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12:06 AM
Why is this bot in this room?
...so, Intel is getting somewhere with their 10nm process but it's not much better than 14nm right now.
The NUC is a niche device, so obviously, Intel isn't making them in large volumes. They'd be putting these chips in mainstream laptops if they were actually producing them in high volume. Since the NUC is an Intel-made device, this also implies that OEMs aren't buying these chips for their systems.
It means Intel has 10nm parts to sell but they're not yet ready for prime time.
They are barely hanging onto their process advantage.
But the it still does not have functional processor graphics and relies on a low-end Radeon discrete GPU. It's safe to say that Intel's 10nm process is still not in great shape.
(Radeon 540, 8 of 10 CUs in Polaris 12.)
12:52 AM
... why is psudohuman here 0_0
@allquixotic which room do they hang out in?
1:15 AM
@rahuldottech no idea
@Bob ^^ wish I had a way to make that 'permanent' :S
@rahuldottech I think psudohuman's usually on the awkward slience, and I've seen jenna on tavern on the meta too
not sure what commands it has other than o/
this is gonna be fun
I need to check if the newfangled IPTV setop boxen will do composite
1:34 AM
@allquixotic ugh. I still don't like discord
it also still has that handle leak
@Bob Which one?
@Bob not for me
@rahuldottech search chat for me saying "handle"
@Bob you'll get a handle leak from doing that! :P
@allquixotic you could probably semi-automate it with AHK
I don't really see any other way, with it being locked down
unless they allow electron cli args, but they probably don't
also, xpath query? really? :P
@allquixotic the marginally nicer way that would work interactively (i.e. you won't have to hide/mute before running the script) it to inject a stylesheet
1:39 AM
I hate CSS selectors.
I can't test right now but I think something like this should work:
@Bob when you collapse/mute a channel category, it changes its class, which is what I base the decision of what to hide on.
@allquixotic except you do it in JS
@Bob ohh... I bet injecting a stylesheet would eliminate the need for the timer :D
I'm just fiddling with the rule now, one sec
@allquixotic Why do you look for container-?
1:43 AM
I helped another developer today fix a slightly sneaky problem using Fiddler :D
Isn't wrapperMuted- enough?
@Bob .... maybe just finding a child-of-child with wrappedMuted is enough, haven't tested it
wrapperMuted- that is
there's a separate wrapperMutedText class that I specifically want to exclude, but I think child-of-child contains wrapperMuted- with the - might be sufficient
@allquixotic Ahhhh... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
If you're selecting on child, this becomes a bit awkward.
Because CSS doesn't have child selectors :P
It's a performance thing.
Yea, you're pretty much stuck with XPath or manual
and the only optimisation would be to do it on mute event rather than a timer, but that's probably minor...
there's nothing about the parent element on its own that I can use to discern whether or not I want to hide that div or not
I have to look into its children in that specific way to find evidence of a collapsed category
@allquixotic Yea, having to select on a child's attribute but modify the parent is the one thing CSS selectors can't do.
Like, there's just no way. JS is required.
@allquixotic what's with the weird node iteration?
1:50 AM
@Bob oh, building that array is probably an artifact of some old code where I was getting an error of the DOM being mutated during iteration :P
because I was doing removeChild
whiiiich, crashes Discord
to be clear it crashes the web application, not the container or the Electron instance
@Bob I never quite got into discord
if you're a social gamer you can't NOT use Discord now
@allquixotic use the snapshot types, not iterator :P
@JourneymanGeek good!
because it seriously, seriously sucks
@allquixotic ah hah@ I am an anti social gamer
the main thing I dislike about it is the lack of customizability and locked down ness
1:54 AM
bug reports by 2000-char single-line bot commands
bug reports that get rejected based on the testing of volunteer non-technical testers. uggh.
it's pretty good relative to the old options like teamspeak and ventrilo though
@allquixotic this lot is... atypical.
"We're unhappy with chat" "I know, lets run our own servers"
well yeah; I championed that :P
not even security and SF did that
when your testers don't know how to run cmd ... you have a problem
1:56 AM
@allquixotic I was mucking with matrix earlier but that was for odd reasons
@Bob ... someone at the other vendor didn't know what cmd was...
a veteran dev I'm now working with frequently didn't know about Fiddler, and I had to explain to him that the cookies weren't being set in his browser for the PHP session ID because he had php.ini injecting secure into his cookies (for security) and he was on a dev instance over regular http
but that isn't all that obvious, it took me half an hour to find it
now we're going to listen on 2 ports, one for the SSL terminating "portal" front-end that will have secure injected by apache, and one that is for dev only and won't have secure
@allquixotic Oh, no, that's far from obvious and Fiddler is fairly obscure
So I'd give them a pass :P
(after all, if they're a PHP dev... :P)
@allquixotic Why not just make the dev one secure?
I set up a mostly-working nginx SSL termination proxy the other day :D
while testing features that required a secure origin (camera, location)
        location ~* /proxy/(?<req_upstream_host>[^/]*?)/(?<req_upstream_port>[^/]*?)/(?<req_upstream_uri>.*) {
                resolver <localdnsserverip>;
                proxy_pass http://$req_upstream_host:$req_upstream_port/$req_upstream_uri$is_args$args;

