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@ruda.almeida Are you programmer?
@Boris_yo I have Netbeans open on my other monitor, and PHP code in front of me. Also, I have NO DAMN IDEA where to start.
@ruda.almeida At least you have idea what you're doing.
@Boris_yo I'm sure there will be lots of new phones by the time the Edge comes out, but no, I don't have faith that they will get anywhere close to what the Edge is trying to do in terms of technological advances.
@Boris_yo My boss had no idea what HE was doing when he assigned me the task.
@DarthAndroid I also don't believe that what the Edge is trying to do will be all that useful.
@DarthAndroid Empty promises you think?
@Bob What is the Edge trying to do?
@ruda.almeida It's PHP. Just mash your keyboard a bit and hope it doesn't error.
@DarthAndroid Merge a full-powered computer with a phone.
@Bob Yeah just another smartphone.
@Bob My forehead has a larger contact area, I'm tempted to activate my keyboard with it. Repeatedly.
full ubuntu desktop, with a shitload of stuff thats experimental to do with screen and battery tech?
@Boris_yo No promises at all! The first iPhone was revolutionary. Everything was incremental since then. Slightly better battery because we could push li-ion 1% more. Slightly denser screens, more megapixels on the camera
I don't see that changing.
@JourneymanGeek the problem is, most of that power will be useless most of the time
@Bob The Edge is not at all trying to merge a full-powered computer with a phone.
the battery is new and potentially good, though
That is missing the point entirely
The purpose of the edge is to show existing manfucturers that new techs do work on mass scale
@DarthAndroid: I actually honestly think the current phone/tablet obsession is a little overblown ;p
The the new battery tech works, that the sapphire screen works, etc.
> The Ubuntu Edge is the next generation of personal computing: smartphone and desktop PC in one state-of-the-art device.
I think you're all crazy. Smartphone+PC is the future...
@JourneymanGeek How smartphone be computer? It is small for a computer and besides, smartphones and tablets are for consumption.
@Bob No extra power is useless when devs stuff bloatware. My GF can't run facebook on her gingerbread android, I bet she'll need a four-core phone just to be able to login without dzens of force-closing...
That is the stated objective, if nothing else.
That's what it is, but that's not it's purpose ;)
@ruda.almeida Don't tempt them with more powerful phones that'll run said bloatware.
Or use an alternative (unofficial?) app.
@Boris_yo: a tablet is a bigger phone, often without cellular data. A phone is a PDA, which is a small crappy computer
Also, I like how indiegogo is completely broken.
@OliverSalzburg Nope. Only local, Lowlow and Roaming.
@ruda.almeida Also, that extra power would likely be deactivated when on the move. The alternative is absolutely shit battery life.
And my google is in the cloud
the $625 level has been sold out for 20ish~ minutes, but the number of people getting it keeps going up
@Bob Here's how the industry work: hardware manufacturers aim to make hardware with increasingly higher specs and performance, and software devs are pushed to deliver more and more features in less and less time, no optimization, and they expect people to have always latest software, so in practice you either have state-of-the-art equipment or a lagging experience. :(
@Gowtham Process Hacker
@DarthAndroid Yeah you are right. First it was about innovation, now it is about increments.
Same with PCs, no?
@ruda.almeida So people keep buying over and over. That's the plan.
hmm Swiftkey eats a lot of battery
@Boris_yo Planned obsolescence. Not that much intentional as conspirators might sound. That's an expected result, but not a hidden agenda IMHO. On the other hand, I've watched "The Lightbulb Conspiracy", and that deactivate-printer-after-nnn-prints-even-if-perfectly-good thing is real. topdocumentaryfilms.com/light-bulb-conspiracy
I would like to see a properly developed smart watch from Apple that fully integrates with my phone and the ecosystem. Much like the Pebble, but with Siri access as well.
Poor clippy
I Feel sorry for him
@Gowtham Don't.
Clippy has to die.
Hey @OliverSalzburg make another SE chat extension, name it "Clippy Exterminator"!
