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@DTheSleepless Try copying a Blu-ray ISO to a TLC SSD and see what happens when the fast cache runs out. Worse than a HDD
Dec 14 '16 at 19:09, by Mokubai
@djsmiley2k TLC NAND is slow, so they put some real fast SLC NAND in front of it, and when the SLC gets overwhelmed the TLC speeds show through and you get a drive that looks more like spinning rust than silicon.
I f---ing hate these SSD market trends.
Damn NAND shortage.
HI everyone
is anyone here works on flask and know dir structure?
Oct 31 '16 at 14:11, by allquicatic
problem is, all of this stuff is just for the ruling elite to clear their conscience about having a "dirty, polluting" lifestyle
If only, if only...
@bwDraco I donno. I use TLC where I'd use cheap, small capacity hard drives. There's a place for those and those ubercheap dramless drives
@JourneymanGeek I use TLC because it turns out if you don't buy the cheapest stuff it's pretty happy about sustaining HDD seq speeds.
I also use TLC (the cheapest stuff) because most games don't need extended seq speeds :P
oddly my cheapest stuff is MLC...
I'm on... 850 EVO OS. Intel 330 (?) cache&pagefile. Trion 100 VMs. Trion 150 games.
tbh the Trion 100 is so terrible it's probably better for games than VMs, but my 150 is bigger :P
I have the 120gb king dian as my game drive ;p
@JourneymanGeek You obviously need more games :)
@Bob oh, I realised I don't play more than 2-3 games at any one time
and fast internet + steam means there's no point in me keeping around stuff I don't playh
> fast internet
@Bob on the other hand that drive is usually mostly full ._.
Gotta love "spinning rust" :p
> On the "spinning rust" itself, the number of sectors per track varies. If you have ever played around with an old-style open reel audio tape drive you know that the tape speed can be varied, and that the higher the tape speed, the better the sound. [...]
Sheep sheep I'm a beep
@NotDog I was a sheep for a little while :P
Can someone familiar with the Oculus Rift take a look at my Hardware Recommendations.SE question here?
Q: What is the cheapest PC compatible with Oculus Rift?

Keshav SrinivasanI just got an Oculus Rift, and now I need a PC to use it with. My question is, what is the cheapest available PC that I can use an Oculus Rift with? Note that I don't want to have to build a PC, I want something I can just buy and use. The cheapest I've found is this Cyberpower PC, which is $7...

ugh. Its much too early to be hungry
1 hour later…
Good morning!
@KeshavSrinivasan hey
Just saying, you will get crappy value out of your Oculus if you look for "cheapest PC available"
VR at low framerates is not enjoyable.
you want something plug and play (and decent), it'll probably be more expensive than buying a used decent pc (200-300$) + a new gtx 1070 (and that's pretty easy to do, just open a panel, plug the card in, screw the bracket, close the door, boot, install drivers.)
though, the cheapest would be to have a friend build one out of second hand parts or last gen parts.
@KeshavSrinivasan what about something like pcpartpicker.com/list/zcnfZ8
that doesn't include OS though.
> note that I don't want to have to build a PC, I want something I can just buy and use.
but why?
I dunno why, get a friend to build it, give him 30 bucks, cheaper than pre built pc for the perfs.
that build I made costs as much as the 720$ one
has a newer, much better GPU, double the ram, and a ryzen 5 instead of some random amd cpu from pre-ryzen era
Please be aware that I just threw stuff together and you might need to swap out the mobo or case, but still, technically it should work and perform much better
@Bob /s/not enjoyable/vomit-inducing/
if you really want the cheapest decent VR pc, I'd say get a 780 TI at around 100-150$, plus a decent used pc and a new hard disk.
total would be around 300$, but you could probably get a bit cheaper.
also, used servers are generally cheap, put a gpu in that, and you're somewhat good to go.
How can I fix screen tearing on linux mint 17.2
@micsthepick what do you mean?
@satibel My installation of Linux Mint currently has an issue of screen tearing. How can I fix that?
