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@Mr.IDon'tCare can you read the line before you answered? thanks :)
So if the girl is already interested in you... to get her... you ignore her
That makes perfect sense
If only I would have known earlier
Oh wait
Actually, it's fucking retarded and you should actually try to be a normal human being!
I am not 15.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Good for you!
Anyways, I am hopeful you guys are joking
I never joke!
@OliverSalzburg I expect the same with explosions :S
Except for that time when I said "I never joke!"
Girls are a waste of time and emotions.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Right, women aren't though
... ok, you both are going into the unknown uncharted feminine territory... just stop while you are sane :)
@Mr.IDon'tCare lol monetary expenses if you feeling egotistical.
Guys, suddenly I get all these symbols from nowhere in Word 2007.
I pressed CTRL+Z and all appeared suddenly. They also appear in same newly opened document.
@Boris_yo wut?
@Boris_yo what language is that? Looks like Hebrew
@terdon it's Cyrilc
Hebrew but how to remove all these symbols?
(checks profile) and it is. Sorry, I had stupidly assumed Boris == Russian
@Braiam no, Cyrilic looks nothing like that. It is also read left to right unlike Hebrew.
@terdon That's not stupidly - that's stereotypically.
@Boris_yo I think there is a symbol that looks like a P
@Boris_yo the two are often found together :)
What are you viewing that with? Is that word?
@Bob Hey there! You're pretty special, aren't you? :)
Okay, solution was to uncheck to view all formatting in Word options.
@Braiam Timely! But how could I activate it with a shortcut?
I think it was Ctrl + = or something...
it needed 2 hands... I think
@terdon wat
@Bob :) well you keep playing with JC so I thought it only fair to confuse you a little
@Braiam No shortcut needs two hands!
@Bob Ctrl+Alt+Del? Magic sys-req key?
@Bob Try to press Ctrl + Alt + Del?
and obviously, you don't use emacs
wait @terdon! @Bob is a alien!
@Braiam what are you talking about, I can do that just fine
you just need to increase your finger reach
@Bob exactly my point :P
True actually, you can do it using right Alt/Ctrl
@terdon nope... it does nothing in Ubuntu...
@Braiam then Ubuntu is broken
Works on mine but I seem to recall Ubuntu disables it by default
They (gnome I think) also disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, one of the first things I do in any new install
@terdon I reenable it...
also I use GNOME... not just Ubuntu :P
yeah me too, that's the first thing I do on a new install.
@Braiam Huh? I know that's what I mean, I think it is Gnome (or gdm) that disables Ctrl+Alt+Bckspc
actually Debian did... so Ubuntu too :(
Yes,exactly, I think this comes from the Gnome side
What's better: Making friends online (like here) or making friends with real human beings? I think most people will select one over the other, but I am still just asking.
@Mr.IDon'tCare honestly between your nickname and the things you've been saying here the past couple of days, you're beginning to worry me. Obviously face to face interaction is better than any online one. If you have trouble seeing this I really think you should look for help.
There is no need to be worried haha. My previous name was "TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl." You can obviously understand the meaning of that name. I was also accused of trying to get attention with that name, so I had to change it.
Does anyone here know much about NodeJS? There isn't really a chat room for it.
I don't have trouble seeing that. That's why I said, "I think most people will select one over the other"
OK, good :)
@WasabiFan I would ask on Stack Overflow... they are nutty for NodeJS :)
Yeah; I did ;) I was hoping that I could post a link here and get someone to respond!
Q: Reading a Continuous Stream of Binary Data in NodeJS

Wasabi FanI am trying to read in large volumes of binary data from a stream (created form a child process) in Node. I am using the stdout.on('data') event for my process to get the data. No matter how much I search, I can't seem to find any docs on the arguments that are passed in to the callback. typeof(d...

See? ^^
@WasabiFan if somebody knows the answer, you could be sure that if he see the question he would answer it...
Yeah... I just though that I'd give it a try.
!!afk Leave me alone -- especially you, Bob :)
@allquixotic That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!afk hi
@allquixotic help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, spam (page 0/0)
@allquixotic are you a guy or girl, if you don't mind me asking.
