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I also spent way too long last night watching videos comparing D&D5e and PF2e
do you have the thing known as a life?
a wha..?
i hear it's annoying to keep up
I thought it was some kind of mythical creature.
Actually, I have the beast known as Insomnia, so... (shrugs)
I am possessed by a demon known as Chronic Motor Tic Disorder
That must make life difficult and annoying.
currently they're mostly controlled, but I upped my medication dosage recently
(How do you control/predict the weather as Astrid?)
I can cast it and a little apparition should show up with a symbol of the weather
Hm, guidance is a decent spell, ngl
Guaranteed +1 as long as you don't roll a 1
Also, can we talk about yesterday's double 1?
1/400 chance
@PrinceNorthLæraðr It was in the recommendations for my extras cantrips too... but I am not really sure how min-max I care to be.
What are your cantrips now?
And besides... Astrid can cast it all the time. -.-;
Mage Hand and Eldritch Blast (which is like the Warlock cantrip)
Which means when cough I get my backstory and become a cleric, I can blast light at people
I'm trying to decide whether Toll the Dead (attack) or Spare the Dying is better
I wanted to have at least one "useful" cantrip, since my others are Druidcraft (character fun) and Mending
I really like the concept of the Warlock class, I just don't want the dark dmg dealer aesthetic... which is my usual "I want something but not how it's written" BS that I usually end up with ;p
also, dear goodness i did not expect that tutoring session to last 2 hours
Damn 1d10 force damage is solid
@bobble Don't you have like 4?
4 level 1 spells
two of those were forced by my Domain, Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals
One is Cure Wounds, because cleric
Ah, I thought clerics got 3 starting cantrips
And one is Purify Food and Drink, because I wanted Astrid to be nice and self-sufficient.
By themself they can forage a bit and get water, Purify it, warhammer around to scare away any dangerous creatures, Cure any hurts, and fix small things that break
Urm Bobble, you get one more cantrip
> At 1st level, you know three cantrips o f your choice from
the cleric spell list. You learn additional cleric cantrips
of your choice at higher levels, as show n in the Cantrips
Known column of the Cleric table.
I have 3...
No, you get an extra cantrip from druid
Ohh, nevermind
You can learn a druid cantrip from your choice of 3
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's 3 cleric cantrip + 1 druid cantrip
Jan 6 at 1:58, by Sciborg
So for cantrips you have guidance and 3 Cleric cantrips of your choice, and for 1st level spells you have animal friendship, speak with animals, and 2 other cleric spells of your choice.
@Sciborg, you did not catch this
wait why would she get a druid spell
I know i'm not part of this, I'm just confused
Nature Domain
Because Nature Domain allows her to choose one druid cantrip
My cleric subclass
I'm like 90% sure she's allowed to have 3 cleric cantrip + druid cantrip
speaking of druids, I should finish my character for the campaign on discord
I dunno
haven't been following that
it's a one-shot actually
I used the wrong word
@Sciborg Are bobbles cantrips 3 cleric cantrip + 1 druid cantrip or 2 cleric cantrip + 1 druid cantrip?
that's what the message I quoted said
I'm looking for which cantrip to add
druidcraft is the druid cantrip
You already get guidance cantrip as a cleric
> Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.

The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Sacred Flame ^
I think north's right about druidcraft
I was thinking you should take Spare the Dying
guidance was originally my druid cantrip
Well, you get guidance cantrip as a cleric :P
> You touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
I do?
where does it say that?
No I mean it's learnable
As a cleric
^ Spare the Dying
Spare the Dying means we don't have to roll to not die
I am aware of that
I quoted Sacred Flame and Spare the Dying because I'm choosing between them
@bobble Nevermind, you already have Druidcraft, which I'm assuming is your druid spell
@bobble I thought you were saying so to my spare the dying quote
There's a couple of other good cleric cantrips
^full list including ones not from the PHB
I'm sticking to the PHB
and I already have a different site's list open
which is where I got my quotes from
Ah okay
There's Word of Radiance which is a nice AoE effect
If you expanded beyond PHB, you can also learn Toll the Dead, which is
> You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
> Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything
for Word of Radiance
Oh, I thought it was PHB
North, I'm choosing between Sacred Flame and Spare the Dying
Those are the ones I'm choosing between
No others
I already looked at the others and decided I didn't want them
I think you should take Sacred Flames just so you have a bit more options when it comes to attack
It does more damage than my handaxe ><
Well, it doesn't get attack bonus tho
But is less likely to succeed.
Oh, your handaxe is negative modifier
Isn't Handaxe only negative if you throw it?
handaxe has average damage of 2.5
@Graylocke But sacred flame also isn't affected by cover
Oh - sorry I was reading Toll the Dead.
Spare the Dying would be useful for probably someone like Lae, who as you saw earlier, does not roll well
For Lae's sake you might want Spare the Dying. I do not trust my rolls
Look, I realize that you're having fun, and that you're trying to help here
I just got off tutoring, I have a lot of homework
I would just pick what seems like an Astrid spell :D
I don't really have time to talk a lot here and you keep messaging me about spells and I'm feeling obligated to respond
just pause for now? I should be done with two physics things in an hour or so
Sounds good. I have some HW to finish up too
(Apologies, was in my other D&D group and missed this whole discussion. I don't have the PHB on me but when you guys get back I can check on cantrip stuff.)
