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@Mokubai it's a threshold based on your speed. obviously if you are intentionally changing lanes at a slow pace the thing will beep at you, but the threshold is empirically derived based on the average time it takes to lane change
it doesn't do anything to the actual vehicle's movement like take over the steering wheel and prevent you from merging, but it does beep at you
well that'd be the first thing to get disabled if I ever got near it then
"teach me how to fecking drive will you? damn back-seat computer drivers."
@Mokubai it's pretty tolerant, even of slow merges, because it's more likely to go off if you are hanging over your lane's lines and you aren't getting more and more into the lane you're moving into
in other words if you're straddling two lanes for an extended time and you aren't clearly moving from one to another, it'll go off, but if you're moving moving moving at a steady pace from one lane to the other without leveling off, it won't really go off.
I can't say as I've ever "drifted" between lanes...
not accidentally anyways
sleeping people do :P
sleeping people need to stop driving
if you're sleepy in any way then you shouldn't be driving imho
people who are distracted by spiders on their face, hot coffee spills, passenger assaulting driver, text messaging their kid that "I'll pick you up at 6pm", etc. also tend to straddle two lanes while engaged in said activities
all people who should stop driving temporarily...
the electronic warning systems are designed to increase the likelihood that a reasonably alert driver (or a driver who is, at least, not wholly unconscious) will be alarmed by the warning sound, quickly figure out what the incorrect action is, and level out in their lane / slow down as appropriate
without the systems, the problem could go uncorrected in a situation where a simple beep could have alerted the driver enough to prevent an accident
my solution to people texting while driving: 24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyn5qnEwep1qfnh94o1_500.gif
the driver should already be alert and paying attention
obviously the system won't prevent unconscious drivers (heart attack, stroke, knockout punch, etc.) from crashing. the system also won't (can't!) prevent stupid people who are tired or covered in spiders from driving.
but it can attempt to prevent some scenarios where a crash might occur
it's a mitigation system.
when you have a big and hard to solve problem like "stupid people driving while they're asleep", or "spiders like to walk on peoples' faces and freak them out", you can attack it from various angles: prevention, avoidance, mitigation, etc.
people need to be aware that they are in control of several tonnes of metal powered by exploding fossils that are held together by things made by people not much smarter than they are.
it makes sense to attack these problems from all possible angles, and one such angle is mitigation in the event that prevention methods fail
because none of the proposed methods so far are 100% effective
nobody's shown me a bulletproof method of eternally preventing any driver from ever getting behind the wheel while tired
so it stands to reason that it will happen
This is why I'll be happy when the computers properly take over
@Mokubai right, so a hacker or a software bug or a loose cable can crash your car while you happily slumber behind the wheel of several tonnes of metal that, in 99.9999% of cases, drives itself reliably, but for some reason stemming from the fact that humans and their physical constructions are inherently imperfect, it decides to go wacko and crash and kill people.
I'm not saying that automated driving wouldn't reduce accidents -- I think it would, once they work the initial bugs out
but it's still gonna happen
and don't tell me that, even if you provide full manual controls in an automated vehicle, that 99% of drivers wouldn't literally sleep behind the wheel while the car drives itself, if the car does a good enough job most of the time that manual intervention is unnecessary
even if you require by law that drivers remain awake and provide immediate intervention methods like grabbing the steering wheel or hitting the brakes disables the autopilot, people are still gonna sleep once they're reasonably confident (which would take about a year of hazard-free driving for most people to become confident)
and then the software bugs creep out and people start dying
Aye, that it would still happen, but there would be so many more failsafes and controls in place to make it work smoothly. As it stands we are trusting stupid water-filled meat sacks to not be too stupid at each other
And that's ignoring the ones who are actively, hostile-ly, stupid at each other
the ones who want to cash in on an insurance claim and such
...and, in new vehicles with advanced safety packages, we're trusting those stupid water-filled meat sacks to listen to and respond appropriately to automated systems which are trying to tell them that they are potentially doing something hazardous with their car
I think it's a step in the right direction
it's just another small step in the evolution of car safety. seatbelts, air bags, warning systems, and then eventually, full automation with manual backup
each time we advance the state of the art, we reduce the likelihood of accidents
@OliverSalzburg Wait, you use Bing? o.O
I think a really hard problem to solve with full automation, at least in my area, will be to teach the car how to avoid road hazards, like enormous potholes, construction sites, vehicles pulled over on the side of the road (with or without functional hazard lights), pedestrians, animals, etc.
