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11 hours later…
I just realized how good druids are
Like circle of the moon druids are SO good
Lik, you can turn into a giant spider at level 2
Or a dire wolf
4 hours later…
@Sciborg Would you say crits stack?
So like say
A target is paralyzed. Any attack you land against a paralyzed opponent has advantage and is automatically a critical hit. What if you roll a 20?
A: Can an Assassin stack critical hits?

Jamie BraceIf you hit, it is already considered a critical hit This is the case regardless of whether you then roll a natural 20 or not. When the Rogue is assassinating a surprised target, it will be a critical hit regardless of what the roll of the d20 is, providing of course you still beat the target's ...

Yup, just saw that post
Okay, but here's the thing
So Assassin's Level 17 ability is Death Strike - damage on a surprised enemy is doubled
That has to stack with critical hit right?
So any attacks one lands on an opponent is a hit, and the cumulative damage is doubled from Death Strike
Q: Is it possible to double crit?

ShadowsongMy question is related to rogue archetype assassin. On surprise rounds if I hit a creature it is automatically a critical hit. But what if I rolled a natural 20 on attack during surprise round? Does that count as double critical hit? I'm asking this because on lv 17 assassin gets Death Strike t...

Well, here's what I'm understanding from the wording
Assassinate means any damage is a critical hit. So each individual roll + modifier is doubled
You total that up
And that final total is doubled from Death Strike
> Also note that doubled damage caused by Death Strike literally means that any damage you inflict is doubled. Unlike critical hits, you don't roll extra dice because of this feature - you roll the damage, including any critical hit bonus dice, as usual, add any modifiers and then double the damage.
A: How much damage does a target take from the Assassin rogue's Death Strike on a failed save?

JordanCritical hit means, for each damage die you would roll for a non-critical, you roll it twice instead of once. Death strike means you take the damage you would have dealt if it were not a death strike (which would still be a critical hit), and you double that. The order of operations is: Decid...