                set $frontend_redirect_path proxy/$req_upstream_host/$req_upstream_port;
                set $frontend_redirect_target $scheme://$host/$frontend_redirect_path;

                proxy_redirect http://$req_upstream_host:$req_upstream_port/ $frontend_redirect_target/;
so https://mymachine/proxy/host/port/path/to/app loads http://host:port/path/to/app :D
bonus: it works fine on nginx on WSL :D
@Bob private DNS within a LAN, ergo everyone hitting it would need to trust the cert (ick, especially for Selenium scripts)
I seem to have dropped the response substitution though so any internal links won't work without it
2:05 AM
> Had a guy who reluctantly told me he used to work at a sex shop. To try and save him from feeling weird, I told him that my wife has always found it fascinating and would love to work in one. His response “well isn’t she a fucking weirdo”
@allquixotic eh, for dev we just trust the self-signed
@Bob it is a surprisingly enormous PITA to do that in Selenium scripts
@allquixotic do they not use OS cert stores?
only if the browser does -_-
@allquixotic eh, that solves chrome and edge... just need to add it to firefox cert stores too
safari can go sit in the corner
2:07 AM
@Bob never was able to figure out how to do that. plus the scripts need to run on Windows and Linux boxes, headed and headless
@allquixotic Windows and Linux is pretty easy
just be glad you don't need to do it for macOS :P
the macOS cert store is a nightmare
target browsers are Win64/Chrome headed, Win64/FF headed, Linux64/Chrome headless and Linux64/FF headless
(I'm sensing a pattern here...)
the headless ones will be using the actual headless mode of the browser not Xvfb
and run on a CI server
@allquixotic Really you could just enable security.enterprise_roots.enabled to make Firefox use Windows certs :D wiki.mozilla.org/CA:AddRootToFirefox
(the Linux story isn't quite as happy)
2:12 AM
@Bob especially when you start with a completely unmodified version of FF, an empty user profile, and a clean Linux container every run
starts with git clone ...
@rahuldottech funny thing. One of our tenants was a "toy shop"
I think my mom's reaction to finding out it was an "adult" toy shop was precious.
Old indian ladies are very concervative XD
@JourneymanGeek lol
@JourneymanGeek There was a thing in the news recently about india denying a Canadian firm a patent on an, uh, adult entertainment item
@bertieb india is... odd
Something something something, outraging public decency and that's illegal?
@JourneymanGeek Aren't we all? :D
2:20 AM
@bertieb You should check out sex-rated
@bertieb the last vestiges of the victorians, with a headlong rush into american modernity.
without the stages of growth in between
@JourneymanGeek Ah, the best of both worlds, you say
@rahuldottech The what and the where now?
@bertieb the worst ;p
@bertieb wait
There's an article specifically on "toys" in India
Fun times
2:25 AM
@bertieb I'm a firm believer in "eh, if no one else is hurt, and all parties involved are cool with it, its not my problem"
@JourneymanGeek Yup
As long as you've got valid consent, why not?
and if its someone else doing it, its typically none of my business ;)
Obviously there's some lines to be drawn of course
Some lineart illustrations of the subject, you say?
I'm tired and making terrible jokes, nn all o/
2:52 AM
this might be the most technical Linus has ever gotten :P
3:02 AM
> We created a Pseudo Console for Windows
@Bob those graphics tho... totally made in Word + snipping tool
> If a CPU cycle is 1 second long, then:

Getting data out of L1 cache is about the same as getting your data out of your wallet; about 3 seconds.
At 9 to 10 seconds, getting data from L2 cache is roughly like asking your friend across the table for it.
Fetching data from the L3 cache takes a bit longer – it’s roughly as fast as having an Olympic sprinter bring you your data from 400 meters away.
If your data is in RAM you can get it in about the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee; this is how long it would take a world-class athlete to run a mile to bring you your data, if they were run
3:54 AM
What. The. Fuck.
> NAND Oversupply Could Crater SSD Pricing To 8 Cents Per Gigabyte Next Year
You cannot possibly be serious.
We had a shortage earlier this year, and now this?
$80 1TB SSDs, anyone?
@bwDraco #clickbait
> that is expected pushes SSD prices
quality journalism right there :D
meh, cheap storage is never a bad thing ;)
lol. it's basically a random blog-news post mirroring the register
the register is a site I will never trust, not after all the bullshit they spewed over the last couple years
where's that quote
> Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or intern
4:10 AM
@Bob wait, what's wrong with El reg?
@rahuldottech everything? they're incredibly sensationalist and do little to no fact-checking
chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/118?m=28985851#28985851, chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/118?m=42075551#42075551, I've probably complained about it a couple more times but not referred to it by name
4:29 AM
Yeah, not a fan of the Register.
I seriously need to learn to read skeptically.
I know it's essentially speculation, but the article did point to an industry source FWIW.
Falling SSD prices are not an unreasonable expectation.
I keep on doing this. @Bob, please seriously consider kick-muting me for posting bad content.
It's disruptive.
I just act on impulse every time I post a link.
Every single time.
It derails the conversation, and it makes me untrustworthy.
@Bob... do you mind if we talk about this issue and how to address it (preferably in a nonpunitive manner) in the Ask a Super User Moderator room?
4:51 AM
@bwDraco oh, the article was interesting enough, with a grain of salt
keep them coming :P
@bwDraco there's nothing disruptive about it
I post links to questionable sources all the time
I think I've had an exceptionally rough day today.
I don't want you to stop posting links
I had to make two trips today, one to mail a package, another to fetch merchandise I purchased yesterday that the cashier apparently failed to bag (requiring manager intervention to address).
@bwDraco :/ all I have to do is speak here sometimes and I'm kick muted... it's not the content..it's the person...
@bwDraco no self checkout?
4:54 AM
Not at that store.
it's not that future, yet.
@allquixotic @Dog I just learned that Telstra does have uncapped unlimited. $199/month 24mth contract, includes a (flagship) phone.
I have unlimted voice calls and SMS for 31 days (15 remaining), having paid just rs.199
@Nick Uncapped data.
Unlimited voice/sms is pretty standard these days. (Which is a bit of a pity, since international is usually not included.)
5:01 AM
...welp, that was recently discontinued. TIL.
:46259288 Unlimited unlimited or limited unlimited?
Unlimited to 10/20/34/65 countries is fairly common on mid-high plans here.
I've yet to see a truly unlimited international call option.
It was fully unlimited to a number of countries.
^ Above I meant international is less available on the cheaper plans now (you used to be able to use your $x00 'credit' on both local and international)
@bwDraco Yea that's limited unlimited.
Only specific destinations.
I have a friend from Bahrain (who calls back home often), which costs an arm and a leg to call ... and is never covered in unlimited plans.
It's now a separate add-on at $15/month: t-mobile.com/coverage/international-calling
@Bob It's hard to support that. Not too sure if there are phone cards or other services that allow for affordable calls to these sorts of countries...
@bwDraco Phone cards... now there's something I haven't heard in a long time.
5:07 AM
Mom still uses phone cards to call to Hong Kong because they're cheap per minute and don't require a commitment or subscription.
@bwDraco Skype?
HK is just generally a cheap destination to call
Oddly... I've thought about BOSS Revolution, which is oriented towards LATAM and African countries but works for calling pretty much anywhere.
I was toying with setting up an asterisk server
@Bob pretty common with domestic helpers here
@JourneymanGeek what is?
@JourneymanGeek why is it that you don't reply to specific messages? Clicking too inconvenient?
5:19 AM
@bwDraco yes
@Bob calling cards
@JourneymanGeek eh, just me being lazy and multitasking
@JourneymanGeek You replied to yourself ._.
@bwDraco see "multitasking"
I have 3 conversations going on at once lol
5:26 AM
@bwDraco Heh, calling cards might work. Thanks.
I kinda felt calling cards might work because there's a wide variety of them, including many region-specific variants which might give you a cheaper cost per minute.
5:40 AM
@Bob wut bro we don't even get that
So remember the leech bite? The scar is itching. Which means the fangs are possibly still in there.
There are terrible floods in Kerala, India right now
Pretty sure this guy's from there:
Q: Can computer equipments submerged in water for a day be repaired?