(Yup, Nature Domain gives you one druid cantrip. I apologize for not catching that.)
I think the problem was I read you saying "you get 3 cantrips, one of which is a Druid cantrip" instead of "you get 3 cantrips, plus a Druid cantrip"
ahh, i gotcha.
you can return to homework now - i won't keep ya
homework requires thinking
lend me some brain cells?
i just returned from DMing so i only have one brain cell to spare, but we can split it
quantum entanglement
I have only one braincell total, but I rarely use it so you can have it :P
That's a mood
The D&D session i was just DMing had a guy who was trying to stealth past some guards and distract them by throwing a bag of flour, but he rolled a 1 and threw flour in his own face and went into a coughing fit that immediately alerted the guards
I was going to ask you how your dm-ing went and if anything fun happened
i was wheezing so hard i couldn't even narrate past that
Did he take bludgeoning damage as well?
no, but he certainly took damage from the guards :p
the session also ended with the rogue attempting to pick a lock on a door and failed so hard his tools snapped in half, and the druid just casually snapped his fingers and teleported himself through it and opened it from the other side
oh they should've taken "kneading" damage! :P
Did the druid mend the tools?
there were SO MANY baking puns :P
the druid didn't do mending unfortunately
did you tell them of the Timid Trio?
Are we the Awkward Trio or the Timid Trio?
I told them I had started text-DMing a group on Stack Exchange and they all scolded me for taking on so many groups at once :p
I can't wait to see Kith just defy death
rolls a one Yeah... no. rolls a 20 instead
@Sciborg :D
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yes!
@Sciborg I hear that feedback a lot too >.>;
@Sciborg Wait until they hear all the funny stories of Lae's failures
Trash-talks fiend, and then proceeds to roll three critical fails
( I wish I would stop coughing >.< )
virtual hugs
thanks... virtual hugs back ... coughing does not helping my ability to focus ... -.-;
@Graylocke virtual hugs
virtual hugs back! Team Awkwardly Timid hugs ftw :)
Oh btw bobble when you have time
You should have a total of 6 lv 1 spells prepared
Not 4
Clerics prepare spells, which is Wisdom modifier+lvl
Read the spellcasting section under Clerics
but how can i have 6 spells prepared if i only have 4
Because of the two you get from your domain
wait what
i thought i only got to pick 2
Let me double check, I might be being stupid
Yeah, you should have six
You get two from your domain, because those don't count towards your spells known/prepared
> "You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available
for you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When
you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to
your Wisdom modifier + your cleric level (minimum of
one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you
have spell slots"
@Sciborg, do i get 6 level 1 spells?
Unless there's like an exception when you first start the game?
6 level 1 spells seems like too many....
That's your spells known i think? Wis mod+level?
Right, but domain spells don't count towards it
gotta check PHB again, hang on...
Spellcasting section under clerics
Okay, yeah, so you can prepare a number of cleric spells equal to Wis mod + cleric level. That means you have them ready. But you can only cast a number of spells equal to your slots.
The domain spells just count as at-will innate spells that don't get included there
i think
So, six spells
i guess? yeah, you'd have six spells prepared then
more choices
i was confused what you were saying
okay wait i'm confused again
so i can have more spells prepared than i actually have?
i have to run to dinner like now
seeya after
You have a bunch of spells on your cleric list that are your known spells. Of those, you can prepare a certain number of spells. Then, of those, you can cast a number equal to the spell slots for the spells' levels.
If you can prepare more spells than you actually know, then yeah, you can just prepare all of them.
You're still limited by your level+wisdom
@Sciborg When you gain levels, do you automatically get to learn a new spell, or do you have to spend 1 hour x level of spell to learn a new spell?
To prepare it for classes that prepare spells
You automatically get the new spells.
And you can you can wait to learn new spells right? Like, instead of learning 4 level 1 spells, I can learn 3 and save that 1 spell until I can cast level 2 spells?
Oh whoops, it's 1 minute per spell, not 1 hour
I guess it doesn't really make that big of a difference then
Am I being too much?
No I am just trying to understand what the questions were and are ^^;
Oh right... So it's about the way different classes have their list of accessible spells.
It seemed to make more sense in older editions tbh -.-;
Even though the mechanism is effectively the same -.-;
I can assure you that I rent a house with 4 other people ;p
So weirdly I get to recover spell slots after a short rest... I wonder how that's going to go
Is that a warlock thing?
Well I only need 4 hours of "sleep"
After that... I'm not sure what I'll do after that :P
Elfs :)
Maybe I'll forage stuff for you guys
Prepare some ritual spells
Not that I have any yet :P
Is there a limit on short rests per day? o.O;
Short rest after every step
"Sorry guys, out of breath"
well one step, one hour rest, is an even worse example of my Investigate rolls >.>;
Hey, with that logic, that means Lae and Astrid could probably teach each other skills in less than a day!