and to avoid these hazards without crashing into something else, like a guard rail or bridge or oncoming traffic
Aye, that sort of thing is the trick
We are, sadly, a few years away from automated cars though
@Mokubai Just to see what results I would get for a certain query
And your results were a slightly pleading near-bribe to keep searching using Bing...
I just watched my girlfriend sort photos on her Windows 8 machine. Every once in awhile all Explorer windows simply close and the whole system acts as if nothing happens. wtf
This guy...
That's like his catchprase
good old Bing, I thought they just searched Google for you then massaged the results into their format
@OliverSalzburg at least he didn't post it as an answer. from what I can tell, he only posts answers on bounty questions, and puts an enormous amount of effort into said answers, whether or not they're correct
@somequixotic For various degrees of "enormous amount of effort"
"This is a common problem" Translation: lots of hits on Google "One way to fix it is [insert text from first hit on Google] another way is [insert text from second hit on Google]. If that doesn't help, sfc /scannow. Also be sure to uninstall all applications you don't need with Revo"
@Mokubai bit.ly/1c46Qx4 lol
mind = blown
a lmgtfy search on bing for lmgtfy
@somequixotic Doesn't work for me
yay, i hit a goldmine question :D
already 9 upvotes to my answer on the XP question
low effort, high reward
and yes i upvoted yours @Mokubai
Already upvoted yours so you're not getting to a "nice answer" that way @somequixotic :P
@OliverSalzburg you should post some more answers so that other mods can upvote your answers... that's the best way of getting rep, right? :)
according to whoever that guy was
you should want more SU mods, so we can all upvote eachother in an increasingly large web that increases in upvotes-per-day by a factor of n!
@somequixotic I would answer that with "Who the fuck drinks coffee in a car? Are they insane. You stop after a few hours, get out, drink something, strech your legs etc etc). And you temporarily part the car to read a text message. As to passengers attacking the driver.....uhm, not even sure what to say to that?
As to spiders / wasp... yeah, I can see that happen.
You can do a Google search from within Bing!
@Hennes I don't know about where you live, but here, almost everyone drinks beverages in the car, almost everyone texts in the car, and nobody stops the car to do anything because that would be inconvenient
@Mokubai wait, is that a Google search, or a Bing search? or a Bing search that asks Google?
it would be awesome if you could get, like, an infinite loop going... Google asks Bing, Bing asks Google, which asks Bing, etc
Drinking in the car: fine.
Driver drinking in the car.... rare
@somequixotic It's a search for google on Bing that gives you a text box to get search results from google!
As to text messages. As a driver I pull over, parkt he car, turn the engine off and read them.
@Hennes +1
@Hennes wow
If you do not turn the engine off and a cop sees you still still get an EUR 140 fine
Even if you are fully stopped, put the transmission in manual etc etc
We have a similar law here in UK, still see wankers talking on the phone tho
texting while driving is illegal here, too, but rather than pulling over on the side of the road, which would be inconvenient, I simply don't read texts in the car :P
@somequixotic I'm currently on a coding-vacation, no time to write answers :P
I suppose you could get away with having an automated TTS system on your phone read the texts aloud
It depends on who texts. Work phone or private phone
(I do keep those separate)
yeah but you could still get an advertisement (illegally or not) on your private phone, and pull over to read "SIGN UP NOW AT WWW.WEHAVEYOURINFO.CC TO WIN A MILLION EUROS!"
@somequixotic As long as you do not pay attention to the system reading the SMS to you... Just using your hands for a phone is but one part. The real danger is being distracted by the message or the conversation.
Adds on a mobile seem very rare.
And the dutch system is not nice to 'SMS spammers'
Though the fines are still lower than their profits.
@Hennes The biggest SMS spammer for me is my service provider :P
oh, one SMS every month. Your new account data is available at ...