Add an option to ignore clippy and other to show it dying in flames, explosions, shotguns, etc
@ruda.almeida Messing with the Clippy algorithm is scary business. You never know what will happen...
@OliverSalzburg As long as a uncanny-valley-awkward antrhopomorphized being don't knock on my door asking if I need help...
@Boris_yo I disagree here
PCs have reached the point where they're useful as long as they run
Partially cause so much of what we do is on the web
partially cause even a 5-6 year old system is poweful enough for the basics
Q: What is the exact use of a MAC address?

VISHNU VIVEKI understand that IP addresses are hierarchical, so that routers throughout the internet know which direction to forward a packet. With MAC addresses, there is no hierarchy, and thus packet forwarding would not be possible. So, MAC addresses are not used for packet transfer. So, where does a MAC...

I should have checked the question list when I got to work! :P
I could be swimming in rep by now!
@JourneymanGeek Partially because we can upgrade parts instead of trowing out the entire device and getting a new one every six months
@ruda.almeida: pretty much
I was thinking more how in the old days of PCs each generation was a MASSIVE leap over the other
right up to the PIVs
@JourneymanGeek I can imagine thousands of people in suits having wet dreams with a nonupgradeable computer
Oh, I forgot, we already have that, we call them macs.
You can upgrade Macs. Just buy a new one
@ruda.almeida: my shared desktop wasn't exactly upgraded
I merely replaced anything that broke ;p
Next I need to get that hard drive swap done
@ruda.almeida It looks like you're writing a letter!
@JourneymanGeek PC or mac? I never owned a mac, longest I used one was for a few hours
but It was running mostly stock for years
well as stock as a DIY system could
@Bob I don't write letters anymore. Internet killed the postoffice star.
only started replacing things early last year
@ruda.almeida: I write stuff... then post it online ;p
but then again
I actually favour handwritten directions in a diary over google maps
@Boris_yo: NO, no a job. I am looking for a job. I want a job. Any decent job
My current PC is a 2008 laptop. Before that, anything I owned was DIY since the late 90's, where the price difference was 5x cheper than a retail one
Job agency: "Dear Hennes, thank you for applying to this job. Hopwever it is currently on hold due to too many already introduced applicants"
I have a modern laptop, and desktop I built last year
oldest functional system I have is a ... I think pentium M
@Hennes free lancing ?
@JourneymanGeek the Pentium M was a very important chip, architecturally, as it ultimately ended up inspiring Nehalem, which brought us from the bad old days of slow CPUs to modern quad cores with hyperthreading, high clock rate, and high-end integrated graphics
as far as core engineering principles and architecture goes, Nehalem is closer to a Pentium M than a Core 2
and Sandy/Ivy/Haswell just iterated on top of Nehalem
I may have a PIII
Why is the System process opening up the mp3 I am playing spotify
@Gowtham hardware decoding/playback maybe? Oo
new Windows audio path involves a lot of kernel, and there may even be hardware MP3 decoding going on
@somequixotic for a trivial task of playing a mp3 ?
isn't the system process the kernel
@Hennes Ever tried elance.com ?
MP3 data on disk -> kernel -> decoded using hardware ASIC -> played through hardware audio route
@Gowtham Nope. Without work, out of cash and getting desperate. And freelance and me do not mix well.
@Hennes Most decent jobs are taken because good things are taken first...
@Hennes good luck getting a job :)
more weirdness
I never heard of elance.com before. Checking it out atm.
@Hennes did you try stackexchange careers?
That needs a gazillion rep in Stack Overflow
@Gowtham do you have a virus scanner? it may be using a kernel module to securely read files and virus scan
most virus scanners these days put all their important bits in the kernel so that viruses can't easily block them out from userspace
@somequixotic I use Avast, could be the cause
@Gowtham quite likely
@Gowtham a quick google shows that Avast, like most commercial virus scanning engines (even Microsoft's own Defender), uses a kernel module to do scanning
it runs user-space processes too, but their role is just to provide user GUI
the actual important security-sensitive stuff is in the kernel
Task Manager, etc. can't tell the difference between a kernel module reading files, or the Windows Executive (the microkernel itself), and can't easily tell which kernel module is reading
technically, from the info you've provided, it could be a rootkit reading those files. because the behavior patterns of rootkits and very good/thorough virus scanners are similar
@somequixotic right, runs a scan
but (we hope), a trusted virus scanning company that scans your files with a kernel module black box isn't transmitting them to the internet for people to look through :P
a malicious rootkit does the same thing but sends useful stuff (passwords, bookmarks, cookies, etc) to a malicious server ;p
My upload speed isn't that good :P
Also if it's a kernel module, it can bypass wireshark right ?
