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I believe that's the Ruy-Lopez opening?
> C24: Bishop's Opening: Berlin, Ponziani Gambit
Nevermind :P
Valerio watches in utter fascination. "It is like a little flamenco dance."
(hopefully we don't bore the rest of the chatroom with chess)
Nc6 :P
We can paste the chessboard every once in a while
I don't even really mind losing here, that would make sense for Lynn and Tifer
Valerio squints. "Tifer, I think that bishop is about to make your king nervous."
(I'm black lol)
(Ah, Bb4? Interesting)
"Ah, there we go."
"Hm, good move, Tifer."
pouts I don't like making Queenie retreat
"The horse guy is looking at your bishop, Tifer."
"Neither of Lynn's knights can get at my bishop, Rio"
I did Ne5
Board looks like this for me right now
"This guy. El caballo." He taps the knight. "This one is going to eat your bishop, or whatever it is called."
oh I completely missed the move
I thought I was still waiting for you to go
Oh lol
I was waiting for you :P
chess.com does not think highly of my chances
"There. Good. The horse guy will not eat you."
Hm, looks like that was not the optimal move :P
"Muy bien! Look! Now your pawn can kill his pawn."
Oh wow, Chess.com did NOT like that
"Ah, and now your queen may eat the horse and attack the king, yes?"
Ah that was a big blunder on my part
Threaten the king. Remember, other pieces must sacrifice themselves to keep the king from harm
"Threaten," Valerio corrects himself. "Si."
"Ugh, I messed that up"
"You told me that putting pieces in the middle was important, yes?"
"Well, sort of. You want to control centerpieces with pawns first, since those can be sacrificed."
um... Qxd5
"hah! That's your queen gone"
Valerio is fully absorbed in the game. "You are winning, hijo?"
"So is yours, Tif"
How can your bishop do that?
I think we have different boards
Yeah, we might
this is my board at the moment
That is NOT what I thought was happening
oh I see
I thought you moved king's-side bishop to block check
Where did we go astray
He moved the queenside bishop, yeah
@bobble Ohh, that would've been Be7, I did Be6
Want to reset back to Be6?
because you see this is what I thought happened
let's rewind to Be6
Maybe we should actually play on Chess.com :P
e4 e5 Bc4 Nf6 d4 exd4 Qxd4 Nc6 Qe3 Ne5 b3 d5 xd5 Nxd5 Qxe5 Be6
that's the game so far
What are the other people at the party doing while we chess?
Probably ignoring us. I'm going have Lynn's mother yell at him soon
Valerio sits absorbed in the game. "You're doing great, hijo."
(Lynn's mother in three, two, one)
"Look at you, hijo! You're trouncing him."
"Lynn!" A high-shrill pitch scream pierces the air.
Lynn stiffens straight.
"Lynn, who are these people?" The woman gestures at Valerio and Tifer
(Would Lynn have arranged something for Tifer to do about this beforehand? Hide? Stay?)
(No, this is going to be funny)
"Hello, mother." Lynn looks around. "I have genuinely no idea what you are talking about."
Lynn's mother guffaws. "What - these, these peasants! What are they doing here?"
Lynn looks genuinely concerned. "Are you feeling well mother? I have no clue who you are talking about." At this point, the other guests in the party start to shift their attention towards the group.
(yes, Lynn is gaslighting his own mother)
Valerio stares at the woman. "...Hola...?"
Lynn smacks Valerio. "Mother, perhaps we should get you to feel better. Perhaps you've eaten too much?"
(hold on, I have to change classes again)
(Lynn is distracting his mother while I assume Tifer makes some small magic disguise)
(ahhh have test thing, will be out for >15 min)
(I'm busy all period, we'll continue later)
when we weren't supposed to be invested in these characters but ended up having a three-page conversation and playing chess :p
you monster, you realize this is all your fault
why did you even bring up D&D in the Lair
this is my own doing
Lynn successfully gaslights his mother as Valerio and Tifer hide
(oh, I'm actually not done with the test)
(no, I know. I'm not done with class either, I just didn't want to monologue for like 15 more minutes :P)
test thing is over and, checking my schedule, no concentrating required for the rest of school
your turn
unless we stopped the game?
