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@Boob Nope, not at all, it's video quality assessment
(where I am)
evenin' (here as well) @Linker3000
"video quality assessment" - sounds dodgy ;-)
@slhck Hmm, Is there a field like that in MCS?
@Boob MCS?
Master of CS
@Linker3000 Kinda hard to explain, mostly about objective evaluation of video quality (using metrics) and subjective evaluation by means of user experiments
@Boob Oh ok. No it's not a special field, I'm doing a normal Master's program, but it's my research field
@slhck Fair enough
@Linker3000 Then again, who knows what we do in our experiments :D
@slhck ...all in the name of research!
@Linker3000 Exactly!
@slhck Didn't hear about that
Sometimes I think that people should be required to be fluent in English before being able to use SU.
@MarkSzymanski I know what you're talking about :P
Kinda hard to edit something like this
And why title a question: "ok my dad is really silly"
@MarkSzymanski Calm down Mark, give me your hands
@MarkSzymanski OH that explains where "he" came from
@Boob: What the heck? Give you my hands? Creep.
I couldn't figure out who "he" was just by reading the question itself
@MarkSzymanski Was that the Ubuntu disk formatting question?
@Linker3000: Yes.
@MarkSzymanski I think he's singing 'Eternal flame' ..close your eyes, give me your hand...
@MarkSzymanski :/
@Linker3000 Ohnoes, now I have that stuck in my head
And with that question, what's with the fake-centered text?
Nice visual effect! Makes it stand out :P
well, think I'm gonna leave.. see you guys around! :)
@slhck Have fun
@slhck Bye
Bye, @slhck. Take care!
And how to put @someone in the middle of sentence
@Boob: Type the @ symbol. And then their name.
And why are you on English.SE? That's not very proper grammar :/
@MarkSzymanski As you see, my English sucks
I can see that. So why are you on English.SE?
@MarkSzymanski I was too lazy to type their name , myself
@MarkSzymanski Where else, please?
And why are you in this chat room if you aren't even a user on Super User?
@Boob: What? That makes no sense.
What do you mean by why are you on English.SE? WHY or English.SE should be emphasized ?
Umm... I think the question is pretty simple. Why are you on English.SE if your English isn't good? Especially if you admit your English isn't good.
@MarkSzymanski The answer is really simpler, to ask questions and improve my English skills
Alright, then. And why are you in this chat room if you don't even have an account on Super User? Do you even know what Super User is?
@MarkSzymanski As people said , it's about software and hardware problems .. and I am here cause there was no "no entrance" on the door
Well the site is more for the problems with software and hardware. The chat is for discussions related to software and hardware. Not for questions.
@MarkSzymanski You wish, in the last 2 hours I didn't find any discussions about software and hardware here
@Boob: There's nothing wrong with going off-topic. Discussions don't strictly have to be about computers. My main point is that this isn't the place for questions. And that the site itself is the place for that.
@MarkSzymanski I don't have any questions in that area, should i leave SU chat?
I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying that you said the chat was for computer problems. And I'm saying that the site is for your problems. While the chat is for general discussion.
@MarkSzymanski These are all cause of that hand getting suggestion?
@MarkSzymanski Nothing, thanks for your clarification
Where's the page that lists all of the user privileges and my percentage toward achieving the required reputation?
(available from the drop-down next to your username at the top for future reference)
Gotta go, night all
@DMA57361 oh thanks!
Bye, @Boob.
Blimey, I turn my back and it gets all surreal
why do some questions in the list have a light blue background? I noticed links change if I've been to them, etc, but one has a light blue background currently and I have not interacted with it at all
@josmh: I think that means it contains a tag that is one of your "favorite tags".
Yes! work is on like donkey kong!
Hi, @studiohack! How are you?
@MarkSzymanski hey! how are ya? I'm good, excited for work to start next week
I'm doing great, thanks!
what's up with you?
Nothing much, just migrating from MacPorts to Homebrew :P
Two package manager type things for Mac OS X
oh, btw @MarkSzymanski saw your blog post came out today, congratulations and good work! :)
Thanks, @studiohack! :D
I'm trying to tweet it but Twitter is slow (as usual)
Are you using the web interface, @studiohack?
@MarkSzymanski yeah, I'm not a huge twitter fan, so I don't have a desktop client
ah, protected tweets don't onebox, that's what I thought...ah well
someone please upvote this answer (superuser.com/questions/284953/…) once so I have enough rep to tell the other guy answering that his answer will not work
@josmh outta votes - sorry :P
Done, @josmh.
Other guy here!
@josmh Wassup
@MarkSzymanski thanks :P
hey @josmh and @Linker3000
@studiohack hi. Did you have a question?
Is it national "I can't be bothered to use Google to find the answer for myself" day?
@Linker3000 oh hi! :)
sorry didn't see you
@josmh sorry, no I didn't? did something imply that I did? (was just saying hey, that's all :P )
this is one impressive laptop: maximumpc.com/article/news/…
@josmh Just seen your comment - you're right. Somewhere in the past, MS have changed the SUM command as it used to ignore non numerics. Hmmm.
Lovely dinner, i have returned!
@josmh Actually, it's not the sum, it's the minusing of the cells - just fixing it
@studiohack: it is. prolly going to cost a bomb tho
I cannot stop listening to this for some reason. chickenonaraft.com
that is weird @MarkSzymanski lol
@MarkSzymanski How do you actually go find things like that - or was it a tip-off from someone else?!
Someone else showed me :P
@MarkSzymanski can't tell what they are saying lol
oh Nyan Cat
I had that going for my entire class today
Every few minutes, turn volume up a bit..then back down
rinse & repeat
@SimonSheehan That's just....just....well....
Makes the badgers look good!
@Linker3000 Annoying? Yeah, probably. But when your a week ahead on assignments, what can you do! :P
@Linker3000 The narwhals are great too lately ;)
For those really not into ancient memes:
Right time to go get some sleep. Night everyone.

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