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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

ZeroLemon case arrived... it is defective. Returning.
First time I've ever had to return something on my Amazon account.
Sooooo... your ZeroLemon was a lemon?
The unit will not hold a charge; it shuts down the moment I try to put a load on it.
and holds zero charge?
When plugged in, it behaves as though it's charging, but instrumentation indicates extremely low current as if it's full.
The power pass-through works, meaning that the ports are fine. The underlying LiPo battery is faulty.
Why, you could even call it a zero-charged lemon... ZeroLemon for short?
1 hour later…
Oh my ddrescue should be finished by the time I get home... That'll be fun!
@MichaelFrank o.O what happened?
@Bob Oh, it's from that macbook pro I was musing about a while ago.
I just finally got around to freeing up a spare box to dedicate to running indeterminately long processes.
2 hours later…
A: Periods and commas in mathematical writing

Autumn KentWhichever rule you follow, the journal you send it to will want the opposite.

@Bob Okay, I'm now at home... and this ddrescue is at 99.97% with 5304 errors and the last successful read was 17mins ago.
I've set it to only retry 3 times... do I just wait? Or is there a point where I should just kill the process and work on what was saved?
@MichaelFrank there is no hard and fast answer in data recovery
shrug I'll give it a few more hours and see if it's progressed any further.
@Bob I made it, but you're free to use it :D
@christianx I... was saying the same thing, dude
@rahuldottech ah, wasn't sure if you were using someone else's
@Bob That happens to be my gravatar dude
I should give him a name
Hey there! It is a long shot but does anyone in the community know of a MATLAB code that numerically integrates the orbit of a satellite including relativistic effects? Doesn't have to be anything fancy just a simple Runge-Kutta and the ability to generate position data?
that satellite is flying far, far over my head :P
@Rumplestillskin Not sure if trolling -_-
@bob a little bit more advanced than that
@bob but on the right tracks
@rahuldottech not sure if I am trolling? Or @Bob?
@Rumplestillskin You, lol
@rahuldottech nah quite serious :)
New header is live on MSE if anyone wants a preview
@JourneymanGeek whoaa
@JourneymanGeek The '?' menu on the header looks inconsistent with the others because it's so narrow
Go complain on MSE :p
TIL there's going to be a new Swift album. and there's a promo single out
though tbh it's a bit meh...
@Bob I didn't like it
The look what you made me do one
@rahuldottech it's ... bleh.
and ready for it is more bass-heavy than I like :P
the less bassy parts of it are alright
@Bob there are two. Both a bit meh
@JourneymanGeek yea I just listened to the second one
Look what you made me do has an amusingly overproduced video...
@JourneymanGeek can't watch it yet; still at work
the new receptionist is very cute
morning btw
@Burgi guy or girl?
not sure that i would ever call a guy cute tbh
but thats my failing than anything else
btw if you are on digitalocean, they have discovered a vulnerability in mysql with their 1 click installs
So... My dad suddenly went 'you need to learn to drive'...
So here I am at the driving school :p
@JourneymanGeek I wanna learn to drive
@JourneymanGeek its great fun
I don't actually feel the need to
Eh I'll probably end up playing taxi
Dad was supposed to teach me on 16th Birthday... But according to everyone else he's a crappy driver, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i guess in a compact city like singapore with integrated public transport, there isn't a strong need
but its a useful life skill to have
@JourneymanGeek that was quick :P
@Bob not like I had anything else to do
and i suspect with your dad's past illness he probably wants someone responsible to be ready to take over if he takes the turn for the worse
Queue dosen't seem to be moving...
also dogs like speed :)
Not all :p.
