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Oh, and Firefox for Android finally lets you change the order of tabs!
Like ad-blocking, this should be a user opt-in, not an opt-out.
Especially when Chrome is the world's #1 browser by far these days. Firefox is a niche browser.
@bwDraco disagreed
autoplay videos and the obtrusive ads are really really damaging the web
In all honesty... the web runs on ads. Ad blocking, muting autoplaying videos, or any other alteration to the content as presented by the website should be left to the user to decide on.
I have one device (namely, the Bifrons netbook) which I block ads on and that's primarily for performance reasons, not because I want to block ads. The whitelist is pretty long on that device and I honor requests to unblock as long as the ads are not excessively intrusive; the heaviest websites, for the most part, have ads blocked.
Everywhere else, I only block certain very specific kinds of content like anti-bounce popups (think Bounce Exchange).
@bwDraco agreed that adblocking in general should be user opt-in, but I think blocking autoplayed video ads (not all) is sensible.
> If the user tapped or clicked somewhere on the site during the browser session the video will be enabled
So... not autoplayed in the background till I actually click on the site? Seems sensible enough
That said, I can see why folks are worried about Google messing with ads provided by competitor companies
That's not unreasonable. However, I kinda think there should be no audio unless you mouse over or click/tap on the ad creative.
Even so, that's the responsibility of the advertiser and web publisher, not the browser. I don't want my web browser tampering with the content of a web page unless I ask for it (private browsing modes excepted).
@JourneymanGeek ever played call of duty crap ops black ops iii?
It's set in Singapore. And they speak random Chinese and Singlish and there's those funny giant tree umbrella park things and the hotel with a boat on the roof
@CircusCat There's some AAA game set in Rio's slums. It's got to be either hilarious or accurate. I wonder which.
@ThatBrazilianPony Cats
You can tell by the cats/
2 hours later…
30 degrees at 7 PM. And we're still months away from summer ;_____;
Hmm. My Nexus 9 suddenly soft-rebooted itself (jumped to LineageOS splash, but not a full reboot). I found this smoking gun in the logcat output:
09-15 18:49:01.804   583   993 W Watchdog: *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: Blocked in handler on PackageManager (PackageManager)
09-15 18:49:01.804   583   993 W Watchdog: PackageManager stack trace:
09-15 18:49:01.805   583   993 W Watchdog:     at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$MeasureParams.handleStartCopy(PackageManagerService.java:12842)
09-15 18:49:01.806   583   993 W Watchdog:     at com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerService$HandlerParams.startCopy(PackageManagerService.java:12798)
Speaking of Android...
I never knew the Android Compatibility Definition required that system storage meet certain "four corners" standards:
> File I/O Access Performance (Section 8.2)

Handheld device implementations:

- [H-0-1] MUST ensure a sequential write performance of at least 5 MB/s.
- [H-0-2] MUST ensure a random write performance of at least 0.5 MB/s.
- [H-0-3] MUST ensure a sequential read performance of at least 15 MB/s.
- [H-0-4] MUST ensure a random read performance of at least 3.5 MB/s.
Also, there are mandatory responsiveness requirements:
> [H-0-1] Consistent frame latency . Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
> [H-0-2] User interface latency . Device implementations MUST ensure low latency user experience by scrolling a list of 10K list entries as defined by the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) in less than 36 secs.
> [H-0-3] Task switching . When multiple applications have been launched, re-launching an already-running application after it has been launched MUST take less than 1 second.
Section 8.2 (page 106) clarifies the storage performance requirements.
@CircusCat nope
Also (page 118):
> [C-4-3] The user MUST be challenged for the primary authentication (e.g.PIN, pattern, password) at least once every 72 hours or less.
@rahuldottech yes.
Hence, you may sometimes get "PIN/Pattern/Password required for additional security" when trying to use fingerprint or other authentication methods.

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