@Mr.IDon'tCare kindly single-left-click on my name for the answer
Its the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents. And no one knows you're a dog...
also, time to boot up a vm and play with nomachine on multiple accounts
@JourneymanGeek lol
@allquixotic: hopefully the windows varient my school uses for forensics vms dosen't have anything too important stripped out
(also, I don't want to add another account to my actual systems)
I'm working on my chat bot to avoid doing actual work I brought home >_>
@JourneymanGeek where are ya now, fella? at the kennel? the doghouse?
home ;p
I do run my VMs mostly on nyx
@allquixotic any plans for node? I have absolutely no idea :p
@Bob not going to work on node in the immediate future. I'll leave that to Zirak. I was just cleaning up welcome.js a bit, and merging in the latest changes from Zirak (which are actually quite cool)
@allquixotic: my canine alter-ego shares a room. and.. kinda has 3 beds.
cool they changed mobile chat to show mentions and let you click on them
one under the human bed (old mattress that someone stored under there and got nationalised), the replacement for the foam mattress that was also nationalised, and the really old, kinda floppy dog bed that he's had since he was a puppy
(grumbles. There really ought to be a windows store/metro/modernui se chat app. Thats to say a simple chromeless metro browser pointing at the main SE chat)
awesome, random FS hiccup and now my VM is hosed
I consider VMs disposable
well, nearly
I don't store them on the Drive of Impending Doom (tm)
user image
yes, its called that
@JourneymanGeek no is not
@Braiam: if I was running linux, maybe I'd mount it under /media/zombie/
(its a laptop drive with bad sectors)
smart does nothing?
Drive's working fine
Just that I wouldn't trust it for anything important
btw @journeyman... you know a lot of hookers? Oliver might like to know
there's a bunch in my building actually
  _In_  int nCode,
  _In_  WPARAM wParam,
  _In_  LPARAM lParam
.... you perv @allquixotic
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 11 Oct 2013 02:24:10 GMT (that's about 45 seconds ago), teleported 58 goats
!!learn test "It's just a fucking test, now go away"
@allquixotic Command test learned
@allquixotic It's just a fucking test, now go away
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 11 Oct 2013 02:25:56 GMT (that's about 17 seconds ago), learned 1 commands
@allquixotic It's just a fucking test, now go away
@Bob ^^
Selenium patch worked
some bits of nomachine are breaking
and this folks is why stripping down windows is stupid
I added a boolean flag to the FirefoxProfile constructor, which controls whether the layoutOnDisk() method makes a copy of the profile directory or not
@JourneymanGeek well NoMachine probably tried hard to make it work well, but remember, NX was originally designed with X11 in mind
NX4 took like 4 years to write
@allquixotic: it works REALLY well - the windows disk I am using had the printer driver removed
and the version is bound to be buggy
got it installed?
well i installed it on my linux server but it doesn't play well with Linux-VServer virtualization
it's like "why doesn't this behave exactly like a physical machine?!?!?! DIE"
also, private key auth is a nightmare with NX
ok, installed
now to add accounts
@allquixotic: heh, logging on as a normal user when logged in as a admin user on the physical system peers off.
so, I guess multi sessions is not possible. It does seem to work like RDP or VNC and show the current screen tho
@JourneymanGeek that's a limitation of Windows itself, unless you buy RDP CALs
@allquixotic: yeah, but you explicitly asked me to check ;p
I doubted that they would be able to get around that
also, RDP will log you out, and log in as the new user
yeah, thanks for checking, I mean it was at least possible in theory that it would work
this is vnc-like as in it shows you the current screen
I need to install this on the home server box ;)
"Why won't this stupid github https push work?!?!?" (10 minutes later) ".............oh. I'm using the wrong password."
@allquixotic I am not sure if you were being sarcastic or became offended to me asking.
But anyways, nice to meet you
@Bob so, to summarize, I've done the following with the bot in the past 2 hours or so:
(1) Pulled upstream SO-ChatBot changes (try !!help afk)
(2) Wrote a patch to Selenium to allow re-using a Firefox profile, for HTML5 Storage persistence between launches of Firefox
(3) Seriously improved the custom Root Access welcome.js plugin ("Welcome to Root Access" etc) so it doesn't suck
(4) Built Selenium with my patch and committed it (and build script changes) to so-chatbot-driver
(5) Attached my Selenium patch to a Selenium bug on googlecode
@Mr.IDon'tCare not offended or sarcastic. literally if you click my name you will see that my short description is "just a guy ..."
as in, a male guy (I don't know of any female guys)
@allquixotic oh, you actually managed to build it?
