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it also may not work on people who don't care >.>;
@Graylocke or if someone else tries to pull rank on him?
sure - I'd let that apply
it's effectively the same trigger.
Pfft lynn has effective +8 persuasion and a whopping +10 intimidation
+10 = +5 + 3 + 1 + ...?
And no +1
It's +3+4+2+1
Lynn has charisma score of 19
ah. my highest skill is +8 so i was confused how you got that high
Two feats both focused on some of my charisma skills
Lynn has +9 to perform
what did your AC end up being?
How do I calculate for that?
it's calculated differently than in D&D so i was confused on it for a while
but basically 10 + (Armor bonus) + (Dex modifier depending on armor type)
If it's 10+dex it's just 12 lol
and then you modify stuff
Armor bonus...?
12?? oh my
I can't really wear armor
welp, looks like i really am gonna be the tank :p
i forgot you didn't have armor
does class not let you?
Though technically... I don't really need somatic components
But whatever
Lynn's not an armor guy
Lynn's not really geared for war aside from maybe a composite longbow
i'm not worried about our first combat at all, nope, not at all
Hey he has hypnotism
He might not even need to fight
you have allied yourself with two primary arcane casters, borg >.>;
Though fascinate doesn't work in combat -_-;
@Graylocke How do we figure out what gear we start with?
Don't tell me I have to use the puny little gold I get from my class
I'm a noble damn it 70 gold can't even buy dinner!
I think most of it will be somewhat handwavey - other than armour and weapons and magic items ;p
70GP is a lot of dinners
well... depending on who you are ;p
Not for Lynn
Anyhow bc composite longbows are like... 200 gold piece?
Regular longbow ain't cheap either
i started with 175 gold and bought my armor and weapon for 30, i think. so currently i'm down to 145
Oh I'm sorry the one I want is 300 gold
welp - that saves the second part of your background - you can use a longbow! lol
Saves the second part of my background..?
I forgot I had already done that bit
I am somewhat distracted work ;p
I had two background feats...?
we are questioning you during work, ahhh
nono - nvm shhh it's fine
go back to work :p
I am working :P
I am relatively good at multitasking
you're getting like me, lol
I'm not sure how fair it ks for lynn to have a 300 dollar weapon... on the other hand he is a noble... which is my dumb excuse for anything I own
Horse? Noble. Weapon? Noble. Robe? Noble.
if you start out owning a ton of stuff, i would feel a bit bad going out of my way to make sure i didn't have a boat and buying my own equipment... :P
but it does make sense i suppose
I think ... what you own and what you can lay your hands on is a moot point rn
Idk having a weapon worth 300 gold seems a bit excessive even by my standards
I think perhaps you may not be wandering around with all your stuff in the city anyway.
well all your family's stuff ;p
just list what you might have on you usually... and keep that within budget... and we will use "Lynn's family's gold" to deal with other things in game ;p
if that makes sense?
I have no idea how Tifer would have managed to procure 70gp
pickpocketed some Lynn-types maybe :p
only if they seemed really oblivious
You may just use that as an excuse to have stashes of supplies hidden in locations ;p
rich people are more dangerous to pickpocket
@Graylocke All Lynn would really carry is a horse, bow, and... some clothes?
carry a horse?
Oh, arrow, duh
@bobble Well, ride
as you stroll around the city?
Sounds like a Lynn thing
Maybe not the bow. That might be attached to the horse
you didn't have a horse when you went with us
Right, because I didn't take it that time
Lynn's definitely the type to stroll into a city on a horse
And around a city on a horse for that matter
That traffic tho :)
How do I protect my horse from getting stolen...
By leaving it at the stables >.>;
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'll take a wild guess and say magic?
I don't have any magic that prevents theft
Not a huge number of people are riding horses around on the inside of the city - unless they are wagons full of produce
or unless they are riding in or out of the city
some do, they are often nobles, but often also keeping to the posher areas that are less crowded :)
He might be leading the horse if there's too much traffic or leave it at a stab;e if they most
you don't want to take a horse into the market
Probably. Too many people, easily pickpocket
can i pet your horse
important question
Okay maybe Lynn doesn't stroll around the city on a horse :P
@Sciborg Maybe
one rogue goes for your purse, the other less visible one quietly cuts the reins
Yeah, you're right
just don't take a horse to the market lol
Lynn probably carries a dagger around
You can have access to a horse when you ask for it, it can even be one you named... Just you aren't silly enough to put it in danger :)
can i name it Checkers
woo, I get 8 level 1 spells in my spellbook
Eh, I would probably name the horse
I can only cast 1/day
@bobble Well, 3, actually
Because of your bonus spell slots?
where ... ?
