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@Bob That looks quite similar to the common UK one except we're missing the four grey buttons at the top
better photo:
That oval red logo at the top I definitely recognize
yea, smaller places (food especially) use those
Oh we do have the four grey/white buttons
though some are moving over to the commbank touch one now
Ingenico, they're the ones
woolworths uses verifone, just like in your other picture :P
I've seen places who have had the NFC capable Verifone readers for years but never activated the tap payment option
So you see the lights at the top and you go "Ah it's an NFC reader, cool!" then you tap your card and it goes "Nope nope nope nope nope."
@Bob heh NETS uses verifone I think
@qwertyuiop :(
NFC readers are these big lit up things
> Only subscribers can access our premium articles and features.

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or get an AU VPN I suppose
of course we have two entirely incompatible stored value card system as well
Mobile phone payments seem to be taking off over here, but the vast majority won't work on rooted phones :-(
Barclaycard used to issue an NFC sticker that you could literally just glue to the back of your phone to make it an NFC payment device, but that's... meh
@qwertyuiop :(
yea commbank has had it since the S4 actually
I've just never bothered
I think it works on rooted too? maybe not with new phones
samsung pay won't :\
> Answer: rooting the phone or using custom rom disable the android pay feature but the tap and pay of Commonwealth bank does still work
Huh, I've not had the "Friendlier, less talkative male voice" at UK tesco checkouts yet
also eww, imgur recompressed my beautiful 1.5 MB PNG into a shitty JPG
EE Wallet works on rooted phones because it's actually done by the SIM, but it's buggy as fuck and I've never actually been able to register
@qwertyuiop special magic sim cards seem dumb
we got a new NFC "Opal" transit card
But the whole "Unexpected item in bagging area" is just such a huge meme now it seems a shame to take it away
there's a card reader app for phones
tho that's partially cause I'd totally have asked for one when I upgraded my sim card has I known.
@Bob Nice
but can't actually tap on with a phone :(
also, the new version of the app doesn't work on rooted phones anymore
I still have the old version that works fine...
@Bob eh, if you can read old cards, I kinda have... a lot of train cards from people who visited.
TFL (london transport) let you use NFC tap cards and phone payments now, instead of the Oyster NFC travelcard
@qwertyuiop we can't actually tap a phone :\
and especially not rooted, at this rate
@Bob We can! Mwahaha!
people were asking for phone tapping from day one but they said "nevar!!!!"
^ That became popular during the supermarket horse meat scandal
@qwertyuiop what kinda country is it, where a man can't buy a whole horse at a supermarket?
If your phone just responds as a normal NFC payment device I don't see how they can tell the difference
@JourneymanGeek It says unexpected, not forbidden
@qwertyuiop I think I've said this before, but... Coles here would get stuck in a loop: "Unexpected item in bagging area. Remove item from the bagging area." "Item removed from bagging area. Please return item to bagging area."
@Bob "Please wait for assistance"
do they all use the same voice clips?
@qwertyuiop there's also a very specific list of phones it will work on ._.
I can hear that one in my head
<Assistant waves override card without bothering to look or check what's going on>
@Bob Yes. Or at least all the ones made by the same manufacturer I suspect
for some reason I'm reading it in a stereotypical female indian accent
wierdly the only person who I know who even sounds remotely like that was a singaporean.
FYI Coles. The next "unexpected item in bagging area" I hear may be followed by "unexpected foot through display screen".
> I'm not proud there's footage of me yelling 'your mum's an unexpected item' at the self serve register but you're welcome, Coles security.
— Butt Medler (@OreoSpeedwagon_) July 4, 2014
@Bob LOL
It does seem that one has the same phrases but in a different accent. In the UK all the stores have the exact same audio clips
@qwertyuiop ok that one looks identical to the Coles one
theme aside
I think the woolworths one is different
@Bob Small world, eh
@qwertyuiop Coles and Woolies don't read the price
the IGA one is different again and is the chattiest piece of shit in existence
it reads everything out
if it knew my card PIN it'd probably read that out too
"Oh hello. How was your lunch? How do you feel?"
I can't hear anything over the dozen POSes all reading out prices and crap
@Bob now I have this mental image of a lonely scanning machine AI, that just wants someone to talk to...
@Bob TBH my flatmate told me a long time ago the first thing he always does when walking up to a self service checkout is to hit the "Mute" button
it has a mute button?
I don't know why I never caught on... possibly because I always wear noise isolating headphones anyway
@Bob Yes
the volumes at the local woolies are all over the place too...
some are loud enough to raise the dead, others are barely audible or not at all
Although in some cases mute is simply hitting the volume button(s) repeatedly
@qwertyuiop hm.
well, coles and woolies just beep on scan, which I'm fine with
but I might have to do that at iga next time
won't help with all the other machines around me -_-
> Not only have the messages changed, but the female voice, which customers told Tesco they found "shouty" and "irritating", has been replaced with a male one.
They just don't like the sound of a woman telling them what to do. That's all there is to it. Misogynists.
they should have gotten her to do it
Oh god mechwarrior one of my favourite games growing up
@qwertyuiop tbf there is something annoying about that particular voice
and I usually prefer female voices on my electronics... the male one is usually too flat
@qwertyuiop I wish they got that voice actress to do phone voices.
the mechwarrior one is much better :P
@JourneymanGeek I still like the one on my headset :P
Corsair VOID headset voice: great
@Bob my phone has the google british female accent
my mom hates it, she says it sounds too bossy.
Meelec Matrix2 headset voice: loud & headache inducing
!! Caat
This toilet is making weird beeping noises
> Sir John Chilcot has delivered his long-awaited Iraq Inquiry and outlined the lessons learned.

