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they're basically sitting on the world's most advanced integrated circuit fabrication facilities, and the R&D money and expertise to make them even better
now they just have to evolve a product that will shut Nvidia down
And in turn become the new Nvidia
12am. Alright man. Goodnight.
Talk more GPU laterz
cya ... still trying to get into steam store here
been trying for 3-4 hours on and off between playing XCOM
I gave up on that. Will try tomorrow
When is their sales ending?
I don't know, but there are games on sale right now that end in like 18 hours that I really want, so I have to keep trying
Too tired to go on trying :(
Buh bye
can anyone pick me up 4 of these on their way home? maybe stop in at Best Buy? hopefully they have them in stock.... ark.intel.com/products/75800/…
I mean, you didn't need that new car anyway
@allquixotic Just dropped by to say you can try to check Amazon for steam games :)
Amensia Dark Descent 4 bucks :D :D
you can buy Steam games on Amazon? wat
I'm not sure how extensive it is though
Holy shit
well, if Valve is going to be a dick, I think I'll give Amazon my business. price for Endless space is the same
I won't be surprised if Steam gets a share
lol tomb raider download is 3 kb... it's a downloader :S wonder if it connects to steam
nope looks like it's amazon's downloader not steam's
I've downloaded via steam before. That's how I got Bioshock Trilogy
Amazon gave me a product key when I bought it, I didn't even download it using Amazon's games downloader, but when I put the product key they gave me into steam, it worked, and now I have Tomb Raider on Steam
But I can't remember how I did it.
that's hilarious
Amazon: "this is your product key! BTW, it's not Steam, mmk? we won't even mention their name"
me: *activates on steam*
Amazon: HAX
It is definitely steam but on amazon storefront lol.
Now to get Metro last light
in that case, the only thing i have to keep trying steam for is L4D2, because I don't currently have it
and I can't get that free from Amazon
Aliens: Colonial Marine 2 bucks
I wonder what other games are worth downloading
yeah but that game is terrible
it's not worth 2 bucks
Amazon being a Steam storefront is pretty awesome
See it says Steam account needed to activate
already played Dishonored. worth your money :) it's a very nice game... not a TON of replayability, but the story, graphics and gameplay are all very much GOTY-caliber
every core gamer should experience it
game of the year... it may not be the game of the year, but it's damn close
Ah I see
it got good reviews; I loved it; TotalBiscuit loved it; it's... it's just very good. and memorable. but not the type of thing you can play over and over and over
it's more of a "savor it while it lasts" type of game
like Mass Effect
I see
Does it have multiplayer?
Ha - interesting that the Windows 3.1 forum on computing.net receives more hits a year than the Windows ME forum.
nope... from what I've seen, the Metro series doesn't really impress me... I've read some reviews and watched some videos... typically if a game doesn't grab me while I'm looking it up like that, I'm not gonna like it
but to each their own
I don't like vanilla FPSes very much
I'm tired of my character being a gun at the bottom of the screen
as far as addictive time sinks that get you the most hours of fun for your investment, and are multiplayer, I'd easily say that Planetside 2, Hearthstone and XCOM: Enemy Within are my top picks this year
all three have ridiculous amounts of replayability, multiplayer, are addictive, and it's not like you play through and you're done, because they're skill-based in a significant way
PS 2 is free though
I haven't tried XCOM yet
yeah but I bought all the subscriptions etc for PS2 ;p
Rofl.. I found it hard to play
I bet the percentage of money that the publishers work out with the digital storefronts for those game purchases mostly goes to Amazon when you buy games through Amazon
Valve probably gets less... which, right now, I am happy about
Lulz, doesn't bother me much as well :D
I bet Gabe N. and his crew are at home enjoying their holiday off, not even realizing how much money they're losing per hour
Probably peanuts to them though
actually I read that Valve makes the most money during their ridiculous sales because so many people sitting around with only a few bucks in their pocket pile on and buy these games on sale, when they wouldn't have done so otherwise
like, there are millions of people who want these games but just can't afford them at full price
but they can spare $5
@allquixotic :D And it adds up fast
I've heard that the walking dead games are very good, and I have enjoyed previous Telltale products, so I'm considering a buy on that one, actually
part of my Christmas gift was money for games, so really... this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now :D
Ah fuck. I hate XCOM already
It's click and play... the type I don't like
If it was TPS close up I wouldn't mind
meh... so the mechanic of clicking, you don't like? can't say I see how that's relevant when the story, gameplay and mechanics are so interesting, but oh well.. I've always loved turn based things
I find it makes the game slower imo. And not as engaging.