Depends on your intelligence
Ability score modifier
Your Int is 20 right?
> In addition, specialist wizards receive an additional spell slot of each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up.
no, 19
@bobble yup - as long as it is in your chosen school
@bobble So 3 level 1 spells per day
That's not bad
I can cast four. Hah!
(of my two chosen level 1 spells -_-;)
I almost want to go all the way and not give Lynn any damaging spells but that's kind of stupid
Tifer has to choose the spells he wants to memorise for the day to fill in all the slots.
But he has more to choose from.
yeah and super flexible too
Once I pick it, I'm kind of stuck with it
I'm seeing nothing about Int-based spell slots
Please point me more firmly in their direction
I control-k'd "spell sl" and there are no results
> A wizard can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Wizard. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).
so they didn't call it "spell slots"
sorry >.>;
tail hugs?
ooh, Floating Disk seems like a good escape spell
Assuming Tifer is <100lb
which seems right
<nods> also "Expeditious Retreat" :P
How much is a horse? And a military saddle?
Thunderstomp, because if they trip they can't run after you
I have a feeling I am going to love Tifer's spell book ^^;
@PrinceNorthLæraðr most of your cash ;p
if not more
@Graylocke More
Combat trained light is 110 gold
I think... Lynn may need to ditch the longbow
I can actually afford the military saddle though
Does Lynn go in much for mounted combat?
I can summon a horse for Lynn if needed
for 1 hr
What do you mean "go in much for"?
@bobble If they're not military trained it's really hard
I plan on horse riding be Lynn's primary way of fighting
nvm - choose what you think is reasonable and it's probably fine
Ugh, but that's 200 gold - and very unfair
I'll take the horse but not the bow
Congrats 'borg! You have a noble who literally can't fight
oh, wait it's 2hrs
seriously, I have a spell for that
you do too
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Huh? Lol
> Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.
Yeah, except I can't just take spells
I get to learn 2
Would Lynn have badgered Tifer to learn this one?
Why was the congrats directed at me :P
@Sciborg You're gonna have to carry :P
Luckily for you folks I built a Combat Boi
Should take Lynn down a peg :P
vaguely hopes that all this excitement hasn't dulled excitement for Astrid/Lae/Ink/Kith/Johnny >.>;
Definitely not
This is tiding me over until next session, no worries
headonpaws ^^;
needed something to focus on
Oooh, okay if we say Lynn is proficient with all like regular bows (shortbow and longbow) I can take shortbow and be good
Shortbow is 30 gold
@Sciborg 'K <3 just making sure.
We've had to reschedule the last two Thursday sessions, so I needed my RPG fix. This is kinda being that :P
Sure take a shortbow, worry less about a military horse... mainly because I think you will be glad you did ;p
The shortbow or not worrying about the horse?
both ;p
I can take a short bow composite for 75 gold which will let me add my strength to my rolls...
you can in character haggle with your folks, or invoke your family name to borrow a horse if you need to go somewhere or look impressive
"borrow" by which I mean - your family owns a horse that you've named but it's in the stables most of the time unless the above
if you've made an "in city" character, I think worrying about the horse is ... stretching you too thin :)
I'll chalk up the composite shortbow up to uh family stuff
And spend the rest of my 70 gold :P
sure - as you level you may get money anyway ;p
or you may get your hands on some things
Wait I meant I was going to spend 70 gold buying other things :P
don't have to have everything you may ever want before the first scene :)
I'll take 35 gold to buy other things so Lynn actually owns stuff
though I do know you like planning for everything ;p
How many arrows can a quiver hold? Is it 20?
> The PC lives in a mansion, castle, or other extravagant home—he might even own the building in question. This is the lifestyle of most aristocrats. He can secure any non-magical item worth 25 gp or less from his belongings in his home in 1d10 minutes. He need only track purchases of meals or taxes in excess of 100 gp.
roughly 20
> Send a spellbook into a random safe location on the Ethereal Plane, where it remains indefinitely. You can retrieve it later by concentrating as a standard action, causing it to reappear in your hands.
hmm, I could do this with my spellbook
oooh I know that spell :)
I had that on one of my characters once.
Tifer does not exactly have... the safest places... to keep his very important spellbook
Interesting question to ponder... where did Tifer get the book he copied spells into?
Is there a special quality that spellbooks have to have, or are they just books with spells in them?