@Gowtham wireshark uses its own packet capturing kernel module to intercept network traffic at a device driver API level, although, a kernel module, once loaded, can technically do anything, it can even prevent other kernel modules from functioning normally
so the answer to your question is "yes", but (1) it's very hard to do correctly without crashing the system, and (2) even most smart rootkits aren't smart enough to correctly hide from wireshark while still allowing normal system operation
posted on July 24, 2013

Apparently, I’ve been warned. Just as apparently I need to invest in a Blackberry to figure out the 4th prophecy!

Who is this GFSE guy?
@Boris_yo gems from stack exchange . tumblr . com
it's a blog feed
i think @sathya made it
@somequixotic And automatic blog feed...
@Boris_yo the mechanism that posts it here is automatic, but the content of GFSE isn't automatically generated; a person has to actually post on it
it's supposed to be a list of really stupid posts
questions/answers/comments from stack exchange websites
@somequixotic Yeah, sure. If there was ability to generate valuable content automatically, it would be heaven for spammers.
I wish it could onebox the questions/answers themselves instead of just a copy and paste from them... but then <10k users wouldn't be able to see
@somequixotic ohk
@somequixotic I plan to get Animatrix. Do you recommend?
google experiencing technical difficulties :D
@Gowtham Video not playing...
@somequixotic also is there any book that deals with windows internals ?
didn't russonovich write one?
Why does nuclear bomb create EMP wave when explodes?
the sysinternals guy ?
> The Soviet tests sound even more fun, but the relevant details are a little harder to track down:

“…it knocked out a major 1000-kilometer (600-mile) underground power line running from Astana to the city of Almaty. Several fires were reported. In the city of Karagandy, the EMP started a fire in the city’s electrical power plant, which was connected to the long underground power line.” (ref.)
@JourneymanGeek he writes fiction :D :D
windows internals 2 books each ~700 pages
@Gowtham yes, but I've read most of the first book, and I think the plan is to have a total of 3 books, only 2 are released
it's excellent stuff and really important if you want to be a leet programmer on Windows
you can also learn about UNIX stuff by comparing and contrasting what Windows does with what UNIX or Linux does, so that's also helpful
in general I highly recommend the (latest revision of) the Windows Internals book series because it teaches you how to be a systems hacker (where "hacker" == "dabbler" or "T-shaped generalist with lots of in-depth knowledge"; and "systems" == "low level operating system components")
once you're a systems hacker for one operating system, it's much easier to become a systems hacker for any other operating system desired
I actually became a systems hacker for Linux first, then translated that to Windows
if you are a systems hacker and a good programmer, you can probably get hired almost anywhere once you get a college degree
also, systems hacker knowledge prepares you for the domains of security / pen testing, security auditing, forensics, advanced system administration and troubleshooting (useful for answering SU questions), etc.
TLDR: buy Windows Internals books; go through them and the exercises; become a systems hacker; use that as leverage to launch your career in one or more of: software development, security testing (white hat OR black hat), or sysadmin
it is NOT EASY, but it is at least a clear, well-defined path. you just have to commit to doing it.
and you learn infinitely more by being a systems hacker than anything you'll learn in college, so just do enough to pass your classes then move on :P
@somequixotic Is one fast typer...