@satibel That would be hard to get
@satibel interesting
@micsthepick nvidia?
well, not knowing how it looks, it may be your screen acting up; your video card that is kaput; your resolution that is wrong; your video card drivers acting up etc...
@Avery Intel
Q: Screen tearing in Ubuntu with Nvidia/Intel graphics

smit3119I really hope someone here can help, because I'm very close to giving up and moving back to Windows. I have an MSI GT70 Dominator with an i7-4710MQ 2.5 GHz, Intel HD 4000 (I'm pretty sure) integrated graphics card, and a GeForce GTX 970M/PCle/SSE2 dedicated graphics card. I started with a stock ...

does that fix it? @micsthepick
btw LMGTFY "screen tearing linux intel HD"
@satibel There's no xorg.conf.d in /etc/X11/
@micsthepick "Create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf" -> create the folder too.
mb, "Since 10.10 the config file directory is now /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
Hey guys, just do a quick check, is HTTPS enforced for you here?
@Avery Eh, it's kinda a custom in this room to pin Birthday messages a week in advance... Mine got pinned too, 7 days early
@Rahul2001 oh
@Rahul2001 seems so.
@satibel Thanks :)
@Avery uh
what can you open .pages files with?
@Burgi Uh, Google Docs
WinZip, WinRar, 7Z > preview.pdf
@Burgi ^
there is no preview.pdf in the archive
There should be...
Try opening any txt/pdf files, otherwise just use Google Docs
@Burgi Meh, Pages has an option to export as doc, ask the person to resend
just extract it, it may be doc, pdf, txt, rtf, or some other stuff.
there isn't anything useful in there at all
nope, google docs can't read them either
i've asked them to be resent in something a little more standard
@Burgi Like this design?
much better
@Burgi :D
@Rahul2001 yay, you did a 20 years leap in webdesign :p.
@satibel haha ;p
from [there](https://www.rahul.tech/index.php?controller=page&action=view&id_page=1)
if "%os_name%"=="XP" set version=XP
if "%os_name%"=="7" set version=7

no, that's why windows 9 doesn't exist.
@Rahul2001 Poor result. ssllabs.com/ssltest/…
@Bob aw :/
> POODLE (SSLv3) Vulnerable INSECURE (more info) SSL 3: 0xa
At least it supports TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV...
But... SSL 3.0?!
In 2017???
@Bob I blame cPanel ;p
And you don't support non-SNI browsers.
I don't think a single browser exists that simultaneously supports SNI but still requires SSL 3.0.
@Bob uhm.
@Rahul2001 hm?
Like, your config makes no sense.
Historically, the only reason to still enable SSL 3.0 was to support older browsers.
@Bob Yeah, except the it's not my config, it's the default with cPanel
But... you don't support older browsers anyway because you require SNI.
@Rahul2001 It's not a "cPanel default" issue. It's a "shitty hosting provider who doesn't care about security" issue.
POODLE was mainstream headline news FFS
@Bob huh, I'll write them an email, because they don't allow me to edit any of the SSL config
And this is pissing me off now :/
> (2) This site requires support for virtual secure hosting (SNI), but SSL 2 and SSL 3 do not support this feature.
lol. fail.
So it's not just "no browser supports it", it's also "it's literally impossible to use SSL 3.0 with SNI"
@Rahul2001 use instead :
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=[.XP " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "6.3" echo Windows 8.1
if "%version%" == "6.2" echo Windows 8.
if "%version%" == "6.1" echo Windows 7.
if "%version%" == "6.0" echo Windows Vista.
if "%version%" == "5.1" echo Windows XP
if "%version%" == "5.0" echo Windows 2k
Which might actually save you, come to think of it, cause SSL 3.0 is supported but will never return a correct certificate...
@satibel uhm, ok, thanks :)
Anyway. Hometime.
@satibel Are you trying to extract the name?
@Bob Uh, wait, firing off an angry email to these guys
@Bob Run different commands for different versions
@Bob version number, not the name.
the echo are just placeholders.
@satibel ah, placeholders
@Rahul2001 Maybe don't bother :P
@Bob Why not?