Usually around 3 AM
Or when crossing the border to a new country
"You have a message on your mailbox. Retrieve it now by calling 1122. Did you already know that you can get the latest Justin Bieber song as a ringtone by calling 333444?"
we have an emergency alert system built into all smartphones and dumbphones of recent manufacture, which sets off an alarm that most people associate with nuclear attack (due to the specific tone / volume / wave pattern used)... it really freaks people out
they use that system, and the same tone, for things like child kidnapping, missing elderly person, or severe thunderstorm
same tone for apocalyptic nuclear attack and missing elderly person
in New York a few weeks ago that tone set off and woke up the entire city (millions and millions of people) due to one missing elderly person
Hmm, I got no idea what that tone is.
However my default ringtime was an emergency evacuation. Please leave the building. Do not use the stairs. (in 4 or 5 languages)
it's the same tone that would appear on television in the 1970s and 1980s in the U.S. during the Cold War when they would tell us that if you hear this sound you should listen up because the President of the United States is about to tell you that you're going to die
An Emergency Action Notification (SAME code: EAN) is the national activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and can only be activated by the President or his/her representative (i.e. the Vice President). The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) also carried the Emergency Action Notification. It has never been used by any President since its creation. Unlike other messages, the EAN is not the alert itself, but rather a notice that the activation is beginning. After the End of Message (EOM) tones are sent, normal programming does not resume. Instead, most stations will broadcast emergen...
Did I share this one yet?
@Hennes yup
I still like it. Reminds me a bit of Spider Jerusalem's world.
@Hennes Holocaust was not about armenians genocide.
@somequixotic My friend somehow received letter to his mail box which claimed he won lottery. I guess spammers took it too the next level.
1 hour later…
Q: im sure someone has already answered this but I SERIOUSLY DON'T THINK SO


I , Dont think so Either. Does this person deserve an EDIT and attention? or the big boot?
everyone should upvote ultrasawblade for having the patience to actually answer this :P
@Psycogeek I felt like the amount of energy I had to invest to delete it was already more than he deserved
@OliverSalzburg ok, I think in this case it would be feeding the trolls to fix it.
@ultrasawblade actually edited it seconds before I deleted it
I hope he's not mad about the lost rep ;P
@Psycogeek Oh come on. Who writes in capitals these days?
@OliverSalzburg I'm totally just joining the convo, but I hope he does get mad. I love it when other people complain about their rep.
@Boris_yo I used to write all my tech diatribes in all lower case. At that time i was a hunt and peck typist.
@Boris_yo In this situation though, he claims lack of keyboard control, but the way it is written looks more like it is designed by a person with the capability, and instead chooses to writ up dat ting de way he wanted it to look. Of course i woudst hafta Axe him to be shore.


@DarthAndroid If you cannot get responses on SU, try different forum. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
@Boris_yo I don't know whether to be offended or amused at the implication there. :P
@DarthAndroid If you want your question answered, respect reader at least by adhering to capitalization and punctuation. When I see questions with capitalized letters, no punctuation and abbreviated or lazy spelled words like "w8t", "u 2" It makes me want to punch that person.
@JourneymanGeek Do you have an ISO or something of OS/2 Warp?
@Boris_yo That's not my question
@DarthAndroid I know it's not. I am talking about that person. Such typing tears my eyes.
@CanadianLuke This ends tonight. You have to make a choice. I can show you the door but you must walk through it.
@Boris_yo I choose cheap booze and cheap hookers... Which door is that?
You know I have no idea what I am giving to you but I can promise you a nice ride.
I got enough Nyquil, and it's easier to drink than swallow :P
A: Why can't old PCs view modern sites?

Einsteins GrandsonThere is one rule which everybody should follow: Buy the cheapest possible good brand PC/laptop , then use it for 3-5 years and then sell it or throw it away and buy again the cheapest possible good brand PC/laptop. Good laptop/PC brands are: Dell, Asus, Toshiba, Fujitsu(the Japanese are perfect...

holy downvotes, Batman...
Don'T take the blue pill, that would be very bad, and cause boris to start analising the matrix again.