I think we stopped the game :P
Partly because I was doing bad :P
was just one mistake, really
should Rio and I leave?
Probably yeah :p
We can do some more rp shenanigans elsewhere :P
What does Lynn think of Valerio?
He thinks that Valerio is... amusing
'borg, what is the verdict on attempting to adopt Lynn?
Lynn does not need to be adopted
That doesn't stop Pirate Dad from adopting you
I've made myself sufficiently snobbish, I think
What would your parents think of a commoner having magic? :P
Oh, very disapproving, I'm sure
Pirate Dad will maybe adopt Lynn if his attitude improves :p
"Rio" is an adorable nickname
Do you do anything dashing and swashbucklery while we leave?
Probably stuffs some caviar and fancy silverware in his coat
and gives Tifer a lil head pat
Is Rio the kind of person to try to smooth Tifer's hair out, or to mess it up further?
Important Questions
Oh, definitely going to mess it up further
I was debating between Monty and Rio for nicknames, but decided that a) makes more sense to nickname off the first name and b) you would make not a few puns off of being called Monty
Rio fits perfectly, i love it
How shall we nickname Lynn? his name is pretty short so it might be tricky
You can on my last name
Hikari means "light" in Japanese
which sense of "light"?
I don't think Lynn needs a nickname
not-heavy? bright?
@bobble Light as in bright
Lynn strikes me as the kind of person who would insist on no nicknames
They would demean his Noble Bearing
he is too Snooty and Rich for our Peasant Nicknames(tm)
It is Prince Lynn
You calling me Lynn is nickname-y enough
PRINCE Lynn, sorry
*not actually his royal highness
(a few times removed)
Thank you. <3
Now, how do we rope Blort into the party? Or are we?
We must capture Blort
perhaps he can be lured with food
why would we waste perfectly good food?
where is Blort at the moment? besides lurking around saying ominous things? :p
Would have to ask the Marvelous Mithical
Rio filled his pockets with caviar before leaving, so perhaps the goblin can be bribed
i also imagine that Valerio lets Tifer crash at his place at the moment, since he worries too much when Tifer is out on the streets
he must protecc son
protect, but as a meme
Innocent Bobblecrown is I
this has been your daily Meme Lesson with Sciborg
What Rio packing any weapons at the party?
Besides heart-stopping charm and pointed quips
He was probably carrying his rapier on him, yeah
Just in case anybody got feisty with Ti-Ti
Do I ask too many questions?
or to stab Lynn
These are good Character Development Questions
Does Tifer carry any weapons?
Probably a small rapier or knife
If someone gets in melee range, though, he's in trouble
I don't see any way to justify a large weapon, and a small concealed blade fits him better
Pirate Dad will mess some fools up if anyone gets in melee range
Does Tifer object to him swiping Lynn's silverware? :P
Would Pirate Dad have helped Tifer with fight technique?
Is it Lynn's? Or at they at someone else's place for the party?
He probably just lifted a couple of forks and knives from the buffet when no one was looking
Not sure if Lynn's family was the host or not
Maybe if he knew they were Lynn's he would have taken a few extra :p
Would he have asked about Bina after leaving?
Yes, absolutely, it would concern him
Maybe as they're leaving he kind of draws him aside. "Hijo, what happened with Bina? I didn't know you lost a friend of yours."
"Remember the bad winter a while back? Bina came down with a cough. I-I-I- couldn't do nothin'. She got so cold, but she insisted she was hot, and then she was coughing blood and I had to get food for the both of us and-and-and-and I snuck out one night to try to find medicine - any medicine - and when I came back empty-handed she was sleeping and never woke up."
"Started sneaking in to the library a little after"
looks away
Valerio looks distraught. "Hijo, I... do you want a hug?"
lets self be hugged
"Was a while ago"
He crushes you in an absolute pirate dad bear hug. "I'm so sorry, Ti-Ti."
"She's up there watching over you, you know that."
