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Weekend evenings are fine for me with the Timid Trio, all my plans with friends and Partner are in the morning so I've got plenty of time Saturday/Sunday :)
(arranges cats in a comfortable order)
@Sciborg @PrinceNorthLæraðr @Graylocke ping
@Graylocke what order is this?
Order of floofiness
... if we're not going to have a game i will work on my cross-stitch bunny pillow
Ink is frozen in place trying to placate a birb. @.@
Astrid's still next to the donation box watching Ink and Lae to see what's happening
Should I have been speaking elven to people like a silly tabaxi, assuming everyone will understand? I mean the guard and the cleric probably both know elven ^^;
Sorry - was making some dessert. Is North around?
not that I've seen
Probably won't have a game then, I shall go back to puzzle-making :)
@Sciborg !! Making !! Wotizzit?
I'll work on pillow.
@Graylocke I have a secret chocolate stash so I was raiding that :p
oooooh sekrit
hiding it from others or just from 'borg? ;p
Just from 'borg :p
That's what I do :P I made a bunch of coconut ice for Xmas that I have hidden from myself -.-;
ooooh, yum
I made it half vanilla half mint as an experiment so... it is too easy to eat -.-;
Sorry had to eat and do the dishes
@bobble @Sciborg @Graylocke?
(is here still) ^^;
bobble may be working on their pillow
I've also started making a puzzle and i'm sorta absorbed in that now :p
I will be working on arctrig stuff
Came too late, did I?
You caught us just a little bit late unfortunately
but msh and mith will be playing tomorrow so you can spectate the Kith-Johnny adventures!
Maybe bobble will come back soon? (crosses fingers)
If not, oh well
sorry ;-;
it's no fun to play without someone especially if we're doing combat
I was being nice and did the dishes for my parents and this is what I get. This is why you shouldn't be nice :P
@Sciborg Ya :/
hey, you did a Nice Thing and that's what matters :P
@Sciborg yoiks! how do we not do that? o.o;;;;
Lae says we don't need the dwarf. Fen is telling Lae Lae is being a completely btch and needs to shut up. Lae tells Fen that *he's the b*tch because he's a wolf, and then Fen bites Lae
proceeds to fight Fen
ping me if anything interesting happens
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I had a very nice 40 minutes of bunny pillow making without screens
That's good!
Is it worth pinging them, do you think?
I'll do it
@Sciborg @Graylocke....?
If you're busy it's fine
My usual thing after shower is bunny pillow until parents get back from walk. I waited around for 20 minutes online instead of bunny pillow, then I went to bunny pillow, and now my parents are back from walk.
Sorry about that
I was doing the dishes for my parents
I do dishes after lunch or after I get back from biking, if they are there.
I do the dishes normally during the weekends, but I was feeling generous
Chores that multiple people contribute to in my house run on a "you're responsible for this time period", and if it doesn't come up during that time then you're off the hook
Then there are things that only I do, such as sweeping the bunnies or separating laundry, which happen with some regularity and I do them as they come up
Why am I expositing to you about my chore schedule?
Sorry is here
Now 'borg is gone :P
They're also offline for Discord
It's fine, we can play on Saturday
They're probably sleeping actually. It's 11 pm their time
(curls and headonpaws) seems likely
They usually stay up after I go to sleep
Insomnia and such
maybe they took extra strong melatonin?
And I probably have to go in about 15-45 minutes so
Probably puzzling.
Er, whoops, I got absorbed in puzzling :p
Saturday sounds like a plan though!
i had way too much fun making a multi-layer enigmatic puzzle about destroying the evil BorgBot
Borg, you're a bot?!
what do you mean??? i am a human who does human things, beep boop
Did Deus get to you?
i ingest nutrients and consume liquids like every other humanoid being
Ah, of course
Do you also breathe in dihydrogenmonoxide?
i breathe in oxygen and nitrogen silly flesh creature
beep boop
@bobble Ah, I've seen that :P
'borg in a matching trenchcoat.
So we have borg who is a "human" and Gray who's... a triplet?
cat in disguise?
That's what it was
ah yes, beep bop
Well I have 3 names
and I am a bobbling crown
A tree, a bobbling crown, a thirdling and a "human"
Grim Reapurr
3 hours later…
@Graylocke Oh, that would be a good meaning for that word.
1 hour later…
@msh210 ^^ thank you - I didn't think I was entirely crazy >.> Mostly, but not entirely.