@Boris_yo Maybe he just has that stored in a .txt file on his desktop because he needs to tell people so often
@Gowtham The threads will clarify. :)
@OliverSalzburg Nope
I hate form-letter advice. All my advice is hand-crafted and tailored to the specific situation and based on what I know about the person. Meaning, some of you here are the best possible recipients for my advice, since I know some of you reasonably well (for an internet friend) :P
Well, everything I say is just copy&pasted from somewhere else on the internet. Even this sentence.
Are you a human?
Ok, the good news is, I have Internet again.
@somequixotic Thanks for crafting your messages.
The bad news is, it's 8 MBit/s downstream, 1 MBit/s up.
standard bandwidth for me
@slhck Mine is 12/1 and maximum upload available is with package 100/2
Hi, I'm just trying to get an answer to a question I posted yesterday. So far nobody has answered: superuser.com/questions/623001/…
I came from a 25/10 cable connection, and had just tested 50/10 LTE before, so this feels like going back to stone age.
Heck, even my iPhone is faster than this.
whenever I visit my parents it is 1mb/0.256mb.. THAT feels like stone age
@76987 Sounds a lot like Chrome thinks it's already running
@T.F. Where would that be?
(if I may ask)
in the countryside
in germany
however my university often only has something like 6mb down, 7mb up - this is however caused by too much traffic at the same time
I mean, how is that still possible in a first world country, in the middle of what's supposedly the number one city in the "quality of living" surveys.
Meh, I thought Germany was better in general.
lol, many ppl think that
Especially at universities.
i am in austria atm and everyone thinks it is like in the middle munich everywhere in germany
@slhck So did I!
but on the countryside the telecommunication infrastructure is just terrible
Yeah, but trust me, it's obviously no better in the city either :P
At least, depends on where in the city.
you guys need to use codel on your routers and stop downloading movies and your internet will be much better.. just sayin... just sayin (</CoDelTroll>)
> Starting with Visual Studio 2013, the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework.
@OliverSalzburg Ooooooooooooon!
@slhck You can't use speedtest's or Ookla's benchmarks to check this?
so no more building projects on the .NET Full Profile without VS, then?
well I guess you can still use MSbuild 2012 format or older
Apparently, the fastest city is Timisoara in Romania with an average download rate of 86.90 MBit/s.
@OliverSalzburg The problem happens even when I have just started the computer.
yeah Ive seen a documentation about that city, many hackers there lol
@somequixotic I'm just concerned about being able to compile projects without developer tools
@76987 Well, I didn't say Chrome is right in thinking so ;D
@somequixotic hmm I do want to get into the IT Sec field
@T.F. The hackers are so good they hack the ISPs to get more bandwidth :P
Time to read Windows Internals :O
@OliverSalzburg I just thought that information might help with diagnosing the problem.
@TomWijsman I don't get you
It would show the DLL involved.
Is there something I should do to encourage people to give answers to the question, or should I continue to wait?
"premiere paid off at the box office leading to an unprecedented $119 million on 10,013 prints in its first five days in 107 territories, including 18 Imax screens, setting a new international box office record." What do they mean by prints? What movie premiere has to do with revenue by prints?
@76987 You can out bounty, minimum 50. Depends on your level.
@76987 A process is already running, you could inspect its threads to see what it was doing; but if you just want to fix it, starting a new profile should work.
Also disable everything in chrome://plugins
@Boris_yo The band across the top of my screen reads "76987 31 * 3". Does that mean I am under 50?
@Gowtham No, those of the System process.
@TomWijsman I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand anything you suggested.
@TomWijsman okay
At least it is clear it is doing something through DirectSound, perhaps DirectSound is in the System process and can be told to play a file?
@76987 Under your question you should see "Start Bounty" if you don't see it, then you cannot yet.
Looks like there are avast modules ...
@Gowtham Yeah, spotted that as well; so, two options here: Either it is the vidmminterface that plays the file; or we're looking at a false positive, it could be just the virus scanner monitor scanning the file.
I think it's aswMonFlt.sys
I/O activity for individual threads is not possible ?
@TomWijsman Unfortunately, when I Google "chrome process inspect threads", I don't see anything that sheds light on your suggestion.
@76987 sigh he was telling me to inspect threads
@OliverSalzburg Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a directory called "C:\Documents and Settings\".
