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9:47 AM
I have a pdf containing scanned images and I want to do three things
1. Convert color mode to grayscale
2. Increase Contrast by specific Value
Any online/offline tool/software available? I tried imagemagick but it seems not working.
At present I am on Windows OS unfortunately!
10:21 AM
hmm tricky
for 1) the 'dumb' way to do it is print it with the native PDF printer
imagemagick should work
how its failing / using it to do the thing on windows is a valid SU question
GIMP should be able to read PDFs (?), and could do those things manually
aye, was thinking that
@bertieb I just checked if GIMP could open a random PDF sensibly, indeed it can
but as geek says, imagemagick not working in some manner for this is probably a useful question for the site
from the POV of other with similar problems
I got a SO fanatic badge cause of poppin in for teams
what's the first thing you're gonna do with your newfound prosperity..?
10:34 AM
go to work on a sunday night and maybe nuke a few dozen spammers
11:06 AM
@bertieb Btw, now I'm trying jp2(s) instead of pdf to reduce complexity of image processing.
that's not something that I'm familiar with, but certainly if it's possible to avoid the initial PDF step that simplifies things
good luck!
convert -brightness-contrast -5,+85 in.jp2 out.jpg
This is working @bertieb
I was trying magick -brightness-contrast -5,+85 in.jp2 out.jpg on windows
Probably I have found solution now!
 convert -set colorspace Gray -brightness-contrast 0,+100 in.jp2 out.jpg
It works with pdf but it degrades the quality even after applying -quality 100
11:25 AM
glad it's working
there's probably some PDF-specific weirdness with DPI, or something similar

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