You click and wait for shiz to happen
you don't do a whole lot of waiting in XCOM... especially in single player where the AI makes decisions instantly
and in multiplayer you can set a time limit for turns
and there's no micromanagement, because the entire mission is essentially on a clock -- you have to move forward and engage the enemy, and once you start fighting, it's not like you have to do all kinds of little things to waste time to win, you just make the best moves in the time you have
I will buy it anyway as I can get 6 for 10 bucks :D
that's a good deal
5 bucks for all C&C games
I'm actually looking at that right now
Not sure if it is another click and play game though
what, C&C? lol.
C&C is a real time strategy game... in fact it pretty much defined the genre
it's closer to Starcraft than XCOM
I haven't played Starcraft yet.
someone who purports to be a gamer but hasn't played Starcraft -- what kind of gamer are you anyway? :)
Rofl. I'm mostly FPS (fps + rpg) and TPS inclined.
my only gripe with the C&C Collection is it requires EA Origin instead of Steam to play
one not so good... I'm afraid -.-
@Braiam Oh puhleeze
I almost just bought BF4, but then realized that I don't need to pay $40 for something that'll be $20 or less by April
and I don't want it badly enough to buy it now
If you want to play MP yeah. But it isn't worth it for Campaign.
@allquixotic I feel a xkcd incoming D:
!!xkcd cake
wrong one
!!xkcd lie
there we go
Fuk... looks I have to get AC 3 and 4
@Braiam I'm the type of gamer who only wants a few specific games that really hit the spot for me, and I'm willing to pay $49.99 plus $10 per DLC for them, but for the rest I will wait until they're on sale
space games, scifi games, strategy games, good RPGs with playable mechanics and a compelling story, sandbox games with a good main storyline, that kinda thing gets me buying it on release day
bland FPSes can wait half a year
Strategy games.. ewww
Mmn I wonder if Batman: AO is worth it
have you played the previous Batman games?
in that case, it's probably more worth it for you than people who have played all the previous games
Is the game crap?
according to TotalBiscuit (I watched the WTF Is, but I don't own AO), Arkham Origins doesn't add enough interesting new game mechanics to be worth for people who are veterans of the previous games since Asylum, but for people who don't own the earlier Batman games, it's all new and fresh and interesting
so someone who hasn't played the earlier games will be like ":O this is cool!" whereas people who have played them to death will be like "booooring"
Ah I see
Games - I'm a bit behind with the times. The only games I play are for my two consoles, Sega Master System and Sega Mega Drive...
"A bit behind" is a massive understatement.
They have a pretty large catalogue of games - and I love being able to buy games for about £4 from second hand games stores (although they are becoming a dying trade in the UK).
I'm a bit behind on cleaning my room -- the roof has caved in, I have two bees' nests and four hornet nests, mind the gaping hole in the floor, and the closet is packed solid with mold... but I'm only a little behind ;p
yeah - i have the exact same problems in my room
tell me about it
Wow. I just bought 8 games :O
Because the catalogue of games is pretty extensive - I think I'll still be enjoying the 1990's into the next decade...
Actually 14 games (XCOM 3 in 1).. all for 53 euro. Seems like a good deal to me.
@Fitzroy 2025: Fitzroy: "The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!"
@LewsTherin yeah, quite good
By 2025 I 'may' have completed Golden Axe
Now I go to bed.
C ya
@allquixotic at this point. CLEANSE IT WITH FIRE!
@allquixotic I've played the other two and I rather like it
I think the real issue with origins is, there's precious little more you can do with the game mechanics at this point. Storyline is a bit weak (but the other two were written by a master)
(and yeah, they did totally recycle the arkham city assets, just cleaned it up, for half the game)
@JourneymanGeek joking (:
@LewsTherin Sorry for the delay. $2173 including 3-year warranty.
@allquixotic and is US only :(
they had the full collection (17 games?) for something like $8 around black friday
I can't find RA/RA2 on GoG either
1 hour later…
@allquixotic V
> We only allow Minecraft servers on 18GB plan: Click here to order for $21/month. Please read our TOS before ordering.