@CanadianLuke Cheap booze and cheap hookers? That's blue pill. Choose it and you will wake up in your bed believing whatever you want to believe, drinking whatever you want to drink and smoking whatever you want to smoke.
@tapped-out Weird, he's usually such a valuable contributor
@Psycogeek No it will disappoint me because I believe CanadianLuke is The One.
Tell me, why can I not control the machines with my mind? Why do I still need these damn hands typing away on keyboards all the time? Where are my Matrix-y powers?
I need to talk to the @Oracle..
@CanadianLuke Hooking wires direct up to your brain is only for rats at this juncture.
@CanadianLuke You have not reached the source yet. Only then you will be able to control machines.
But... But... What about this USB port drawing? The symbol must mean there's a port SOMEWHERE on me...
@CanadianLuke You must have that port behind your head because you were grown by machines.
@CanadianLuke Yeah, but it's an input to install new purchasing recommendations into your subconscience
@CanadianLuke It isnt USB it is Thunderbolt, the reason you cannot connect is , you need a mac.
@Psycogeek I'm on a Mac... Running DosBox... With Windows 3.11
And that last line wasn't a joke :P
@CanadianLuke sooo, it Is virtual, just like the matrix.
It's virtually virtual...
and probably works about as well
I still like my classic Windows 3.1 and DOS... I still program in QBasic just for SnG
Boots up to the full desktop in under a second
It's literally virtual
@OliverSalzburg You're probably taking about Matrix Market? Yes you can download whatever you want into your mind. You can learn new skills in under 1 minute too.
@Boris_yo Yea, but I don't want to use the Trial version
@Boris_yo No, I'm talking about the government implanting ideas in your head to make you a dumb consumer so you don't see what's really happening around you. Except they aren't doing it with a USB port, they're doing it with nanobots and microwaves and chemicals in our drinking water, you know?
You probably haven't heard of any of those...
@OliverSalzburg I believe that whole-heartedly! You heard about the Smart Meters? For automatic reporting back to your electrical company? That's our biggest conspiracy now, at least in Canada
@OliverSalzburg Check out my last message in TL, if you can give an answer, that would be awesome :)
@CanadianLuke Man how funny! And I saw it some years ago. Cypher said he had no idea how amateurs got in the closet lol! And how Trinity connected VGA to Neo's head haha!
I miss College Humor's older stuff... Especially song parodies
I ripped them from YouTube into MP3s for my deck, but I lost the files :( I had about 50 of them
@OliverSalzburg Microwaves and fluoride I heard of but not nanobots.
@CanadianLuke Song parodies? Were they satirical?
@Boris_yo Oh, those are the worst!
@Boris_yo *Were. Yup. Like instead of Miley Cirus' "7 Things", it's "25 Things (I now know about you)", talking about Facebook
@OliverSalzburg Where can I find nanobots?
@Boris_yo Nowhere. They don't want you to find them
@OliverSalzburg My eyes would not see them probably...
@Boris_yo That too, yes
@CanadianLuke I heard they call her Miley Virus...
Maybe... But she looked damn good on "2 and a Half Men"
@OliverSalzburg I wonder how they are produced. Producer would need nano equipment for this.
@Boris_yo They are normal bots, shrunk with a nano ray gun, well not really a gun per say, more like a linear accelerator . imdb.com/title/tt0060397
"It's simple, you take a normal bot and replace all its atoms with really small atoms!"
@OliverSalzburg Because when they did it the first time , they only removed the space between all the quantum particles, and the micro bots only worked on peoples feet. Unless they to were really dence.
Q: write chrome plugin to disable anti-adblock script in website

hackerwzI asked in this forum if I could disable anti-adblock script with website like Wakanim I was advised to write my own extension in chrome but i'm a beginner in javascript and coding so I ask for the best and fastet way to creat a chrome extension

@CanadianLuke Heard of Fresh Price with Will Smith?
@tapped-out Oh crap, now i am going to need an Anti-adblock anti-add blocking script. Or i just wont visit the site :-)
Or we just cut to the chase, and host block entire domains
@tapped-out Wish now they started blocking our ads anti-block plugins? Dang...
@Psycogeek Seems like their advertisements profits sprinked and they decided to take matters into their hands...