9 hours later…
hello :D
ooh, are we doing synchronized swimming?
Uh-oh, looks like someone's off doing their own thing
\o_ help I can't sgugugu
/O/~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~
(Why are we like this? :P)
this is a puzzling site
with puzzling people
are we all people, though?
Very fair point
We all know 'borg is (beep boop) a specimen of the human race
@PrinceNorthLæraðr /O/~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@PrinceNorthLæraðr huh?
I lost the thread of this conversation (?) some time ago
Lost his limb
@msh210 What is that?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I thought this was some sort of weapon pointed at the shark (^ was a shark, right?), so that
@msh210 this was the shark upside down (meaning dead)
@msh210 Ah. I was confused
^ was a shark, yes
oh I see. You meant >^ as an open mouth.
I shoulda seen that.
Where's Kith's character sheet? Is chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/118089?m=56661952#56661952 current? @Mithical
But anyway it's only part of the sheet.
Ah, emailed. I think it's updated
Or it's been updated since the last one I received
@msh210 (Sorry, I should explain. I didn't email it. I received an email a while back. I can email it to you though)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yeah, I'd understood that; thanks. If you suspect it's outdated then no need to send it to me, but thanks for the offer.
I don't think it's been updated since the version that was emailed
Really? There's some stuff that needed to be fixed, I think
Jan 7 at 15:24, by bobble
user image
That's the last version that I'm aware of
Ah, yeah it needs to be updated
Anything skills you bubbled in should get a +2 proficiency bonus
Like athletics shouldn't be "zero", it should be +2
Likewise, nature should be +5, not +3
my fault
Also, I'd recommend you flip your values for Wisdom and Intelligence. As a ranger, you use Wisdom for your spells, not intelligence
(I can't read those little skills in any case <.<)
I can't read
Sorry, you could flip your intelligence and Wisdom stats so your wisdom gets a +1 modifier. +1 and +0 isn't that big of a difference, but it definitely is something
If you have any changes I can put then into a recopied Kith sheet
Definitely update the skills :P
@PrinceNorthLæraðr uh
shrugs Up to you
I don't think I can change the modifier, that's based on species, isn't it?
...lemme get to my laptop
I think he means play with the ability scores
Oh wait hold on, I'm getting a bit confused myself
My sheet is (my next chat message). Please recommend any edits needed!
I mean, I can move a point from Intelligence to Wisdom, but that won't touch the modifier
If you move the point over from Intelligence to Wisdom, your Intelligence would be 11(+0) and Wisdom be 12(+1)
Also I'd love to Kith's sheet's page 2 (backstory) @Mithical
The bard's stats are so well rounded I'm jealous
@msh210 chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/118089?m=56655271 click through for full text
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'm confused. The (+0) and the (+1) is the modifier, right?
Ah, yes, I'd read that.
@msh210 Put down Cha or Charisma as your spellcasting ability, and Bard as your spellcasting class
On the 3rd page
@Mithical Yes. Your modifier is dependent on your total ability score
@bobble thanks
I thought the modifiers were determined by your race
Yikes. Nope
I thought so too
Okay hold on, I think we're talking about two different modifiers
Your race gives you an ability score increase (the big number)
The ability modifier is what's used to modify your rolls, basically
I'll take your word for it
so then I guess moving it from Int to Wis makes sense
@Sciborg Please feel free to rebuff this statement or add onto it if I'm missing anything, but your spellcasting class (Wisdom, in this case) is mostly used for your Spell Save DC- which is a number that enemies have to beat in order to "save" themselves from the effect of your magic
also spell attaack bonus, right?
Also used for Spell Attack Bonus, which is like magic but same rolling properties as weapons, where your roll has to beat your enemy's AC
So for example, the description for Hail of Thorns:
> In addition to the normal effect of the attack, the target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
They "fail" the save if they roll below your Spell Save DC, which is... 8+prof+spellcasting mod, right bobble?
look, i'm less concerned with the battles and more concerned with just how snarky i can get over the course of a dnd campaign
(jk, jk)
Sorry if I'm being too much
@Mithical how about the number of times you can snark at Death?
that too
"Die, halfling!" "Not in the mood today, sorry"
although if it's a Pratchett Death, it's how much Death and I can snark at each other
(Oh also, quick teeeeeeeny spell request from Lae to Astrid?)