Your VPS should not have a load of 4 for more than one hour, or your VPS will get restarted.
Your VPS should not have a load of 2 for more than two hours, or your VPS will get restarted.
Your VPS is configured to send a maximum of 50 emails per hour. If you have justification, please open a ticket and we'll raise this limit for you.
hm. perhaps I should use my dedi for litecoin mining :P
thats a lot of conditions
@allquixotic damn, what do I do with this flamethrower... :/
@JourneymanGeek ? O.O
@Bob damn thats a lot of conditions ;p
so... anything interesting happening?
hrm. anyone non-Australian willing to help me buy SR4? (i.e. I send money over paypal or similar, you buy gift, etc.)... apparently that's one way to dodge the stupid censorship they have going on here
@JourneymanGeek I actually rather like their control panel though (grabbed the 128mb one... I don't know why)
@JourneymanGeek what game?
@Bob sure, dude!
just tell me how :) you have my email, that's my paypal, do you want it on steam or what?
once in a while, youtube recommends a video that I absolutely love
@allquixotic thanks!
@allquixotic Arkham origins ;p
but no, no flamethrower
huh, it's actually kinda cheaper now
I was waiting for one of the bigger discounts :P
@allquixotic actually, there's a flash sale one right now o.O
if you're still awake?
@Bob yes i am
is it too late? :S
@allquixotic 4 hours left :)
> Buy Saints Row IV
FLASH SALE! Offer ends in 04:14:52
@Bob you aren't my friend on steam!
is it your github id?
the account is older than that :P
ugh. if Steam would please respond -_-
you just want the base game?
@allquixotic how much does the base and the DLC pack cost in the US?
@Bob the base is $19.99 USD on sale right now
...great, they censor it and it still costs 30% more here
there are 19 DLCs and they add up to $25.02 USD
@allquixotic isn't there a DLC pack?
> Saints Row Franchise Pack
the franchise pack is all the previous SR games
oh, didn't notice
gah. I'm dumb
it costs like $7.50 more to buy the franchise pack than to buy SRIV the base game and all DLCs
base is $19.99, all DLCs is $25.02, total $45.01
@allquixotic I think I just added you
"2 friends in common"
huh, I wonder who
$50.62 AUD to the paypal email of the email you already know for me, and i'll add them to cart and checkout using paypal
@Bob probably Gowtham and Hilsum
@allquixotic I PayPal's conversion rate sucks :P
is it worse than Steam's markup?
it's 3c worse than the 'standard' exchange rate
I was trying to get a CC that had no international conversion fee, but they rejected me for no credit history :(
I'll just choose the USD amount and let them convert to whatever
I have an extremely storied credit history lol... lot of good, some bad
I'm ready to hit the button on the order
> You cannot complete your transaction because you are attempting to purchase an item that is already included in another packaged item in your cart. Please check your cart to verify that you are not purchasing an item multiple times. The most common cause would be purchasing DLC along with a deluxe version of a product that already includes the same DLC.
well that's odd... price will have to be adjusted
@allquixotic sorry, still trying to figure out paypal
gimme a min
no, you give me a minute!
> As a thank you for your support of Saints Row IV, please accept this free outfit pack which should be construed in no way as an attempt to get back into your good graces following a prematurely-released game patch.
gah, forgot about paypal fees
I really should link it to a bank account sometime
Steam is full of errors today! Apparently, things going as planned is a problem for Steam
> An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed. Please contact Steam Support.
then Bob got on his side, "An error has occurred: success!"
...yet, the whole thing worked 100% fine as far as we can tell
I guess Steam has a bit of Grumpy Cat in it: when things work, it's an error... something should've gone wrong, god damnit!
grumpy meme for Steam: "I WORKED ONCE / IT WAS AWFUL"
@allquixotic I got the rest of the emails. Apparently they don't have the infrastructure to send them all at once :P
ahh joy.
"The shared computer can't get online" (the inlaws have been using it to watch crappy soap operas...) I check.. no ip address. Turns out the ethernet cable had come loose for some reason.
anyone know know off the top of their head if I can upgrade Win8.1 Regular to Pro without reinstalling the entire OS?
@studiohack ya
@Bob you can?
can't connect to steam

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