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1 hour later…
1:31 AM
I don't hate trees so I'd probably either looked it up as needed and remembered or kept it saved.
6 hours later…
7:11 AM
Is it still a bad idea to defragment a 66% fragmented SSD?
@JourneymanGeek ^
"Fragmentation" doesn't work the same way on SSDs
so no real point. Wierdly fragmentation might actually be a good thing
7:28 AM
@JourneymanGeek Supposedly due to the additional IOPS required to random-read an SSD, a 50% fragmented SSD will have a 10% sequential performance penalty
On the other hand - many SSDs either scramble or ENCRYPT information to split it up in order to improve performance
I've not done serious research into this in a while but... its a thing
why isn't your OS automatically doing that?
8 hours later…
4:01 PM
Winblows automatically optimizes (aka trims) SSDs on a weekly basis.
7 hours later…

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