I'm listening, knees
Dwarf, would it be possible to learn "Create or Destroy Water" (one spell) since you have two more spells you can learn at level 1? It creates rain which basically means I can hide anywhere within the boundaries of the spell.
wait i thought i didn't get 2 more level 1 spells?
You did
2 days ago, by Sciborg
i guess? yeah, you'd have six spells prepared then
But can only cast 2 level 1 spell every long rest
prepared is different than had, i think
It doesn't make a difference at level 1, I don't think. I don't see anything about being different at level 1
what class are you again? I think for some classes "prepared" is the same as "[something else]" and for others it's not.....
I don't know what you're referring to
as a bard, I think every spell I know is automatically prepared
So some classes like Ranger and Bard you learn spells
It doesn't take anytime, but you can't change your choice once you learn it
A: How do Bards prepare spells?

MikeQBards don't prepare spells in D&D 5th edition. The Players Handbook, chapter 10: Spellcasting, mentions that Bards learn spells and can cast them spontaneously. The section "Known and Prepared Spells" says the following: Before a spellcaster can use a spell, he or she must have the spell firmly ...

Some classes like Wizards and Clerics prepare spell, and it's like their spell-casting modifier plus level
According to this reddit thread, I have access to all level 1 spells, which seems wrong
@bobble I think what that means is that you have access to all of them, but not all at once
You can only prepare 4 cleric per long rest at level 1. But it's not like Rangers where you can only learn a limited number of spells
The impression I was getting was I could only have access to a specific sub-list of spells
Those you learn permanently
@PrinceNorthLæraðr and you have to prepare them (which takes time) unles you're a bard, warlock, or sorceror
@msh210 I think so. Though Mick said that when you level up, you can automatically choose to learn a new spell as a class that prepares spells. To change your spells it take that prep time
Jan 6 at 1:57, by Sciborg
At 1st level, you know 3 cantrips and have 2 1st-level spell slots. Domain spells add onto that.
I think I read this wrong then
what's "domain spells"?
@msh210 Cleric specific thing
as "you know 2 1st-level spells"
Ah spell slots =/= known spells
I get certain spells that are always prepared courtesy of my subclass
slot = how many spells you can cast until you need to reload
like the number of chambers in a gun
See, I knew that
I just thought that they were saying I knew 2 1st-level spells, and also had 2 spell slots
Ah, I see
Then when I was talking in chat about which level 1 spells to pick, no one called shenanigans
I never picked up on it until like way later when I was considering multi-classing
so then why were you asking me to learn a spell, if I already have it?
You still need to prepare the spell to use it
you specifically said "learn", not "prepare"
Sorry, learn and prepare are the same thing. I think I'm confusing you more
"learn" is associated with "know", in my head
I recommend you read the spellcasting section under the Clerics section
to know something you have to learn it
@bobble Ah, okay. Apologies
I've read that, but I was going off what people said in chat, and what I was interpreting in chat was I had limited spells known
Ah, okay
> "You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available
for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. W hen
you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to
your W isdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of
one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you
have spell slots.
For example, if you are a 3rd-level cleric, you have four
1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a W isdom
of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells
of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare
for future reference, copy-pasting like that isn't very readable because there are random spaces and linebreaks
So what even is the point of listing out my spells?
There isn't enough room for all of them
I'd have to always have the full spell list open to decide what to prepare
Well, you can only change your spells every long rest
seems odd
And it does take time to change your spell list
Another confusion, by the way - when people were saying how many spells I "get", I interpreted that to mean how many I had known
Sorry if there were any confusions. I think part of it is that Clerics, Druids, and Wizards have a different way of "preparing" spells
Yeah, there appears to be a lot of lingo that was used and not defined
If it helps, instead of thinking of it as you "know" all the cleric spells already, just pretend you can only know spells equal to your level+spellcasting modifier, and you just happen to be able to change your spells every long rest
(By spending some time)
that does not help
(And you don't have to change your spells. It's just an option)
I'm bad at explaining stuff, sorry. We can just wait until Sciborg gets back
there have been communication difficulties
we must call tech support
Aye. Am I bothering you?
I have a feeling I'm putting you a bit on edge :/
nah, i don't have to pay attention to school right now
tech support has arrived!
hello!! sorry! i had to drive over to get a covid test :D
i must catch up on transcript, hang on
that doesn't seem like a happy thing

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