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I'll try to Grab Things to get North's carry-on [2, 3]
f, the carry-on skitters away, towards a group of onlookers filming this on their cellphones.
"Did you see those donut throws?"
I'll pose for the cellphones and use Look Fabulous [6, 2] :p
"Thank you, thank you"
s, they ooh at your pose
North now attempts to channel his inner DnD min/maxing to cast "Power word: Kill" at the wizard
(slight pause for tree to get back)
oh you're here!
oh my
(yeah :P)
(pretty sure it failed :P)
Sciborg looks at the onlookers. "Could someone kindly roll me that suitcase?" [4]
You look very silly with your strange gobblygook spell
North now looks silly [6]
(i was just gonna use an XP for that, but that works)
(both s) A little kid pushes the suitcase over to Sciborg. Sam is making frantic "get out!" gestures. North makes the most magnificent clown impression
Sciborg rolls North his suitcase and Runs Away for Sam [1, 4]
"Come on, North, let's book it!"
(f) Sciborg trips and falls, losing the PHB, which the wizard is only too happy to start magic-ing his way
North now uses fly with his levitate [3,5]
Gonna get fly(3) by sacrificing two of my xps
The wizard makes some kind of pun about booking it and losing your book
(or actually, that'll just be "levitate" (3))
North, you manage to fly. (I rolled 3d6 against that, no lie, you still win)
(hehe, let's go)
North now tries to smack the wizard again with his roots [3,5]
s - the wizard loses his magic hold on the book. It is now exactly halfway between you two and them
"North, grab it!"
North now tries to grab the book with his roots [1]
(oh, darn, sorry borg)
(I'll use grab with roots anyways with my XP)
You somehow manage to knock it within a few feet of the wizard.
Sciborg uses his incredible Grab Things skill to dive for it [1, 6]
North now uses hit with roots again [6,3] at the wizard
(also use an xp to level that up to "Hit with Roots" (3)
Sciborg barely gets his hand on it, and North's roots knock the wizard away. He is out of action. Now there are no wizards left and Sam has progressed to yelling that you should go.
North now flies towards the exit towards sam [3,2,3]
"Yes, yes, coming, Sam!" Sciborg uses Run Away [5, 5] to flee
As you leave the waiting area, the airport security finally arrives and handcuffs the wizards.
(both s)
Once they're safe, Sciborg rolls [2] to Check The Time to see if they're late to the Great Puzzling Conference.
You meet up with Gray at the baggage claim. "Why is your hair all messy, North?"
"I tried to go super-sayan."
(this is so ridiculous, it's funny)
"He can fly, too, apparently."
(f) You are indeed late to the conference, but if you grab a taxi fast you'll probably make it in time for Deus's panel on How To Solve Stuff Fast
North sighs. "Well, I mean, I can fly so." North rolls to zoom towards the conference on time.
Sciborg clings to one of your branches [5]
(I'll also use my remaining XP to level up "levitate/fly" into level 4)
and spends 1 XP to gain "Hold Onto Things (2)"
North succeeds, zooming off. Sciborg fails, so you and Sam and Gray are left behind
(Oh no!)
North rolls anime plot armor to uh just say "nope"
Sciborg rolls to call an Uber? [6]
(to try to make borg succeed?)
Perfect timing
gaining "Call An Uber (2)" :p
The Uber driver arrives just as you get to the curb. It's Coulson. In Lola. He asks "You wanna fly?"
"Floor it"
Lola's levitation activates and you zoom over the traffic, with North following on the side.
Yay! That's about as far as I can go for now :)
did the bobble-DM-ing work
That was hilarious, i see why this system is fun
Final character:
> [6 XP]
Do Anything (1)
Call An Uber (2)
Grab Things (2)
Hold Onto Things (2)
Look Fabulous (2)
Look For Things (2)
Protect Boyfriend (2)
Run Away (2)
Throw Things (2) = Throw Donuts (3)
Do anything (1)
- Anime plot armor (3)
- Super-Saiyan (3)
Scream (2)
Levitate (4)
Look silly (2)
Grab with root (2)
Now I kinda want to do a Part II where something silly happens at the conference
(also, North, didn't want to break the gameflow but I think technically you gain a new skill, not level up)
you still have the old skill, but you get a new one which is a subset of it
like Throw Donuts is a subset of Throw Things
yeah - i.e. i gained Throw Donuts (3) which was a subset of Throw Things (2)
However, it was too hilarious to stop you
So for example, for levitate (2), it was fly (3) and fly really fast (4)
And anime plot armor would be like anime plot armor (2) --> super saiyan (3) --- Anime plot armor to make borg fly (3)
yep - the idea is the specialized skills can't be used for some of the stuff your less-good skills are for; you can't Fly Really Fast if you need to levitate precisely to solve a puzzle in mid-air
Ah, I see
But I can have my stuff like "anime plot armor" can have several branches
I really want to try this system with some of my non-D&D-playing friends, it's very simple and fun
Hehe, that was very fun
so I didn't really have a plot except that the wizards were always going to try to steal Sciborg's PHB. y'all gave me fun stuff to work with :)
The most ironic-funny thing I could think of was going anime
Also because I don't really like anime so
Also bobble just in case you didn't understand all my references
So that was Roll For Shoes. We didn't do it perfectly but who cares
It was still hilarious
It was great
I'm just gonna make that reference above in every single game now
I hope I didn't make Sam do anything he wouldn't normally
"Don't f with me, I have the power of God and anime on my side!"
shouting at me to stop being dumb and run away is very in character for Sam :p
There's no character creation, no classes, but you make up your character's abilities as you go.