@rahuldottech grandad was going to teach me on 15th
and he was also going to give me ~5k for entering a good school
neither happened
Ooh it is speeding up
dog racing is great fun!
honestly if I get a license it'll likely be for motorcycles
motorcycles are fun
they're cheaper and arguably more portable
but lethal
I want to keep using public transport until self-driving cars are a thing but ankara metro is adding xray scanners and stuff and that makes me unhappy so probably not
meh @ self driving cars
there is something that google, tesla and all the others forget...
driving is fun
i think self driving cars will lead to a rise in suicide
when you are sat in your metal box with no control over anything and you are being ferried to a job where you also have no control over your life. there is little to distinguish you from a cow
I consider driving a mundane activity.
thats because you haven't done it yet
thing is I have serious concentration issues and it'd not be safe for me to drive
driving a 1.5 tonne chunk of death concentrates the mind
you don't know the scope and intensity
let me spin it another way, its the height of summer, the city is melting, you can jump in the car with some friends and head up to the mountains or the coast and pump out tunes on the radio
I hate people, though
I'd rather stay home and sleep or watch/read/play stuff
@Burgi "melting", says the UKer :P
anyway, if there's anything not fun it's driving for a daily commute
sitting in traffic
i don't mind commuting
@Burgi cars are rediculously pricy here
i can listen to the radio and enjoy my own thoughts
@JourneymanGeek i can imagine
its still a useful life skill even if you never buy a car
it opens up the opportunity for jobs
brb, office birthday... :S
Lol. If all else fails... Cabby? :p
or amazon delivery driver
Ironically job -1 is great training for the former
And if I work for Amazon it really ought to be slinging servers
depends how desperate for cash you are
Not really tbh
or you could become a travelling IT repair specialist
a Journeyman Geek if you will....
Hah yeah
@MarkYisri @Avery thanks you both, but would it bepossible to make this recovery without activating/installing windows, it's a new laptop, and it asks several steps the first time
I'll first try to resize and shrink the main partition to its minimum size
That makes sense
@MichaelFrank yes
it looks really good
yet my Professional installation has a way to create a Windows To Go installation
So just a case of outdated technical documents or two features name the samething?
Well I know it's outdated but accurate for Windows 8, but I am wondering when it changed, was it with 8.1 or 10?
> Based on your location you have been directed to audible.com. Do you want to go to audible.com ?
> Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1
I mean... it's right up the top.
And the corresponding document for Win10 exists: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/planning/…
@Avery I'm using askubuntu.com/a/802056/81121 to back it up
@Ramhound Use rufus to create it on non-enterprise versions
I mean
Sep 6 at 15:06, by rahuldottech
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Basically, the guys over at HowToGeek found a way to overcome the thing that it only worked with enterprise windows
And rufus has an option that automates all this from a Windows ISO
> Using a USB drive that has not been certified is not supported+
@Ramhound rufus will create a windows to go install on any drive
I know because I'm on a rufus-created WTG drive right now
And I love this
> Firefox 12 running inside modern Firefox via a JS-powered Windows 2000 Virtual Machine
@rahuldottech Just a FYI that you're violating the licence.
It's no more legal than, say, hackintosh.
@Bob Uhm
I mean...
I'm not
I am using enterprise
Just saying that it's possible to use *cough* powershell to create non-enterprise Windows To Go drives
@Bob I also might have done it... accidentally....
(was making a VHD for a friend to boot cause her system was uniquely messed up and she couldn't read USBs - ended up being a wtg install. Was good enough to get a new install USB made, and booting tho)
@ゼーロ He used a lot of carrot and not much stick, and I think burned out as a result i.e. helped some users fantastically for a few years and nowadays seems to rarely answer. — PolyGeo 1 hour ago
Hah. Do I seem burnt out? 0_0
@Bob - I was aware of both of those articles which is the reason I made a statement that Windows To Go requires an Enterprise installation, yet my Professional installation, does indeed have the ability to create a Windows To Go installation.
@Ramhound It will require an Enterprise image
@Ramhound In the end, you still require Enterprise... Unless you're doing my thing ^
> Tina Has Complaints Against His Boss
i thought tina was a woman!