I mean. You can recommend they turn off SSL 3.0, because it's really not great.
But you're luckily coincidentally immune to anyone actually using it :P
one of the applicants is romanian
@Rahul2001 try a non angry e-mail.
@satibel By angry I mean [priority:urgent]. I'm always polite :)
it's not quite thaaaaaat urgent
@Bob So you told me eventually
@Bob But you kinda scared me when you started ;p
@satibel Working on it, don't worry ;p
I'm bored
@Avery Go ahead, start pentesting rahul.tech
@Rahul2001 It was more a "this is utterly insane"
@Avery I just switched to nimbleblog, and it hasn't been tested a lot for security afaik
@Rahul2001 I'm on bed
@Avery But you have laptop? Well, do it whenever you wish to, just let me know first
To hack properly I need 2 screens, a balaclava and dark clothes
Also maybe a hammer
Me when hacking
Need that XD
I need someone to penetration test me
My systems*
Star = soft edit lock
I'm not editing it
The gun in the pic is pointed at krebs
I though it was to kill mosquitoes.
I told him i will shoot unless he tests your server
@Avery Poor crabs, I'm calling PETA!
Good luck
Happy 3rd SU birthday to me! :)
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Feliz Aniversário!
@DavidPostill Congrats :D
@DavidPostill :)
iTunes is STUPID
@JourneymanGeek huh?
@Rahul2001 huh?
@satibel It keeps crashing, refuses to transfer stuff
@Avery you need two people on a keyboard, 7 proxies....
@Rahul2001 then tell him he won't get his cookies.
@Rahul2001 hm. I have no idea what I was disagreeing with either
But clearly it was wrong
@JourneymanGeek no, you need a foot keyboard, for more efficiency. i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/alexmc1471/foot%20controller/…
@satibel I think that's like an electric guitar thingy, I've seen one before
Annoying file hosts are annoying
@OliverSalzburg linky?
my yubikey arrived
evening all!
@Avery I have one too :p
@satibel Do you just wire a switch to it?
@MichaelFrank yup, and upload github.com/pagong/arduino-yksim to it.
@satibel what is that?
34 mins ago, by satibel
@JourneymanGeek no, you need a foot keyboard, for more efficiency. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/alexmc1471/foot%20controller/sideviewsm‌​all.jpg
sorry i'm doing actually work today
@satibel I'd like to see someone touch type with that ...
@DavidPostill I think it'd be quite easy, as the keys are spaced quite far apart.
@satibel problem with that is 1) no cccccc 2) not secure.
as in, not in a secure thing
cccccc ?
@satibel Yes, but feet are much bigger than fingers ...
39 mins ago, by Rahul2001
@satibel I think that's like an electric guitar thingy, I've seen one before
My friend has one, uses it for sound modulation
@satibel only yubikeys have proper cccccc yubico otp keys
4 mins ago, by DavidPostill
@satibel I'd like to see someone touch type with that ...
everyone can get a vvvvvv one though, technically.
yubico holds the right to cancel them.
That's basically a DIY version of this ^
@Rahul2001 Which is not used for touch typing ...
@DavidPostill yeah ;p
^^^ A proper Foot Keyboard
@DavidPostill ^^^ That's a proper foot keyboard.
also, why the hell are there that many photos of woman with stilettos on a laptop?
> Extending your computer skills can be a stepping stone to a more fulfilling work assignment. <insert image of stilleto on laptop here or something>
- Marketing Dude
@satibel @GypsySpellweaver CHECK THIS OUT
Direct linking to rooms now works :D
> our human workforce steps on the competiton
can anyone explain git rebasing to me as if i am 5?
@Burgi When you fork, the commit you fork from can be considered the base
@OliverSalzburg its going to eat the TV remote or the guy's leg
When you rebase, you make it as if you forked from a different commit
This means that your entire branch gets rewritten, because your changes are now different from what they were
hmm... i think that might have been what has happened here
loads of JS changes have vanished
i haven't rebased but i wonder if someone else has before pulling
@Avery btw, whatever key you use, if it gets stolen, it's game over. Of course, it's probably easier to get the key from an arduino than a yubikey, though you can burn the R/W fuses to make the arduino unable to be read/reprogrammed.