"Didn't tell many people after. Didn't want Lynn to feel bad for not being there - he always had been able to sneak us some good medicine when we needed it"
"It wasn't your fault, mijo." He ruffles up your hair. "You've got me to look after you now, and I'll take care of you. Okay?"
" 's why I learned magic. I can take care o' myself, you know"
"I know you're tough and all, but still."
He draws back. "There was nobody to give me a hug and tell me things would be okay when I was a kid, so I want to be there for you, mijo."
snuggles in "Can we go up to your special spot on the cliff?"
"Sure." He gives your forehead a Dad Kiss. "Let's go."
(I am assuming that Pirate Dad has a spot on the cliff where you can see the ocean)
Absolutely yes.
"So tell me," he says, as he leads you down the road. "What's the deal with Lynn?"
"He caught me an' Bina when we were sneaking in for food once. Let me get into lessons 'stead of ratting us out to the guards"
"Then he's got a heart, somewhere under all the snobbery?" Valerio looks up at the seagulls flying overhead. "He's not just a spoiled princeling?"
"He's spoiled. But nice 'nough"
"Bah. Feels like I'm still waiting on the nice part."
What does your cliff-spot look like? As in, where is it? Scenery?
It's probably one of those jutting clifftop areas that Gray described the city having, in a place where it looks out over the ship bay and the ports and is away from the city noise. Maybe he likes to sit there and contemplate, but after he met you I imagine he'd take you there for picnics :P
What kind of food is a Pirate Dad Picnics?
Hmm, what kind of food does Tifer like?
He'd probably bring stuff you like and then a sandwich and some fish and chips for himself
Hmm, deciding Tifer's favorite food is hard
I imagine Lynn is currently being berated by his mother...
@bobble This particular party was not hosted by Lynn's family
Ah :p
You know it wasn't hosted by Lynn's family because Lynn would've been away in the library
@Sciborg Oh, yes, very much
Would you like an interlude where we come to rescue you from your mother? :P
No, I'll be fine
Pirate and Wizard Rescue: Lynn Edition
"You sneak off horseriding with that quarter-elven blonde girl and now you make friends with peasants? You're a disgrace!"
Does Rio ever trash-talk his exes to Tifer?
"Wouldn't be the first one, mother."
I imagine Rio tries to keep it to himself, but when he came out to Tifer and Tifer was chill with it, he occasionally spills the tea sometimes.
Lynn is such a savage and I love it
I can make all the veiled insults I want
Lae is hard to roleplay sometimes because Lae isn't really that cultured, so his insults are very straightforward
You successfully managed to push Rio's buttons, so I think you're succeeding :P
I feel like we need to have a scene where we meet your parents, though, because it'd be funny as hell
I'm pretty sure I'd get disowned
No, you need a scene where you meet Lynn's romantic interest :P
I need a name for her, but I'm not sure yet
Oooh that's pretty
Sounds slightly Elvish too
Yes she's just a tad elvish. I think her mother is half-elven
the scandal
Nobles always have scandals and affairs
How else would they stay sane?
Basically she just looks slightly elvish without any of the other like really Elvish traits like living forever
Ears that are just a wee bit upturned
Can we meet her, because I need to interrogate her about Lynn
has bobble the Namer succeeded again?
Her: "Uh... I'm not sure what you mean. We're just friends."
Lynn: Dies
We can do Saffra later I need to figure out her personality and I also need to study a little bit
She's one of those nobles that none of the other nobles care about because she wants to be normal
how much backstory have we created now :P
it's fine
Saffra also is definitely liked by regular citizens
I need a flaw that's unique... I don't want "ooh pretty princess who's also too soft and that's her defining weakness" rolls eyes
She has a weird affinity for stuck-up nobles? :p
Har har
She likes to brag about her accomplishments/family?
Maybe she's incredibly vain/proud but Lynn doesn't really get how bad she is
And also overestimates both
Meh, a little too arrogant. I can't rp two arrogant characters
She's obsessed with material possessions/wealth and wants you to buy her things to impress her? and loves you for wealth instead of actual love?
