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Huh, it's doing the 404 thing again
...and now it works
SPACE VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not oneboxing tho?
@Burgi as opposed to a clueless, ditzy vampire...
it'll fix itself like it did on wednesday
which would be a spaced vampire
Please help me
Q: firefox.exe - Bad image

Sagor AhmedWhen I open any programs it gives me error . For example, when I want to run firefox , windows gives me the following error : How can I remove this error ? When I want to run other programs it gives me the same error . I am using 64 bit windows . Os is windows 7 . I didn't notice any xifs v...

I have scanned my pc with plumbytes antimalware
I've never heard of it
Q: How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?

GnoupiWhat should I do if my Windows computer seems to be infected with a virus or malware? What are the symptoms of an infection? What should I do after noticing an infection? What can I do to get rid of it? This question comes up frequently, and the suggested solutions are usually the same. Th...

Can anyone give me activation code of plumbytes anti malware software ? — Sagor Ahmed 4 mins ago
asking for help in piracy is a definate no no here.
Why man ? I cant afford to buy a key
There's plenty of good, free malware scanners
Please give me any link of them
also, its against the TOS, and we arn't some dodgy low rent IRC channel
We actually try to have standards
nuke your PC from orbit and restore from a backup
@Burgi , you are trying to make a fun
But I am serious
@SagorAhmed @Burgi's link has a good selection of tools like malwarebytes
also, we're serious
I am having a pain of malware
So, if you have a virus, you're either going to spend hours hunting down and cleaning up your system
its the only way to be sure you have have cleaned your PC correctly
or you're going to backup, scan and rebuilt, you have a known clean system
How do you know you don't have a rootkit?
@JourneymanGeek the first page of google results for it scare me
something stinks
It has a cat on their webpage.
Ok .
Give me any free malware
software link
I have used malwarebytes software
@SagorAhmed we gave you the canonical superuser malware removal QA
Where ?
8 mins ago, by Burgi
Q: How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?

GnoupiWhat should I do if my Windows computer seems to be infected with a virus or malware? What are the symptoms of an infection? What should I do after noticing an infection? What can I do to get rid of it? This question comes up frequently, and the suggested solutions are usually the same. Th...

Ok Thanks
I mean, terriers are famous for selective deafness, but we only hear what we don't want to hear
@SagorAhmed also typically channel etiquette is that we link interesting things
its usually not cool to use chat just to get attention or simply only as a way to find stuff you should be able trivially google.
@DavidPostill ahem
Just so you know
blog.removevirusnow.org/xifs-removal seems REALLY REALLY DODGY
it looks like that plumbware IS the virus
its probably happily encrypting your files as we speak
this is plausible.
though he probably had XIFS, and that the only removal site links a pair of oddly dodgy tools seems... dodgy too
@JourneymanGeek "removevirusnow"
16 mins ago, by Bob
something stinks
@Bob @DavidPostill linked it in a comment ;p
> You sayin' I got my swagger back
I be like *****, my swagger never left
Damn this decade is probably the biggest for ICT tech yet
I'd have so much more of it if people didn't keep trying to steal my stuff
ICT tech?
RAS Syndrome
looks at all the mobile transmitters flying by on the highway
Dat 4G(++)
@noitsbecky did the doctor give you pills?
Aaaaand my apache reversy proxy with on-the-fly custom URL rewriting is alive!
Now I just need (1) SSL support, and (2) local caching.
for 1) maybe wassname...
@Burgi I don't have a doctor...
@ThatBrazilianGuy W...w....why?
@noitsbecky are you feeling better though?
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I'll ask the sysadmin for help on this part.
@noitsbecky Well, it's a long story.
And a crazy one. If you can see any sense either in the things I want to circinvent, or in the steps I take to achieve it, I'd be concerned for your sanity.
Hello @allquixotic miauquixotic
meow (:
@noitsbecky Good to see that you're still alive...
@ThatBrazilianGuy why are so many things packaged in exactly the wrong type of package for that thing?
like, pita chips are in a thin plastic bag... and they're extremely easy to break / crunch up which kinda ruins them
bread... thin plastic cellophane
45 secs ago, by allquixotic
@ThatBrazilianGuy why are so many things packaged in exactly the wrong type of package for that thing?
@allquixotic I think you should put that can of tuna fish down...
EGGS.... now, eggs do it right... eggs need to be protected, and they put them in these awesome packages that are quite durable
@ThatBrazilianGuy ewww sardines
@Bob I made one for fun yesterday :P
@ThatBrazilianGuy EXACTLY!
why are scissors, which are durable already, in such durable packaging
you can take scissors and fling them across the room onto a hard floor, scissors don't give a shit
I've never been like, "shit I dropped my scissors and they broke"
that's not a thing
@allquixotic Even worse. I don't have scissors. I buy scissors. They are safely packed. Nice.
Now I need some scissors to open the scissors I just bought.
I know! I'm going to buy scissors!!!
so therefore knives must require a knife to open the packaging right?
and butter must require butter to .... wait what
Ssshhh! It's a ploy from the cutting-instrument manufacturers!
@allquixotic Well, in order to get rich you must be already rich...
And to earn money you need to already have money in the bank...
Can't get a job without having a degree, a home address, an expensive suit, etc
I mean, if they'd package easy to break food in those paranoid cheap plastic clamshells that are super resistant to dropping/crushing like they do with electronics, it'd be awesome
Wrap rage, also called package rage, is the common name for heightened levels of anger and frustration resulting from the inability to open hard-to-open packaging, particularly some heat-sealed plastic blister packs and clamshells. People suffer thousands of injuries per year, such as cut fingers and sprained wrists, from tools used to open packages and from packaging itself, and in some cases damage the items they are trying to free from packaging. Easy-opening systems are available to improve package opening convenience. == Background == Packaging sometimes must be made difficult to open. For...
i thought Rap Rage was when awful hippity hoppity music came on the radio
Adobe finally added mouse support for the Android version of Acrobat Reader \o/
I use my tablet as a productivity device for when I don't have or need my laptop and this is a very welcome change
Ok, so my reverse proxy now is caching stuff.
Now I just need SSL support.
@JourneymanGeek The manual instructions look reasonable ...
user image
@ThatBrazilianGuy ^^^ :)
@ThatBrazilianGuy What are you using for a reverse proxy?\
squid is good @ that
hi btw
I agree; Apache also does proxying if needed
i think nginx may too
yeah it can
checking something
cool not vulnerable
was thinking tel;//*2767*3855# would allow me to wipe my phone for free in chat.
intentional semicolon
What about [like this](tel://12345551234)?
Nope, you're lucky!
> Do not run Parted Magic's secure erase on this drive. It will render it useless and void the warranty.