See that is what thought, and I know "Windows To Go" exists in the control panel for awhile and as I said previously I thought there was a gotcha with that, but confused by superuser.com/questions/1251710/…
I really should go purchase a USB stick for the sole purpose of trying it.
@Ramhound If you can't find a certified WTG USB, just get any fast USB 3.0 drive
And use rufus
I don't actually have much confusion over this subject. I am aware about Rufus and the requirements of the device for WtG. It's more of the confusion your dog has when you talk to it where i am scratching my head wondering "what in the world is microsoft thinking putting Windows to Go in the control panel of Windows 10 Professional despite the fact it requires a Windows 10 Enterprise image.
Also like the dog I won't care about this subject in 5 minutes ;-) and will want my tail and/or ball
Of course since my spirit animal is a schnauzer, I am not only attempting to understand .... I am also planning how to conquer the world.
user image
And all that
I was just about to provide that image
I plan on getting a framed version of it
"trace nutrients and rounding errors" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You just made my day. — bwDraco 16 hours ago
Going to fill my house with schnauzer merchandise.
and a schnauzer?
he has that.
The internet might be full of cats but it is maintained by dogs.
IIRC Ash is a Miniature Schnauzer:
The Miniature Schnauzer is a breed of small dog of the Schnauzer type that originated in Germany in the mid-to-late 19th century. Miniature Schnauzers developed from crosses between the Standard Schnauzer and one or more smaller breeds such as the Poodle and Affenpinscher, as farmers bred a small dog that was an efficient ratting dog. They are described as "spunky" but aloof dogs, with good guarding tendencies without some guard dogs' predisposition to bite. Miniature Schnauzers are recognized in three colors internationally: solid black, black and silver, and a color known as 'salt and pepper...
@bwDraco actually, as far as we know white schnauzer cross
BREAKING NEWS! @Ramhound is @JourneymanGeek's human!!!
Only true RA members know about Bear
@Burgi naw, he's got a regular schnauzer
isn't he a westie-schnauzer?
i think my sister has put her plans for getting a westie on indefinite hold
@allquixotic well, legally. We arn't actually sure about the westie part
specifically a black and silver schnauzer
he has less handlebars moustache than a typical schnauzer
have you ever seen @Ramhound's schnauzer and @JourneymanGeek in the same room together?
more laid back, probably where the westie comes in
@allquixotic yeah, that's why we assumed.
Also, the voice.
Schnauzers have somewhat high pitched voices
and while we're talking dog...
this is ash the week we adopted him properlike
and at peak floof
There is definitely schnauzer in that cutie. It was more pronounced in the lower picture, the slightly elongated snout points to something else also. How to tell you have a schnauzer, take his IQ divide and by 2, and if it equals your IQ then you have a schnauzer.
Hollywood has it wrong, it isn't cats the rule the world in the future, it is schnauzers ( you would think i could spell schnauzer without outcorrect)
@Ramhound oh, he certainly is smart ;)
@Ramhound and shorter legs
schnauzers are typically a little lankier
onward to 3.5 hours of meetings
20 mins ago, by Burgi
The internet might be full of cats but it is maintained by dogs.
tfw still no jobs
its alive
@rahuldottech And do you have an Enterprise licence?
@JourneymanGeek these days I'd recommend winpe/winre for that :P
@Bob Yeah, a wonderful friend of mine gave it to me :)
@rahuldottech ...that sounds ... suspicious
IIRC Enterprise is only ever licensed as VL (either MAK or KMS)
it's available for MSDN users outside VL
Well, that's where I get mine. IDK about rahul's friend.
@Avery you can't share a MSDN licence, IIRC. and even then the MSDN key is a VL/MAK key
yeah, I don't share licenses
(and even if you could, there's restrictions on what you can do with a MSDN-activated system)
@Avery not you specifically, just in the general sense... and for @rahuldottech :P
Yea, just checked. MSDN only provides MAK keys for Enterprise
@Bob Oh C'mon, I need to save up for a week just to buy a milkshake, how does it matter who pays and who uses as long as microsoft is getting their money?