I have tried to tell a web creator before, if you want to make sure the Adds are seen, sell them yourself, host them yourself, collect the money yourself. They said that was hard, welcome to life.
(8) Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down...(8)
@Psycogeek You are talking about AdSense and banner ads with no centralized network?
Eventually as the web site grew to have thousands of people daily, they did just that, charge them a monthly fee, force thier submissions to be specific size and not flash, and the advertisers sit proudly in a simple banner at the top. They are not noxious, and i stupidly even click on them at times.
@Boris_yo No corporate .0005 a click (used to be nickle a click) horsescrit adds, that are obnoxious, unrelated, and sure to be blocked.
@Psycogeek People being exposed to same ads become blind so if your website has audience expect decline in revenue from annoying ads.
@Psycogeek Horsescrit? What kind of programming code is that?
@Boris_yo It is slang for animal waste products
@Psycogeek .0005 is the amount you get for 1 YouTube impression.
@Boris_yo Oh... My... Allah...
@Psycogeek Animal waste? Maybe it is horseshit?
@CanadianLuke whoa, you're Muslim?
No, just a joke from the Alladin movie
@Boris_yo I do not know, but compared to how much they would hand out when the web first started , before the adds were controlled by huge corporate interests, it is WAY more noise than money.
@CanadianLuke There's Aladdin movie? I must have missed it...
From Disney, in like, 1992 or something
@Boris_yo One guy on youTube claimed he got $100 for a hatefull lies filled video, the video had 1.7Million hits. I saw no add anywhere
@CanadianLuke Oh, it's not movie, it's Animation...
@Psycogeek You can see add below video control, they are text ads and you can see video ads before or inbetween video.
@Boris_yo To me, it's the same thing... It's (runtime(minutes) >= 61) { type = 'Movie' };
@CanadianLuke It was same to me as well until I decided there has to be somekind of difference to distinguish animation movies from real world movies.
I call those IRL Movies :P
@Boris_yo Well no I cannot see the adds on youTube, and i did little to nothing to specificly stop them. it is probably part of a whole List of stuff (list from the web) blocking i have applied.
@Boris_yo i'd give you a million stars if i could. great end to a bad day XD
@Psycogeek You use Adblock on YouTube?
@tapped-out "I have nothing!" :D
@Boris_yo I do not have a specific addblocking software, i use a combo of "things" and a weirdass browser.
@Psycogeek I can't contain myself anymore... It's "ads"
@Psycogeek If only I could find assess of YouTube ad server ... And block it.
the one posted by @somequixotic is pretty good as well
@CanadianLuke No i dont have ADS , i swear :-)
@CanadianLuke Although i am OCD at times
@somequixotic Madness? This is Sparta!
@tapped-out Yes and its madness too...
@Psycogeek You are overclocked at times? (OCD)
When my boss yells at me I have to finish job sooner than expected, he overclocks me.
Clock him back! Right across the face @Boris_yo
@Boris_yo OCD is Office Cubical Disorder. It can be enhanced further by BRD , Boiler Room Disease
@Psycogeek I am only familiar with obsessive compulsive disorder.
@Boris_yo Oh you have a disorder? I would have never known.
@Psycogeek I mean I cannot find disorder on Google you mentioned before.
@Boris_yo That is because workers at google are treated well. Mabey you should try bing?
@CanadianLuke Well thanks for (morally correct?) advice...
Remember though, moral != legal
@CanadianLuke legal != jail != dropped soap != oh boy...
Ahhh, but you see, ( legal != oh boy || legal == oh boy) still evaluates to true
@Psycogeek Bings workers are treated well too...
Can I just dd an ISO file to a USB flash drive?
@CanadianLuke Bootable ISO?
Yea, Ubuntu Server LTS
@CanadianLuke There's program that allows that but forgot name...
I'm on my Mac, I just don't feel like downloading more programs for a one-time thing
@Boris_yo @Psycogeek Got Skype?
isotousb.com but it is for Windows I think.
@CanadianLuke Yes.
Add my Skype, uses less power then SE Chat: lukebarone
@CanadianLuke Less power? You're on smartphone?

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