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@Sciborg I have tried and urm miserably failed at explaining how clerics, druids, and wizards learn spells
i am negative hence the happy :p
@bobble depends on the outcome
@Sciborg results are immediate? we don't have that here (AFAIK)
ah, i assumed it was one of those where you don't get a result immediately
i got the nose swab rapid test thingy, so it came back in 30 minutes-ish
Our "totally-human-not-a-robot-friend" is COVID-free
(beep boop)
beep boop i am covid free human
Are you saying "I am a covid-free human" or "human, I am covid free"? :P
ready to play some D&D? :D
If you can explain the spellcasting stuff to bobble
@Sciborg @Mithical
oh yes, hang on - i need to read context
my middle-of-the-day med alarm went off, will do that quick
27 mins ago, by Prince North Læraðr
Dwarf, would it be possible to learn "Create or Destroy Water" (one spell) since you have two more spells you can learn at level 1? It creates rain which basically means I can hide anywhere within the boundaries of the spell.
Okay yes, so your Spellcasting Class (Wisdom in your case) is used for a) your spell attack bonus (the Wisdom mod + proficiency) and b) the spell save DC
sometimes one or both of those things come into play depending on the spell
is "Create or Destroy Water" on your spell list?
so you can get a double boost? you spell is both stronger and harder to defend against?
i am making medicinal tea = water with pill dust
Basically, if your spell requires an enemy to make a saving throw, they save against your DC. Alternatively, if your spell is an attack, i.e. a firebolt or something, it uses the spell attack bonus.
Very rarely it uses both
@Sciborg Yup. PHB
Are you allowed to switch spells on a rest?
@msh210 It'll say "this is a ranged spell attack" or "melee spell attack" in which you roll the D20
@Sciborg No, only after a rest
Then I see no reason why you can't learn it, that should be fine.
does learn=prepare here?
No, learning and preparing are different things.
more confused
You can switch prepared spells with resting, but you can only learn new spells on a level up.
unless you have specific powers, feats, etc.
North said I know all level 1 spells
And that I can choose which I want prepared every rest
Yup, you are a Cleric so you're special in that you know every spell that's available to you.
Therefore you can switch preparedness on rest
See, you contradicted yourself
At least in my understanding
@Sciborg this
i forgot you were a cleric when i said that and had already "learned" all available spells on your spell list. sorry
(You do learn new spells when you level up for your domain though)
When I was choosing Level 1 spells, I thought that I would only be able to cast those spells
Until I leveled up and learned more
okay, i am going to look up how clerics work because i think someone is confused and i'm not sure who
@Mithical 'owdy
it could be both of us
@msh210 h'
@Sciborg clerics work well, thank you very much
> The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Okay, there's the cleric spellcasting rules.
You prepare a number of cleric spells equal to your Wis mod + your level. This can be any spell off your spell list.
I'll lay out my understanding, which to my memory no-one has contradicted before today, of how my spells work.
I can choose only a certain number of spells of each level. (3 for cantrips, 4 for level 1). Some of those aren't really choices because my Domain automatically grants them.
@Sciborg (Does swapping out a spell mean you have to prepare the whole list over again? Like if I only prepared two spells Bane and Bless, and wanted to change Bless for like Ceremony, do I also have to reprepare Bane?)
Choose to prepare, i'm assuming you are saying?
Those are the only spells that I know. I have 2 level 1 spell slots and can therefore cast only 2 of my level 1 spells per rest. I can cast cantrips whenever.
The only possible way for me to cast a spell that I did not choose would be to level up and gain access to it.
And then when I leveled up, I would have to choose that spell
i think the part that i'm confused on is this part:
> You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
@bobble (That's how it works for most classes, yes. But it's different for druids, clerics, and wizard, and we're sorry we didn't catch it earlier)
But the wording of "prepare the list available" sounds like she does have a known spell list that she has to pick.
Which i didn't think clerics had, so that's my confusion.
hang on, i need to like... DM a friend of mine to explain this to me because i've gotten very confused
(It's all my fault...)