> Assassin is a highly specialized class archetype, and it is a huge investment to put 17 levels into it that you could have put into other classes. The reward for that investment is that the assassin is unmatched in the amount of damage it can inflict on a surprised target. If you ask me, an average of 168 damage (on a failed save) is the least the game could do to reward that investment.
So according to our house rules in where we double the damage of crit, that is literally a x4 damage per damage
@bobble Well, let's take it a bit further
(Away to do some calculations)
Et tu, Bobble?
i spy a 'borg
a 'borg who is supposed to be working, methinks
@PrinceNorthLæraðr NEEEEEEERRRDS
i walked in at the perfect time it seems :p
shhh i'm not supposed to be working it's fine shhhh
I am currently calculating the optimal build to get maximum damage out of Assassin via multiclass+feats
oh man, that is some fun math to run. i love Assassins
they are literally just kill machines
(only on turn 1 :P)
says the gloomstalker :p
Have Gloomstalker who's going to multi-class into assassin
pot and kettle methinks
i finished the giant fillo and it was so satisfying
do fillominoes exist in the campaign world
they do if we believe hard enough and dig deep enough
@Mithical you are also a nerd
this is an unfounded and unjust accusation, levied upon me to my absolute astonishment and dismay
yesterday, by Mithical
You are Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli; we are Merry and Pippin
i have proof
oh, foul! to attempt to turn my own words against me; truly, this is the epitome of betrayal
this is compelling proof, what say you
@Sciborg Mini session btw on Tuesday? Lae is going to try and see if he can get a better armor without having sufficient money to do so -_-;
i have more proof
the court presents Exhibit B
Does the defense have any objections?
....I plead the fifth
@PrinceNorthLæraðr i might be busy but i can try and block out some time - i'll let you know
and the coup de grace
in The Sphinx's Lair, Apr 20 '17 at 9:55, by Mithrandir
I'm a nerd. What can I say.
@Sciborg Ah, okay
This jury rules in favor of Mithical, in fact, being a nerd
Welp. I tried.
You are sentenced to two years of attending local Comic-Cons.
*only if it is safe to do so
I found my next feat after Elven Accuracy :DDDD
i have not even looked at feats
Hold crap
I totally misread the wording for Hunter's Mark
> Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack
Okay this math is going to take a while
oh, wait, did we not account for that
i mean, hey, you still won :p
Yeah, but Hunter's Mark just became so much more broken
anyways gtg
it does require you to maintain concentration though
which is hard when you are in melee range
so definite downsides
i just forgot to have you roll con checks :p
I wonder if at some point Astrid will actually attack in combat. So far there has been no warhammering
Plus they've never taken damage
hehe is this even combat
so far Astrid has been very lucky :P
and generally i think it's because Lae tends to get into melee range and draw fire
Ink has been shooting magic from a distance
> extra 1d6 damage
This is just pure damage right? Doesn't have a damage type?
I think it's the damage type of the attack, so like slashing/piercing/bludgeoning
But usually it specifies like "it takes the damage of your weapon attack"
So like
> If that attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 damage of the weapon's damage type.
hm. i dunno, there's not much in d&d that just deals typeless damage. i would rule that it does the damage type of the attack
But Hunter's Mark and Sneak attack just says extra 1d6 damage
@Sciborg Bwahaha okay, that's even better
is that significant?
> When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra piercing damage the target takes.
Are you sure you want to stick by "weapon damage"?
i mean, look, i can poke my pro DM friend and ask him how he'd rule on this
Okay, so, if Piercer applies to our situation
friend has been poked
10d6*4 (Sneak Attack)=140, (2d8+7+2d6)*4 (Attack + Hunter's Mark)=92, (2d8+7+2d6)*4 (Gloom Stalker's Extra Attack+Hunter's Mark), 2d8*4 (Gloom Stalker extra damage)=Average of 360 damage
Ah, crap, piercer is from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. You said Tasha's is banned?
Tasha's is light-banned due to brokenness....
Is Piercer feat banned (puppy eyes)
i could look at the specific feat though and decide, i dunno
it seems like you're going to use it to break things lol
I mean, I'm not trying to break anything
Q: Is Hunter's Mark damage magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance/immunity?

Red WullfRanger casts Hunter's Mark on a werewolf and shoots it with a mundane bow. Does the werewolf take the hunter's mark damage and ignore the piercing damage from the bow, or does it take no damage at all? Hunter's Mark doesn't specify damage type like Hex, for example.

