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Data recovery question
I have a file (foo.xyz) which was replaced by a symlink to itself
debugfs: lsdel reports
0 deleted inodes found.
Any thoughts about how to proceed? :S
(also tried extundelete with no success in finding the file either under it's symlink name or original filename)
Ah, so lsdel was intended for ext2
what fs firstly
And you have backups, right?
So, in creating the symlink, you removed the file handle from the file on disk, so we need to get that back...
As long as you don't have some kind of zero'ing turned on, it's just a case of putting the file handler back except you don't know what inodes it pointed at previously.
@djsmiley2k This file is games footage, which is deliberately not backed up because it's already terabytes in size
If needed I can export from Twitch in lower quality
Hmm, think I was using ext4undelete wrong
and giving an absolute path, rather than relative to mount
Will give it a try when I can remount ro
you want to mount as ro asap btw.
I'm sure you're aware...
I know
If it's gone, it's gone
I'm in the middle of a YT upload which is blocking the remount
fun thing with footage, as long as not truely retarded encoding, you'll recover most of it.
if that's the only thing using the disk, you should be ok to just 'wait'
you just really really really really don't want to cause a write
I only realised the file was overwritten now
But it was done a while / a number of writes ago
So shrug
If it's gone, it's gone
@bertieb riot
Funny thing is, YT also has a copy of the file
But it won't let me download it
is it still processing it?
heh, vaping is starting to finally cause some weird health effects.
I wonder how long before mouldy lungs become a thing
@djsmiley2k So it claims
It failed before so I reuploaded
I reckon it'll fail again
So was going up transcode
Will check on it when I get home
1 hour later…
So ext4magic reckons there's lots of different transactions for that inode
The most recent of which relate to symlink
Wonder how I can see older ones
@rahuldottech classic
Meg Risdal on August 20, 2019

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Ways to reduce the number of unhelpful comments that are likely to get removed in the first place.

Upfront guidance for first-time question-askers

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1 day till the Twitch VOD expires on that video I lost
The strange thing is, even though YT says "it's still processing' it plays fine
wonder if I can dl it from YT
I think it quick processes to some wassnames...
It does
That's true
But if it fails it junks the whole thing
Also the video allegedly has res/quality down to 144p
So it's processed something
Let's see if youtube-dl can grab it before YT gives up on it entirely
@bertieb can you download from twitch?
@Bob Just today- I'd rather grab from YT as it's higher quality than Twitch
My local recordings are crf-limited rahter than bitrate 3000-3500 ish limited, y'see
@bertieb grab the twitch one first in case the yt one fails
Aye, good thinking
Bleh, youtube-dl fails to log in
I'm downloading the VOD
But youtube-dl is being an arsepain
Pass nothing, and I can't get the video (as expected, not published yet)
Pass credentials, "400 Bad Request"
Pass cookies eats cookies and says thanks, "ERROR: This video is private."
What's a guy gotta do?!
Guess I'll set it to unlisted
Interestingly, Google served me a transcoded copy
want me to grab a copy?
I've grabbed one, thanks tho!
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek speaking of things to do with old PCs, I think I'm going to set up a dedicated Halo:CE server :)
Ah, the heady days of 2001
I still have my (X)boxed copy of that
@bertieb The game is as old as me, lol
And it's one of very few video games that I actually enjoy
It was fun, back in the day
I'm back running binding of issac
give my bro some love everyone!!!
@djsmiley2k Nice
I checked when I was trying to sort that weird YT processing thing
And I'm, uh, nearly at 1000 videos
Didn't think it had been that many :o
Nearly at 1000 views too!~
Before anyone makes that joke... ;-P
Reminds me of a line from an underrated cult comedy
What game? DDR or a knockoff?
Been thinking of getting a pad recently
on..... ps2 maybe
I have the mat still hgere
I'm trying to see the connector from here but can't
Oh yeah ps2, you can see it on the floor :D
Looking at covers, I think it was Dancing Stage Fusion
My bro is annoying as he's one of those people who just naturally is good at things
2 hours later…
Sony just killed Spider-Man today! They just made a billion dollars on a movie that literally took a scene out of the first Iron-Man. How are they going to anything with Spider-Man that doesn’t involve Tony Stark?
That's .... Dumn
They made... 6? Spiderman movies that didn't include Ironman.
Different Spiderman
And the last two were actually good

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