An alternate way of looking at it is that you put all your new commits on your branch on top of a different branch than the one you branched from
when should you rebase?
i'm hoping the answer is "never"
@satibel it's not game over if you take down security a bit
@Burgi Most common, when your upstream has changes that you want in your fork. Then you will rebase your fork on top of the upstream
like for example making the pam modules "sufficient" and not "required"
Almost as common, when you want to fast-forward merge, but your branch and the target branch are out of sync
Also, when you simply just want to rewrite your commit history
@Avery I mean, the security of it is moot, you can log in with another way, and remove the key, but they are equivalent in that case.
A rebase will allow you to merge individual commits into a single one and/or change the commit message
@satibel I mostly got it for u2f and pgp tbh
@OliverSalzburg so dev has new changes that i want in feature001 i can rebase feature001 to including those rather than fast-forwarding
@Burgi Exactly
@tereško and their backups were where?
The point mostly is that the changes in feature001 end up "on top" of dev
@satibel stored at that italian host that rm-rf'd all their servers then claimed it was a hoax
@satibel do you really think, that a server running php 5.1 had ANY backup solution?
If you would merge (whatever strategy) you would pull the latest changes from dev on top of your existing changes in feature001
@tereško optimism ;p
@OliverSalzburg which is the "correct" method?
@tereško this is why you use windows, people
brb minioning...
@Avery s/windows/bsd
ew bsd
@Burgi It depends :D We rebase by default. As in, we always git pull --rebase from upstream. We also always rebase and only fast-forward merge to avoid merge commits
what even is a bsd
bad software developer?
Berkeley Software Distribution.
what's that?
some script kiddie thing?
@Avery are you a troll or just ignorant?
@tereško troll.
brb, rebooting Hyper V server.
I did get freebsd working properly before just for entertainment reasons. You see, I'm a masochist.
it's a nice OS for servers, but I won't be trying again it as DE untill they have merged the AMDGPU code
It's great for servers
I'd use for daily stuff too, but I'm too lazy installing all dependencies for all stuff I use.
which includes numerous IDEs, countless SDKs, one single text editor (sublime ftw) and a game engine or two.
it's me 🎶
@OliverSalzburg @Burgi I rebase all the time. Mostly because I have a SVN upstream and keeping branches around is a bad idea :P
@Avery I use Arch for my daily stuff.
So do I.
@tereško which DE?
(I'm enjoy KDE nowadays)
currently - Plasma, but I am waiting for Liri to become stable
Anyone here who has upgraded from jessie to stretch? Any issues?
what the hell kinda name is that....
@satibel thanks
@Bob why are you using SVN?
@Burgi I am using git.
subgit does wonderful things
ah so you are migrating away from SVN?
@Burgi No. I'm interacting with a team that uses SVN.
Migration implies a timeline for not using SVN anymore.
@Avery DE? filthy casual.
ah ok, that is interesting
But in all seriousness, rebase makes sense for cleaning up history. I tend to rebase before pull requests, etc..
(though much of the time it's equivalent to a fast-forward merge)
does SVN still have a good use case argument?
for example on a brand new project is there any reason not to use GIT?
@Burgi Eh. It's a holy war out there.
Git, Hg, for some reason Bazaar's a thing...
@Burgi If you have everything else on SVN, it makes sense to stay with SVN and then move everything to something different at once sometime in the future
@OliverSalzburg Uh... we kinda ran SVN and CVS in parallel for a couple years, until the 'server' hosting CVS died.
New projects were on SVN, old on CVS.
We still keep a VM-ised version of the CVS server around just for history -_-
Hm. Anyone know where I can buy a broken mouse (G602 specifically)?
Ebay doesn't have any :(
@Bob I have a broken G602
There is also Mercurial. Just saying.
@OliverSalzburg How is it broken?