@bobble if you can edit it to take North's advice and just swap that +1 (if that's accurate) then that'd be great, thanks
@Mithical Swapping the values of 11 and 12 out so that wisdom is +1, yes
I will fix all of Kith and Astrid's character sheets once we figure out what's happening with Astrid's spells
i'm DMing my friend who is smarter than me, hang on
@Sciborg Ah, the first page of the "Spellcasting" chapter is really helpful
> A cleric knows every single spell in the cleric spell list. The rule you described is about preparing and not knowing.
They confirmed it for me
> "Before a spellcaster can use a spell, he or she must have the spell firmly fixed in mind, or must have access to the spell in a magic item. Members of a few classes, including bards and sorcerers, have a limited list of spells they know that are always fixed in mind. The same thing is true of many magic-using monsters. Other spellcasters, such as clerics and wizards, undergo a process of preparing spells. This process varies for different classes, as detailed in their descriptions."
(From the PHB)
so bobble does know every single spell in the spell list. i don't know why i got so confused
why does it have to be so complicated
okay, so I can have 4 spells prepared
my Domain spells don't count, right?
yes to which?
both yes
Domain spells are called "at will" and you can just cast them whenever
they don't count towards anything
(As long as you have spell slots for it)
(Because being able to cast Fireball an unlimited amount of times is straight up broken)
(yes :p)
i just noticed that Light acts specifically on objects, and you can choose the color
So... Astrid, will you cough prepare Create or Destroy Water p-,p- pleaaaaase?
so I could make my warhammer a rainbow-flag warhammer
@PrinceNorthLæraðr learn/prepare problems, again
Previous funny uses of Light from my group: stick a tiny ball of light onto a guard's back so they could see the guard coming in a dark hallway, light up a sword for a Dramatic Combat Moment, etc.
but i can only pick one more cantrip, and i thought i was going to do Sacred Flame... agh
You learn more cantrips as you level up
so when Kith and Astrid's character sheets are done I'm going to post everybody's sheets and make a bookmark so that they're all in one place
Okay, perfect
That would be super helpful :)
Hold up, I should probably post my updated character sheet in here
> Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 necrotic damage.
why is this a Cleric spell?
Because... I don't know
@Sciborg don't character sheets change all the time, though? Like, as we pick up/lose items, we change the "equipment" section, and we always change the "current hit points" section, no?
It's Necromancy, Necromancy does a lot of damage
Usually those can be kept track of in another document, my group uses things like Roll20 and Google Docs
so I should not be editing my character sheet to reflect those?
you can if you want to :) it's fine either way
@bobble For example, this is a level 6 Necromancy spell:
> On a failed save, it takes 14d6 necrotic damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. The damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points below 1. If the target fails the saving throw, its hit point maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an amount equal to the necrotic damage it took. Any effect that removes a disease allows a creature’s hit point maximum to return to normal before that time passes.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr you have a lot of Fs. elf, Fen, favored enemy Fiends, favored terrain Forest, Fey ancestry
favored enemy, favored terrain
frickin elf
I think I could take Light instead of Sacred Flame, because now that I can choose more than 2 1st-level spells I can squeeze a combat one into there
You always have Lae to fight :D
(If you want a fighting spell, I suggest you take a look at Guiding Bolt)
Considering Sanctuary for the laughs of protecting a half-dead Lae and frantically yelling "Don't attack! Don't attack! The spell won't protect you if you... agh, you attacked them anyways"
Hm, yeah, probably not the best spell for Lae
(Yikes. Clerics don't get another cantrip until level 4)
*sleepily waves shortsword around*
Then there's the standard Bless, where I can give three party members +d4 for all their attack rolls and saving throws
A standard buff spell
Gah, I can't believe I'm begging a dwarf for spells
please don't wave your shortsword around while sleepy
shortsword noun a word spoken while wearing shorts
Ah, yup, @bobble maybe finish Kithri's sheet first so that our two adventurers can get started on their adventure?
can't they work off of the sheet there?