On that note, it's been a stressful day, so I'll go get myself a milkshake
@rahuldottech see ya
@rahuldottech Because most likely no one is actually paying properly in this scenario. Just as long as you're aware.
Sigh. I've been using this same work PC since 2012. I finally managed to get a new work PC but there's so much stuff to migrate!
Just clone drive?
Tempted to.
This PC originally had Ubuntu and I installed Fedora and cloned my home folder (tip: don't do that)
Then I upgraded from Fedora 21 or 22 -> 23 -> 24 -> 25
The new one had Fedora 26 installed from scratch
cloning home folder is a pain
Cloning the home folder from a Debian-based distro with Unity to a RHEL-based distro with gnome is just plain stupid.
I personally tend to reinstall linux
and then copy stuff as I need it
then again I never invested this much time into a setup
I spent last couple months on arch and have a ton of stuff installed etc
@Avery Who are you trying to fool? You love Arch with all your heart, mind and body.
@ThatBrazilianPony YES, YES I DO
Julia Silge on September 19, 2017

Today, we launched the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator, a tool that allows developers and employers to find typical salaries based on experience level, location, specific technologies, and education.

We did this because we believe developers should be empowered with more information around job searches, careers, and salary. In fact, we know that developers want more salary information to make better choices about their careers; we have seen that ads for Stack Overflow Jobs that include salary information get 75% more clicks than ads without salary information. …

@Blogbot lemme guess: US only.
s/earn/earn on the US/
not exactly just US but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
not much better
@Avery Don't worry, you can work remote. You just need to move to the US first.
in This Is Fine, yesterday, by Avery
fact: nobody outside US exists and the only law is US and only job is US and only resource is US and only everything is US
@Blogbot again?
they update this all the time
I thought the old one was just for SE?
and we discovered it is utter crap
they reckon a dev in the UK should be on £70k
this is not fine
I'd love to be in NC but eh
maybe you should move to Turkey.
@Avery norepro :P
I'd probably prefer raleigh though
@Bob I'm not searching on google maps
I'm entering it to stackoverflow.com/jobs/…
Don't move to Brazil, they (re)made being LGBT a crime a disease yesterday. Yay. .__.
it literally can't find Ankara, Turkey.
@Avery oh
@ThatBrazilianPony LGB or LGBT?
@Avery hover over the i in the circle
TBH that is very bad UX
@Avery you're not alone :P
I'd apparently get £43,000-62,000 for my values in manchester
yet again its nonsense
@Avery To be more precise, homosexuality was technically a disease in the psychology disease books, then it was taken off it in 1990, then a law forbidding psychological treatment was made in 1997, then the law was canceled yesterday by a judge and "homosexuality can be cured and treated again". Yay.
I assume "psychology disease books" is DSM
Oh, and turns out Brazil is the world leader in LGBTQ violence. Triple yay. :'(
@Avery i think in the real world the wages are more like 24-45k
oh yea, got my postal vote thing yesterday... -_-
@Burgi well
- no bachelors
- sysadmin
- 5 years experience
last one is not documentable.
They spent some $112m sending that thing out to every person on the census.
And a "yes" is just a promise to consider it... it's not even binding
@Avery yea, lots of shenanigans
@Bob Oh, governments, always so efficient!
Not yet
About to head out, but I'll have a poke at it later - thanks for the tip!
...and I can't rsync over the network because the other Ethernet socket is base-100 :(
> Millions and millions of websites on one 3 1/2 disc!
The internet was a lot smaller then
Just a few ASCII cat pics... and one very carefully compressed nude pic...
> Millions and millions of websites
> 1.44 MB floppy disk
Each website in less than a byte!
You don't see that kind of compression anymore!
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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