Clean your chrome install, install again
@76987 go to C:\Users\
That's because you search for chrome in specific, you would use something like technet.microsoft.com/en-US/sysinternals/bb896653 to do that.
@Gowtham He was talking to me: "@76987 A process is already running, you could inspect its threads to see what it was doing; but if you just want to fix it, starting a new profile should work."
Or Shift+Escape to inspect it at process level.
ah okay :D
@76987 C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application
really ? @76987
> Under the Windows Driver Model (WDM), DirectSound does not have direct access to the sound hardware, except in the case of hardware-accelerated buffers. Instead, DirectSound sends data to the kernel mixer.
hello @iKlsR
who got flagged ?
ooh another blue guy @MadScientist :D
@Gowtham: Ah, so it is the System process doing it; probably the vidmminterface. Though to be really sure, you would need to get rid of the virus scanner. It probably doesn't matter anyway; yet somewhat interesting, it could be seen as a potential attack vector.
@Gowtham Flags tend to attract a bunch of mods
And i find it funny when a host of blue guys crash the party :P
As if we didn't have enough already :P
@76987: When troubleshooting problems or people; "why" isn't the right question, "how" is. Once you know how things are done, you'll figure out why soon enough; it requires some effort and figuring out, but it is a valuable thing once learned...
@TomWijsman hmm ok
I am going to email the avast guys ;p
aww. seconds too late.
I've got a 7GB .mkv file that I need to encode and get onto a 4.7GB DVD...any suggestions? DVD Flick would do the conversion but I've never had any luck with it shrinking the video files.
@tombull89: Anything based on ffmpeg or libav; I think, @slhck is your man.
remembers some ffmpeg posts from him.
@tombull89 I don't know the typical Windows GUI tools for DVD authoring.. but doesn't DVD Flick have any settings regarding bitrate or so?
Q: Is there any relationship between memory access time and clock speed of processor?

DDRI was just studying my computer organization topic and came across words and the time taken to access words, memory access time. So this has something to do with the processor. Then I thought of the clock speed, how many instructions it executes or reads. And I just want to know whether there is ...

@slhck I can go into "Project settings" and set a "Target Size" of 4.7GB, yes, but I've never actually seen DVD flick do that - it's always ended up as a 5GB+ video.
Plus DVD flick only seems to use one core - on a quad-core machine it's kind of pointeless.
@OliverSalzburg You can actually install or bundle Mono's Xbuild project if you are concerned about people lacking Visual Studio being unable to run MSBuild
It's 100% compatible
@tombull89 Oh, that sucks. Maybe if you set it lower than 4.7?
You could also use Nant if you just want to move away from MSBuild format files completely
@somequixotic It's not the same :P
@slhck I'll give it a go.
Multicore video encoding is not easily doable, won't see lots of benefits from doing it, even if it were possible.
This may take some time :P
@slhck GPU video encoding however provides huge benefits in encoding time
I have been using this approach for deployment of some apps. Kinda like it
@somequixotic Hmm. I remember the ATI Radeon suite does have some video encoding capabilites...but I didn't install it apart from the drivers because OMG BLOATWARE.
@OliverSalzburg So? Now the first few steps become "grab this Xbuild.exe binary or build one of your own", then the rest of the steps are the same
@tombull89 it's not really bloatware; and that encoder written by AMD isn't the only possible solution
@somequixotic Right, and right now I don't have to do that
there are entire encoding pipelines accelerated by the GPU on the commercial market; for example, Sony Vegas Pro, which uses OpenCL on any OpenCL 1.2-compatible GPU to accelerate your video encoding and compositing
although admittedly it goes a lot faster on a discrete Radeon/Nvidia than an Intel IGP
AMD Radeon HD7000 series and later have the Video Codec Engine (VCE) functionality, which is a tiny hardware ASIC part built into the GPU that is specifically designed to do super fast GPU encoding; unfortunately, general-purpose OpenCL can't take advantage of it because accessing the VCE requires a custom API
there are probably some high-end softwares on the market by now that use VCE because it has the potential to be really fast
@somequixotic boo, I have a 7870 as well.