We can hop over to the Grove for spell-related discussions
@msh210 seems like that's the best time to me
@bobble should be fine, just gotta remember to switch a couple numbers if it comes up
I'll remind you :)
entertains you all with my ocarina while we await the beginning of our adventure
@Sciborg How does ritual spells work? Can I prepare a ritual spell and then like save it until I want to use it?
@msh210 remind me to show you the bone flute at some point
@Mithical you have a bone flute?
I do indeed have a bone flute
(takes our lyre)
@Mithical Mith or Kith?
Dwarf, you seem to be the only one here who lacks musical finesse
@PrinceNorthLæraðr you're being stared at by a bird
@msh210 Kith
Mith can't play wind instruments
@Mithical what species's bone is it made of, or do I not want to know?
you don't want to know
fair enough
@Mithical This is not-canon Lae talking
user image
updated skills + abilities
seemed like the most important part
good thinking
Just Astrid's sheet left for the bookmark, then
FYI dnd5e.wikidot.com/spells has descriptions for spells that donjon.bin.sh/5e/spells lacks descriptions for
(and maybe vice versa for all I know)
Due to the way my stuff is set up, I can only fill out one character sheet at once
I'm copying Kith as fast as possible
@msh210 Ah. The wikidot has spells in addition to the PHB
@bobble no rush
Spells from expanded editions like Volvo, Xanather, Unearthed Arcana- I think 'borg is okay with them?
What's a "turn", and what's a "round"?
And what's the exchange rate between either of those and a minute?
Not 100% sure, but I think turn in when a specific player (or non-playable character)'s time to do stuff in combat, and round is when everyone involved in the fight has done their stuff
@msh210 Six seconds per... round, I think? Bobble fact check?
(ah busy. I'll do it myself)
Q: What are turns and rounds and how long are they each?

TXChagIn AD&D a turn was ten 6-second rounds during combat. So when I read in D&D 5e that the Thief's Sneak Attack ability says "Once per turn you can deal an extra 1d6 damage", is this saying that abilities like this (e.g. Sneak Attack, Colossus Slayer, etc.) can be done every 6 seconds (i.e., once a...

@bobble no spells, no cantrips?
Rangers don't learn spells until lvl 2
ah okay
This should be fun to watch :P
@PrinceNorthLæraðr one answer there states it succinctly: "A round represents about 6 seconds in the game world. During a round, each participant in a battle takes a turn. (PHB 189)"
@PrinceNorthLæraðr especially because the later it gets the snarkier I get :eyes:
At least I won't be at the receiving end :P
I'm cool with spells from other sources no worries :p
(had to take a call)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr that's what you think -_-
grabs popcorn
@Mithical Hey, Lae is currently frozen, being stared at by a bird
Okay, are we getting into Game Stuff? :D
@Sciborg if you please
You know what would be funny? If Kith and Johnny pass by the Timid Trio and are like "What are those weirdos just standing there for?"
(shuts up)
dramatic throat clear
(dice roller is on the side, FYI)
(already open)
@Sciborg (can I offer you a throat lozenge?)
(or some tea?)
(are you sure you tested negative?)
It's a lovely sunlit morning on the 5th of Alabaster, mid-spring. Your travels have brought you, meanderingly, to a lovely seaside town on the eastern coast, with a small handful of houses and fishing folk. There's a smell of sea salt in the air and the gentle movement of the ocean waves... and you both see that you're not alone in your adventures, and there's another adventurer who has apparently come to the same place.
(Man, these trailers take so long, don't they, dwarf?)
[ah, so we're starting out not having met]
Kith, you see an unfamiliar human; Johnny, you see a small halfling.
(in Halfling language) Hail!
(the greeting, not the falling ice)
*caught off guard* Oh, that's interesting. You speak Halfling?
That's unusual for a human, to say the least.
What's your name? Where are you from?
Yeah, picked it up from my parents, they knew all sorts of things that no one else around seemed to know. I'm João, but people call me Johnny. What's your name?
Officially Kithri, but to most people I'm "Kith", the short weirdo that nobody knows what to do with. *grins*

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