She can be really stubborn, to balance Lynn's easy-going personality
Very like
Likes order
She wants to always get her way and will emotionally manipulate people
Okay, she's not evil y'all
And I wouldn't call Lynn "easy-going" :p
for a noble :P
I mean more that she's willing to kinda subtly manipulate people i.e. with guilt trips
and she wants to get what she wants
so she'll guilt trip Lynn into doing nice things for her
but he's in love and doesn't realize?
Lynn's too smart to realize that, methinks
He's a noble, he knows when he's being manipulated
Also Lynn likes her specifically because she doesn't act like all the other nobles
I think I like her being very stubborn and head-strong
Very, very ambitious
Maybe she's ambitious to the point of it being ridiculous, like she wants to climb mountains and do crazy stuff
And that's what she hates being a noble, because everything is too easy
And obviously Lynn doesn't know how to give her "adventure" in her life
"Things are just given to me. Ugh"
so maybe Lynn learns how to adventure by tagging along with us
@Sciborg Lynn's day of adventure is coming out of the library
"Chess outside. Ooooh"
"In the sun! Gasp"
Lynn's character arc is gonna be a whole lot of "oh my god this is the REAL WORLD" :p
He probably felt like a proper Hero sneaking Tifer into lessons
I mean, he goes horseback riding
"Oh look at me, I'm so brave!"
and maybe at first Lynn wants to adventure just to impress her, but then he gradually starts to like it and refuses to admit it
like he wants to be a Hero
but he has to learn how the world works
Lynn really DOES NOT care about being a hero
if it would impress her, though?
Maybe. Maaaaaybe
maybe she has crushes on all the knights and mercenaries her parents hire, and Lynn sees that and goes like "well I can be tough too!!!"
It makes sense that their bonding activity is horseriding though
@Sciborg LOL
"Here, Gray, we're offering you ready-made NPCs that we're already invested in!"
"Hey Gray, when you get back, we've literally written our entire character personalities and also our first day of character interactions"
She can be a fighter class
This is really convinient where class =/= job
Because she can do cool fighter stuff without ya know having to constantly be a fighter
Oooh, actually she can be a cavalier mayhaps?
in the background Valerio and Tifer are peacefully having a nice picnic together
Lynn is trying not to die as Saffra shoots arrows
i now have a sudden urge to doodle
Lynn and Saffra also both hate politics, but just for different reasons :P
Lynn: Summons a bouquet. Saffra: That's nice... but I'd prefer a new sword?
@Sciborg I've decided that Tifer likes hot buns (the hotter the better), occasionally stuffed with nuts. Veggies and fish alongside if available.
wheedling voice "One more bun? Just one more? Please? Please"
Does pleading for buns work on Pirate Dad?
"Oh, all right." Valerio gives him another bun out of the picnic basket, grumbling. "You need all the food you can get, mijo."
I think this a feat that's very much Lynn
I genuinely don't know what's going on with my character's game mechanic
gasp we got the min-maxer to do character building!
This is only because I have genuinely no idea how the game mechanic works, so I have to character build rather than stat build
I don't even know where to start
Rogues get so many skills D:
I was able to pirate download the actual PDF of Pathfinder!
(The rulebook)
Now I can min-max. Hehehehe
we have two pirates
I will let Gray make most of the decision for me though
gods I'm hoarse, been tutoring two hours straight
keys be sticky
I can tell bobble is tired when she makes spelling errors :P
'specially my n one
"sticky keys" :P
seriously, some of the keys are only working half the time
I keep having to proofread everything to make sure all the "n"s are still there
I would like my traits in order of importance as follows: Intelligence --> Charisma --> Wisdom --> Dexterity ---> Constitution ---> Strength
I would like dexterity to have a non-negative value. I can dump strength.
I hate to dump constitution as a spellcaster....
but you need that sweet charisma for quippping?
Yes, definitely
I'm a noble. I need strong charisma
Plus it's tied to my spellcasting. Even if it wasn't, I'd break min-maxing for the sake of character
Still kind of want magus... sigh
You also get a floating +2
As a human
It has to be a +2, not a +1/+1
Oh, I see what you meant

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