@Gowtham wow.
@tombull89 If it doesn't work with GUI, use ffmpeg with ffmpeg -i video.mkv -aspect 16:9 -target pal-dvd dvd.mpg or something it should set everything automatically.
very painfully slow: CPU encoding
painfully slow: multicore CPU encoding
*regular old* slow: OpenCL-accelerated GPU encoding
*holy cow* fast: AMD VCE, or Intel QSV
"Son, I am disappoint" @ ffmpeg for not supporting VCE/QSV yet ;p
@tombull89 They crashed 850 websites ..... CRAZY !!
@somequixotic Well, ffmpeg itself won't anyway, but for example the x264 developer doesn't want to implement it.
@slhck they are supposedly working on OpenCL acceleration though, aren't they?
True, I think 2.0 has OpenCL support.
Haven't followed the mailing list for a few months, which is ages in FFmpeg land.
even the freetard developers can jump on that bandwagon now, because Gallium3d On Linux has both general-purpose OpenCL on the CPU for any hardware (slow, but good for debugging) via llvmpipe, and GPU-accelerated OpenCL on AMD hardware, with Intel and Nvidia hardware slowly gaining a little bit of OpenCL as well
even the FSF monks could work on that, because they don't have to install any kernel ROM blobs into their GPU to use llvmpipe OpenCL on the CPU, which is perfectly suitable for developing software and testing it
Oh, they have a vectorscope filter now, nice.
...just not good for getting actual work done
haha, Google introduces a new Nexus 7.
lol Snapdragon S4 Pro. old school. it's sooooooo 2012
@somequixotic I thought there's already Nexus 10?
> With Android 4.3, we’re introducing hardware-level encryption for DRM. The first group we’re partnering with this is Netflix, allowing you to stream 1080p netflix content to your Android device.
That's the display size, isn't it?
@slhck yeah the number is the display size in inches, not the version. otherwise there'd be like Nexus 6000 already
@somequixotic 4.3 is version of Android. I don't see anything about inches.
@somequixotic no key lime pie :C
@Gowtham it's Lime Jelly Bean :D
I think that'll be the nickname for it, since it's another JB release but not 5.0
@Boris_yo They're releasing them like Ubuntu releases. The Nexus 7 is released in July, the Nexus 10 is released on October
it's weak that they couldn't be bothered to upgrade to a Snapdragon 800.... the "2013 Nexus 7" is definitely turning out to be a cheapo clunker
@OliverSalzburg What is after Nexus 10?
@Boris_yo the Nexus 900
they give you a halberd-sized stylus to type in your password with
and to trigger the spacebar you have to stand on it and jump
Looks like typical laptop...
@Boris_yo with a person the size of a rat standing on it?
"When you think of all the suffering that goes into keeping just one person clothed, fed, sheltered, and healthy — the suffering both for those who have to pay for these requisites, as well as those who have to labor or die in their production — you see how exploitative even the most rudimentary process of world-building can be"
@somequixotic I don't like rats. They are mad.
EBM-LX800 - I assume there is an upper limit to the size of CF I can put on this. Is that determined by the hardware or OS though?
the avalue page didn't mention anything (that I saw)
@somequixotic GPU encoding. my problem is can it do a 2 Pass VBR? all the best of the high compressed videos are VBR. analise the video, put data where it is needed most
There is no way to put data where it is needed most, when it is "stream encoded" because you dont know what the whole video needs
How is it possible that I can still type, but Ctrl+Alt+Del does nothing
It's 5:30pm before a 4 days long holiday. My speed stats at work: 92 times what I have at home.
Well, that was nice
Would be if I could either grab the ethernet port home with me, or at least accept inbound remote connection sessions ;)
Bet I'd download all my dozens of Humble Bundle games in a couple days
(non-workdays. I'm a nice guy)
@ruda.almeida Rio De Janeiro? What are you doing there? Vacationing?
@Boris_yo People live there actually.