5 mins ago, by Bob
Git, Hg, for some reason Bazaar's a thing...
@Bob Mousewheel doesn't work
@OliverSalzburg ... guess which part I wanted to scavenge :D
IIRC middle-click specifically
@Bob Oh. Never mind then.
@OliverSalzburg Actually, funnily enough: my wheel works fine. Just the surface layer ... wore off.
I actually thought Git has mostly killed the competition.
So I'm literally looking for a replacement wheel.
The (wheel) sensors, buttons, etc. are fine :P
That could work then if one can pluck out just the wheel itself
@OliverSalzburg I've never tried :\
But I'm actually not 100% sure anymore right now if I still have it. But if I do, you're welcome to have it
It looks like the most complex part tbh
@OliverSalzburg I bet shipping kills it (again) :P
Ended up ordering a rather pricey shell+wheel off ebay...
@Bob Probably :\
Shipping with DHL is probably ~16€ if I'm not misreading their info
Uh, guys.
@OliverSalzburg Yea, that's about as much as this thing from China.
Assuming it works.
@Bob just buy a new mouse
Once you release code under an open source license, you can't take it back and make it proprietary, right?
@Burgi Fix mouse: up to $25. New mouse: at least $60.
Math says: fix mouse.
fair enough
@Bob Mine got spoilt within a year of me purchasing it, and I cannot afford another
@Bob If I would put only the wheel in a letter, it would be much cheaper probably
It should be simple enough anyway. The moving parts are more or less fine. Just a chunk of rubber needs replaced.
And although it is supposed to have a 3 year warranty, Amazon refuses to take it back
@Rahul2001 have you resolved the issues with your $10 client?
@Rahul2001 Depends what the licence says.
@Burgi she has been offline, I don't know what to do
You're free to relicense your code (assuming you haven't taken contributions from other people).
@Rahul2001 contact the job site and ask for your money
@Bob but then other people who have already used the code in their projects have to remove it?
Anyone who got a copy while is was OSS licensed can still use that copy per the license agreement probably
@Burgi yeah, will do later in the evening
@Rahul2001 No. Releasing your code under an additional licence does not invalidate old licences.
Whether you can actually withdraw the old licence depends on what exactly it says.
nokia did a similar thing with symbian
Hint: most proper OSS licences don't allow you to withdraw the licence.
@Bob ah, thanks. That's what I was looking for
care to explain?
@Rahul2001 e.g. GPLv3:
> All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met.
define "private"?
@Burgi something that the public isn't supposed to know about
@Bob ah, cool :)
you live in a democracy
:38239765 1. the person doing the 'uploading' must either own the original copyright or have the right to sublicense, 2. that's assuming the 'public repo' has an explicit licence in the first palce
@Burgi Democracy does not imply free access to information or government publications.
@Rahul2001 Seems like not being able to revoke an open-source licence is more often implied by the open distribution and not always explicitly stated. See also: softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/173198/95869
@Rahul2001 You will be infringing on their copyright, yes.
in the UK they accidentally declassified military stuff too early
Distributing something does not negate your copyright.
If there is no explicit licence granting additional rights, you may assume all rights reserved
@Bob Hm, do they not have to specify that it's copyrighted first?
@Rahul2001 Not in the US, AU nor presumably UK.
Copyright is automatic.
Now, governments can be a special case.
Anything the US government produces is in the 'public domain' by law.
the UK government owns the copyright on everything it produces except for compiled data
I prefer the shenzen copyright: make it the best, and it will sell.
@Burgi Yup, AU gov is much like the UK here.
Crown copyright is a form of copyright claim used by the governments of a number of Commonwealth realms. It provides special copyright rules for the Crown, i.e. government departments and (generally) state entities. == Crown copyright by country == === Australia === Under Part VII of the Copyright Act 1968, the Australian Government holds copyright in any work, film or sound recording made by or under the direction or control of the Government, and any work first published by or under the direction or control of the Government. Section 182A of the Act provides that for certain "prescribed works"...
@DavidPostill Obrigado! Parabéns pra você também! :D

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