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Tifer's Neutral Good, I don't think I mentioned that before
I think Lynn is probably chaotic good
Can't be Lawful, since he's fine with breaking rules (stealing, etc.) regularly for life
But not chaotic?
Can't be Chaotic, because he likes some rules and guidelines
And Good for obviousness
Nice lil' boy
Hm, can't tell if Saffra is chaotic good or neutral good
Chaotic Good felt like the only correct alignment for me
I kind of want a lawful neutral character
Steals from the rich and does Crimes, but is generally a decent dude
Actually... hm I don't know if Lynn is Lawful or Chaotic
Key reason why he isn't Chaotic: I don't know how to be chaotic
Lynn actually struck me as True Neutral
Not really leaning any direction
Yeah, a little
Kind of just does what he wants
He just kinda wants to escape his life and live his own life
That strikes me as either Neutral or Lawful Neutral
Because he definitely wouldn't break laws
I think Lynn is more Lawful Neutral, he just hates the laws that are set in place for him, in a sense
Like the social code
He thinks is dumb
Yeah. That's the vibe I got too
He'd be fine with logical, well-reasoned laws
You can be Lawful Neutral while also hating stupid laws :p
Yeah, I think Lynn is a Lawful Neutral character
Saffy is 100% Chatic good
It's the elven blood :P
'Tis the elf in her :p
She got all the elven traits without the super powers
That's gotta kinda suck :P
But she cool
Plus Saffra is just dying to be a hero or smthing
That's all that matters
Save people
She doesn't need elven superpowers to be badass
Lynn does have a little bit of rebel in him though
A tad mischievous
He does? Where? :P
Idk, maybe the fact that he sneaks an orphan wiazrd into his lessons? :P
This is true, this is true
Lynn is like in between Lawful Neutral and True Neutral
But had to lean slightly more towards lawful neutral if need be
(For purposes of anything that like is dependent on alignment)
Honestly you could probably have a character arc where you move slightly towards Neutral Good over time as you learn the value of Friendship
I could see it
Depends on the direction he's going to go
Considering Spell Mastery
> You have mastered a small handful of spells, and can prepare these spells without referencing your spellbooks at all.

Prerequisite: 1st-level wizard

Benefit: Each time you take this feat, choose a number of spells that you already know equal to your Intelligence modifier. From that point on, you can prepare these spells without referring to a spellbook.
In case he can't get to his spellbook for a day, I could see Tifer carefully memorizing a few key spells
That's really good
I think as a wizard you have to prepare your spells like every day anyways
So if you memorize a few you know you're going to need
@Sciborg Maybe
You agree this seems like Tifer?
I could definitely see Tifer being really resourceful and having backup plans, so like he memorizes spells in case he loses his spellbook etc
Remnants of street living
I still need to decide my other first level spell
Would Tifer carry his spellbook around? Or is it too big?
If too big I could see him stashing it at Pirate Dad's place
Pirate Dad can be your book-carrier :D
must protect the Spells
Which seems more like Lynn? Having a spell where he can make people hear stuff or hypnotize people?
Pirate Dad could be touched when Tifer trusted him enough to ask Rio to hold onto Tifer's spellbook
awww!!! <3
@PrinceNorthLæraðr They're kinda both like him because they are designed to mess with people, either one works :P
Lynn: "this is not the street kid you're looking for" waves hands around
Oooh, there's also lock gaze
Good ol' sleep
i think you mean "the staring contest of death"
"Hey, LOOK AT ME while I'm talking to you"
channeling his parents?
Lynn just whistles and does the little eye-finger thing. "Look at me. Hey. Look at me."
Ear-Bursting Scream is going to be such a fun spell to cast around
the ear-whatting what
the first one sounds way more terrifying :P
imagine if Lynn could just make your eardrums explode
Lynn: "Have you ever heard two piccolos playing a minor ninth interval and they're both out of tune?"