No special property required... some have special properties but it isn't innately a thing they have
I was just wondering if it were a thing that he brought back into the tower library after finding out it had spells
or if it were an empty book picked up from the library itself
Alternatively, he could have collected individual bits of empty paper and then paid someone to bind it/learnt how to bind a book
Maybe Lynn gifted it to Tifer :D
"Here, I have a bunch of empty books - I don't need 'em anyways"
Would you have empty books?
A couple, sure
He can also just... order some
Okay, I think Lynn has Japanese-themed weapons
Going after his last name and all, though Lynn isn't a Japanese name -_-;
@bobble Depends on how much charity you want vs scavenging? You could have taken one from the pile of not-good-enough-for-sale attempts made by apprentice book-binders?
He carries several kunais rather than a dagger (though the crit bonus is unfortunately only x2 rather than x3)
@bobble Any number of options! :)
Yikes, why are kunais so heavy???
2 pounds?
Could Tifer have made friends with an apprentice book-binder and gotten a slightly non-professional book that way?
@Graylocke I request that my kunais have statistically the same stats as a dagger, just with cosmetic changes
(because daggers are just objectively better)
@bobble Certainly? Maybe you did them a different favour..? Took the rap when something went wrong for them or something?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (swish of paint)
@Graylocke interesting... trying to think of what Tifer would have done
That's definitely Tifer-esque
Maybe he lost a book and Tifer claimed he stole it?
Or... something where Tifer claimed that the apprentice was coming to his rescue rather than actually sneaking off work?
Tifer actually stole the book?
Maybe Tifer manages to actually stop some books from getting trampled into the mud and the apprentice would have been punished for it?
Just because he happened to be passing, mind you.
Or they could just be buddies for some other reason
(sorry if it seems like I've been away, but been thinking)
no hurry :)
i have been focusing very intently on taking a nap
tailhugs alla peeps
Can Tifer have helped them get the position in the first place? Tifer would know when the apprenticeship opened up because he keeps track of events happening in his area, and connected a friend who desperately needed a stable situation, with one.
Sure, that is definitely a possibility!
Friendship! :D
I love it
(unrelated... Tifer is cis but undecided on sexuality, as he's still figuring that out)
Does the shield spell not move with you?
it does
why would you take mage armor over shield?
i debated about Rio for a while, but i think he's a cis androsexual, as in attracted to male-presenting people. and he could very well throw on some high heels and embrace his inner queen sometimes
spell duration?
I seem to recall one lasts hours and the other minutes
ah, yep
and one is only you and the other is touch
that too :)
> Makes a rope move at your command.
this spell would be hilarious when combined with Rio
Rio approves?
happy pirate noises
"involving ropes" is such a broad category lol
I am only coming to realise this now ;p
bloody pirates :P <3
> Alarm, Mage Armor, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Secluded Grimoire, Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Snowball, Thunderstomp, Animate Rope, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall
must select 3 more spells
(italicized are chosen)
ooh those last two are very roof runner
> Alarm, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile, Snowball, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall
in other words, which 3 of these are Tifer?
Obscuring Mist and Expeditious Retreat seem to fit Tifer's escaping pretty well
Feather Fall is also good for when Tifer must jump from high places
I should probably get one attack spell
Can't go wrong with Magic Missile
My only explicitly combat-focused spell is Mage Armor
for, y'know, not dying
If you go for Magic Missile and then two escape-focused spells, that makes for a good mobile casting arrangement
Shoot and run
Occasionally send the pirate some rope
Yo ho ho
when Rio steps aboard a ship his entire personality changes from mild-mannered Pirate Dad who talks like "ah, mijo, we must examine the situation carefully" to "ARRR YO HO HO, LET'S SET SAIL ME STRAPPING LADS, FETCH ME SOME GROG"
we must teach Tifer how to do salty sailor talk
I am also thinking that in the future Tifer should take the +0 metamagic feat that makes dmg spells do KO dmg instead of physical dmg ;p
I feel like Rio would have taught sailor-talk during Picnics
KO damage??
yeah like non-lethal fireball >.>;
kaboom - everyone just falls unconscious
@bobble "Now, mijo, remember that 'starboard' is right and 'port' is left..."
starboard is right and port is for after dinner
"The bow is where I stand and look majestic"
"The galley is exclusively for dance-offs"
@Sciborg I thought that was the tavern table >.>;
Both of these things are true :P
anything is a stage
And now I'm picturing Rio teaching Tifer how to dance
just imagine

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