Building your own skill tree is a really fun concept
I kinda wanna have like a level twenty one-shot campaign
Since we're most likely never going to ever be at level twenty in a normal campaign
Oh, borg, we're still levelling up right?
Our groups discuss this a lot, but typically level 15+ is a place you never reach in a regular campaign simply because it breaks the game so much and makes every combat 10 hours long. The game stops being fun
A level 20 oneshot is fine, as long as there's no combat
Mm, rats
All the fun stuff are in the fights :P
Oh well
Every character and monster will have like 100 situational powers to sift through and it becomes a big headache
And the only way to actually challenge the players is with like 10 ancient dragons
which quickly gets incredibly ridiculous
Hm, I don't know what level to go into. I really just want to get to 5 ranger/3 cleric, but I can either be a 4 ranger/1 cleric or 3 ranger/2 cleric
Neither of which are like
4 ranger I get a feat, 2 cleric I get my channel divinity
but 5 ranger I get double attack, 3 cleric I get level 2 spells
And all I need is spiritual weapon and bam Lae is attacking like three ish times per turn?
Anyhow, I'm not sure which would make more sense for Lae
Also, what feat would I even get? I could get sharpshooter and change my fighting style to like that one where you don't take penalty on firing at short range
Oh, also, fun fact: apparently the point-blank rule only applies if the creature can see you
I mean, pegging somebody at close range is easier if they're not able to step away :p
With that combination I basically ditch my rapier and go for a bow and arrow build where I can snipe from far and fire when close
Though... that sounds not fun (TM) for balance reasons and would like to start keeping Lae out of close combat situations
I do have cantrips now, which are also significantly more powerful due to my level
I might just go with archery for that +2 accuracy to my bow rolls
Oooh or blindsight
But... that's not very helpful when I'm shooting stuff
At the moment I'm more worried about if the Trio is going to be stranded in the woods and can't get to the Final Showdown to help K+J
but if we do our modified re-try of the boss fight and it goes faster, we can hopefully get you moving
I do have the Outlander skill thingy
And also I'm a ranger in a forest... I can't really get lost in forests unless by "magical means"
(sorry, my prefered terrain is the forest)
(I'm kinda sad bc Lae was very strong ;-; in that combat)
i meant more that the Trio has fallen behind session-wise and i need to find a way to get you all to the end :p
Ah, I see
my plan has been slightly borked by the split, but i'm trying
I'm basically free all week except tomorrow because tomorrow I need to spend all day playing at senior graduation
Also, when is gray free? ;-;
I saw him pop in and then he left
not sure :(
I miss floof
my plans had relied on the full Trio being present at the recent sessions so i've had to scramble a bit
yeah, sorry I've been so busy as well
Anyhow, Lae will start just being more of a sniper rather than a up close fighter and leave that for Astrid
It makes more sense with his build anyways
"The Unseen Sniper"
> When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks.
That's kinda broken though
Actually it is Unearthed Arcana - are you okay with Unearthed Arcana?
Meh, I'll just stick with the good ol' +2 to attack rolls using ranged weapons
Hehe, unless I take Alert
> +5 Initiative, can't be surprised, no advantage for hidden attackers
Just get a stupidly high intiative
+11 to initiative with the bonus of advantage sounds nice and balanced, don't you agree
Oooh, but there's elven accuracy
;-; so many good options
ah yikes, i just thought about it. 4/5PM..... hm
i had been hoping to finish up before job started :/
Finish what up?
Thursday might be difficult for me now
but Saturday is still okay
if i work past 5:00 i might have to be a bit late
should be okay, just tricky overlap
i'll probably have to be making dinner while DMing
I think I'll take sharpshooter as my feat and level my ranger up
@Sciborg Mm, okay
tired borg sounds
> Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
• Your ranged weapons ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
• Before you make a ranged attack with a ranged weapon with which you are proficient, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If you do so and the attack hits, it deals +10 damage.
Oh, I don't even need close-quarters firing for the cover
@Sciborg If Lae shoots outside of someone's darkvision range, am I technically "unseen"?