Lynn throwing tritones at enemies
Minor seconds
Hit 'em with them cadences
"Here, take a diminished seventh"
If Lynn ever learns power-word kill, it'll just be him playing the Funeral March by Schubert or whoever wrote that
I've always kinda wanted to write a book where the magic system was music-based, imagine how amazing it would be if two wizards were just brandishing guitars at each other
@Sciborg You know how in DnD magic is based on the "fabric" or whatever it's called
and the more complex the song/chord progression, the harder and more powerful the spell
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yeah
Okay, so I need to get approval from Gray, but I was wondering if Lynn can just directly access that with his music
Basically he can just... make music out of thin air
*with exceptions
So.... Lynn will take some levels in bard? :P
Nah, he's full sorceror
That's a neat concept, I like the idea of magic letting him access the weave
Like that's just how his magic works
Because like I want Lynn's musical thing to be composition except that's a bit hard to ya know, perform on demand
His "performance" skill
Along with his voice, of course
That would be neat :)
I don't think that's breaking any game mechanics?
Does Rio have permission to loudly join in with a sea shanty
It's like singing - he doesn't need any instruments
@Sciborg Maybe
Like Lynn is playing some beautiful classical music and then Rio starts belting out "WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A DRUNKEN SAILOR" :P
"I'm about to show you 1812 Overture my friend"
Summons cannons
Our combat is just going to be a mess
Lmao imagine Lynn just torturing poor souls with meme songs
"Look, you tell us the secrets of how to enter, or I'm going to tie you to this chair and make you listen to sweet caroline until your ears start bleeding"
Now you've given me a mental image of Lynn blasting All Star
@Sciborg will Rio even let Tifer go into combat :P
@bobble Maybe :P
@Sciborg Whenever Lynn casts knock a corporeal image of shrek just appears
Oh lord
Thank god knock is a second level spell
And if Lynn really hates the guy, he turn on Nyan cat
please no
Make it stooppppp
If we ever need to torture someone, we're going to have Lynn play All Star at them while Rio yells pirate shanties
They'll break in seconds
The tough ones get like that annoying frog song
"I will summon Shrek on you"
*Crazy Frog blares in the background* *"WAY, HEY, BLOW THE MAN DOWN -"*
"Wh-wha-what's going on-on?"
It deals 8d8 psychic damage
Okay, I deleted all the feats which I can't possibly take as a level-1 human wizard
Down to 170 rows
Will start deleting feats that Tifer wouldn't take
I've been watching dumb videos like this one
Today I learned there is a subgenre of YouTube videos dedicated to Lego science
Important note: this is just the general feats
Have not even looked at Combat or Metamagic
There are.... way too many feats in PF1
I was going to ask Gray for permission to take a super weird niche one that lined up with backstory stuff, but decided to just take a useful combat one instead
Might take it later
Well I have 1 feat selected
I get at least one more, and did Gray say we get an extra on top?
Gray said we get another one??
I'm not sure
I have a half-memory
If so, I'm taking the niche one I decided against because it's really cool
@Sciborg This man builds submarines and breaks steel with lego
Or woman. Or person. Shouldn't judge gender
no, looks like I misremembered the extra feat
That's okay - will save the weird feat for later
2 days ago, by Graylocke
your character will be 18,17,16,15,14,13 before adjustments... max HP/level... you get 2 extra skill points per level in any knowledge/craft/performance skills... and you get a special bonus you will find out about.
2 days ago, by Graylocke
I will also add - all characters are - after character creation - going to get 2 extra things beyond all that superhero stuff
Ooh I didn't see the 2 extra skill points
Assuming that means we just get 2 more skill ranks right?
Time for Rio to achieve his being-proficient-in-singing dreams
@bobble Dammmmnnnn
We get a LOT of stuff
That's pretty sick
My boi can sing and dance now
Tifer has 19 Int, 18 Dex, 16 Wis, 15 Cha, 14 Con, and 13 Str
I'm not used to having so many bonuses
Figured we would at least have one skill we sucked at :p
Maybe that's the 2 extra thing
"Here's my list of terrible things"
"Things I Suck At"
"Choice 1: Fail every other save"
"Choice 2: You always roll attack with disadvantage"
"Choice 3: You die"
What is the likelihood of at least one dance-off occurring in this campaign?
if i'm around, very high
eat my +8 to ballroom waltzing
... where does a pirate learn to ballroom waltz?
...backstory :p
room topic changed to PSE D&D Chatroom: For D&D (or other RPG) campaigns for Puzzling friends. Ping a RO for access. This is NOT the general Puzzling chatroom, and we'd like to keep it limited to folks we know well. [board-games] [humor] [story] [strategy]
just realized that since we've been Pathfinder-ing the room description should reflect that
How does Rio make a living?