@Bob I was Doing It Wrong (tm)
./go //java/client/src/org/openqa/selenium:client-combined:uber is all you need to build the Java client -- and there is a lot less to building the Java client than, say, the C++, .NET, etc. bindings that come in the same source tree
personally, I think they should split up the Selenium source tree by language implementation
it's silly to have C++, C#, Java, and Node clients in the same source tree, since 99% of the people will only be using exactly one of those
nobody except the devs will be using all of those bindings in their project
the default behavior if you call ./go is to attempt to build every possible binding
which is way, way overkill
and whatever tests were failing, were failing in the C++ bindings, I think.
yea, I suppose that is kinda overdoing it
@allquixotic: apparently it only allows one login at a time on linux as well
@JourneymanGeek that may be an artificial restriction based on a configuration setting, or maybe you have to purchase the enterprise version to have more than one logged in at a time
the old nx allowed multiple logins and a screen style mode
but there is absolutely nothing about the architecture of X that would restrict it to one login at a time on Linux, except for something intentionally coded into NoMachine
(ie, you had a persistant session sitting on its own)
blazingly fast
!!afk RL work :(
@allquixotic Nobody cares.
@allquixotic I already told you, nobody cares.
@Bob ping me :P
@allquixotic hm?
!!afk RL work :( try again Bob
@allquixotic Hurry back, ok?
@allquixotic blah
@Bob allquixotic is afk: RL work :( try again Bob
need to test out the new welcome algorithms, anyone have a sock puppet? less than 20 rep is fine
@allquixotic It's been 20 years. You can't just waltz back into my life like this.
as a matter of fact... testing less than 20 rep is easy... won't you show up in chat as an anonymous user if you come in in incognito mode?
@Kitsos Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
@somenewbie Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
Hmm, two sock puppets :)
lol, one is mine the other is probably Bob's
Nah, it's me
<20 though
@Seth Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
that's definitely bugged
guy with almost 10k rep gets called a "new user"
Bots are funny sometimes.
@allquixotic which rep? Network-wide or SU?
@terdon it's network-wide -- the rep that displays in chat
I've got 240 on SU anyway though.
bug then, yeah.
@terdon Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
I'm working on it. :<
I know how you feel, I'm working on mine at the moment too (which is why I'm here of course).
working on your what?
my bugs
well, my script's bugs anyway :)
Hey guys... some of you may find this familiar. I have the following command:
ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -r 1 -s 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -c:v rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb8 -
But it only prints out a few frames before hanging and doing absolutely nothing. ideas?
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 11 Oct 2013 03:39:34 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), learned 1 commands
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 11 Oct 2013 03:39:34 GMT (that's about 2 minutes ago), got invoked 2 times, learned 1 commands
@Mr.IDon'tCare Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
well, that works.
I'm not new... :|
it didn't say you're new. :)
It says it to those who are new to the room
@Mr.IDon'tCare no, it says it to those who aren't in its "seen" list
I called !!forgetSeen to clear out that list because I'm trying to test the welcome messages
@Kitsos Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
@somenewbie Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
@terdon Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I'm not special anymore?
!!help forgetSeen
looks like it's working, different msg for me and my sockP anyway
@allquixotic forgetSeen: Gives the bot a serious case of amnesia. Who are you again? (Only wipes out the list of known users)
doesn't seem like forgetSeen is working, but that's probably because the welcome function makes a local copy of the seen array
that's ok. at least it's greeting people correctly depending on rep
I'm basically a cartel coder in JS, so I didn't expect it to work perfectly
@allquixotic huh?
@Bob oh, I was assuming that the other sock puppet was yours, but it's terdon's
@terdon I see what you did there.
heya Nathan
our bot isn't an embarrassment anymore \o/
!!xkcd new
And he has a more applicable name!
Heya @ChatBotJohnCavil
@nhinkle Yes. I simplified the welcome messages so that it greets users who can't chat (not enough rep) with appropriate message while being as helpful as possible (and letting them know they can't chat); all welcome messages from the bot mention specifically that it's a bot; and it's in his name.
@nhinkle nooooo! It was a secret, and now the mods know about my sockpuppet!
@iKlsR Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
@iKlsR :D
hey, at least it didn't tell you that you're "pretty special" like it used to (which was entirely unhelpful)
My browser dumps on exit so I can expect this everyday then?