1 hour later…
My DM friend agreed with that ruling. The boost is of the same damage type as the weapon attack.
> If it grants an unspecified damage type it does the same damage type as the largest value. So if you have 20 slashing + 10 fire, Hunter's Mark grants slashing.
because these are the important questions
(just got home, sorry)
how dare you have a commute
I don't usually know how to rule on nitty-gritty rules stuff, so when stuff like this comes up, I usually default to my smarter DM friend who knows what he's doing :p
or maybe he just pretends to know what he's doing
he's the kind of guy who memorized the rulebook
I am very good at bluffing for a few minutes during a tutoring session while I frantically Google the formulas I forgot
yeah, if my boss asks me something on a call and i don't know what the hell it is, i usually scramble to do some "ummm well it's highly complicated" while i google it in the background
one thing that works in tutoring is asking "so how would you approach this problem? what parts look important?"
"mick have you ever used the [insert obscure framework here] before?" "ummmmmm well i have seen it before, it's complicated" frantically googling in other tab
*in other tab
i am multitasking with laptop and pizza bites, apologies
i was sad after a test and stuffed myself with an ungodly amount of pizza, which for lunch is two large slices
many problems can be solved with pizza
unlike blankets, which only solve a few
can being full be solved with pizza
plausibly, yes
can accidentally deleting your copy of your character sheet be solved with pizza
hey, msh210!
you did what now?
@Sciborg sounds like the pointy-haired boss
@bobble hi
@msh210 honestly, accurate
@Sciborg i did that a while back, had to piece together Astrid's stats with screenshots i shared here
@Sciborg Urm apparent Ly Jeremy Crawford said that hunter’s mark is magical
ah - i was worried you did that recently and was very concerned
Read the accepted answer from that linked post
@PrinceNorthLæraðr it's magical, yeah.... does that affect anything?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I read that as Lt Jeremy Crawford
Well bypasses immunities and resistances ig. Is it magical piercing?
Or magical [weapon damage]?
gahhh i don't know, let's just call it Borg Damage and be done with it
it deals Borg Damage
It assimilates.
it initiates the enemy into the Collective
this sounds like something to build a campaign around
all the rangers have formed a cabal and are taking over the world
Borg Damage is magical and bypasses resistances and immunities.
let's just leave it there before i lose my mind :p
@PrinceNorthLæraðr it doesn't have to be magical to bypass immunities and resistances
I mean, coronavirus does that
(too soon)
might be too soon for that joke, ouch
@Sciborg Sorry, I was trying to see if Piercer worked with it ;-;
let's just say it does to keep DM from going insane :p
But are you going to even let me have the Piercer feat ? :P
i haven't decided yet :P
When do we gets feats? Why are there so many feats? How am I supposed to choooooooooooooose?
You don't have to take a feat
Next level we get feats, if you choose. You can just increase your ability score
I'm not sure I leveled up correctly, by the way.
It's entirely possible I missed one or more things.
You should be at level 3
Not correcting it at the moment, though, since I'm on mobile.
I could look over it, if you want
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yeah but I meant as far as hit points, various scores....
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'm sure I didn't give myself too much. So it's just a question of whether I missed anything, and I'm not too bothered by that.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr if you can tell easily, sure, thanks
Yeah, no worries
You seem to have too little.... maybe I miscounted?
I forget msh, did you roll for hitpoints or take average?
Nah, I miscounted. You should indeed have 24 hitpoints
Ahh, okay. That's fine then
Astrid, Ink, João, Kith, Læraðr
bobble, Graylocke, msh210, Mithical, Prince North Læraðr

If you alphabetize the characters and then list their players alongside, only msh210 and Mith are out of order - and even then it's close. This has some deep meaning, I know it does.
@msh210 What were your skills granted from your background?
This is conspiracy and the court denies it
Msh, you seem to have too little skills
@Sciborg average
Wait... did I miscount?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I forget now
You get 3 from bard initially, 3 from college of lore, and 2 from background?
That's eight, I think that's fine, actually
Dunno, but I definitely added skills on the last level-up, so I should be fine.
Ah, okay
It seems good, if 'borg wants to double-check
@Sciborg When do we level up? :P
greedy tree, you
We just leveled up :p
I'm not being greedy, nope, not at all
you're at least half the reason we have had extra mini sessions so often
we love you nevertheless
If we're having too many sessions, we don't have to go on Tuesdays
No worries. I just want to make sure K+J keep up is all.
Okay. Mini-session I see them as like mostly small character interactions that don't really impact plot -_-;
For sure, but if the Timid Trio gets all the character arcs and K+J don't get to realize their backstories/potential as much, it's not as fun.
Gotta try and keep things equal
and i'm trying to avoid burnout of too much DMing in a week :p
Ah, we can skip out on Tuesday then
I don't want you to get burnt out
it makes me happy that you enjoy the campaign so much that you want to play multiple times a week, though :D
@PrinceNorthLæraðr thanks
@Sciborg thanks
I greatly look forward to the next K/J adventure, it's gonna be wild.
@Sciborg yeah, do avoid that, please
@Sciborg frets
@Sciborg You're a great DM
you're great players <3
who break all your combats
but still
Yeah, so just Saturday then for Timid Trio?
Yup, I made sure not to have plans this time so we'll do the usual time.
@Sciborg we belong to a mutual admiration society…
I admit i did not get the reference :p
2 hours later…
@bobble o.o;

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