The report has been published in hard copy in two formats. The full report will consist of 12 volumes and is 2.6 million words long. Anyone wanting to buy a copy will have to pay £767 and contact The Stationery Office, the private firm which has printed the document. A 150-page executive summary, published separately, will cost £30.
@qwertyuiop did someone frop a phone in it?
@JourneymanGeek @qwertyuiop Corsair VOID sounds :P files.vulpin.com/s/3qanktUDJp3vCkN
amazon sent me an ad for steering wheel trays 0_0
It's a single beep every ten seconds that seems to be coming from inside the wall
Very suspicious.
It's a bomb!
@qwertyuiop It's a bob! (source)
I'm sure a fox in your wall would sound very different
and terrifying
@qwertyuiop We had those annoying beeps in the toilets at my last place of work. It was the air freshener dispenser wanting a refill ...
but of course she can't read that.
unless they can.
@jokerdino @JourneymanGeek Sometimes she responds to my posts so it is not clear whether I'm permanently ignored or she has a mental ignore switch or she is also watching the transcript from a different (sock) account ... ;p
Unable to locate the server named "www.bbc.com
ffs why are things here so bad :/
@DavidPostill or reads the transcripts.
if she is @qwertyuiop she responds randomly to many things
@djsmiley2k Try bbc.co.uk after all it is a UK company :)
is someone causing drama?
of course not, drama only occurs while you are asleep normally... ;)
Thank you I have found the solution, after I learn that ISO images will not boot when they are fragmented (not contiguous), I realize my problem, I must defrag my HDD in order to have a contiguous ISO.

I have tested it with 2 files kaspersky rescue disk iso, the one I have defragment it, and one other I haven't, I check the hash and modified date, It's the same, but when I try to boot it, the fragmented iso always return an error.
@Burgi Only if hearing strange beeps in the toilet is a drama :)
@DavidPostill only if you think its a bomb. Or if it is.
it forwards me to the .com because stupid routing vpn
our internet terminates in germany ;/
@djsmiley2k the scamps.
@DavidPostill knowing the user they could be beeps going on in their own head...
Depriving you of otter cuteness
@djsmiley2k are you still trying to get the football?
@JourneymanGeek I was hearing strange beeps yesterday evening (every 5 minutes or so). It turned out I needed to reset the smoke alarm for some bizarre reason ...
low battery?
@DavidPostill possibly relevant.... ;)
yesterday, by Michael Frank
@JourneymanGeek Stick one to the bottom of the S bend to tweet out: "Help! Phone fell in the toilet!"
@Burgi No. It's fine now. And it doesn't have a consumer replaceable battery :/
And it's not wired into the mains.
I remember the Fire Brigade used to do free smoke alarms. I wonder if I can get it replaced for my 86 year old Mum ;)
probably a good idea
I will ask her when it was installed
there was a kid in america who got arrested for buying 300+ smoke alarms and using the beta source in them to try and build a nuclear reactor
David Charles Hahn (born October 30, 1976), also called the "Radioactive Boy Scout" or the "Nuclear Boy Scout", is an American who attempted to build a homemade breeder nuclear reactor in 1994, at age 17. A Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, Hahn conducted his experiments in secret in a backyard shed at his mother's house in Commerce Township, Michigan. While his reactor never reached critical mass, Hahn attracted the attention of local police when he was stopped on another matter and they found material in his vehicle that troubled them and he warned that it was radioactive. His mother's property...
"He was later diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic with bipolar disorder, "
"he enlisted in the Navy, assigned to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise"
> On August 1, 2007, Hahn was arrested in Clinton Township, Michigan, for larceny, in relation to a matter involving a number of smoke detectors
He doesn't look very well:
Looking back, his father Kenneth says today, that something in his son ‘flipped’ at that point. He set up a small laboratory in his bedroom, which was fine until he blew himself up.