@OliverSalzburg I thought he doesn't live there.
@Boris_yo Well, it's probably the location of the SpeedTest server closest to him
@ruda.almeida at 92.32 Mb/s? you could probably download all your dozens of HIB games in about 64 seconds
@somequixotic HIB?
@Boris_yo Humble Indie Bundle
@tapped-out Okay.
I have decided that I don't need a faster internet connection, for a very very very very long time, until a dumb phone / feature phone sold for $20 USD can play Quad HD Deep Color video in its sleep
I'm going to be a late adopter of Quad HD video, meaning that my bandwidth needs are going to remain pretty constant -- what I have can stream HD 1080p video just fine, and I don't need more
I would probably be happy with my current LTE for 10 years if they let me keep unlimited data
@somequixotic Where do you steam from?
although I'm sure Verizon will increase the speed whether I want it or not
@somequixotic 10 years is a long time
@Boris_yo Netflix? Youtube? Amazon Instant Video?
@OliverSalzburg well I just don't think I'd mind in 10 years with the current Internet connection I have. Over the weekend, I just downloaded one of the largest games in existence today in about 4-5 hours. Even if games get much larger due to texture quality etc, I don't mind waiting a day or two for a download of a major game title.
for well over 10 years, my primary bandwidth consumption sources have been: watching video, downloading PC games, and downloading miscellaneous software and operating systems including Linux ISOs
out of those, watching video requires the largest per-second streaming throughput, and downloading PC games requires the largest single file downloads
since I do not need my video per-second bandwidth requirements to increase beyond 1080p HD, and since I'm willing to wait a couple days to download a ~100GB game in 2023, I don't think I will need faster internet for 10 years
although in 2024 I'll totally be ready for gigabit internet, when by then it should be pretty common
@somequixotic YouTube app does not steam in full HD.
@Boris_yo I know, but I have streamed in full HD before, successfully, so I know my connection can handle it
in fact, I think LTE was engineered around the whole concept of being able to support full HD streaming video with a little bit of room to spare
@somequixotic a download taking time, even overnight is not a problem for me. only time my download speed bothers me is if i am waiting for it.
I can not even find on the web a "quality" or generational loss analisis of the intel GPU quickee video transcoding. performace sure. minus all the programming that it would require, isnt gpu encoding, just playing a video tossing it up on a 3d texture, then sucking that back down to re-compress?
Soo.... Enterprise Vault archived an email that I need an attachment from. Apparently that means you don't get your attachment back. :(
Way back in time when doing video professionally, the toss it to the GPU really fast realtime always changed the video ever so slighty (compared). fast yes, but same no.
High speed doesnt have to mean low quality, but it often has with video encoding
Even take the example of games and nivida vs geforce. I spend 5 hours gleeing over toms hardware tests to see which GPU card will do games best (that i can afford). One is certannly faster.
nvidia vs geforce?
A few days later I find an analisis of the 2 pictures that the video cards will be displaying. via a few tricks with antialising and ansitropic filtering (or whatever) the 2 video cards (and thier software) did not put out the same picture. The Slower gaming card, had a few less "problems"
@MichaelFrank too late to fix that. AMD vs Nvida
One is a brand, the other is a range of products by that brand. :S
Ahh okay.
You might be able to tell the difference between two pictures because the image is static. But could you say the same for a game running at 60fps?
@MichaelFrank no the differances represented would usually be meaningless to me . like after getting into the game, and not analising it.
a few Examples: your going by a fence, or see some power lines, and thin edges , and the many different ways to render that. Dissapear it into mud, a bit pixelated, flashing a bit. stuff that i am oblivious to when death in the game is a priority
On the other hand, many of the things like that, change the view for "reality" looks. when sightseeing. . Rarely a poorly rendered something makes finding things different. seeing 3pix enemies sharpness differances (and choices of render) have ramifications both ways.
The person showing the pictures displaying the differance between AMD and Nvida, was just trying to indicate that it is comparing apples and oranges. One very similarly priced and similarly powerfull video card , was compared at the exact same settings. But they were not rendering the same way.

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