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@ThatBrazilianGuy yup
Forget it, I wanted to revert a downvte and... It's locked by design. But I managed to edit it and uovote
@ThatBrazilianGuy is there a law in brazil about removing guns from movie posters?
sorry i was thinking "Portuguese" and accidentally equated that to portugal
yes, and i corrected it and apologised, now answer the question! ;)
Damn you mobile connection
lol, That Portuguese Guy :D
@Burgi Heck if I know.
That Portuguese Guy is now from Portugal, aka Western Europe - he's teleported across the Atlantic Ocean
I don't particularly pay attention to movie posters
Going to the movies here is VERY expensive (comparatively)
there is a bit of an internet furore about a Portuguese language movie poster for the han solo movie not having han solo holding a blaster where as a spanish (real spanish not brazilian spanish) language poster has him holding a blaster. one commentator suggested that it might be to do with gun violence in brazil but he wasn't sure
I guess I could check which movie posters are up and would have gums.
Or guns
as you have claimed, from time to time, to be brazilian i thought i'd ask you
@ThatBrazilianGuy now I want to know what % of movie posters have gums
@allquixotic all of the ones showing teeth
@Burgi And part of the ones showing candy.
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