He says, ‘I was working on phosphorous and wasn’t aware how delicately ignitable it was.’

In fact he had unwittingly created nitroglycerine, which exploded when he hammered at it with a screwdriver.
@Burgi Some Swedish nutter tried it as well.
The unnamed 31-year-old Swede from the town of Ängelholm started up on his project six months ago, keeping a blog of his progress along the way.

He planned on building the reactor in his kitchen, maybe because of the kitchen's southern exposure? He got all the radioactive material he needed from overseas and from a domestic fire alarm, and got a Geiger counter from the US.

The only reason he got caught is because he asked the Swedish Radiation Authority if his project was on the up and up. Granted, he probably would have been wise to ask before he got started, but the best laid plans...
nice of him to ask....
@DavidPostill: Looks like potentially vitamin C deficiency to me
Feed that guy 2000mg of vitamin C daily for 8 months and he'll look brand new.
And there is someone trying to build a fusion reactor in Brooklyn ...
The workshop is a few hundred square feet sub-let from a roboticist friend in a warehouse one floor above a hassidic clothing factory near Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn. "I'm starting from nothing, I mean nothing," says Suppes, "There's no reason I should be doing this. It's ridiculous on all levels." What he's doing is building a Bussard Polywell fusion reactor.
@Burgi I was totally thinking about that when @qwertyuiop mentioned beeping noises.
By day Mark Suppes is a Ruby on Rails developer for Gucci, and a serial startup guy. He saw Bussard's Google tech talk on Youtube, and decided to take up the project himself. He was undaunted by being one guy, not a physicist or even an electrical engineer. He understood just enough to decide this would be a good way to spend a big chunk of his life. He publishes everything he does as open source and blogs his progress.
@GuitarShoeDave Or lesions from radiation exposure ...
fusion is safe and clean
Helps with that too.
his eyes are too clear to be a meth user
@GuitarShoeDave I have this bag of magic rocks you might be interested in....
@Burgi I wouldn't know :/
lol @JourneymanGeek
when i have met people on other drugs their eyes look glazed and dull
i'm just guessing the same is true for meth
Vitamin c surprisingly gets rid of many skin issues related to scurvey, radiation, and age.
bad skin is my specialist subject
However.. It does takes weeks before you start to notice.
I wonder if the Vodka in my Vitamin C also has a beneficial effect ...
I know from experience which is why im saying this.
I think it also helps eczema as well. Because this eczema rash that i've had for years recently went away after taking Vitamin C (2000mg) for 6 months
@GuitarShoeDave I don't have scurvey or radiation but I do have age. It keeps increasing no matter how many Vitamins I take :/
@DavidPostill: you wont get wrinkles if you take vitamin c..
@GuitarShoeDave I have taken 2000mg Vit C daily for at least 10 years. I still have wrinkles ...
@DavidPostill: are you getting more wrinkles?
Beep beep beep beep beep
@GuitarShoeDave Slowly yes. I don't know how fast I would get them otherwise. I have them on my hands where I used to have none.
So ironically, if I book British Airways tickets on British Airways' UK site, I can only pay in Euros and it costs £200 more, than the same tickets bought on Iberia's site.
On Iberia's site, I can buy British Airways tickets in GBP, and it's £200 less than on British Airways' own site.
Real smart.
isn't iberia spanish?
blames the EU
@JourneymanGeek Yes
Vote Biscuit!
I voted Trogdor remember
@qwertyuiop What? BA not taking payments in UKP?
@DavidPostill If you book a flight originating in Spain, BA makes you pay in Euros. In fact they generally make you pay in whatever currency is in place in the originating country.
Ironically, booking via Iberia's site lets you pay in your local currency regardless of flight origination. And Iberia sells BA tickets cheaper than BA themselves -_-
Makes zero fucking sense
And I suspect this Brexit thing has done something to the exchange rates, because all BA flights priced in Euros are like 20% higher than the same flight in £'s
Gah, stupid routing graphs
@qwertyuiop Ah. I normally book return trips starting in the UK (or wherever).
@qwertyuiop the pound's fallen a fair bit
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, which should make flights cost less in Euros though.
@JourneymanGeek Yep. My savings in euros are worth a lot more :)
Skyscanner won't pick up on Iberia's cheaper routing. Or BA's routing.
Neither does Expedia
So at the end of the day, BA's website still sucks. That's basically the gist of it.
@DavidPostill I rarely visit just one destination in my overseas trips.
My savings have lost about $2800 in value
only if you convert your savings to dollars
if you leave them as pounds they are worth the same
Hence why I said $
Totally inappropriate
They should fix Outlook's dodgy rendering rather than trying to imitate misbehaviour deliberately

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