than it should, or would need to take, even since win98 or even 95
@sabgenton serverfault.com/questions/425162/… So they are going to tell me it goes through and unlinks all the conectivity , the next pointer , to the next chunk of data. That would make it very hard to do a "recovery" if ever needed? I donno.
hmm so i guess that still leaves marking every cluster that the data resides in as overwritable at that point? because there is no universal cluster list?
Well i got one piece of info. NTFS The file tables hold the pointers to the data, and when the data is all fragmented all over the place, the file table is bigger , holding all the locations the file is existing in.
-Puzzel piece 2, MFT does hold the bad cluster info . ""NTFS puts the address of the cluster containing the bad sector in the bad cluster file, $BadClus, in the MFT so that the bad sector is not reused.""
There does not seem to be any this cluster itself Points to the next cluster in the data. [mft-point to ]-->[First cluster of data, in that data is pointer to]--[Next cluster in data with cluster pointer]-->[last cluster of data EOF] THIS DOES NOT EXIST!
--It is descibed more as the MFT record says your data is found in Clusters 3490-39000, then 43000-89000.
(the use of the word "cluster chain" would lead me to believe that the information resides in the data clusters, but there is no indication that is true)
the human worded data is so difficult ""FAT, statically allocated at the time of formatting. The table contains entries for each cluster, a contiguous area of disk storage. Each entry contains either the number of the next cluster in the file, or else a marker indicating end of file, unused disk space, or special reserved areas of the disk. "" Every cluster ? or the used by a file clusters ?
There is a $bitmap (by many names) that holds the disk layout, and it is updated to define what is used and not.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_space_bitmap suggests that having every "sector" in the "bitmap" would be crasy. and instead the "advanced methods" would be used. which have the disadvantage of "This approach drastically reduces the cost of finding free space, but it doesn't help with the process of freeing space.
If the combined size of the summary array and bitmap is greater than can readily be stored in memory and a large number of files with scattered sectors are freed, an enormous amount of disk access is necessary to find all the sectors, decrement the summary counter and flip the bits back to zero.
one forensics locations says they use the Simple 1Bit 1Cluster arrangment for the $bitmap in NTFS ""The method of keeping track of cluster allocation is relevatively simple. Each bit in the Bitmap represents 1 cluster"" whereismydata.wordpress.com/2009/06/01/…
Why does it take so long? I think i got it, because keeping all that stuff correct , so there was not a single item set wrong ever, even while other things are still going on.
@JourneymanGeek I will do that next. i got some many gig files to delete. Then i could frag the heck out of them, by writing 2 to the same parttion at the same time, and see how much worse that is.
status-planned (possibly-related cause)
Some people are experiencing a problem where the auto link does not appear. This has to do with the fact that the DOM elements on which the selector is based are dynamically loaded into the DOM.
The workaround for this is to change line 683 to:
@Boris_yo Yes , from a very large 3 year running sinkhole thread davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=118662&page=18 . I noticed that many times you can see parts of infrastructure in them. Also many many of them have plausable explainations.
Or you can throw them all together (without the explanations) in a youtube video, and say the world is ending :-)
> ...when in 1990 a psychic told him that he was a healer who had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and that the spirit world was going to pass messages to him.
lol I can't believe it. They used picture of alien baby coming out and assumed it to be Candida. They should be sued for copyright infringement and for insulting our intelligence.
Do I get bonus of 100 on each and every SE account which is linked to my account that has reached a rep of 200? So, I would get 100 on 104 SE websites in case I am so crazy that I have an account on every single SE website?
You need 10k network reputation to see flags on the network chat site, as reported on your chat profile. This value is your combined reputation across all sites, but starts excluding your reputation from low-participation sites (i.e. ones where you have less than 200 reputation) once you pass the...
The chat profile for a user includes a reputation total. This appears to be the sum of the reputation from all sites. A few days ago I logged in to a few other sites just out of curiosity, grew my chat reputation by 1k.
Given that there are 84 sites in the network, it seems like a person could...