@iKlsR no....
the bot keeps a list of users it has seen in chat, and stores it in HTML5 storage, which is basically a key-value database that gets stored in the browser profile
it's stored server-side, so as long as I don't nuke the bot's Firefox profile on my server, it won't ever tell you that again
I could also call the !!forgetSeen command and restart the bot for a similar effect
Err.. it keeps welcoming me, like everytime I join.
@iKlsR that's because I've been playing with it lately... been fixing the code
for a while there, it was running on a temporary profile
just tonight I finally got it to use a persistent FF profile
ok, carry on
@iKlsR If it's ever moved to Node.js entirely, you can expect it again! :D
unless someone comes up with a very compelling feature idea, or Zirak commits some interesting stuff upstream, I'm probably not going to be restarting the bot any time soon -- and even if I do, its HTML5 storage will be retained, so it won't forget its commands, or its "seen" list.
it's reached a steady state finally, and doesn't suck
@ekaj Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
Does anyone know if it's possible to virtualize a physical disk with VMware Workstation without having the actual machine?
@ekaj Err. How can you do anything with a physical disk you don't have?
I have the disk. Not the machine.
For tithe conspiracy theorists among us: smh.com.au/national/health/…
stupid sensationalist crap. perfectly good explanation: areas with noise are worth less, so poorer people live there, and there's correlation between that and rate of health issues.
@ekaj you'll need to connect it so you can read it
@allquixotic still would be nice if it could be lightened, e.g. by not running a full browser
but at least it works now (until the chat memory leaks kill it)
A: i need to format my ex HD to FAT32 but i only have exFAT

Kumari KumariI admit I was skeptical about magic spells. For me it was just a movie though I was ready to try anything to get my husband back, which I did with the spell Lord Lugard cast for me. I think I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't this spell caster. The other casters I contacted seemed to care only f...

this is attracting REALLY wierd spam
@JourneymanGeek that guy's sarcasm detector appears to be broken
@JourneymanGeek wait, did you say the cree was your small torch?
wtf is the main one?
a searchlight?
the cree is my main torch
@CrazyBuddy Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
@CrazyBuddy That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
I have an AAA torch for computer repair cause its too bright
@JourneymanGeek What? You strip off computers too??? o_O
@JourneymanGeek those cree torches take AAAs too
I build my own desktops
@Bob: mine takes those huge li-ion cells
I think there's an adaptor for AAAs, but well
a single AAA torch is much more practical
@JourneymanGeek that's the one I'm talking about
@Bob: o0
I might have one of those
but I'm sure its wider
@JourneymanGeek o_O
and shorter
I used to have one of those cheap chinese multi-led torches as my primary torchlights
used one of thos
these right?
@JourneymanGeek ya
too wide, too short
@JourneymanGeek It specifically says AAA to 18650
the ones used by those cree torches are usually 18650s
also, I might be getting one, but I really don't want a dodgy Li-ion battery or charger
yeah, but it won't fit
trust me ;p
but a good battery will run for at least $10, and a charger apparently $100 :(
you could always get a less dodgy battery or charger ;p
mine hasn't caught fire yet
and the batteries are still good past a year
@Bob: thats almost as much as my flashlight. AND the batteries. AND the charger
@JourneymanGeek and completely unbranded
there's also crap like this
10? for $23? in Au?
I mean... that's not even trying.
mine are labelled 3600aH, but the listing said they are 1000aH
@JourneymanGeek Ah???
my bad ;p
1000Ah @ 3.7W is 3700Wh
3.7kWh... in a little battery? yea, I don't think so
misteak ;p
but yeah, they were mislabelled
same brand, actually
@JourneymanGeek apparently, the very best ones only recently went >3000mAh
I like this listing:
> "3000mAh"
they know :P
@JourneymanGeek I think I'll pass :P
as I said, I've run these batteries, tend to use them a week, swap and recharge, and they're ok
have not had anything explode yet
the charger is super dodgy too ;p
this guy needs some flags.
@JourneymanGeek This one looks great: candlepowerforums.com/vb/…
$20... not too bad, I suppose
dosen't look like someone hacked it together off a camera charger
but it's a biut much for a torch
@JourneymanGeek O.O
I kid. But the battery compartment DOES seem upside down on mine

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