Secure Erase will brick the XP941.
The same applies to the SM951.
@CanadianLuke Apache. I set it up on a Docker container, but our sysadmin told me we don't do docker in production yet.
Oh, and I presented my reverse proxy idea to my boss, he said it was smart and elegant and it's good to have inteligent people on our team :D
A: Battery drains suddenly from 18% to 5% , laptop hibernates

bwDracoTypically, this is caused by an aging battery. Your claim that the laptop is new is questionable because the system has an older (Haswell) processor and is running Windows 8.1 rather than Windows 10. (Perhaps it was new old stock?) An older battery tends to have high internal resistance. This me...

I kinda think this answer needs some polish...
@ThatBrazilianGuy :D
@ThatBrazilianGuy So what's the problem?
@CanadianLuke Well, my stomach hurts, the summer heat is insurmountable, I'm worried how I will reconcile my upcoming uni course with my current responsabilities, and web banking here is awful.
I assume you meant neither of those, so please be more specific ;p
True... Lol
Time Management is a very powerful tool to learn!
Work to Live, don't Live to Work, and that kinda thing... <insert motivational speech here>
@CanadianLuke But really, what did you mean? What was I trying to solve with the proxy?
@CanadianLuke Well yeah, when you can rewind time you can do anything!
I know what you're trying to solve with the proxy - make things either highly available (good), or distribute the load (good). So if the boss thinks it's a good idea, then GREAT!
@Mokubai Wait, you can't? I've been able to do it since at least 1k reputation ;-)
No, I can, I'm just saying it's an awesome power... you can spend the day reading nonsense on the internet and get all your work done!
Isn't that why you have dual screens? Fun on one, Excel on the other?
> I know what you're trying to solve with the proxy
Oh, my sweet summer child... If only...
I'm trying to fight madness with even more madness. But, there's a certain... method to it ;)
@CanadianLuke To keep things short, there's a mandatory header bar every government should have.
Such bar is implemented via <script> tag embedding a js file.
So far...
Said file is hosted in a server in a laggy server that adds a few seconds to the page load.
Said server also uses a self-signed certificate. Which outside users surely won't have. Thus causing an "insecure site" condition (mixed content).
One site our team is developing loads in 500ms without that js file, and in 3.5s with the file.
Oh, and the file is a monstrosity that causes my IDE to crash.
And sometimes the government inject pop-ups using it.
Still OK? ;P
So, after being told not to keep asking the same question (and what to do instead) you decide to create a new account and repeat your bad behavior? — DavidPostill 1 min ago
@HackToHell still remember when hifu was huge into world of warcraft
@ThatBrazilianGuy That sounds like a horrible predicament!
@DavidPostill The user's trolling. Just flag.
in Discussion on question by Suspended Account: Deny All Programs the Freedom to Know Ethernet is Plugged in?, 1 min ago, by Suspended Account
it may be a possible dublicate but the if we use the term "possible".. we can say anything is possible.
Purposely evading the question on why he's asking a dupe.
the question is.. how do they know that I am connected
to the internet ?
@NotAdminDave Don't you start! :)
whats a switch again?
@Ramhound, when it becomes evident that the user is trolling, don't reply any further. Again, just flag for mod attention.
yea go for it
lol "other account was saying limit was reached"
New account has been nuked.
in Discussion on question by Suspended Account: Deny All Programs the Freedom to Know Ethernet is Plugged in?, 6 mins ago, by Suspended Account
@Ramhound, Even if that is how this web site works.. that is not how the current reality in general works. The planet we live in is "earth" on earth things don't work that way generally speaking. the odds of finding more readers increases if I were to comply with the rules of the planet rather than rules of the web site. the rules of the planet currently favor.. "new is new thus fresh thus needs to be given a chance to be read". This is what works. Once you get a criminal record on your name it never goes away. This question now has a bad rep that will never go away. New Chance is needed
Ysmir's beard!
What did he expect with the user name "Suspended Account"? :)
i think the correct answer was 'nics operate on a different level' and i would have sent him reference to the OSI model
but yea, he didnt seem like a real nice person
My first instinct here is to say "virtualize the NIC and selectively grant access to it".
banned deserved
Given he's now had two users (both created today/one nuked) called "Suspended Account" I wonder who the real user is ...
iptables -m owner --pid-owner %1 -j REJECT
--uid-owner userid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with
the given effective user id.

--gid-owner groupid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with
the given effective group id.

--pid-owner processid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with
the given process id.

--sid-owner sessionid
Matches if the packet was created by a process in
the given session group.

--cmd-owner name
Matches if the packet was created by a process with
the given command name. (this option is present
iptables is soo beast
anybody have special plans this weekend?
2 hours later…
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