:P Sorry - I need this many rests because I saw a new thing I want to look up in the dictionary of Common.
At that point, Lae might just run off on his own
"This many rests? Tabaxi, you have absolutely no stamina"
2 hours later…
(sighs and flomps)
how does Ink sleep?
It is tempting to say with head on paws and tail curled around... but!
sometimes i wonder if Gray is secretly a cat :p
Well Ink is not so secretly a cat >.>;
Gray is well... it depends on if I move my paw or not... you can't tell atm? ;p
your human disguise is very convincing :P
-(I am 3 cats in a trench coat. Shh)-
i knew it
don't worry we won't tell
hides behind Mith, borg and bobble simultaneously
pets your ears
good trench coat kitties
unbuttons trench coat, runs away before can get scratched
wonders what made bobble think they would ever get scratched o.o;
this is making me remember a Reddit post about a player who made a character that appeared to be human, but was really 3 halflings in a trench coat
@bobble hasn't anyone taught you not to go around unbuttoning people's trenchcoats?
@Sciborg *thirdlings
That is quite hazardous in general... but I think bobble rightly assumes that I am pretty harmless ^^;
@msh210 ... omg now I want thirdlings...
i'm wheezing
... I do kind of want to play a half-halfling.
you mean a quarterling
But I guess using Msh logic that's a quarterling o.o;
or fourthling
extending this to its logical conclusion, if you were one-seventh halfling, you would be a heptaling, and an eight-halfling would be an octoling
I need my six eyes checked.
tenth-halfling = decaling
or you can use hexadecimal numbers and a one-eleventh human would be a bling
You guys are weird
did you just notice that now?
Unfortunately.... :P
Weirdest sin though is that you guys are friends with me
what's confusing about logic, North :P
if we are weird and your friends, then by the Weirdness Principle, you are also weird by association
Oh, I'm pretty sure I'm the one that made you guys weirder
i was born into the weirdness
... no?
can you tell i've taken more sleep medication than usual
Oh, quick question on multi-classing
hurry before the melatonin knocks me into the abyss
Definitely worth asking while borg is half asleep <*nods*>
If I, say, unlock spellcasting as a ranger but like not choose any spells yet, and then I class into cleric
And then gain a bunch of levels on cleric
Can I still get like level 5 ranger spells if it meets the spell slot availability for multi-classing?
too many words, uhhh
You can read it tomorrow
you unlock spellcasting as a ranger... but you don't choose spells?
Go to sleep borg
Is that even possible?
you kinda have to choose spells
What if I circumvent the system and say
multiclassing makes you more flexible but the downside is that you never reach the higher abilities and powers
it's designed in that way to be balanced
Stick with level 1 ranger, get druid up to like idk level 10, and then level up ranger to 2
Then can I pick 2 level 5 ranger spells?
That's not how it works... You only have 2 levels of Ranger :)
yup. you only get two levels of ranger.
So you only get abilities that a level 2 ranger would have
Plus what a level 10 druid has
And really anywhere you overlap, you get the better option.
Not that I know there are any.
There's an entire ruleset on multi-classing and spells though
multiclassing is very good if you do it right, but it's easy to goof up
Hold on, we'll talk tomorrow, I need to sleep :P
i am crashing hard too, good night :p
Sleeps well dreams nice :)
9 hours later…
Ah, halfling
What bids you well?
I bid him(? her? them? what's Kith?) well.
Ah, who is this?
@msh210 (Kith is she/her/they/them)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr just a (looks up) lowly bard
My, my, lots of short beings here, eh?
Look knees, just because you swallowed a redwood doesn't mean the rest of us did
short in stature, tall in Estonia
(not sure if that joke makes sense in this world)
@Mithical What is a redwood. There are no woods which are red in my forest. Are you color-blind?
For some reason I had been under the impression that elves were smart. Thank you, you're clearing up my misconceptions.
To be fair he wasn't raised by elves
Maybe elves think he's weird
I am NOT stupid, halfling. I know how to skin and gut a deer faster than you can say "pew"
@bobble I certainly hope so. For his sake. *crosses arms*
I know my way around the forest so well....
@PrinceNorthLæraðr oh really
starts blathering off
Let's compete.
Kith, did you hear he wants to learn Insight?
Only problem is, he'd have to learn from one of us
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Ignore the deer. We're going after better prey. And bring your bow.
Oh, you are on, halfling
Astrid tags along to watch
We're hunting basilisks today, knees. Think you can take one down faster than me?
[those are probably way above either of our current skill level but whatever]
(I'm pretty sure they one-shot us)
I am not familiar with tracking basiliks, unfortunately, as they are not natural to the forests
That's a shame... good thing I've learned a thing or two while traveling.
I do not need to learn how to hunt basiliks to survive in the first, halfling
(is there some equivalent of popcorn for Astrid to munch on while watching?)
(Sighs in relief)
Well then. Remember this: whenever we're in the mountains together, you're on.
Very well
But while we're in my territory, do you know how to slay the ancient green dragon?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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