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IMFT announces breakthrough in memory technology
3D XPoint technology: 1000 times faster, 1000 times more durable, 10 times more density
A completely new class of memory technology.
@DragonLord Saw it.
Shared with coworkers. We're all super pumped!
Not transistor-based. Completely new technology.
It's basically a complete reimagining of computer storage and memory.
Intel and Micron have basically created the memory of the future.
@DragonLord Now it depends on how badly they want to profiteer on it. If they do some kind of a planned obsolescence scheme, they could intentionally water it down to be only slightly better than existing SSDs, and make it more expensive than their SLC NAND stuff.
And then gradually walk us up a baby step ladder to realizing the technology's full potential.
Removed because the video is unlisted.
Likely to be reserved for special applications for a while.
IMFT says they've spent more than a decade working on this technology.
@DragonLord :(
NAND will only become cheaper with time.
Given the amount of time and money they've spent on it, there's no way 3D XPoint memory will be cheap.
Not for the next three to five years.
NAND will continue to get faster and cheaper, though, and the market will transition when it's ready for a brand-new memory technology.
@DragonLord I don't expect it to be cheap, but I'd like to see them price it in the range that is sniffable by enthusiast gamers, and in sufficient quantity that I don't have to sign up on a waitlist for it.
My guess: Enterprise and HPC products for the next two to three years. Early consumer/enthusiast products for about one year after that. Transition to mainstream thereafter.
I've been known to be interested in enterprise products before. I have an enterprise-grade RAID controller.
First devices will probably cost thousands; they should come under $1000 in about two to three years.
3D NAND technology will be the standard in consumer systems for the time being.
It'll probably go like this:
1) NSA gets first dibs (the manufactory is in Utah; so is NSA's datacenter)
2) Then HPC at universities
3) Then the high-end enterprise market (Stack Exchange might buy one), plus anyone from the consumer space willing to pay
4) Then it'll truly be affordable for "well-off" consumers
5) 10 years from now it might be affordable for "poor" consumers on low-end devices
6) 20 years from now I might get it on my desktop at work
Current mainstream technology is 16nm planar NAND, with a transition to 3D NAND in progress.
3D NAND will be the dominant form of nonvolatile storage for the next several years, until 3D XPoint becomes mature and cheap enough for consumer use.
> 1) NSA gets first dibs (the manufactory is in Utah; so is NSA's datacenter)
Fear-mongering US government.
Is this a real concern?
To play devil's advocate, we must not forget that Islamic State is a very serious and fast-growing threat.
T minus 7 hours to the launch of Windows 10.
@DragonLord I think the NSA having a proof of P = NP and then applying that to break all known crypto (or equally bad but more traditionally, to use good old fashioned backdoors during the design of all known crypto, or finding flaws in all known crypto and then not revealing said flaws to the public) is a worse threat than them having fast, durable storage.
I was mostly kidding about that first point, though the reality is that they probably will be among the first customers. I'm not sure if they'll get special treatment or first dibs, but they'll definitely be in line with other such priority customers, like oil&gas companies.
The concern is (and this has been substantiated again and again) that the agency, or more generally the US Government, is not benign in its ambitions for the world, or even for its own citizens. The concern is that there is some degree of malice there, and their intentions are to create a world where every thought is tracked and censored, freedoms are whittled away until they basically don't exist, and people are punished just because an idea popped into their head.
Once they have that level of control, and individuality is eradicated, they are then free to craft a system of government, under which, they have full authoritarian control over everyone's lives; and we'll buy into it with enthusiasm, because it's what Big Brother says is best, so it must be so.
I feel there is a sense of ultranationalism involved.
The 1% keeps pulling away from the 99%. The 0.1% is only pulling away farther.
Power is getting concentrated in the hands of the few.
Income inequality (and more generally, the unfair distribution of the collective resources available to humanity) is guaranteed to increase under any sufficiently repressive form of government.
I'm not letting that discourage me. I'm focused on doing my very best to move up in society.
...and to give back what I can when that happens.
As hard as it may be.
The technology and techniques they are developing enables such a form of government, so it's like reducing the resistance of a resistor approaching 0 Ohms asymptotically. At some point the circuit is going to complete, and the ability to be repressive is going to turn into being actually repressive.
> You need to be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Granted, in these early days of mass surveillance, they're putting forth a great amount of effort to ensure that they abuse their power as little as possible. The abuses they are doing today are quite small compared to what they're capable of. But that won't last.
Sadly, it is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Human psychology makes it practically impossible for someone to not get corrupted in a position of absolute power.
Not necessarily theoretically impossible, and I'm a firm believer in advancing humanity so that these limitations in human nature need not persist, but this is the way things are.
Once again, per Mahatma Gandhi:
> You need to be the change you wish to see in the world.
Always keep that little bit of hope in your heart that the human condition can be better.
T minus 6 hours to the launch of Windows 10.
@Bob there's also 15A plugs
does anyone here know a doom metal band "Draconian"?
I was wondering if you have heard any rumours regarding anything that could looks like album
@JourneymanGeek saw it on the morning news. scary
Sometimes I wonder why people work in IT.
Just had a non-incident job come into my queue. "Please update these PCs in AD with these groups... Then remove from SCCM to get them ready for a rebuild."
Okay, seems easy enough.
Turns out the previous IT guy had been sitting on it for 3 weeks without touching it. It was a <5min job!
@allquixotic @Bob @JourneymanGeek
Guys could a USB 3.0 extender cable connected to a hub that is to long prevent a device from being connected to in 3.0 USB mode?
or the cable itself may be naff
every device connected to it is connected in 0x02 instead of 0x03
It is long
longest cable I could find ( done for a specific purpose )
Given I am only getting 20MB/sec ..... and I am only actually few feet short on the hub cable...
What is the longest you recommend not going over?
superuser.com/questions/203757/… this old question says 3m
citation needed :/
Q: Count function in excel

Sophia LiuI have a set of data looks like:(attached below) My question is how do I count the total of the first "1" in the column. Thanks FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE F...

Someone approve this edit?
It looks like spam otherwise...
How is the edit any better?
I think we should just take old "Count function in excel" needs to be taken out back...
<sigh> I have to get it just to make sure this order solves my problem but holy hell
i hardly need 9ft, lol
@MichaelFrank: I'm not even sure if the edit is 'correct'
Yea... But you can't edit it again until it's accepted or rejected :<
Just reduce the number of FALSEs and 1s.
One of my backup locations broke again :/
yep...it was the cable
no wonder..
2.0 cable
controller resources...

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