Because I have darkvision up to 300 feet, so I'm good
Oh, drat, our area is going to be dimly lit though, so I won't have advantage regardless
Hm, I guess it wouldn't really matter though. If I'm in the dark, I'm invisible anyways, so being further away from someone doesn't make me more invisible
@Graylocke It's been a while
@Graylocke bobble hug!
in Here There Be Dragons, 5 hours ago, by doppelgreener
we're not doing a vent about neopronouns
hmm, that would've been better in the Grove
No I was just confused
Is it a bad thing? A good thing? I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to react :P
it was a sentiment I agreed with, clickthrough to see context
> those pronouns were not even something that was used by anyone but them. god, I barely remember it was breaking every convention of the language
Are neopronouns a common frustration shared across LGBTQ community?
uh the message I shared was asking that person you quoted to stop
Oh, I see
Sorry, I'm just
I still don't really know much, sorry
It's completely fine to be confused about neopronouns, frankly they are an uncertain topic for me too. Have never met anybody who used them but I would try my best to respect somebody who did, the person in the chat was being unnecessarily abrasive to the concept.
Language evolves over time and many people have started to explore new ways of using pronouns and that's perfectly fine, no reason to be up in arms - the reaction should be curiosity and exploration and not disdain.
The main soft spot here is that many people hold up and disdain neopronouns as a strawman to indicate that the LGBT community has become "excessive" and use it as an excuse to bash other, very legitimate issues. Kinda like the "identifying as an attack helicopter" cruel meme.
I hope that clarifies stuff a bit, it's okay to be confused/unsure.
tl:dr; neopronouns are a new frontier of exploration and many people use that as an excuse to bash the gays
A: How can I tell my players that necromancers are not bad guys?

Thomas MarkovThe necromancers implement a consensual "body donation" program. The difference between a good necromancer and an evil necromancer is consent. In order to establish themselves as good necromancers, the team has developed and implemented a consensual body donation program. Here are some of its ele...

That answer... written by a true necromancer
Reminds me of a friend's necromancer character. "I'm so sorry for your loss. Do you know if your son was an organ donor?"
"...Why on earth would you ask that??"
"No reason."
@Sciborg Okay, thank you
@Sciborg Lmaooo
"I will now use your body for... science!"
@Sciborg I'm a bit unsure about my availability for tomorrow's session just in exhaustion and "not falling asleep at my laptop" terms... it's been a tiring week. We'll see I guess
It's been a very tiring week for me too, I'm fine taking a break this week too. Wasn't sure if I could make it with my availability tightened
somebody needs to modhammer this fellow who keeps inviting people to rooms...
If you got another invite, maybe poke a mod in the Lair. Or in the Reading Room. Or in Language Overflow (ELL's chat). I know he's annoyed people in all three rooms with invites
might poke a mod in Reading Room, yeah, it's getting on my nerves
Gareth might be your best option for a direct ping
how have you been, mith?
busy unfortunately
all good here, working away
@Sciborg The thing that I don't get is, when you are talking to the said person, you aren't addressing him by his pronouns, right? It's either simply their name or with honorifics. Pronouns are only to be used when you are talking about that person to someone else.
In such a case, how is the person supposed to know whether the pronouns were respected or not?
It goes a bit deeper than respecting pronouns in general - the main root issue behind things like pronouns is that you are treating the person as themselves. If you were a guy and someone called you a girl, it would be weird and uncomfortable. That's sort of the concept.
Pronouns are just an offshoot of that main issue.
If someone knew that you were a man but wrote about you as "she," referred to you as "she" and said "oh, Sid, she is [blank]", it would be strange and hurtful.
The main sticking point with neopronouns, as a contrast to this, is that they're a completely new way of thinking about how to refer to a person, so many people are unsure about them and there is much discussion (heated and otherwise) about whether they should be used and how to use them.
@Sciborg I agree. That will be true if it comes to my notice.
However, I can't stay worried thinking X might refer to me as a "She" during a conversation. It is just not healthy imo.
Maybe I don't understand this fully
But it just feels a rather pointless worry to take on, in life.
I mean, there are many people who go too far. There's absolutely a toxic subset of people who are super-focused on this and blow it up far beyond what it should be. At the same time, however, on some level it is important to understand that many people who are transgender or questioning their gender have life experiences of being attacked, questioned and harassed to the point where they can't not make a point of simply asking that their pronouns be respected.
Because they're used to that not being the case, and being attacked over it, etc.
I don't like to go so far as to be offended when someone calls me the wrong pronoun or name - usually it's just "hey, is it okay if you call me Mick" and that's the end of the conversation and it never has to be discussed again, and that's the ideal scenario. But many, many times, that doesn't happen.
So I kind of must make a point simply because I feel like it is necessary to ask for that respect.
It's difficult to get that across if you haven't had that experience - it might seem kind of silly to insist on things like pronouns because, well, it's just pronouns, why do people care, etc. But I feel some empathy is needed to understand why a person might focus on it or point it out.
Yeah maybe you are right. I think I just lack that experience to fully understand why such insistence is necessary and not draining for a person
In an ideal world, it wouldn't have to be an insistence.
I guess that's what it boils down to.
I think about it in a similar way as me being white. I am not a racial minority, and have never experienced microaggressions, harassment, etc. on a level that many minorities in my country do. So while those things may be new/uncertain to me as an outsider, it's important to have the empathy that I do not have their life experience and have not experienced the things they have, so I need to understand their experience before I attempt to be part of the discussion around their issues.

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