I figure he's probably doing craftswork or miscellaneous dock jobs at the moment, to feed/shelter himself and Tifer
He also does some work for Simon occasionally
Would Tifer still be pickpocketing for money/food?
Rio would disapprove because he worries, but he wouldn't stop you
He hasn't introduced Tifer to Simon yet
"Hey, buddy, see this kid I adopted"
He's worried Simon would be mad at him :p
They are supposed to be focusing on getting the ship back, so Simon would see a kid as a distraction
I think Tifer would probably still go out and pickpocket some small things, to keep in practice - he'd hate being entirely dependent on someone else for food & shelter
Rio isn't opposed to some minor thievin', he wouldn't mind as long as you come home
What would Simon think of Lynn?
He would call you.... many names :p
Rio's first mate isn't quite as soft and squishy
Lynn has his ways of coaxing people
Pirate Dad is a big teddy bear in comparison
Like maybe buying a boat might do it?
Pirate Dad is a big teddy bear
Jk gray probably won’t allow that
@bobble You're not wrong
Lynn: “A boat, did you say? Well my yacht collection”
I had Rio lose the boat because i figured Gray wouldn't allow us to have it at first level - maybe later through Adventures we'll get it back :P
But I really, really hope we get to sail somewhere at some point because it'd be hilarious
Pirate Dad would just be in his element
He would make Lynn scrub the deck
He would try
By that point Lynn is probably strong enough to just like
Make you scrub the deck
Arrrr, he can try
I look forward to seeing both of you do spells because it'll be really cool
some of these feats seem to assume that your familiar can be used in combat
Magic in Pathfinder is wild
Lumra is... not a combat rat
Lumra cannot fight, but she can melt my heart, and that's what matters
she can spy, though
I think Lynn will take hypnotism
@Graylocke Gray, why are we all so powerful at level 1? Do we get a devastating curse as our final two things? o_O
Or I shouldn't "so powerful"
More powerful than expected at level 1 :P
<shrugs> PF is quite amped compared to 5e
It's okay - challenges are also scaled ;p
Aye. They don't have "ability score can't be higher than 20 rule
I would only point out that you may have a lot of options and abilities, but so will enemies ;p Don't underestimate all NPCs ... you don't necessarily get script immunity ;p
Oh, that's very true :P
It's like when 'borg was like
"Yes, all of your crits are doubled, but so are your enemy's crits"
Couple questions gray, hope you don't mind :P
does Gray have a mind? o_O
Not just "a" mind, he probably has multiple minds
Floofs have an intricate synapse of brains that travel over several distances from what I have heard
@bobble <.<;
So Maestro gets access to a couple of bonus feats, but two of them require me to have access to bardic performance as a prerequisite (because it uses bardic performance stuff)
Does Maestro's third level ability count as a bardic performance?
> Fascinate (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use a Perform skill to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with you. This acts as the fascinate bardic perform ability, except the save DC is 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma bonus, and it lasts 1 round/level. You may use this ability once per day at 3rd level, twice per day at 8th level, three times per day at 13th level, and four times per day at 18th level.
Or bardic performance
@PrinceNorthLæraðr *does
Uhm - I will check for you :) I think it will, at 3rd level.
But I will look into it this evening to be sure
Okay, thank you
I think it is? Fascinate is a bardic performance ability, but Idk if acts as = actually counts as. shrugs
Second thing
So this feat is cool and fits with Lynn's nobility stuff
I know I'm asking for a lot, but I was wondering if I could switch out "Performance" for like a different skill for Scion of Art?
Because I already get performance as a class skill
ooh, North, I found a way for you to essentially give yourself a Class Skill: the feat Skill Focus
> Choose a skill. You are particularly adept at that skill.

Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, this bonus increases to +6.
poof, +3 to all Ride checks
You can totally justify being focused on Ride
I knew there was a feat lying around somewhere that let me get a class skill
"class skill"
I wanted a class skill though because it's not as costly
Since non-class skills are a 2:1 ratio
Two "skill" per level
But it might not be a too big of a price, since I'm getting an extra 2 skills per level
I'm getting... 9 skills per level?
That's not bad

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