RajThere was a flood yesterday where I live and two of my desktops and one laptop are affected. There were LCD monitors, CPUs, mouses, keyboards, speakers, laser printers. Which parts out of these can be repaired? And how? Any kind of advice would be really appreciated. Thanks

6:00 AM
Its really broad
@JourneymanGeek It's the kind of question that would actually make an excellent canonical, given a good answer.
I'm very mindful of how I spend and have long been brought up to spend wisely and to always have money available when Things Happen™.
@bwDraco US-centric? :P
Yeah. Americans are a minority here :P
@rahuldottech dodgy, unsustainable
lifetime 'subscriptions' to services always make me nervous
@Bob okay, won't go for it then, thanks
original price $500?
who's crazy enough to pay $500?
@rahuldottech I'm very skeptical of stuff like this.
eh, depnds what you want it for
and how many years use do you expect to get out of it? is it worth the $40?
how long do you think the company will last?
and, especially when looking at lifetime, how many other users are there?
the normal monthly/yearly subscribers are effectively paying for your service (after a couple years)
> Note: The Lifetime Subscription tactic appears to be a questionable business model that leads to overselling the service. VPNs have also been known to cancel “lifetime” accounts after a few years (discussed further in the VPN scams guide).

In other words, the true duration of the “lifetime” account may be completely arbitrary.
6:15 AM
@Bob a couple? Three or four, maybe?
2 weeks, 10 minutes....
@Bob that review tho. Don't think I'll be going for it.
@JourneymanGeek ¿
@rahuldottech again, depends. do you want privacy? or just access to US-only services? privacy from whom? your ISP? your school? your government? some other government? etc etc etc
(or to get around 'local' blocks)
@Bob the idea of passing my data through an arbitrary third party dosen't seem very private
@Bob uh, mostly for insecure networks and privacy from my ISP
6:26 AM
@rahuldottech which brings it up to "how do you think you can trust some random company to also respect your privacy"?
@rahuldottech in that case, you're probably (?) fine
so the remaining concern is how long you think this company will last
if you can get 2 years out of it, then that's probably a decent price
This is apparently like the best VPN out there, and based in Panama, but way more expensive, and TBH I only need to circumvent a few blocks and stay safe on public WiFi...
7:07 AM
@rahuldottech I honestly have never needed a VPN... except for like Crunchyroll and Spotify. But Windscribe helped me out for a while when I needed those.
But now that grooveshark is back and dailymotion carries most of the anime I want to watch, there's no need for me to use VPN anymore.
@Bob ah, I have 1.5GB/day on my phone. I barely use it because I have unlimited wifi at home (unlimted 'cuz I don't know what the limits are)
@allquixotic gamers are social now?! D:
@djsmiley2k they always have been (circa. discord era)
@rahuldottech $2.75/mo for 3 years = $99 total ... approx. 7k INR.... Well, Zelda sure aint gonna pay that.
@Nick lol
the rgb generation.
7:36 AM
now it's rgba... heard of png?
transparency nowadays
there's also gamma contrast along with alpha
8:05 AM
sup @Burgi
going to have to have a chat with our new FE today about the poor quality of her work
not looking forward to it
oh dear.
What's the issue tho?, is it 'fixable' ?
Also since when did you become a manager :/
about 2 years ago but no-one told me until a couple of months ago
points to linkedin job title
i'm a lead developer apparently
@djsmiley2k think so, its a technology she hasn't used before in an environment she hasn't worked in before
basically i'm hoping a little gentle course correction and guidance now helps fix the issues
8:41 AM
wtf... fasthosts has renewed our domains a month early
9:41 AM
Were you gonna move em?
10:29 AM
lol Android Poundland Edition
11:09 AM
wtf is with this nslookup
> vbox /home/tim # nslookup google.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: google.com
** server can't find google.com: NOTIMP
11:27 AM
Not implemented?
11:39 AM
can you have more than one SPF record?
11:55 AM
my floof cat is super floof this morning
100% floof
@allquixotic high humidity?
@djsmiley2k That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Burgi 50.9%
I have a sensor on the wall
just a floof day maybe?
11:59 AM
static from something?
later. busy with work :(
1 hour later…
1:04 PM
@Nick You may not have, but I do.
@Burgi lmao, congrats?
1:21 PM
Q: Resetting HP-Elitebook with Bitlocker and BIOS password

ldh03so my employment contract is over and I still got my Laptop (HP EliteBook 820 G3) which according to the contract is now mine. But it is encrypted using Bitlocker and has a BIOS password. I tryed to boot into it with a Linux-live USB stick but it wouldn't let me do that for some reason. Does so...

Shameless plug:
Q: Simple single-file PHP login system

rahuldottechThis is something that I initially came up with to protect a bunch of scripts on my personal webserver, but am now planning on using with a few public projects too. login.php: <?php session_start(); //log out if ?logout=true if($_GET["logout"]){ $_SESSION["loggedIn"]=false; header('Loc...

@Burgi You do PHP, don't you? Please take a look
you aren't testing if the user exists
all your script does is testing is the password matches a hardcoded hash
@Burgi Yes, it's for a single user system as of now
It doesn't even ask for a username
Thing is, I can't figure out if it has a vuln where it can be easily bypassed
2:20 PM
@rahuldottech Out of interest (and/or XY), why code up password protection with PHP rather than use a webserver's inbuilt authentication (eg HTTP simple authentication)?
I don't object, just curious
yeah if it is a single user page just use htaccess/htpasswd
> Elon Musk was 'not on weed' when tweeting about taking Tesla private
(tvtropes warning)
2:38 PM
oh hey I broke 4.5k
@rahuldottech if you have debug on
you'd dump the password hash
2:55 PM
> 451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
> We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time.
I'm annoyed at my face
How about I cut my nose off to spite it
Philly Tribune
Maybe related to this: niemanlab.org/2018/08/…
why did they block access?
they literally didn't need to do anything as they aren't EU based
mind you, americans... they probably think we'd sue them
Something something something, "accessible in Europe, therefore operating in Europe"
Would be my guess
@Burgi AIUI GDPR applies to all businesses processing PII from EU residents regardless of where the business is
So if your news site is based in the US but collects PII from visitors and some of those visitors are in the EU it has to be GDPR compliant.
I have no idea what, if anything, the enforcement mechanism for this is.
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